Can You Get To #1 In the World with Hops Team?!

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here's the deal i have a goal i want to get  to number one in the world with hops the team   now this is going to be a bit difficult  because hops team is actual garbage   it's not the worst team i've used but it like in  the current meta there's a lot of pokemon that   are just really bad like okay corbin and rolex  are not good and then yeah like doubles real bad   uh so yeah basically we may as well just jump  into it ask any questions as we go along uh the   reason we're doing hops team right now is because  the rules just change and the rules change that   you are allowed one restricted pokemon and  hop is one of the only trainers in the game   to have only one restricted pokemon that being  sashing wait stop the crushing no percussion i believe he's an attack for that oh we're not  having fun this isn't for fun you understand that   hello everyone i am interrupting my own video  to bring you a sponsored announcement if you   don't care about coaching which is what this  uh sponsored part of the video is about feel   free to jump to the timestamp on your screen  here um but for everyone else we're gonna talk   about coaching now so here's the deal many of  you who watch the channel for a while might have   noticed that i don't do many sponsorships uh the  reason for that is that i don't really want to   put something on the channel if it's not something  that i personally believe in that may change   because of course like there's some people who  do that and i don't think they're bad people or   anything especially if you are needed the money  but i have been kind of pretty selective in the   things that i allow on the channel to the point  where i think despite being asked like several   times a month to do sponsorships i've only  ever done one um i believe which is the glasses   sponsorship that we had in the channel recently  and i i thought i liked the product i thought   that cool they were cool it was a neat company it  was a cool promotion so um that was that now we're   doing our second sponsorship and this is about a  website called so for those of you who   followed the channel for a while again probably  know that i have played pokemon competitively for   over 10 years my first season was in 2011 i  have competed for a very very very long time   um and i've been asked pretty regularly about  coaching since 2012 since i got second at the   world championships and it's something that i've  never done and so when when this company met if i   reached out to me i was a little skeptical because  um coaching just wasn't something that i thought i   had the time for or that i was super interested in  but i spent hours with on the phone with them and   i i honestly really really believe in the mission  i really really like the company and i like the   vision behind it for me so many things that are  in esports feel very much like people who don't   really understand the scene or kind of the culture  of the landscape looking to make a quick buck and   and this doesn't feel like that at all to me this  feels like a very genuine push from someone who   was involved in esports um and they seem pretty  uh pretty determined that like the coaches are   like that this will be good for the coaches that  this isn't some kind of scammer or anything for on   the coach side because like they they don't take  any of the money that the coaches make they charge   a small fee so after a very very very long time  of being asked i have decided to do coaching now   before i continue i do want to let you know i'm  charging a lot of money i don't anticipate that   this is for everybody um and i'm gonna talk about  some alternatives as well also me doing coaching   isn't gonna change the fact that i still create  educational content um i still stream on twitch   regularly at least four to five normally four  to five times a week is what i'm aiming for   um and i answer questions there and also i have a  sub discord which is lots of people who can help   answer a lot especially beginner questions um but  really any questions as well that i also try to   answer questions in myself so to be clear if this  is not a good financial decision for you i don't   want you to do this um don't if you have to ask  yourself probably consider not doing it anyway   and there's some really good alternatives  as well that we're gonna talk about so   um here's what the site looks like you can  book uh my personal lessons um there's a   place for accomplishments i talk a little bit  about what you could expect in coaching um and   yeah i'm limiting this to one slot a day  five days a week so um yeah i don't expect   the demand will be that high for it given um  i'm charging specifically 150 an hour and then   there's a small fee on top of that from metaphy  so that's kind of the general overview i really   do believe in the mission um i think that  i