Apple Cider Vinegar, Can It Harm You?

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♪ Bob and Brad ♪ ♪The two most famous physical therapists ♪ ♪ On the internet ♪ - Hi there, Brad Heineck, physical therapist, and Bob is not here today. He's on vacation, a little R&R. Yes, we need that as well. But Chris the pharmacist is here to join us. We're very happy and honored to have him with us today. He is here to help us become healthy, fit, and pain-free as well. Chris is a very big advocate of exercise, and yes, even home remedies, as he and I talk about these all the time, we work out together weekly as health and fitness together. So, oh, before we go on any farther, Chris, this is new to you as far as this, but we do need to- - All right. - Bring to attention, join us on We do have a giveaway this week, and here it is, it's our knee glide, which is a excellent tool for knee exercise, particularly after surgery, or before surgery, or if you have a painful and arthritic knee. Again, that's at If you go to Facebook, go at the top of the page, it's pinned to the top, that'll get you there as well. Other media we are on, Twitter, Instagram, and that TikTok thing going on out there. So, boy, I've never gone through that before, Bob always does that. So I feel pretty good about that where I'm pretty much done. It's your turn to talk, Chris. (laughing) - All right, I think you did great, Brad. I think you did great. - Okay. The big question is, did I give the title yet, Tanner? No. Apple cider vinegar, can it harm you? Does it help weight loss and or diabetes? This is science-based. Now Chris, being a pharmacist, and his IQ is way above mine, he's done extensive study on the recent literature to answer this question. But before we get any farther, can apple cider vinegar harm you, Chris? Yes or no? - Well, we have to be careful. We always have to use a little bit of restraint, but- - Like a politician, he can't give me a yes or- (Brad and Chris laughing) - Well, it's not that simple. But I mean, for many, many, many of us, gonna be just fine, but if we're a diabetic, we have some tough problems with our kidneys, or if we're on certain medications, we have to be careful. - All right, so it's possible that apple cider vinegar could harm you, but for most of us not. So we're gonna actually continue for the next five minutes or so, and Chris is gonna explain the details, so you'll be fully informed on the benefits and possible problems that you may have with apple cider vinegar. So Chris, you did an extensive study. I think we mentioned you studied at least 15 articles and research articles. We've got a couple that you're gonna talk about. So let's again, you want to talk about apple cider vinegar, what is it, and the claims. - Yeah, basically apple cider vinegar, they basically fermented it, and so it's the process of the alcohol- - So they actually take apples. - Yep. And then they just ferment it, and they add what they need to, to get the whole process going. - Sure. - Ultimately, they put in a special bacteria, and ultimately, it becomes acidic acid, the vinegar portion of it. - Sure. - And then what's leftover is this little white streaky stuff, if you ever look in a bottle, and that's the mother. - Right. - So, and that's where a lot of people feel that all the health benefits come from, and in some cases they even list it as a type of probiotic. - Okay. So if we're looking at this at weight loss, first. We're gonna cover diabetes in just a little bit, but weight loss, is there evidence that if you use apple cider vinegar, it's gonna help you lose weight? - Yes, there actually is, Brad. There's quite a bit of it, in so far as how it's used itself. Just about every article that I searched actually used almost the same formula, and it was always between 15 and 30 milliliters, which we'll bring this handy dandy, which is, 15 milliliters is just a tablespoon, so very small amount, mixed in about four or eight ounces of water, just drink it up, and then basically you will consume that. And most of the studies, they tried to actually make it pretty scientific, so they kinda all had kind of a different pattern. - Sure. - One of the more interesting ones that I saw actually was done in 2004 by The Journal Association of American Diabetes, and what they did is they had all these patients, and actually, but this was actually for weight loss, but it was also for diabetes, so they studied both end points. - I understand. - With that, they did a bagel, they did orange juice, and they did butter, and then they mixed in there apple cider vinegar and water, and then they had a placebo group that just simply didn't have the apple cider vinegar. - Sure. - And the end points of it were that they ended up losing weight, which was kind of significant. And ultimately over 12 weeks, they lost between eight and 12 pounds. And they all had to exercise. And the group that did not use the apple cider vinegar actually only lost about five pounds. So modest difference between the two. - About 30 To 40% more weight loss. - Yep, exactly, over 12 weeks. - And I also have read that they talk about visceral fat, or the fat in the gut- - Yes. - Is what actually is targeted, or actually, you lose more of that than- - It does seem, and usually we've always thought that you couldn't target reduce, but all of the studies that I read did seem to say that it seemed to lose the visceral fat. - Right, right. - So that's something that's a pretty attractive option for a lot