Get Your Stomach Slim & Tight in 3 Weeks- No Sit-Ups or Going to Floor

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♪ Bob and Brad ♪ ♪ The two most famous ♪ ♪ Physical therapists ♪ ♪ On the internet ♪ - Hi there, folks, I'm Bob Schrupp, physical therapist. - Brad Heineck, physical therapist. - Together we are the most famous physical therapists on the internet. - In our opinion, of course, Bob. - Today we're gonna talk about how to get your stomach slight, oh, slim. - Slim. Tighten it up, Bob. - Slim and tight, I already said slim and trim. - Well, it could be that too. - In three weeks, you're not gonna need to do sit-ups, and you're not gonna need to go to the floor. You can do this in your chair? - Yeah, seated position, Bob. - All right. - It's just very convenient. You gotta do it properly, though. - By the way if you're new to our channel, please take a second to subscribe to us. We provide videos how to stay healthy, fit, pain-free, and we upload every day. Also, go to, go to the giveaway section. We're always giving something away. We'll show it to you in a minute. Go to Facebook, if you want the contest, it'll be pinned to the top of the page. - That's right. - Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok, if you want a 60-second version of our program. And yes, we have podcasts now. - That's right. So a giveaway, Bob. - Yeah. - We have the- - The FitGLIDE. - The FitGLIDE, this device is actually really nice for people with knees, hip problems, hips, or at a desk. If you're working at a desk, and you wanna keep your legs moving, and you can just- - [Bob] And burn some calories. - Absolutely and it's wonderful to keep the circulation going. - It's not completely quiet, there's some squishing sound, but the point I wanna make about that, really the big advantage of that, one, it's so lightweight, yeah, look at that. And two, you can actually use it in bed. You can lie down and actually move your legs back and forth. - It fits everybody's needs. Okay, Bob, let's talk about it. - Let's talk about it. - We wanna get that tight tummy, you know, and get it slim and trim, and what we need, to get those muscles toned up. - Sure. - And there's a lot of people who really just do not wanna go down on the floor. - Or they can't get on the floor. - Exactly, but so the option is, now this could be done at work, it can be done at home. You're not gonna do it in a recliner or one of those soft chairs. - Right. - You need a firm chair, something that offers good posture. I'm gonna use this as a desk. And we're gonna use a desk as an option for resistance. What we're gonna do is isometrics to the three primary muscle groups that we're gonna address. And one is the transverse, also- - Abdominis. - And they're deep. They're a deep, flat muscle. I always think of it like a pancake. It's a lot of posture and we use that to tighten up and it supports the back, it helps with your breathing. There's a number of things that these abdominal muscles do. - [Bob] I think you just mentioned earlier, Brad, to me that it's like a corset. - Yeah, right, it wraps around. And the fibers go this direction, okay. We're gonna address that one first. But we also then we'll do what everyone knows about the rectus. - [Bob] Rectus. - The six pack muscle group which goes up and down. - [Bob] Rectus damn near killed us. That's an old joke. - Why, Bob? I'm in the middle of a roll here. - [Bob] All right, go ahead, go ahead, keep going. - And then the oblique, the fibers that go this way. And then they also go this way, kind of at that angle. So we're gonna hit all three of those. - As Brad alluded to, these all go around and attach into the fascia of the back. So if you improve these, you can improve, protect your back. - Back pain exactly. There's another benefit to this as well. So we're gonna look at that first one, that transverse, and if we go to your ASISs, well, I won't show it, they're those bones. - [Bob] They're those bones that's sticking out right there. - Everybody, right about the beltline. You're gonna go in a little bit, not far, an inch in, and a little bit down and just feel there. And then what I want you to do, you're gonna feel those muscles contract. You feel them, Bob? - [Bob] Well, I'm just thinking you could probably kind of, just go from the belly button out a little bit, right? - [Brad] Yeah, We want to get past the rectus abdominis. - [Bob] Oh sure, so out a little farther. - [Brad] Yeah, a little bit. - [Bob] So you go from the belly button, go out. - Now, the visual cue I want you to think about is taking your belly button, and this is pretty, you know, a lot of people use this. You're gonna take that belly button, sink it in, and push it into your spine. You're not going to get that far but that's what, in and up. So, I'm doing this, I'm gonna go in and up and then you can feel those muscles contract. You don't have to put your fingers there. It just gives you some feedback. - For the first time. - Right. And, then you're gonna take your phone, put it right here on the desk or somewhere where you can see it. Set it for 10 seconds with a little ringer on there, or just watch a clock or you can count as well. For 10 seconds, you're gonna hold an isometric. So, it's in and hold. I'm just looking at the clock here, we still got an old analog clock, and you'll feel those muscles get tight, and then relax. - So it's nice, you can actually be working, Brad, and do this, just tighten without your hands touching it. - Yeah, but if you're reading, you're not focusing enough. You're gonna have to take a break, to get it to do it right. - Yeah, and they'll find muscles tighten up or strengthen a lot better if you are focused right on the muscle. - Exactly, yeah, yeah, so you really couldn't do your work and do them properly to get the benefits. - You gonna make it look like you're working. - Right, so you can do that again and do 10 seconds, three sets. Take a little break in between. We're gonna do each of those, and as you get stronger, 'cause if you've been completely sedentary, you'll get sore stomach muscles the next day from this. - Surprisingly, enough. - Yeah. Especially if you're really working them hard, the way you should be. Let's go to the next one. So you'll do that three times, 10 seconds, with a little break in between. Next one is the rectus, we'll do. You don't have to do them in this order, but I picked this order. The six pack or the 12 pack. - Sure. - In Wisconsin, we call it the 12 pack. - You would, you would. (laughing) - Whatever, that's a Wisconsin joke. Sorry about that. Anyways, rectus, now this one, I want you to think about bringing your knees up, so that gets them going, and then you're gonna flex