i went into satan's head and this happened

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-All right, we're checking out the only game where you have to put a team of psychopaths together under the behest of a young Alex Trebex to go inside the mind of Satan to keep him from taking over the world, it's GTA. If you just heard everything I said and you're like, "What?" I-- Oh, God. So, I spawned in this way. I saw a wall of text. I looked over here. I'm assuming this is my team of specialists. Why is only half of this man showing up? I'm pretty sure this guy isn't modded. I think this was done on purpose. Let us begin, because supposedly we are literally going into the subconscious of the devil in order to-- Well, here. Like I said, here is young Alex Trebek to tell us what is going on. "You've all been assembled to stop an Avengers level threat. The depths-- In the depths of hell, Satan forged an abominable monster and wants to unleash it on the world starting with Flo--" Of course. I love that Florida is now becoming the epicenter of basically every apocalypse. Like, before it was always LA and New York, now it's basically, Florida. "To prevent it, you'll use an experimental technology called KYAO, aka, Knock Your Ass Out. This machine enables to invade a person's mind through a shared dream. Thus, your mission is to infiltrate Satan's mind and go deep as to his subconscious, two levels deep." At some point here, we're going to get copyright claimed by, like, Inception. Yeah. Right here, look. "So, we're going to do an inception type of thing and plant an idea into his subconscious not to destroy the world." I still can't get over why only half a man is standing here. I love how one of the individuals that's coming along is, I dropped my pants, but I actually didn't drop my pants guy. I'm pretty sure everyone here, except for you, has appeared in an episode already. Didn't they do three levels in the movie? Listen, we're on a budget here, okay. Right. Now, if I come over here, obviously, uh, this individual is working on-- Oh, this is brainstorming for how we're going to fix, you know, the potential end of the world. Satan's about to F-bolt hoopy up with his monster ideas. "Nuke Florida as soon as the monster shows up to kill two birds with one stone." Hey, "Poison the entire population of Florida, so when the monster eats them, it dies too." These are actually really good ideas. I love how option three is me, and it was the only option that's crossed out. What the the hell happened? When I left, the wall of text bifurcated into two different pieces. "Listen, we have a team with a combined IQ of 69." How many-- Do I count? Because that's what? Five- six people. Oh, and then there is Gray. "Let's just pray, we can get through two levels. Plus, this is America 2021. So, instead of inception, we'll just find out Satan's biggest, most embarrassing secret, and then videotape it to blackmail him." Okay. So, let's-- I don't know why this flashlight is here, but let's grab the flashlight. All right. Let's go all up inside of Satan. Deep inside of Satan, two levels deep. Oh, "Meet the team." I legitimately get to meet the team. Wasn't there another person? You know what? Whatever. I have difficulty counting, anyway, "We've got Page the dream architect." All right. She's Goth and also has fantastic arm tattoos. "Half Invisible Man." Okay. So, he's meant to be half invisible. "He's our infiltration expert. He may or may not be completely naked below the waist." Then we have Dick Muscles? Oh, his name is Dick and he is the muscles. "He might or might not wear Half Invisible Man's pants and underwear." And then we have Frat Fuller. He's the brains. "The fan on his chest is not for cooling, but for dispersing gasses away when he farts." I can smell the Cheetos on your breath. You're hired. I love Cheetos as well. All right, team. Let us continue. Welcome to the planning room. Turn the fan off. Okay. "The plan. Put Satan asleep, infiltrate first level of his subconscious, penetrate Satan's Subconscious Safe on the second level. Find Satan's embarrassing secret. Do the kick to leave Satan's subconscious." Now look at all the- look at all the work Fuller went through here. Okay, "First things first, we need to put Satan to sleep. I've come up with an elaborate plan that involves