How to Fall Asleep FAST- 12 Tricks to Sleep All Night Like A Baby

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all right Brad wake up wake up tell me at the work come on Bob come on come on come on here we go here we go all right hop up energy level look at the energy level up hi folks I'm Bob Shrum physical therapist because we have most famous hey Brad we're going to talk about how to fall asleep fast we're gonna give you 12 tricks to sleep all night like a baby which means you wake up every few hours and you're crying right yeah when you're hungry that's an old joke but anyway we're going to show you some tricks some of this stuff has worked for me and you know all of us had one time or life life have trouble sleeping I have trouble especially when I go on the road hotel sure so I'm fond some things that have helped sorry by the way if you are new to our channel and you're watching on the rebroadcast or watching the live please take a second to subscribe to us we provide videos on stay healthy fit pain-free and we upload everyday and also please go over to the Facebook because we are giving old Brad hit death the thermic Tex o we are giving away two of these today the Box Brad it's in the box oh trying to get Brent a little out there we're giving away a thermo text this is an infrared heat system this works really well well for Back Bay boy you never trouble sleep this baby open you want me up and get you real nice yep we're giving away two of those up I should say the company is we had we had just did a video on this and I had made the comment that I'm keeping it remember Brad yeah you're the company heard that they said what we'll give away two more so they're very generous yeah so let's go and start off Randolph oh by the way yeah go over the Facebook and like us because you get a chance to win that prize we'll have it posted up there it's not there yet it'll be there by the knife okay so p.m. all right all right the first thing Brad is way too often you're not sleeping because you're probably tense or worried about something and a lot of time your breathing has become too rapid and too shallow so you really want to do what we call four seven eight breathing you're going to breathe in for four seconds you're gonna breathe uh you're gonna hold your breath for seven seconds and then you're gonna bring me down for eight seconds so got it yeah all right so that's I'm gonna do a real quick Brad because it's also good to try to do some diaphragmatic breathing which you can in the case of diaphragmatic breathing what you're doing is you're actually an extended expanding your chest when you sleep they're expanding your belly right so when I breathe in and through my nose you know my belly goes up so that's what you want to do go to breathe in through your nose for four seconds then you're gonna hold your breath for seven seconds harder to do it and talk at the same yes it is and then you're gonna blow out like you're blowing out a candle for eight seconds now all of this you think oh I gotta think about all this well that's all gonna take your mind off your worries worries yes and it's also going to slow your breathing down which is what is causing you to not sleep and that's going to slow your heart rate down everything´s and you ran as a martial arts expert and they you guys talked about breathing all the time as a matter of trying to get at the Zen or whatever you call it right maybe don't worry but we do know you focus on breathing online and it's become natural for me how I've read when I'm doing things laying down but again in the nose and out the mouth and you can do the counseling Bob said so you get the right rhythm it's slow as well if you want to add one more point to that which you can do it not do is sometimes they have you take the tip of your tongue and put it right above your teeth right or right all right there right there it's kind of kind of point of focus right right yep so easily all right next thing brothers one thing I want to mention Oh Bob they're just instinctively he laid down he knew he had two pillows he took one off because of that other pillow has his head too high it was posture was bad yeah you're not going to breathe well I'm sure your hip pillow is not too thick it should be low all right the next thing is and I will use this but I think white noise really helps you you use a fan right and also the phones now all the smartphones know they have an app for white noise so if you just take your smartphone plug it in by your bed and find one of those apps and you can put the white noise on there definitely helps I use earplugs now when I go to a hotel oh really oh I don't have to before it's like I started hearing noise once I was awake I was awake and they're gonna be more noise is there good so I put the earplugs in and I'm out I'm gone I know my parents use a radio oh do they and I can't sleep at their husbands all day long this radio is good no listen I would go to sleep is that not white noise for me that's like it's differ free to people I used to have one box that we took along the old version you just play waves and raindrops and all those apps do that now so I've got really good number three Brad you want to go ahead and make sure the temperature in your room is Lord there's no doubt about this or that I've definitely found out I have trouble north trouble sleeping when it's warm they found the ideal temperature is 65 degrees Fahrenheit what does that mean