How to fix Neck Hump and Flabby Bat Wings (Challenge)

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bob and brad the two most famous physical therapists on the internet g up in the room oh yeah hi folks i'm bob schrupp physical therapist brad heineck physical therapist we are the most famous physical therapist on the internet in our opinion of course bob and today we're joined by pack batman beckman i can say your name pat used to work with us i i feel sorry for her for that but she was one of the best employees we ever had no doubt absolutely amazing amazing woman so she approached us about doing this topic so don't do i don't even hear any criticism that i use that term batwings i asked for this yeah she said how to fix it well you said dollar just humped out or something is actually working yeah this is right here how to fix neck hump and flabby bat wings so this is a challenge bat wings that's what she calls them all right well we'll we'll explain it in detail right by the way if you're new to our channel please take a second to subscribe to us we provide videos how to stay healthy fit pain-free and we upload every day also go to bob and go to the giveaway section we're always giving something away boy until the beginning of the week go to bob and go to the giveaway section and you'll see we're giving away a booyah stick this week booyah oh yeah very good for shoulder issues and balance problems uh you can also go to bob and brad it'll be pinned to the top of the page the contest that's right go twitter instagram or tick tock if you want a 60-second version of our program and what else we have read oh the podcast all right yeah absolutely well we got pat here today i'm just enamored that she's is that a good word enamored yeah good yeah that she's here with us and you know yeah the podcasts are doing well did you listen to a podcast and pat even listened to it it was good yeah she was very happy and i giggled a few times yeah so your problems really aren't that bad uh not yet in our mind uh but um you wanna yeah you wanna tackle them before they become bad right i went to my physical two years ago in the last like a an inch oh you did this you lost an inch i lost a height of height height high height height yeah we're working on my english yeah i'm not an english major and then i had another physical this year and i lost another half inch and i'm like okay some of that is this and not this yes exactly uh we actually just had a woman on for several a couple podcasts uh sarah beaks and she's an expert on osteoporosis okay and and that's one of the things they look for uh especially like a loss of two inches or more sure they're you know it's a good indicator that there's probably some osteoporosis you probably have some osteopenia osteoporosis i mean i do have acetylcholine yep so all right so she wants to work on the neck hump which is right here do you want to show that get a side view so you can see she got a little bit of a hump there now she at first said dollars dollars hump is down here this is more neck hump i guess you'd call it we get a lot of comments on dowager's hump they always want to give a little history about the name of it where it came from but i don't think we need to no we don't because we're not talking about that so we're going to show you i you know we're going to try to keep things very simple today yeah i mean because you're a very intelligent person but you don't have a lot of time i know that and so we're going to give you things that you can maybe do once a day or twice a day and uh leave it at that and we'll see how you do with that okay so are we going to address this and then get to the batwings yes okay yes we'll talk about this first so the thing is the ligaments that help hold the bone why don't you just stand up pat then yeah you won't feel kind of twisted brad actually i it's going to help to shoulder on the spine sure do you want to deform this okay we're gonna we're gonna get the the hump now there we go so you get that you can get it from head forward posture and as things with aging process if you get some osteopenia or osteoporosis but you can see also this is causing the bump out here and because over time the body reacts to it it actually starts to lay down fat over that bump um yeah it's it's amazing the body and and so if you can get things readjusted back you know that that fat will be absorbed and now the whole thing with this is these ligaments that help hold these bones in place are really strong they're collagen and they're stronger than steel i mean amazing they're they're so in order to alter these he'll believe anything yeah in order to ulti that was steve august who said that yeah in order to alter these things yeah don't believe me yeah you have to actually put fairly good pressure on them you can't just go in there and crack them you know and alt manipulate them so that's why you got to do prolonged stretches to the area and it's got to be a little bit intense would you say brad yeah and when you first start out with this as you'll see it's a little uncomfortable but as you get used to it i actually found