can be useful as a coach because i have   thought a fair bit about creating content in a way  that is accessible and is easy to understand so   um yeah from for now you know i get dms like  several times a day normally people asking me   to play them or to look at their teams or to look  at replays and i don't have time for truthfully to   get to all of them so this is a way for me to kind  of um set like set a cost for it and then and then   that way decrease demand for it and that way i can  actually manage it for people who are interested   now let's say you want to get coaching you're  like oh my god i really wanted coaching   um wolf's too expensive totally fair right well  i have some really good alternatives for you   first up is paul ruiz this is ralph dude for  those of you who are unaware he is the 2018   pokemon world champion and got third place at  the 2017 world championships as well so if you   want to get world champion level coaching who  from someone who's done well in multiple formats   and you don't want your boy i really do recommend  paul and he's doing this full time so he has a lot   of experience it uh with it and like i know for  example a lot of his players are doing well like   a drive was taking coaching from paul and he top  cut his second regional and got i think top 16   if i'm not much mistaken which is a big deal so  um yeah paul i really do vouch for paul he's a   great player he's got a lot of experience um and  all that and also we have aaron traylor so you   those of you watching the channel know have seen  aaron trailer he's been on the channel a couple   times but aaron for those of you who might not  be aware is kind of he's my go-to team building   partner he's like my go-to he's like my yeah just  like my my other half when it comes to petting a   pokemon right now and he's not only a phenomenal  person not only a very accomplished player he's   got second at nationals he top cut two different  world championships he got first place at dallas   regionals which is the largest tournament that  ever happened when since i've been playing the   largest official tournament and he has experience  uh with beginner content because he's been the   head like the force behind rvgc which is the right  for vgc so not only is he very accomplished player   not only does he have experience with new players  but he also is kind of my other half and we share   a lot of the same mentality and um i think that  a lot of things that i will teach aaron will also   be capable of teaching so um if you can't book  me but you still want to get good coaching i   personally vouch for both of these too i would be  shocked if you don't see results and improvement   and if they don't widen your philosophy at least  at the very least so um that's pretty much it   sorry this is a little longer than i  intended but enjoy the rest of the video goodbye all right i think we can win this one they  don't have a restricted pokemon so i'm hopeful all   right all right all right can i be no restricted  mod please let the answer be yes please let the   answer be yes oh god oh please oh lord oh please  on the interview yes oh my god one time one stupid   time you dank team please at the interview yes  please please oh please oh please please please i don't have good switches either oh  okay they're either going to flare about   me or just parting shot either one is fine  although parting shot would be kind of bad okay guard number one plus three defense lowest  not bad not bad i could actually just kill it here   if i wanted right with hydrogen kick plus body  press yeah actually i think that's a good move   just go for a kill light screen okay it doesn't  really matter it kind of matters because it's kind   of weak but whatever as long as i don't miss this  high jump kick which knowing me it probably will oh a hit surprise okay oh it'll  go down to body press now feels   good just get this thing out of  the way you know i don't want to   i don't want to deal with timidity  on top of all this other support maybe i'll just kill it now i have a chance it's cool i think this is like a decent start they  got screens up but i got possibly defense double   and i got rid of incinerator prediction we'll hit  master ball by the end of the stream yeah can we   get a prediction in chat although i guess actually  no never mind because that'll go on for a while   uh i'm not enough oh actually i have an  idea i'm gonna knuckle cotton guard here   wait i can actually do something really cool predicted yes go to me yes predictions yes i  predicted the move to happen yes i'm so good i'm honestly convinced ram care  cost of vanilla exactly absorber   clean flank is better than this no look  at the stick now look at the sick combo   i have plus six defense dub wolf it's time dump  wolf i thought you were garbage and i was wrong   i'm gonna hit them with the super  special special mega omega blast yes super special mega turbo blast yes