Celsius pressure same thing to the calc is just 18 degrees Wow isn't he brilliant now what's the temperature at 70 degrees a little more than that all right see wanna make sure the temperature is low and that's different for each people - sometimes people you know can tolerate even a cooler temperature than answer it might be too cold stick your leg out of the blankets for a while or stick your arms out of the blanket if you everyone try to cool down for a few so the third one the fourth one is positioning Brad if you're having pain at night they all from a shoulder or neck or back you're not going to fall asleep so we're going to show you some positioning tips one thing ideally a lot of people can't sleep on their back because they snore or it's also bad for your heart to some extent I think even if you were especially if you're not breathing right a very very obstructive you know sleeping sure so yeah they ideal side to sleep on is your left like I said improve digestion and maybe even the flow the gravity's helped grows along the way but if you're going to sleep on your back I know one thing you can try is again don't have too many pillows because if your heads up like this it's gonna be bad on your neck but you can put a couple pillows underneath your feet and raise up your feet but even a better suggestion grant is I think the lenguage pillow money here on your leg you'll probably like this a lot this is really comfortably make sure it's all the way up into the butt area and really good for back pain a lot of people like it we've got this listed down below on the products that we love in our Amazon so just go down below in our description and you'll see it right so I just think it's it's a good - good device to have around the house have to go for a number of things alright so let's say you are gonna sleep on your side goal to be very hard on the shoulder and it can even be a little bit harder on the back sometimes if you don't do these things so what you do normally when you sleep on your side because there's more of a gap here if I sleep on my side I only have one pillow my heads down like this we want to have the head in the middle neutral position composition rule so you want two pillows which puts me more in the line my whole body is lined up right if you just have one you can fold it like this and that doubles up the thickness as well and that's an option oh my can you see on the Karen Brown I'm really rocking this just tie here the entire Jerry Garcia Jerry yeah Jerry yeah um but another tip for laying on the shoulder because if you lay right on the point of the shoulder this it's really hard on the shoulder I love this tip take another pillow and I do sleep this way I know or you go I have a throw pillow right here and I create a canal here this great Suez Canal and you're gonna put your arm in there and now I'm taking a lot less stress on the shoulder right it's just a really good and firm or you know keeping pressure off the shoulder and better get your hand out they can't Center face well maybe that's good now if you want to go you want to go pillow crazy you also when you lay on your side you want to put one between the legs so that keeps your back in alignment really well and another option is is let's say you're having shoulder pain with this one what you want to do on this in that case and you're not sleeping down the shoulder you're gonna put one pillow here and then you're gonna put another pillow right like this right in the arm like this and this is a great way to support a painful shoulder right and before you do any of this you're going to go to the store and buy a half a dozen pillows yeah we're taking from thinking from your supposedly nor your children wait for the pillow sale to come in and buy away so next one this one I discovered this you know when you're young you can get away with all this stuff I used to drink caffeine right I know up till I went to bed it did be at all and I couldn't figure out it's why suddenly I was having trouble sleeping caffeine can really stay in your system a long time I really recommend no caffeine after lunch Wow yeah and you know if you're having trouble sleeping I would try that because it may be a factor but the way it affected me brad is I'd fall asleep but I would wake up like within an hour mm-hmm and I could not get back so that's how you can be laid reaction by the way the way we're going to run this we always do we're going to try to get through all of our 12 tricks and then we're going to take questions okay so my surround yet will answer questions right for anything so be patient yeah all right next thing is you want to go ahead and be as still as you can be I think a lot of people try to roll around I have found that it works out really well for me if I just stay still still yeah I don't know at all and just you know just relax that the mind stop wandering and then usually I find out that eventually I just fall asleep I mean sure it's on you want to sleep at the same time every night that's really going to help your body because it's good start you know beginning to shut down at the same time every night you get a rhythm that natural cycle and it works well I think that's pretty yeah pretty acceptable another thing you can try is you can try what we could call basically your to relax the whole body by you're gonna work your way from head to toe tiny muscles and relaxing muscles so if I'm laying on my back like this I can start with you