that i i look forward to doing it now right i did too and my wife and i are both doing it um yep so i'm i mean and when we don't have one like i left mine up at my daughter's last weekend oh you mean your backpack yeah yeah well then she can use it right right but uh we have one at the cabin and uh linda's gonna go get it from the cabin and actually bring it oh wow she really likes it i mean oh well it's only about an hour drive right well no she's going there for another reason oh okay so the thing we want to do is we want to stretch these areas here i like to work off the spine so we're going to hit six areas here i'm going to show my brad yeah so you can see now then you can see them now i get to be the model okay although it would be better you know people now you can use a tennis ball for those of you who don't want to spend any money just you know steal one from a little kid on a plane tennis on the court so just go ahead you're going to hit six areas here here's the spine and here's the lower neck you can hit one maybe you want to see this bad one two around yeah one two three four five six okay there's nothing exact about it oh there isn't you just so you have the general idea okay yeah and what you do is all you have to do is lie upon this and for a lot of people especially when they're first starting off it's too aggressive and we even have sometimes put a towel over the top of it yeah so this a towel whatever layers you need i'm going to show you first i don't mind that so i'll hit now this you'd want to do this on a hard surface we're doing this on the mat so you can see and also it will be less aggressive for you so um and in addition to this if the pillows uh i mean yeah if the towel is not enough you also start with a pillow okay this back pod comes with a booklet and it's a very well documented book i mean explains everything okay so yeah when you're in this position you actually can bring your arms up over your head like this and take deep breaths relax and relax and you only have to hit each section would you say 30 seconds or a minute yeah and when you start out even 10 seconds until you get used to it yeah but the goal is to get lost yeah with it i i i do about 30 seconds sure and i've been i've been doing these while and it really makes a difference you you don't have to work so hard in your posture then so and you'll then i'll hit another spot i'll hit the six spots but are we going to let her try it is it hard to get it in position uh with a ball it's a little bit harder i found the back pod is easier because it doesn't slide and why don't you show me that one yeah okay um so i slide it right here i just grab it like this it's big enough that it works well for that too so i just put the edge of it underneath okay that upper one okay and then i could go over to the side okay then go further down okay and go further down yeah you got to have a little arm motion here yeah sometimes i just move my body and leave the back pod stationary well of course you would brad you're an engineer type person you'd figure that out well it's nice no i know it's a good idea actually yeah so you want to try this pat you want to try all right all right so is it where it needs to be or should i have it we'll move it around okay you'll you'll you'll vary yeah so you don't want it on your shoulder blade bone you don't want you're doing the shoulder blade right now bring it over now again oh she already knows to yeah flex her arms yep and take deep breaths now this is not going to be very intense on this surface you do it on the floor it's going to be more intense and if it's not still not intense enough take the pillow out yeah let's try it okay so that's that shows you right there you probably won't be able to tolerate it for very long yeah so so then you hit a different spot but okay and then move it over yep you want to try to hit a different spot oh it really throws me off am i too far off are you you are if you're not on your shoulder blade you're okay if you're in the oh that one must be a lot tighter sure and you'll find spots and you're i think you're further down too now aren't you further down this way about the same maybe a little lower but you can see if you you do this a few days and you'll get you'll really get to know where your tight spots are and where to be more aggressive my wife swore me because i go oh come on tough it out let's go ahead no pillow no towel and then she read the booklet she like you're supposed to start with a towel you're supposed to start with a pillow i can't believe it bob why didn't you tell me this oh i didn't remember it you know thanks linda yeah thanks for taking the brunch look how nice and straight she looks now yeah yeah you know it's pretty high up you you look like uh a young lady oh thank you not that you are younger right younger yeah oh yeah this side's definitely a lot tighter i can't isn't that amazing are you right-handed or left-handed right-handed so i yeah i would think maybe i would think you'd be tighter on the right you would think so you would yeah yeah because what happens with your right hand and you lean