infiltrating into Satan's mension." You're not an English major, are you? "And adding sleeping pills to his drink." We're going to drug Satan. Is that even possible? "This is a stealth mission. So, Gray, who has experienced doing a stealth mission with Rocket Racoon and Half Invisible Man will infiltrate the mension. We'll support them in the van." F-invisible man. Listen, um, unless you can learn to flip upside down and walk on your hands, I don't think this is going to work. But to be fair, the last time I worked with Rocket Racoon, all we did was blow everyone up anyway. So, here we go. To the mansion. All right, "Go, go. Follow Half Invisible Man." Also, what the hell? How does Satan live here? Guy must be in frigging Congress or something. Man, maybe I should've stayed with his daughter. Okay. So, here's Half Invisible Man. "Yo, Gray, take a look right there on the countertop." That's his drink? "You distract him, and I'll slip in the sleeping pills." Right-right-right there. Right where? Also, what the hell? What-- Is that a yoga mat? What is he doing? Is Satan out there doing yoga? It's a good thing I brought my frigging phone with me. All right, hold on. okay. There's Satan-- It is. It's a yoga mat. He's wearing yoga pants. Actually, he might not be wearing any pants. Okay, so that must be his margarita or whatever. Perfect. Let's do this. Okay, so I guess the plan is I'll go over, tell him that I want to take Nadas back- his daughter- and while we're arguing about child support, hopefully Half Invisible Man can-- Oh, hold on. Yeet. Put that away. Hey, Satan. Remember that time we fought to the death in a cage match? Wasn't that great? Gray? What are you doing here? Stop harassing me. Listen, Satan, I thought about, uh, I thought about my time with Nadas. And I'm just wondering okay, maybe if it would be po-- Are you serious? You're terrible at this, you know that? I-- What the hell? Dick, what are you doing in the pool? Who the fuck is that guy? I'll kill ya both. Batter up. Half Invisible Man, listen, we need to have a talk. Only 50% of you is useful, and it's this 50%. Oh, that's a lot of blood. Um, he's fine. Okay, "So, hi everyone. Gray blew our cover." You shut your mouth. "Did you use the sleeping pills? He looks f-ing dead." I mean, I used one sleeping pill. It just happens to be aluminum. "To hell with it. Hook him up to KYAO." Yeet. Ah. Oh, this is actually really cool. We're in the dream world. I love how it's filled with poorly made fire. "We're in. This is the entrance to Satan's mind. Make sure you make it through the hole or you can get stuck here forever." Okay, define hole. What? I have to parkour into his mind? Ready? Now. Ah. Ow. God, my teeth. Ah. Oh. God, I think I just fricking tore my ACL. "Okay, guys, we've successfully penetrated Satan's mind. Now we need to find him, then Gray, you approach him and convince him to take you to the second level of his subconscious where he hides his most valuable- valubale and sensitive secrets, such as his creature." I'm assuming when you say creature, you mean, like, not the inappropriate creature. "And since Satan is a big showoff and he trusts you, you'll just blatantly ask him to show you his monster dick--" Wait, what? Oh, it's two different sentences, "His monster. Dick, give him the weapons." Ah. "Gray, stop dicking around. Grab the weapons." You guys are really playing on this name, aren't ya? Oh, nice. And the "Kick" gun. All right, boys and girls, let's roll. What the hell? I almost got hit by a fricking-- Where is this? Satan's dream projections. Go, everyone get into that truck. Hey. Dick, where the hell are you going? Hey, help me out. Gray, you cover. Okay. Ah. I love how Dick is as useful as a Floridian coat. Yeetely deet. Here's some Florida heat. [laughs] Dick, I've killed everyone on my side. What is this? "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling." You took that right out of Inception. Oh, okay, I got it. I remember this scene. Go right ahead. Yeah, show me how it's done, Dick. All right, ready? Now, obviously he's gonna shoot the grenade launcher, clowns are gonna go flying. Yeah. Uh. [laughs] Oh, I'mma a grab the gun. Attempt number two. Boom. I need to take the opportunity to mention, uh, I've-- So, I guess, we will have lost a team member. I did not do