plus six defense call me dumb wolf  because i've got plus six defense   it makes sense if you think about it   plus six plus six plus six oh max steals wait  max just likes to come back oh no double dodge it i spit on your steals my pack who ordered  this tastes awful you might be thinking   why are you boosting dub wolf's attack when when  it doesn't even have a physical move i'm gonna   baton passing this action my new strategy is just  get plus six defense station and go from there okay this one attack i'm going to demoralize my opponent  i'm going to win the mental battle bop the wolf is broken and now my final trick my final move could i just  kill this thing with plus six defense body press   yes but is that as cool no escape from your from  your prison of flesh retreat into your shell of   safety dumb wolf go use baton passy pass the baton  into kirchen so that pinkerton can live forever no no fun all right i was on the double what actually i want to know plus six body press  kills with another plus two defensive steal   spike i won't kill sorry double oh no i should  still live nice nice nice yeah plus six plus four   because here's the thing when they kill  cinderella i'm gonna go back into double   and then i'm gonna and then i'm gonna a cotton  guard again take it or leave it but mostly take   it because leaving this is not acceptable in this  household watch the taunt double they have fake   out uh even if they do it's not that bad for  me right because like i would just kill them   with body press i just want the thumbnail  you know i just want to get the thumbnail all right get ready for the thumbnail i have not won two in a row yet no cinderella   oh they got an attack boost there's  a reason hop was never champ oh no all right plus three plus six   why is that only plus three i max knuckled  three times i max knuckled three times i was   intimidated once then i got back so that one oh  i was intimidated once the time it wasn't parting   chop it was intimidating because it intimidated  the double so i was minus one to begin with i defeated daddy found out what cost   when i brought dinner to a tournament i would  just i would just blindly it was really funny oh no they copied me congratulations  you learned my move pool   now get back to work it's probably scarf right wait ditto has the same base hp or the same  hp status and you're watching more or less   so it's like pretty much identical to me what  was the restricted session okay they didn't max so that confirms that scarf ditto that's good to  know because otherwise would you like you would   move first oh you wanted speed control nothing  not d not speed control for your little all right   you're lucky not speed control not speed  control for your legs lucky reggie and lucky   i think flare will kill the the  flare will kill the lucky here   i think yeah yeah probably if it doesn't i'm kind  of in trouble if it's sash but i have to attack   here right i want to get i want to go for knuckle  obviously but um i don't think i can okay behemoth   blade i think it's probably sash though which  is a problem ditto gone okay it's one one down the issue is that i'm really only  playing with my front ones and then   okay it's good to turn back to fire type  here i really wanted to go for knuckle but   um i wasn't i'm pretty sure  knuckle wouldn't chaos so i figure okay okay that's really good that's really good  because i have speed boost and i can get an attack   boost as well if i want that's not gonna attack  boost why don't you mix pony um i didn't have   a gmax but so far sun's actually been good so i  actually think dmx might be better because gmax   is one the gore's abilities which like doesn't  really matter and you get more power like much   more power but if you you're going to use flare  more than once like freaking hit by follow   this game um then it does more damage wait who  are they maxed in corsora where are they gonna max   this game guys we may win one okay flare sashion  and then the humorous blade porcelain is down why max corso is a threat yeah please forfeit  save me some time okay it's fine still win i probably could still lose this i don't have   a top one right oh i've been coaching  i can't lose oh i did a lot of damage all right whatever's really  good whatever this game it wasn't a crit all right i gotta win i feel like one of my mom i  don't know what you do these   monsters are doing but it's not going  to dwell for me i'll tell you that much sakutaki i mean i'd rather that right why  guard an astral why would no white [ __ ] no   i don't have any spread moves are they  gonna will it's it'll willow this question so all right we're going off the  rails a little bit but it's all right how fast is indirachi it's already  called calorics i don't need   this as much 188 that's way faster than i realized yeah i couldn't even sucker punch okay okay i'm using snorlax as as speed  control here because what i have two   months i can