right that comes forward then so i must do it differently yeah you don't have to because i can't even get my arm down sure yeah that's that was exactly pat why don't you show on this side okay yeah she came get her l down yeah that's exactly what happened to me i couldn't get my left elbow down sure same just like you had there you go and uh now i can sure um that was an indicator to me that yeah you can see it's just dangling yeah i cannot i'm trying to let gravity pull it but yeah that'll listen very good point okay pat you can sit up so you know the six spots um you can do it once a day you can do it twice a day there's no limitations i would probably only do it once the first day too bad yeah yeah yeah and it's so yeah i'm on here again people can start with a tennis ball and put a towel over it as a first try okay so that is it uh now we're going to talk about the yeah that bad wings she called that's why you had a teacher that had these yeah remember in grade school yeah she did she you know yeah oh she'd write more and um so you cannot reduce this spot reduction right first we're going to make that that clear now first we got to give applause to pat yes how much weight did you lose at one point you uh total 95. 95 pounds yeah that is fantastic you were do can i say where you you were up to 219. 219 pounds i wasn't gonna do 220. you drew the line there you got almost down your goal was 120 at one point you almost got down to that which is really fantastic but everybody was saying it was too much so oh they were yeah yeah yeah they will say that you got to be careful yeah but they will say that right you know i i don't always agree with that well of course but i felt pretty good at 125. 130. i i would waiver there and i think that's important that you feel comfortable with yourself right exactly so having said that you can still tone your arms right and and that's what we're going to show you today so you mean if we do tricep exercises it doesn't mean that the weight is going to come off of that area it's going to come off where your body's kind of programmed to when you go weight loss it's going to yeah it has to be overall um pat do you mind saying what method you use to lose weight i use a combination of things i went pretty healthy uh kind of a quasi-keto sure not entirely and then i just looked at sugar grams on a lot less carbs a lot less carbs so anything that had over i limited myself to 25 grams of sugar a day sure and it just fell off it really did it was effortless so yeah we don't we have nothing against carbs right um and but refined carbs you've got problems the big difference between vegetable carbs and we find sugar carbs right right so you can have you know the carbs that a lot of people have trouble with is bread um and i didn't have that you had stopped breaking completely yeah so um and and even on the keto diet you can have you work back to carbs depending on your tolerance for sure like uh my wife is 50 or grams or less a day and i think i'm like a hundred less than a day or something like really yeah got a little calculator for that i remember yeah i don't okay so let's talk about a couple things you could try i'm going to send this band along with you um one thing you do if you want to try without equipment uh brad do you mind showing this um actually do the diamond push-up oh off the wall oh sure do you want a countertop but he's going to start if you're just starting off we're trying to keep your tricep straight up so go at whatever level you're comfortable this is really focusing on the triceps yeah you i can already even on the wall like this yeah it's a really nice triceps work you're almost three feet from the wall right yeah if you you may start here depending on what's you know the farther out the more difficult it is and if you get so far out you feel like you're you're down here then you would go to like a couple right this is a little lower than most cupboards but you know that's the general concept okay and then there's my knee cracking oh yeah so i want to see if i can even do one of these i don't know if i can so then you can you could go to knee push-ups right sure that's probably what i'd do get your butt down bob otherwise we're going to get hollered there you go thank you so you've got it closer here i don't know can do not at home one available you can actually do with this you can actually put it around you like this yeah okay and you can just do triceps like this you can do both at the same time if you want i do like that if this is too much you could uh just go with one what kind of band is this this is a big one of our big loop bands this is bob bob and brad yeah it's okay they're trying to get back to the name brad off there but yeah why are your whole trademark thing yeah so does it matter if i go up or no no down as long as you're straightening the elbow you're here like that yep okay yeah you get the shoulders triceps yeah i can feel that that feels good yeah now the other thing you could actually she could go out like this and actually sure get her shoulder blades this way yeah you're good yeah yeah now you can