this, okay? This is not my fault. "Oh, no, Dick is down," [laughs], "This means he's in limbo. Gray, you'll have to go to limbo after we're done here to save him." Um, okay. "Satan's subconscious is getting volatile. We need to go. I know, Gray. Don't worry, Page, Dick is in safe hands with Gray. Gray, you drive." Okay. [chuckles] If you say so. What the hell? Why do the new projections all have-- Oh, they're Half Invisible Man's projections. Oh, yeah. Hopefully I don't blow up the frigging truck. There we go. Yeet. Boom. Let's roll. Oh, do we-- Okay, good. Page is already inside of the- of the truck. Thank God Page put out this gigantic arrows for me. I love how Satan's subconscious is just filled with violence and random beer bottles. Oh, and fire. What? That was a damn rocket launcher? Ah. Hey, Page. Real quick. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you like violence? Page is like, "I love it. A 10." Yeah. [laughs] Whoo. Okay. I don't actually know where I'm going at this point. Hopefully, I'm in the right direction. Why are there odd penetrative holes everywhere? Page, you couldn't have brought us slightly closer to the end Satan area? I don't know what this is. I don't know what this is. What is this supposed to-- Ah. Uh. There is so much going on here. "Oh, shit. This is Satan's daughter and her spawns." Nadas. Listen, I am so sorry that I left you when I-- What is that? "Child support, honey. Get him, boys." "Dad, let's put Bumper Trains." I'm not playing Bumper Trains. Everyone get inside. Nadas, I'm sorry. I'll call you. Did he just get inside of that? Holy Jesus. Ah. How? Shoot him. Shoot him. Shoot him. Shoot him. He is literally-- My son is literally driving a bumper train. Ah. I-I'm still alive. "Looks like they got bumped off, but we found Satan. It's your turn now, and convince him to take you to his Subconscious Safe. I'll be leaving here. Frat will catch up to you. By the way, I forgot to grab a Kick gun. Do you have one?" You want to see my gun? She's like, "Well, yes and no." I've come across a lot of girls recently that can't swim. Oh, but she can. All right, to the Subconscious Safe. What the hell? Why is there a wallride under construction? "Stan, this wallride is getting expensive and sadistic even for you." Okay. So, this is the throwback of all of my different wallrides where I said that Satan sits there crafting me, specifically to torture me. "Plus, we already agreed on adding fire, piling water up to the top." You wanna add fire and water. It's not even possible. "So, I've seen this wallride in heaven and it's like, you have to do it in top-down. We'll do the same, but we'll also make it invisible. Plus, add water on the bottom." So, you're the one. You're the one that's literally ruined my life. And almost there. Almost there. Almost. Good night, sweet prince. All right, let's just forget that guy was ever around. Hey, Satan, listen. Um, if you-- Those are some fantastic pants you're wearing. I would love to get the opportunity to penetrate your Subconscious Safe. Leg-legally-legally penetrate your Subconscious Safe. How about now? Oh, it worked. Okay. It is getting unbelievably dark. Oh, now I know why they gave me the flashlight. What's that frat? "We're balls deep," can you not say it that way? "in Satan's subconscious now. I can't go further with you, 'cause I'm scared, but I'll leave you with this. I've managed to pinpoint the exact room in Satan's Subconscious Safe where he hides his most embarrassing secret." It's 69, isn't it? "It's room 69." I knew it. Ah, okay. Where, uh, where am I jumping? Oh, did I just go through this door or did I come out of this door? I'm assuming it's over this way, because there's a gigantic flame here. Yeah, here we go. Here we go. SSS. It's like, super-secret subconscious or something. Is there, like, a-a door or-- Oh, I just fall to my death. Ah. Ow. Oh, hey, Satan. "Let's go. I'll show you. Just don't bust a nut from how awesome it is. Also, don't tell anybody. I want it to be a surprise." I mean, joke's on you. I-I busted a nut falling from the ceiling of your friggin subconscious." This is it. Now I get to see all of Satan's secrets. Okay. Halloween costumes. Funny stuff, okay. Biggest fear. All right. Memories. We n- we need most embarrassing one. Biggest dream. Lust. Does this say, "Grand