open this uh stack attack once  dynamic sense so if i get snorlax up here then if i get if i get this i should get this  max strike off and that will drop second   take a speed but one level unless they  fly unless they fly unless they use fly earthquake superpower probably  right sword stance okay   you know what i'm gonna be honest i don't like  that very much although this is okay because   what like basically when when this all the when  this ends what happens right i got my speed drop   in the chat i don't even know if landorus one  shots me i feel like it doesn't um but i have   a speed drop on the stack attacker now and even  though it's gonna be like it plus infinite defense   which is kind of bad they have to rock fall here  if they want to kill me right i'm gonna go first   i'll go for my strongest move which is  rising voltage because i don't actually   want perfusion to survive anymore and i don't i  think it's better to click rising voltage here   yeah because i got the speed control off which  means that i can i have his action in the end   and i think that's rolex could take i don't think  we'll take a superpower okay max guard that's good   but they're earthquaking perfect that  means they can't protect this next turn okay but i got help which is good for chip the only question is how much is cinderacci with  no item versus stack attacker at plus two defense   doing with high jump kick this isn't this is  non-dynamax and i am uh i am not lightforged   i am whiter i'll be wow mulberry sixty-five  percent i think that's a kill but sasha   in close combat how much does that do  um it actually does way more holy cow   okay yeah close combat is way  more does it to this thing i don't get convinced that's  correct so we're not gonna go for it i mean to be clear what i'm  doing isn't foolproof either but   um i think it's a bit better because it also  keeps pressure off of my sort of final turn and also like since action already has a fair  bit of damage i think this is a better move   over close combat plus hailstorm and  threaten them with two really strong   superman moves i think there's a  chance this doesn't kill but like this is going to kill this relax is not strong why did i even consider that it wasn't faster  because i used max strike to lower the speed i   didn't even consider that oh i really thought  white herb i have whiter i can still win this   i'm faster i'm faster i can still win this  wait this is this isn't over wait i can   still win this i can still win this it's plus  three defense oh no i don't do as much damage   anymore i forgot about the beast boost i should  have doubled it i need to double it this turn i don't think this kills  i'm sure this doesn't kill   because i need to double it no is indirectly  hide and kick turn into fighting type come on get down yes let's go okay okay okay this is a crazy match i should have sucker punched i might miss  i hit oh my god it's christmas miracle this was just okay chat i am happy to  announce after two hours and 11 minutes   i have won two consecutive games thank you thank you please no  thanks i'll do autographs later is it focused it's probably focused  on something it's not kobe berry i mean i have to i don't know i have to  pray that it's not kobe berry i think   they don't max which implies swords dance i think yeah they have double intimidate but it'll end  up working against them with intimidating too   much the real question is like i think  a lot of this match is going to come in   or is going to depend on if i can  get rid of this move yes truthfully   i think this is like very innovative  a very important central kind of game they go for rage better alright  that's fine this is my storage   stamps which is okay i think because i  am cool kind of like just getting rid   of mungus getting uh getting a speed  boost here you know going from there okay have health see it was cobra or not  it is storage dance all right and i can't   intimidate them which is a problem however um  i do start off with a speed boost which is nice it is koba interesting okay i don't  hate that personally personally okay i really don't hear just kill  anyway let's drop quarter night   oh i did intimidate them oh wait that's really  good that's actually super good because of the   mirror armor okay okay all right i'm  just going down is huge there truthfully   yeah this is insane okay i think this turn  is fake outside max quake it could be max   airstream but i'm not too worried about mexico  stream i reflect the intimidate back again   i don't think they can afford to go for a  second stance here i think actually if they   do they'll lose instantly so i'm gonna go  for steel spike into landorus and protect   um i guess if they're like burning jealousy it  could be that bad but um yeah i just don't want   to lose mom's nest like needlessly because  i don't really have pokemon in the back i   kind of have to win with my front ones they  do like max here that's