We followed One Simple Rule & Lost 20lbs. (5 to 1 Rule)

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♪ Bob and Brad ♪ ♪ the two most famous physical therapists ♪ ♪ on the internet ♪ - Hi folks, I'm Bob Schrupp, physical therapist. - Brad Heineck, physical therapist. - You're looking at the most famous physical therapists on the internet. - In our opinion, of course, Bob! - So we, Bob and Brad, followed one simple rule and we lost 20 pounds. It's called the 5-to-1 rule. - 20 pounds a piece? - 20 pounds a piece. - That's 40 pounds total. - That's 40 pounds, yup. Look back on our videos. - [Brad] We used to wear those billowy shirts, remember that? - [Bob] Yeah, people used to complain about we didn't have fitted shirts. - [Brad] Yeah. - [Bob] Well, we did that for a reason. (laughing) It's true, though. The 20 pounds, I don't know about you, I think with you, Brad, is that you lost a lot of it around the middle. - Yeah. - I mean, that's where I... - I gotta say, my pants are all loose, so too, so it had to be more than just. Close enough. - Your buttock too. - Yeah (laughing). - So by the way, if you're new to our channel, please take a second to subscribe to us. We provide videos on how to stay healthy, fit, pain-free, and we upload every day. Also, go to our website, bobandbrad.com. And go to the giveaway section because this week we're giving away a Sleepovation mat. Yeah, Sleepovation mattress! And two pillows! - Can't high-five, Bob. - Nope, can't high-five. Air-five. You can also find it on Facebook, it will be on Bob and Brad. It'll be pinned to the top of the page, the contest, that is. Go to Twitter, Instagram, or Tiktok if you want a 60 second version of our program. - There you go. - So, the main thing that Brad and I did we're going to talk about the simple rule but the main thing we did is we decreased the amount of our carbohydrates. Now, we're not keto people. I mean, we do eat carbs, yet. - Right. - But we just decreased the amount because we were, I don't know about you Brad, but I was a carb fiend. I mean, I was, that's the main part of my diet was carbs. - You really needed to define carbs because it's really a broad thing because I really wasn't clear before I started this. - Yeah, carbs are mainly sugars and starches and the body breaks it into glucose which is a simple sugar. - Yeah, but we're talking like, bread. - Like pasta and bread. - I had no idea those were sugars. - Right, right. - I thought sugar was table sugar, you know. - Exactly, good point. And so, I know one girl that works for us, Pat Beckman, I probably shouldn't say that. - Oh, she's gonna get you. - Pat B., all she did is ate less bread. That's all she did. And she lost, oh, I bet she lost at least 20 pounds. - Yeah. - If not more. And for me it was a lot less pasta, and the right kind of pasta now. And that's what that rule is about. - Oh yeah. - And I wouldn't hesitate, if there was candy in the office, you know I wouldn't hesitate to take one there and one here. And I just stopped that. - Yeah. If there's one little one there, and it all depends, well let's go on. - All right. So basically I also, I'm not a vegetarian either, but I eat more plant-based now. I think you do too, Brad, don't you? - Oh yeah, more veggies. - More veggies, so I guess you call that a flexitarian. So you'll eat meat, I had meat this weekend, but it's only more occasional and when I eat the meat, I try to eat the grass-fed organic. I'm not completely strict. So the rule is called the 5-to-1 rule. So especially when you buy packaged grain products you want to look for whole grain, but the problem is the companies will try to deceive you. They'll call it multigrain, stone-ground, 100% wheat, cracked wheat, seven-grain, bran, all these things sound like they're really good and like they're whole wheat, but they may not be. - You can put any title or name on there you want as long as there is some... - Some kernel of truth you might say. - Right, exactly. - So we got some products right here that we're going to apply the rule to, but let's show the rule right here, Brad. So what you're going to do is you're going to go to the, what do you call that, was it the ingredients list? - Yeah. - So you go to the package and you look on the side and you'll see the Nutrition Facts. That's what we were looking for. And you're going to look for two things. You're going to look for grams of carbs, grams of carbohydrates. And you're going to look for grams of dietary fiber. So you're going to take the grams of carbohydrates, that's on the top part. Is that denominator, numerator? I don't even remember anymore. You put that on the top and you put the grams of dietary fiber on the bottom. You divide it out and it should end up being five or less. So we're going to give you some real life examples here. - Yeah, bring that up. - So this is the pasta I started eating instead of regular pasta. And this is called Barilla Whole Wheat Rotini, excellent source of fiber. So 39 grams of carbs in a serving, 7 grams of dietary fiber. I divided it out, ends up being 5.57. So a little bit high. - A little high. - But I'm sorry, this