squeeze your shoulder blades together while you do it yeah good pass now you're working on posture and the tricep at the same time and am i trying to keep the rubber band off my back no is that your farm okay fine to have it on it just makes me go forward more yeah no but that looks good yeah okay that's the idea is it get the sternum forward the shoulders back good shoulder blades stretching down this area we're going to strengthen the muscles that that's what i need okay perfect brad uh i don't know if you have a post-it home um or something we could put this around um brad you want to show it to some of the wall anchor um oh yeah so if you you you know let's take if you have something at home that that's really sturdy yeah so uh what do you what are we going to do i was going to do the whole loop so that oh the whole loop yeah like that oh okay and and then just going like this so you can uh yeah you can uh you can make the intensity worse by coming out further worse yeah a little more difficult or obviously start here and then you can work your way out yeah so obviously overdo it both arms you know you could do both arms at the same time if you'd like to yeah that's the nice thing about the these loops are really handy dandy brad you want to show too just going like this just for just these are stretcher parts this is a great one for posture too just yep okay just like that with the loop i don't even like to do this put one foot on there and do the same thing and then it's pulling down and it burns the mark it's a little harder quite a bit harder actually but that's optional but you can watch back on this video and see these recommendations well i can feel those i can feel these muscles i just like this it feels good though it's real portable so you like you can just you can be at your desk and suddenly do some of these yeah it'll like give your tricep a little bit and it will also get your back sure and you need that when you're sitting at the computer all day yes and that will make the correction you know right for you and then you can go back to it you know be less likely to go into the position so your computer are you uh i have it on the stand that you gave me so and that helps a lot but i when i'm in the nursing homes i have little little tablets and i'm like this and that's when i that's when i was really feeling it through here and i'm like i need to fix this before i speak also you have yes yeah i found this with bifocals to be this is absolutely the truth for me whereas the computer i had the screen raised but i still was going like this because i had i'll have to pay attention so i actually bought glasses just for reading oh computer they make it so they're 40 inches away okay yeah um you just get a prescription i was going to say prescribed okay yeah i bought them from zeni optical you like a 50 60 pair okay but you need to get the prescription from the the your eye doctor yep don't know what he would recommend for 40 inches okay and they're really if you're going to spend a lot of time on the computer i wear those all the time okay that's good to know because yeah it does i spend a majority of my time like this yeah you know it's a bi-focus you can't right yeah because you're tilting you're leaning you're doing everything wrong but i do have wires i do have that table that you can adjust sure yeah wow oh it helps tremendously it helps but again you're still like this yeah yeah so yeah that's a problem because the screen's here and then i really have to pull the keyboard off if i have a keyboard if i don't if it's a laptop i'm not sure it's nice to get a wireless so once again before and after we're going to show go go ahead and face that wave stan oh yeah show before kind of just stand regularly and then also show the arms come yeah there we go thank you so much pat for volunteering well thanks for doing this for much weight do you want to lose do you have a goal set mine besides the bat wings well and i imagine i'll gain weight right if i gain muscle mass uh probably not i mean it's not that yeah significant not for that a little amount well i'd like to get rid of that covered 19. october 19th sure so that's my goal so the weight yeah a lot of people have had uh the gain weight gain from the yeah from that whole experience well we went a little bit longer sorry no not not your fault it's not your fault yeah we ramble so take care and you can give these a try yourself you
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 9,117
Rating: 4.9644618 out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, physicaltherapyvideo, famouspt, bob schrupp, brad heineck, famous physical therapists, physical therapy, Bob and Brad, cardio hiit workout, lower ab exercise, hip dips workout, weight loss workout, wider hips workout, weight gain workout, post pregnancy ab workout, how to get rid of flabby arms, slim leg workout, midsection ab workout, lose saggy belly fat, lose hanging lower belly fat, toned arms, arm workout for women, lose arm fat
Id: JAlRBzppg38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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