good the thing is   that they want to go for max airstream  which is like i think a decent move um i'm really just afraid of burning jealousy but i   think most vincent are on flare blitz i  don't think of anyone burning jealousy and even if they did they would still activate  my weakness policy so i might be able to still   find a way to win this i just really hope it's  fake out i really hope it's fake out i i don't   think okay okay that's fine  that's fine that's fine   and i hope i really need this to be quake i think  i think quake is just really important for me here it's not airstream quake okay i have i have a plan   the other question is auxiliary thank you very  much for the uh oh sorry papers thanks for the   gift sub i really appreciate that um [ __ ] [  __ ] [ __ ] don't [ __ ] song stop stop stop all right i mean i need to pray that i don't [ __  ] myself right because there's still enough speed   control the question is do i go after the i think  i go through the landers because i have pokemon in   the back that can ko the what else does on this  team cartonia i don't really care about right   yeah i'm gonna do this wait unless there's  a power difference all right i'll go for   extreme because it'll probably kill  actually dill willy what they knew oh they just stopped my dynamics  that's what was going on why why all right crammer let's use kramer blast i could kill the incident  won the game but that's fine okay back to baby for me i am  minus one but i'm also boosted i'm down to kill cortana i'm  super down i hate this thing   oh big damage minus one behemoth blade yes i think i don't think gordon makes it  through this turn however i think that's   okay i actually that's okay because i can  switch that [ __ ] out and reset all my drops   all right kill cortana thank you  corbin corbin you're honestly amazing uh and plus one defense and they're marginal  attack i actually live i actually live   i don't know i thought i didn't  i definitely live oh seriously   all right cinderacci in back as an actual mon if i miss hydrogen kick i might be in trouble even with a missed hydrogen  kick i think i'm still okay   i could also pirable here would i rather i guess  what i'm thinking is would i rather brave bird is   it better to braver an instant pirate ball knowing  that it might not ko i think i i'm down just to   risk hiding [ __ ] because this instant doesn't  have protect and i think ironhead will kill but   i'm just gonna use bravery to be safe oh they  didn't protect okay i think that should do it pop pop to the top all right i don't believe it but it looks  like we've won three in a row i know they   said it couldn't be done they said it  couldn't be done but here we are chat they said it couldn't be done but still type  cramarant takes another win three in a row like it's they're like not bad  because it's everyone in this   here is people who got kicked out of the top tier okay i also have no switches to this i'm hoping  that the sulfus the rolex can kind of carry me   a little bit yeah i just pretty much have to go  for i think i strike i could also hail storm and   try and kill tornados but i don't actually think  i want to give them a switch i think i want to   get speed control um kyogre at minus kyogre wait  kyogre is what 142 probably 142 or 156. let's say   it's 142 times two times two divided by three 189  oh there's water spouting me oh i actually have   speed after a strike which is good wait i actually  wait this might be okay given this turn one wait oh no probably ah maybe it depends a lot  and they're probably water spouting me right   is this specs stacks water spout tailwinds yep there's water spots can do  some damage but i am assaultfest pretty   especially bulky and dynamic so  i hope i don't take more than   40 percent that's probably that's probably  asking for too much oh let's let's go good job big damage big damage what restricted pokemon  restricted sorry i'm sorry i blinked what   restricted pokemon did you have i just i you  know you know it's just so hard to keep track   uh the issues i actually didn't want to kill  there that kill is actually really bad for me   like really really bad because i give them  a free switch in um and we really don't   want to give them a free switch in because now  cortana can come in and start wailing on my team   get it it's a whale joke or your shifu okay  close combat uh snorlax no now a cripper yeah   i really didn't want to i re no i probably lose  now i almost certainly will lose now because   um actually it depends a lot with the last boat  one is and on how the next two turns play out   hurricane yeah okay just don't confuse  me please i don't ask for that much okay   bring him down to either sash or whatever else  i would much prefer their sash here truthfully   okay they're not sash it's not good okay all right minus one speed tornadoes   i wish i had creature one because i could  have i could have stalled on the second turn   