spawns?" Money-- Hold on. Are these-- So, can you-- What the-- "Dad, let's do drag racing." Dad's back. [chuckles] Real quick. Because so many people had asked if I would send my children back down to their dad's house at the end of the last dating Satan's daughter. [chuckles] "Yeah, yeah, kids. Don't worry. We'll-we'll-we'll play when I get back home with your mom." All right, little juvenile. Remember, yeetely deet. Make sure to eat your green beets. Money. More lust., okay. Hookers. What the hell? "I'm having this weird headache today for no reason." Well, considering you keep meeting Mr. Louisville Slugger. What is latitude 27, longitude negative 81? Hold on a second. Hey, Google, what is located at latitude 27, longitude negative 81? -Here's some information about Florida. Florida is the southeastern most US state-- -Oh, my God, that longitude and latitude is actually the state of Florida. I love that there's an entire portion of Satan's, like, darkest memories that is in fact Florida. Okay, what's inside the-- I'm really sorry I came here. "Dad, I need more food. My tummy's empty." What the hell? "Two more weeks and this'll need a bigger room. This beauty has two mouths." So. is this the thing that's gonna take over the world? Okay, so real quick. Right-- No. Right about- right about there, Yee-haw. Okay, that got Satan out of the way. Now to through the final vault, the basement. I still can't believe that Florida gets it's own door. We're going deep, deeper than anyone has ever been before. Deep into the basement of Satan's mind. I love how the first floor is just filled with hookers and Florida. All right. A-a-a-ah. Uh. So, oh. Oh, what the hell? 836? These doors don't make-- A two. The door numbers don't make any sense. Okay, 90. Where the hell is 69? 22, 50, nothing is in any order here. Ah-ha, 69. All right, here we go. Ah. Uh, why am I back at Satan's mansion? So, is this it? Is this, like, his most embarrassing-- No-- What? What the hell is this? I-- Hold on. We're taking a video of this. Is Satan seductively dancing for a group of demonic ducks while one of the ducks is vomiting money? [laughs] "Take it off." The legs on these things are so pale, none of these ducks are from Florida. I understand now, Satan, why you hid this so deeply. This is- this is beyond magical. Okay. So, I guess, now that I have Satan-- I still don't-- I'm not going to be able to sleep for days. Okay, so now that I have the stuff, go to limbo and save Dick. Do a kicking, get the hell out of here. Remember how Half Invisible Man said that I would never leave someone behind, because he trusts me? He was wrong. All right, take out the Kick gun and here we go. Ah. Ah. [laughs] The Kick worked. Oh, it's the few people that are left on my team. "Wait, where's Dick? You were suppose to go to limbo and save him. Now, Dick will grow and wrinkly in there." I love how they're talking about Dick like he's some kid that just stayed inside of a bathtub for too long. So-- Oh, there's more text. "No, that's impossible. I know Gray too well. He'll never abandon his friends. This is just a projection guys, which means we're still dreaming. So, all we need to do is die in this dream and wake up." Okay, real quick. Guys, it's me. Like, for real. It-it's actually me. You'll be the first group of mine that stayed alive to the end. Don't do this to me." [laughs] "Sounds good. Jump on three." [laughs] Godammit. Not like X-Force. [laughs] What the hell? Once again, I came, I saw, I got Satan's secret, and I killed my entire team. Hey, folks. I hope you enjoyed this episode of GTA. Until next time. Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
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Keywords: graystillplays, graystillplays gta 5, graystillplays gta v, gray still plays, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, grand theft auto v, gta, gta challenge, gta choice, gta custom races, gta hacked, gta jump, gta online, gta 5, gta 5 challenge, gta 5 choice, gta 5 hacked, gta 5 jump, gta 5 online, gta 5 races, gta v, gta v challenge, gta v choice, gta v hacked, gta v online, custom races, legend, choose your fate, i went into, head, caylus, caylus gta 5, jelly, jelly gta 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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