know my shoulders trapezius and I can lift up my shoulders like this and tighten up and then relax tighten them and then relax and then I can even you know tighten my tighten the arms for biceps and relaxed tighten and relax squeeze and relax there's I don't have proven or it's a theory but when you mentally contract a muscle it will go to maximum relaxation right after that right you know I've done this where you just take you think of your shirt your hands shoulders and everything just tighten up and realize then you're getting a larger area and right now I know I can squeeze my butt but my buttocks together I can you know I can type my legs just gonna get work all the way down tighten my ankles tighten my calves right work all the way down be careful so you don't cramp yeah you know I I don't know which was it going to work for you people are different so that's why we're trying to throw you a whole bunch of Matthieu here one thing they really seen a lot of sites mentioned Brad you want to grab your phone I do is really you want to limit your your exposure to TVs and screens that it's the blue light because that actually increases it wakes you up that liked us so especially a half hour before bed you don't want to be on your computer you don't want to be on your phone if you have to be here you feel like you you know it's it's something that does relax you there's actually an app that's called Twilight that takes up the blue screen you could still use it but there the blue color sauces right eliminated right it actually throws off your circadian rhythms bluing Arcadia's la cosa kita yeah yeah that's a little bug is the grass they come out every 17 years yeah kind of wild they come out of the ground yeah so um one thing is at night again why the cool temperatures work it sometimes if you take a hot bath mm-hmm and then you get out of the bath and your body actually starts cooling down it's kind of a trigger for your body to go to sleep so sometimes the hot bath works for people the thing that I like to use they said you think of random objects like you pick a word like unicorn and you try to think of a word that goes along with each letter sure that that by doing that you'd start getting your mind off of other things sure but what works for me is I actually think you know I think of a golf course and I think it played each hole I'm a golfer right so remember our office manager said she thinks of her cats knitting number down she's got lots of cat and she's got lots of cats and by the way apparently a cat in bed does calm people down sure I mean so there's not going to be a cat in my bed sorry kitty cat yeah yeah we got a cat my house and I'm sorry another cat lovers no hate mail out there but you be raised to be nice to me all right number this is kind of a strange one Brad but I've seen a couple I've never tried this one but you actually put your legs up on the wall you want to start looking at questions yes I do so yes should go ahead and really put your feet up like this and not not you're gonna fall asleep like this but apparently doing this for a couple minutes helps change things to the point where it makes it easier for you to sleep I don't understand it I'm not sure what the physiology is behind it but supposedly it helps out so we're here enough give all suggestions so Brad do we have anything well throw some questions at us if you have a lot of people are making comments of what works for them oh yeah well let's hear them because I'd like to one person PJ says you have a computer thing before where our phone before bed is definitely a problem holy cow though they're coming hard and fast yeah and the other thing is more of a problem than people realize I think it's one my son was having trouble sleeping and I know he and I'd see I could tell that he was on you know Facebook and Instagram right before he went to bed so it is known though Oh constantly he does it's almost be eight seconds seven four hold a second saw four holes so it's a little bit there so he does a different breathing technique I actually sometimes this one work with a you know a spouse in your bed yeah so I don't do it there but is you know just even humming seems like that a lot of times helps me it helps relax me I'll do it in the car sometimes with your breathing out here kind of something he says she's been using earplugs for 30 years Wow yeah earplugs see the thing about your plugs that I like is that it just takes away all that possibility of noise waking you up and like I said hotel rooms there's always noise going on a boring class someone mentioned during class these are really given some things yeah here we go red still looking that make time to do prayer and meditation I think that's good yeah you know meditating would be fantastic is a great time to help try to calm things down and and a humidifier huh he'd been a fire or dehumidifier it was a humidifier oh I think was a noise that they were talking oh sure yeah the noise from a humidifier would work yeah a couple of shots well listen Bosnia apparently alcohol does not help your Tom you're not supposed to drink alcohol right before you go to bed so Brad and I are in trouble but it's never bothered me but I know my brother when he drinks too much he snores here's when James was asking is it okay to sleep on a carpeted floor good question well I there's people that a lot of times we get that question quite often with back pain should I sleep on the floor what I would