of people that are struggling with weight loss. - And I know Bob, actually, we did a video on the, there was a study done in Japan on weight loss, and it had similar results. - Yep. - Very positive. And so we did that video, but we said there is possible negative effects of apple cider vinegar. Is it how much you take, or is it your health condition? What are the potential problems? - Yep. Couple different things. For a lot of, you know, if you're a diabetic, a lot of times there's gonna be very, several things that will create problems for you. So it can be the medications that you're on, but it could be your own kidneys. And one of the things is, basically apple cider vinegar is weakly acidic, so it's tough on the kidneys, so we want to make sure that we're careful with it. And so if your doctor tells you that you have reduced kidney function, check with your doctor before you consider this. All right, so yeah, so basically the things that we have to be careful with is if we have, like I said, the kidney problems, or if we're on certain medications that work with blood pressure or fluid retention, specifically the diuretics. And so the people that take those, it'd be things like furosemide, chlorthalidone, hydrochlorothiazide. - Okay, so now you're talking over my head with these big words. So you're talking about prescription medications, for- - Prescription medications that are considered water pills. So those drugs make your body naturally lose potassium. - And that has to do with hypertension, too, heart? - Correct, yep. - So actually, you need to go to your doctor and make sure that you're okay taking this, particularly if you're on other meds. - Yeah, particularly, especially the diuretics, the water pills, and if you have reduced kidney functioning. So those are the big things with apple cider vinegar you have to be super careful what to check with your doctor. - Okay, all right. - By and large, they can be construed as a safe thing to use for weight loss management, if you don't have any things that are going to preclude you from having something unsafe happen. - Sure, sure. All right. So, any other things that we need to be careful of with, like- I was watching other videos on YouTube, and you're just drinking it like a shot of booze, you know. It's like, can you take it straight? Is it safe? - I would not recommend straight shooters of apple cider vinegar. I think when we're pulling that right off the old bar, old school in a shot glass is probably not the way to go. We have a enamel on our teeth, and that's what keeps them hard, and looking white, and pretty. And what happens is because acidic acid, one of the, it's what vinegar is, is weakly acidic, and it damages the enamel of the tooth. - Sure. - And so that could increase your risk for cavities, and other sorts of tooth decay, so we do want to be real careful with that. - What about acid reflux or heartburn? - Yup, and that's the other one that's pretty prominent, because again, it's acidic. - Sure. - It can increase your risk for reflux or heartburn. So it's something that, again, if you're a patient that takes certain medications to prevent that, probably check with your doctor to make sure it's something that you could safely take, but for the vast majority of it, I think it's gonna be a pretty reasonable thing to consider. - Sure, okay. There was one more thing on my mind with this before we get on to the diabetic, heartburn. So you're not gonna take it straight, you're gonna mix it with water. Check with your doctor, and hope for the best. (laughing) - Well, I think that's the biggest, but I mean, realistically at the end points of all the studies that I saw, I mean, it really shows that you're gonna lose five to eight pounds of weight, I mean, pretty much across the board. Don't cash in on the gym membership. We still want you exercising and staying busy. That's probably the most critical component of that. But the other thing to note is in all of these studies, the ones that had the most effective weight loss, there was always about a 250 calorie a day reduction in intake of food. So it's replacing something, or taking a little bit less. - Sure. - So which when you compare it with placebo, the apple cider vinegar definitely enhanced the weight loss by about three or four pounds on average, versus somebody that just didn't take the apple cider vinegar. But you still have to keep exercising, you gotta keep that body moving. - Right. So I know this relates to diabetes, which you can maybe segue into here. - Yep. - To talk about, and you understand this, and you can explain it much better than I, the exsorption of, is it sugar through carbohydrate- - Yep. - As it moves through your gut, and your stomach, and et cetera? Can you talk about that? - Yeah, exactly. When we eat food, basically our body starts to digest it as soon as it hits the tongue, and it breaks it all the way down into the gut. And then it basically, that's how it gets absorbed, and that's how our nutrients are taken care of. When we're a diabetic patient, we struggle a little bit with how our bodies process the sugars that we eat in our daily diets, so your starches and carbohydrates. So what happens is, is with apple cider vinegar, is it actually slows down the absorption of the food that you've just eaten. - At the stomach level, or in the intestine? - It's stomach, gut, it's all kind of the same. It starts with the stomach, goes to the gut, but it's more or less in the intestines, 'cause that's