cortana wait my last one is cinderacci  this might be winnable i just wish i i am mad about the correct because i would  have dropped their speed and it's actually ko   turned to so this tornadoes would have gone like  i would have said hailstorm up and this turnout   would have gone down they would have forced both  these pokemon at the same time or close to it what are their scarf over uh they most likely  weren't but if they were they would have been   locked into weak water spout right after max  strike so it was the other crit was bad for   me and the second print was bad as well because  either like yeah i think there's a good chance   that could have survived maybe not i don't know it  might have been choice band so maybe not but even   still mental damage psychward soldier thank  you for 13 months uh yeah for the 13 months   yeah i need torn down and i need to make  sure i do yeah i really need torn down here overgrowth is fine i lose electric  terrain not a huge deal right in my opinion losing electric  train is a big deal i don't   love giving them grassy terrain either  truthfully but it's fine hurricane okay okay two turns of dynamax not a bad turn for me  let's go for a wild charge safest option here   um oh sucker punch ninja turnance   okay get some damage off okay it doesn't matter  too much of carto if precursor goes down here it   just matters that dashing k is torn they go for  overgrowth okay i should unless they confusion me   barring a confusion i'm sorry my christian but  you did so well you are actually so crucial   here you were the perfect one sucker much  to break the focus you spinning activates just don't confuse i just need to not get  confused here and i think i have this in the bag   am i confused and especially if i confuse full  confuse okay okay i think i can win from here because wait wait they probably have airstream  as well right and their plus one attack because the issue is that there's  one turn left of rain right taiwan's gone but and they have one turn  left of max and one two left of rain   i'm pretty sure that plus one close combat and  powerball will kill here i'm like pretty sure so   i think i'm down just to risk risk the miss right  this is my strongest move 120 wait 120 actually   okay the accuracy is the same and the power is  the same so i'm going to high jump kick here   and you know what if i missed then i lose  i have a 90 chance to win this game i think   yeah i just need to hit a move here oh  no i have a bad feeling about this one change the fighting type and do i connect i do  okay four in a row fires four times it rain is up   right so it's actually just two times so  so fighting in fire the same difference   all right we made an ultraviolet  here and i really have to be four in a row i guess i can't play too much   yeah i lost willow boom and i'm  playing rain this is king paulie uh okay bad lead for your boy wait you know what  i could do here actually is i could actually sack   snorlax wait that's actually not a bad move if  i think if i think that i'm getting max quick   and close combat and then what i can do here is i  can actually sack snorlax with protect ice punch   and then go cinder watching go for airstream  yeah i think this is most likely max quake plus   um oh wait that doesn't really work ah  it's not the worst idea i've ever had   not the best of you either  though to be honest to be honest   i've had better ideas had worse  ideas i've had better ideas i guess they could also be  going for something janky yeah i think i should know something  better there i just stack snorlax for   nothing basically just like for positioning was  my idea but i don't know if it actually works   oh no the air streamed oh my god okay i can't  win anymore unfortunately that's that's game over   yeah because i can just max quake me now  and i can't i can't do anything about it right i should i guess i should have  maxed there but yeah i was kind of   doomed regardless if they're gonna airstrike i  had to make a hard read and it didn't work out   um because my other play would have been just  to to hailstorm the landers and close combat   the earthship which is a pretty decent play  in my opinion um but yeah basically in this   position if they make the right play then i  should always lose i think so i have to call   the making the wrong play yeah i couldn't bring  corvette because of lucky like i couldn't lead   coordinate because we're lucky i could have  brought it in the back over comparison though   which would have at least let me like reposition  turn around protect switch the core right yeah   that would have better but also like it wouldn't  actually even better because i was just going to   get combat right so it wouldn't actually be better  i don't have a max quake here i'm fairly certain wicked hello really no i must  be seeing them at all okay so she actually attacks next so that's good i get  uh a full power beating played off this should do   