recommend is is to take your mattress and put it on the floor and see if that alone is enough to keep your back straight enough that you can stay out of pain although I have to admit I went to a back class and this was a McKenzie instructor he said if they sleep well on the floor and I've had some patients literally sleep on the floor much better than they do on the bed carpeted sure and I had success so I think if you do it and you sleep well you wake up without pain and aches and pains and I think you'd be one of those people that can sleep on their back and stay on their back right I think you lay on your side that's good enough yeah it's probably a thing there's people that we have when I idle down and recommend this but they have back pain and they cannot sleep anywhere except the recliner I I just I had many back patients that that's been the case not sure why but it's just and I think part of it might be that when you sit up you're halfway up is something there is swelling in your back when you and your back is injured and I actually think it takes some of the swelling on the back so here's one night sniffing is interested in if you've got vertical and you suffer from dizziness vertigo movement yeah it depends on the vertigo and the cause of it if it's BPPV benign positional perhaps more proximal vertigo we even we've got a lot of videos on that if you just want to type it BPPV B as in boy PS in pal P is in pal and V as in vertical we've got a lot of videos on that I mean and showing the Epley maneuver which can help with dizziness really in common and if you do have it what's nice about it is very treatable usually just a couple treatments will help I'll take that away so what we got now Brannon well another main person mentioned they put boards under their mattress yes between the boxspring I did the same thing right always last when I was we were just we were a young my wife and I were just married and we our mattress in whirl we couldn't afford a new one so we just as he said we took plywood and put it between the boxspring and the mattress and that helped you know take out that dip in the mattress and and really did help it prolong the life of that bed and we actually did it on a couch too that sunk down too much they put boards underneath the cushions on that and that worked out really well gauging barbra point we didn't bring up as far as some people have success with the KY covers oh yeah yeah you know getting really dark the shades sure so it's like to get the room that very dark we just saw by the way this loaded and puffy we just did a video on this and she has a mask that's actually a cool mask you put in the refrigerator or freezer and you put that on and she did she just likes to put it on before bed a lot of times and and it just relaxes her and calms things down but that book is also listed in our description below and our list of things that we love she did a good job on the book and so we always like to tell it so we got now mr. Mahina well I hear Jen she must have come in late she's again that's why using a computer before Oh surety for bed again it's that blue light if that blue light and I don't know if there is something available on the computer that you could do there is on the phone as far as it's a app called Twilight that actually can help take the blue light off the phone well you can still look at it at night then and not worry about getting that rise and changing your circadian rhythms so right again something about red wine evidently as a rumor to fill purchases but again with the alcohol idea that I don't know I think you gotta find out what works for you on that one I don't doubt that red wine does help some when there are of course to help efforts of runway and where there's one glass or three glasses yeah oh you know you're supposed to keep it down to one glass for women and two glass for men so in probably seven glasses for hynek's so so how are we doing red and else oh my god there's quite a few coming in this scroll can keep neither questions or we should really do a session at one time Brad world we just all we do is to answer questions like if you got neck pain back pain knee pain and shoulder pain and we'll have to do on a whole stuff there's a lot of times people have questions in Miami it's a good time for me to say this bread with we really apologize but we you know Brad and I are at work as full-time as therapists and we're trying to put out the videos we don't have time to I'm sorry to respond to your to your individual questions and the comments yes we do we do really want to find out some input we do read on it's just as we grew in the last year we that can't keep up right it's it was a full-time job just to keep up with the comments yeah we pilot eyes for that but yeah don't we can anything else banner we're gonna wind her up here back to work all right all right folks they're coming to fastball right thanks for watching we'll catch you next time
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 626,676
Rating: 4.8998623 out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, physicaltherapyvideo, famouspt, bob schrupp, brad heineck, famous physical therapists, physical therapy, Bob and Brad, sleep tricks, how to fall asleep fast, how to sleep well, sleeping aides, #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa
Id: 6eTjodP1Iqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2017
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