where most of the nutrient absorption occurs. But what it does is it slows down the absorption pattern. So basically, if I just had white bread, and I was diabetic, there would be a quick sugar rush in my body. - Just from bread? - Just from white bread, or you can take rice, or just pick any carbohydrates you want. - Sure. - So let's say I had 15 milliliters of apple cider vinegar, threw it in four ounces of water, mixed up, drank it down, and then two minutes later, ate something. It's gonna slow down that absorption of the sugar from the white bread so that it kind of is a more even level. And so what then happens with, particularly in a diabetic patient, is it gives a more consistent sugar level, so it doesn't spike way up and down. - Right. - It's just a more pleasant level. And so it allows, so if you're a diabetic patient that's on medications, it allows those medicines to make your body do what it needs to to process those sugars better, thereby lowering your blood sugar, which is safer for you big picture. So in many of the studies that we looked at, in particular, there was a Dr. Edwin McDonald, he noted that, the Journal of American Association of Diabetes again, the one I kind of cited earlier, it showed that it was safe to use with diabetic medications. Again, as long as you don't have the kidney limitations. - Sure. - And if we're not on the diuretics that could lower the potassium, those are the bigs. - So I can see you definitely need to consult with your doctor to make sure these meds, whatever, there could be other meds, or- - There's lots of things. - To make sure that you're safe taking this, - Yep, the diabetic umbrella is all encompassing. I mean, when you look at it, they have a lot of different medications that most patients take, so we do want to be extra cautious with that. Check with your doctor to make sure it's appropriate for you and your regimen that you're doing to treat those sugars effectively. But in many cases, it's probably safe. - Sure. - But again, got to check with the doc. - Right, right. And again, we talked about this before. We'll talk to the people. Say if they think, if one tablespoon is good, maybe three or four is gonna help me lose more weight faster. - No. - I'm healthy, I don't have any diabetes, I don't take any medications. I can probably take three or four, and it's gonna make me lose weight faster because, you know, we're a quick fix society. - Yeah, man, we're gonna go a hard pass on that. We want to avoid that mentality. I mean, we want to keep it at the regimented doses, so 15 millimeters in four ounces of water is generally what we see across the board. Harvard Health publishing from May of 2018, kind of showed similar results with the exact same things. So again, with diabetes, it's gonna bring that sugar down gradually and gently, so we just have to be careful with it, though. - All right. And again, we talked about the mother, that is that protein substance in there. - Yep. - They think that's the big thing, but scientifically, that's not proven either, is that- - Nope, there's a lot more research that has to be done. I think that's the biggest takeaway from this entire conversation is all of the studies that I looked at where anywhere from 30 to 100 people. So it's not large scale, and not a lot of them were peer-reviewed, and that's kind of a buzzword in today's society. So we want to make sure it's good, solid science, making sure that we keep people safe, happy, and healthy, and keeping the weight loss, keeping the sugars down. - All right. So the only thing I wanted to conclude with is, I personally have used this because I had joint stiffness. I was successful, and I think it was the only thing, I know it was the only thing I changed in my regimen for about three or four weeks, and my hands became less stiff, less painful. I couldn't even shake hands with even an older person, I'd be doing a muscle strength test with, so painful. So I want to do another video on joint stiffness in regards to apple cider vinegar, and hopefully we can schedule that in the future sometime. So any questions? We'd like to hear comments from you, and I would like to thank Chris for his time being here, and his expertise. Very good. And once again, Chris, now this is new to you, but you know we can fix just about anything except for- - A broken heart. - Yeah, he knows what we're talking about. And I don't think this apple cider thing is gonna, well, it does heartburn, so it might make the heart worse. - Yeah, we gotta be a little careful with that. Little careful. - Yeah, we'll be careful there. (chuckling) Okay, very good. Enjoy the day. And, what do I gotta say? Be careful, that's what I meant to say. - There you go. - Shut it off, shut it off. I'm off-key. (light electronic music)
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 464,536
Rating: 4.8633976 out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, physicaltherapyvideo, famouspt, bob schrupp, brad heineck, famous physical therapists, physical therapy, Bob and Brad, apple cider vinegar, apple cider vinegar benefits, apple cider vinegar uses, home remedies, health benefits of apple cider vinegar, apple cider vinegar weight loss, acv benefits, benefits of apple cider vinegar, cider vinegar, apple cider vinegar drink, blood sugar, alternative medicine, holistic medicine, weight loss, weight loss journey
Id: VMkxjaoaw1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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