this could actually do close to 50 if i was lucky okay not bad quake comes out right something's  dead unless cinderacci survives which is possible   oh and tezashian wait hang on i know it's  like kind of a meme but could i win this   right is there a chance that i can win  this because they're boosting their special   defense and like yeah i'm down two months  but um i'm gonna have boosted to narachi like i could kill landorus there but i think this  actually sets me up better i guess the question is   it's focus okay there's no way that max airstream  chaos landerus right from cindarachi   or is there a chance because  slanders isn't that physically bulky watch out he's homie okay this is my strongest move so i'm hoping  it kills like i'm really hoping wait there's   no way i win this right it depends a  lot if the last two are called kingdra wait i'm plus one speed i think  i'm speaking during range right   there's a pretty good chance i  just speak kingdom reign kingdom   obsession and their friend eleki reggie  leckie reggie leckie reggie nicki   folk we already know where the focus ash  is wait we already know where the focus   hash is so can't i just rising voltage  into the action and max flare into the   elecki wait am i gonna win this wait it's  not focused on she already took the focus ash wait wait a second   behemoth blade stop for crushing no percussion jeff sprinker survived through  the power of friendship   concursion use your strongest move  rising voltage use rising voltage what restricted pokemon what's that [ __ ] oh my  god let's go let's go let's go the christian blast like i don't know what's going on here i don't  know if his screens i don't know if it's you know   um i'm gonna airstream behemoth  blade both into her claws i guess   since this slightly straight come  on self swagger it could be bad power meteor beam oh don't tell me replace it's  meteor beam yeah it probably is a fire move but it   shouldn't one shot me maybe life or one shots me  i don't know if i will talk to me i deserve to die recreate is isn't he creating an event move  okay i maybe should have predicted in hindsight   i kind of figured that i didn't want to give  them a free turn and i figured that i wasn't   likely to get fake outed but i guess this might  have fake out might become common on grim style   that's the issue with grim stars you know  what it's going to do if it's side swagger   i'm in really good shape but i think it's  pretty likely it was an outside spider it requires a slower than my mind  as long as it doesn't fake out oh   that's probably i'd rather be thunder with than  fake out i think because i think what the turn   order here is that i get airstream off next i  think that means that i'll out speed because   plus yeah i'm still faster than this because  a base 90 right and i'm barely slower than   xerneas which is a little faster and i  think that as long as i don't get fully   paralyzed knock on wood i may even one shot  i think i want you this requires actually   so i think i actually move next and then one shot  this rayquaza unless i get fully paralyzed nope i   don't get fully paralyzed okay i think this thing  goes down i don't think it takes this combination okay well pop pop i'm not really abusing that dashian's really good  into dynamics mods it's like it's main strength   and i haven't really been doing anything  to take advantage of it okay landy comes in i mean landorus isn't that threatening anymore  it doesn't mean it's intimidating can't even   do anything to me i mean it gets actually get  somebody's action down on stage that's not bad   um i'm missing an airstream again i feel like  that's like a good move just to spam and then   i'm gonna go for a behemoth blade because i don't  want the scrims not sticking around for too long   thunder wave again okay it doesn't miss all  right well this is like vgc 2012 so i guess   now we just pray i actually  attack that's really good   they don't seem to have a battery  barrier so it's either focus or nothing okay crimson's down that means that once i  i don't have to worry it parallels this with   my back wands which is good although one of  them is indeed like they don't like oh okay   i would really like to get this air stream  off yeah no okay that's fine um i can't   really afford to switch though because i need  my speed boost or else i'm just kind of done for   entei okay and here's the last mod i'm  actually kind of in trouble i think um i don't really want to protect though   i think i'm okay as well once again once  lighters goes down i think i can win this if i can get rid of landorus i think i can  win because then i'm encouraging [ __ ] one shot   against and i don't think i'll get one shot  in return but that's gonna require at least   one more attack or it's gonna require  two more attacks that aren't paralyzed   maybe i should have prior to the philanderous but  i don't really want to leave the brimstone around   why is it