forward. If you've got a desk, I'm gonna use the desk for resistance. So I'm not gonna round over like this. - [Bob] Yeah, keep the back straight. - Lean forward, bring the knees up. And you could also do it with your hands right on your knees, as well. And I'm gonna show you one other option which is better than this, but you need a ball for it. So we're going to push, and again we're gonna hold for 10 seconds, and then you're gonna relax and do that three times. If you already got a toned muscle to a certain degree, you can go up to 20 seconds. - [Bob] So, are you trying to lift the legs up too? - Yeah. - Kind of pushing up with your legs, and lifting off your heels off the floor? - Exactly, good point, make that clear. Now, if you happen to have a squishy ball, you could use a pillow too. The nice thing about using this is, it gives you some feedback. It just seems like people have, you feel like you're doing more, if you have some feedback. and now you can say, I'm squishing the ball and I'm doing that. - [Bob] And lifting the knees up. - Yeah, exactly, you could put this under the desk and you know, push into there and that works too. Just an idea. It makes the exercise work better. So, three sets of those, and then finally we need those oblique muscles that come in at an angle. - Angles. - And, you can do this, you know, I just have the desk here 'cause I think you can do it at work and you can do this two or three times a day. You're gonna take the right hand over to the left knee. You're gonna bring this knee this direction and push into it at the same time and rotate, rotate and kind of push down. - [Bob] Oh man, you really do feel that. - Absolutely, you know, I like the ball if you wanna get the ball in there. - [Bob] Now if you are rotating, still try to keep your back straight. - Yeah. - I don't want you going like this. - Yeah, we don't want this. - Keep your back straight. Just come on over. Oh my God, that really, I'm surprised. - Yeah, it isolates pretty well. These are good exercises. - I'm surprised. - Now on this one, you gotta go 10 seconds to the right, and 10 seconds to the left. So, you got twice as many to do. You can't just do three sets of 10. - You can mix up those, though. That was to your right, to your left, right? - Right and then left and then right. And then left and then right, then left. - This is to the right. - Well, I'm pushing with my right arm. It's go one direction and then the other. I don't know why I have to put up with this man. You know what? This is what I have to do every three days. - I try to keep you on task. - Okay, let's carry on. - All right. - So you're gonna do that, do it once. See if you get sore the next day. As things go on, try to do this at least three times a day, in the morning, afternoon, and the evening. It's gonna get those muscles to pull in, but there's one big thing that's gonna not happen if you do this, that fat that's around those muscles isn't going to fall off just by doing this. - It's not gonna tighten up. - This is not a big calorie-burner. It's gonna burn calories. It's gonna tone the muscles. You're gonna have to change your diet, but that's okay. - Diet is number one if you wanna lose fat. - I hate to say this, there's channels out there that say you're gonna burn off these calories by this simple way or drink their little magic juice and it'll fall off in a week, we can't promote that kind of stuff because it's simply not true. - You know, one of the conspiracy theories is that the food companies came up with the idea that you can exercise to get the fat off because they didn't want you blaming their food. Seriously, I've read that a couple of times. So, you know, let's name some of the foods, Brad, that you should try to cut down. You really wanna cut down on sugar drinks. - Absolutely, I say just cut them out. Bob is saying, "No," but I'm saying you get one cheat day. You've got three weeks to do this. This is not a big deal. You can do it. Cut the the sugar drinks out. No juice. Orange juice, I used to think it was healthy. - [Cameraman] Orange juice is terrible. - It's got a ton of sugar in it. - Yeah, actually, oranges are fine. But the orange juice really concentrates the sugar. - Yeah, you've got to look at the ingredients. - Right. I'm just saying, eat an orange if you want the vitamins out of it instead of the juice, it's not processed, you've got the real thing. Now this is big for some people. It wasn't big for me to stop, but I quit eating bread. Well, I didn't quit, but 90%. I'll still have it occasionally. No pizza. - Pizza, there's a lot of carbs in there. I am not saying get rid of the carbs, but it's gonna help you if you wanna lose weight, to cut them down. Both Brad and I cut down carbs, and we both lost a lot of weight. - You will be amazed, and then no sugar, no candy, all that garbage stuff. You've got to get the real food. It's gonna work, and if you happen to have this in your diet on a regular basis and you cut it out, you're gonna be amazed after the first week. You won't notice it the first few days, and you're thinking, "Oh, where is it going?" But by the third week, you're gonna say, "Oh," 'cause you're gonna be able to eat volume. You're gonna be able to fill up eating good food. But not this stuff. Vegetables, meats, fish. - You didn't mention the pasta or the ice cream. - Yeah, I was gonna save that for you. - You got to cut down on those too. - You've got to cut down the pasta and the ice cream. - Yeah, I was a pasta fiend. - I never was, that was easy for me to cut out, but the ice cream was. - There are healthy pastas you can get now, though, that are made out of something else. - Yeah, then you got to. - A lot of fiber. - It's easy for me just to ignore it. But yeah, if you just like pasta, there are options for it. But you're gonna slim and get tighter doing these exercises and you're really focused on that diet. You're gonna be amazed how much better you feel and look. Be careful. - Be careful. (logo chimes)
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 757,402
Rating: 4.9297171 out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, physicaltherapyvideo, famouspt, bob schrupp, brad heineck, famous physical therapists, physical therapy, Bob and Brad, flat stomach, low back pain, neck pain, weight loss, athlean x, jeff cavaliere, belly fat, how to lose weight, bulging disc, disc herniation, pinched nerve, hip flexors, mid back pain, back pain, forward head posture, rounded shoulders, anterior head carriage, poor posture, physical exercise (interest), abdominal workout, flat belly
Id: iI2PSkuDCvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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