is the best that there is at my store. - Sure, sure. - So if anybody else out there knows one that's better I'm sure I could order online. - Right, yeah. - I'll go ahead and do that, yeah. - Just fudge the math a little bit. Put this down like that, that'd be better. - Make that an eight. - Yeah, put an eight there. - Then I'm good. - Just a little misprint. - So how about, you know, I kind of gone away from popcorn, I thought popcorn was bad for you, but all natural popcorn. So let's look at it here. 22 grams of carbs, 6 grams of dietary fiber. - Oh wow! - 3.66, really well below the five. - So have you looked at unnatural popcorn? - I didn't, I should've. But you have to watch out, you know, if you put too much, I use NoSalt so it doesn't raise the sodium. And I try to watch, I put a little butter on it. - Yeah! There's always a little cheating in life. You gotta spice things up a little, you know what I'm saying. - So let's look at Cheerios. This used to be a staple in our family here. 100% whole grain oats, you know it's heart healthy, they've got the heart even on there. - Oh wow, well you can't go wrong with that then. - That's right. - Well, how could you? - Well, let's see. - Let's check it out. - Let's take a look. So it's got 20 grams of carbs but only 3 grams of dietary fiber. Really not very much. So it ends up being 6.66. And so that's starting to push it a little bit. - Does that .66 repeat on forever? Is it one of those numbers? - I think it is infinity so. 666 is the sign of the devil, by the way. - Well then you really should not. - You shouldn't eat it. No, it's not the worst, and Brad you were asking me have I seen some that are like, a lot worse? And I've seen, yeah, I've seen that at like 2 grams of fiber to 20 grams of carbs so the ratio was 10. And I'm sure there's a lot of things that are much higher. - Sure. - The other thing with Cheerios, it had 140 milligrams of sodium too. - Isn't it amazing little dry things and they got salt in them like that? - I know, I know. - I mean everyone feeds their kids Cheerios. Liz, do you guys do Cheerios to your kids? It's like, I saw that movie with John Travolta, he was feeding that kid Cheerios, it's like, everyone does it. - Yeah, you know, it isn't the worst. It is by far, in fact, the ones for kids it's probably the best, it's better than Cocoa Puffs or Lucky Charms. - They're made with sugar and a little bit of fiber. - Yeah, (murmurs). But I got this ratio by the way from the book "How Not to Die" by Dr. Michael Greger. I'm a big fan of his work. He's also got a website, nutritionfacts.org, I believe. And you can get all this stuff for free. He's got great videos on it. So you can check that out too. So, any other advice, Brad, for losing weight? You know, it's interesting, you know, both Brad and I workout a lot. But we worked out before too. - Oh yeah. - So that wasn't the factor. I worked out just as much before. Really, weight loss does occur at the table and not really in the gym as much as you think. - And I don't know about the studies, but I think in general, as you age, it even is more so. I would workout as I got older... - And it wouldn't move the needle. - Yeah, yeah, it would be like, I mean, I don't eat pasta, I just don't care about it. But breads, ice cream, you know, obviously that's a big one, but I really like ice cream. Oh my God. - Well I mean, the thing is, I'm sorry I know we're dragging this on a little bit, Brad, but I think what I've found is I wasn't hungry at all. I'm eating this stuff and I'm not hungry. I eat as much as I want to eat and I just watched the pounds. At one point, this started about two or three years ago, I was like wondering, do I have cancer or something? I mean, why am I losing weight like this? And it was just, I had changed this and I know some people don't want to hear that, but it's worked for my wife too. And it worked especially when she started going more plant-based. And it's just like, she's said now she's down into a range where she hasn't been for 10, 15 years. - What about potatoes? - Potatoes has a lot of starches and I think also, you'd have to look it up. - Everything I've read, they say they don't like potatoes so we do yams. - Yeah, yams are good. - Right. And I like them better anyways, but I always just kinda wondered, well if other people are doing potatoes. - I yam what I yam. All right, remember Brad and I can fix just about anything... - Except for- - A broken heart. - But we're working on that. - That's just heart healthy stuff. - Well that's right! It'll be part of one of the chapters.
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 752,807
Rating: 4.9190073 out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, physicaltherapyvideo, famouspt, bob schrupp, brad heineck, famous physical therapists, physical therapy, Bob and Brad, weight loss, lose weight, how to lose weight, how to lose weight fast, weight loss tips, how to, 20 pounds, lose fat, weight loss transformation, abby pollock, tfn team, ketogenic diet
Id: MZnbUAgD9gM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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