oh oh right speeds okay zach  in please i really think okay i really   didn't think i was attacking there okay  behemoth blade coming off is really good   russ okay they go for rock slide most  likely they go for sword stamps okay   that's gonna be problematic it depends  a lot if cinderella gets paralyzed again okay that's good okay that should do it all right i mean we got lucky that turn  when we didn't get paralyzed right that's   the big thing if we got paralyzed turn one  this would have been really hard i could   theoretically still lose this since all my  mom's kind of lucent but whatever if we're   lucky they'll forfeit and not make me sit  through it but let's go for hygiene combat okay physical zeros yes choice panzernia  specifically all right we make guap d's uh that's   two really frustrating matches that we we should  be in master ball already but whatever it happens open christian's really important here in case  they do the nala and dd okay lucky indeed scary   scary i don't think i click cotton guard here and  i think i'm just gonna max and hit max flare get   some damage down i really want a max uh i'm  gonna max darkness here because it's still   strong and it changes me into a better type i  think this should be instant i think switching   in and then this should be either voltage or  just electrode maybe okay instant yeah yeah so once reggie lucky goes down double is  really strong right i mean it can't beat the   oh hang on a second i'm actually kinda wait  a second oh they maxed could airstream stop   to this oh no i meant for darkness instead oh  that's real bad isn't it oh that's real real bad i could air straight here i mean i still get a good attack  off here but the issue is that   i don't think max darkness does that much to lucky i could have max flared i mean it's not that  it's actually like 20 baseball difference is   kind of big not gonna lie um i'm not sure i  can actually beat the lindala in the end game   unfortunately now because i didn't bring snorlax  i totally should have brought um for lightning   inches this is going to be too much damage turn it okay i think that's light form though   please be light for tell me your life please  tell me your life it's not even lightweight it's   just that strong naturally oh my god yeah if i'd  airstreamed here i would have been in really good   shape but now i just have to go for darkness  and now i'm kind of in big trouble i think i could have body pressed but i  don't think it would have killed so i have double which can ko winston and  potentially this lucky i don't think there's   any world in which they max card here i mean  just in case i should probably air stream   right in case they max card yeah they just  fake out make sense big damage in the chat   players can't wait to rocky right yeah okay and i can't the issue is i can't break the linola  shadow shield in any easy fashion um i go into   concretion here i think and try and kill the lucky  but i think i lose luna in the end because double   can't beat it and if i get this turn wrong like  then i'm in really big trouble i'm hoping that   because i didn't protect that turn because like  they don't feel that threatened by concussion   they go for lightning into like ideally they  lightening into double here because it's like   a pretty strong threat but um if i get this turn  wrong i could be in some trouble lightning into   double okay okay and then i guess ideally holy  [ __ ] what the okay okay that's pretty bad   the berry my first berry product very  nice okay if pencil makes it through   the turn like better shape flare  blitz oh wait that's really good rising voltage kills lucky okay open curtain  all right if i break the shadow shield with   concurrencies may be able to win if  if double kills the rest of the mons   because double should one shot one double  definitely one shot symptom from here right   okay yeah this definitely kills okay i can  watch out the insert from here so i go for   body press into here and  then sucker punch into here okay soccer punch comes out it's not culveri  that's good damage that's real good damage ah oh huh that's not good i should have rising  voltage don't burn don't burn okay i can still win this right i broke the shadow shield i can kill both  the thing is i'm threatening ak on both their   mods right with sucker punch plus like sucker  punch plus cuz plus close combo with k of both   and i don't think they can allow that so i'm  gonna go for rising voltage behemoth blade here   because i think they have to switch ins and  out okay and if it's indeed your glasses   or ditto it's really good for us it's ditto okay  and they copy zashian now here's a fun little   fact about zachine that i personally like gets an  attack boost it's plus two what happens next chat   oh please kill please go please come please  kill please kill please go please kill okay when all goes down hold on  hold on hold on hold on hold on   hold on cursing concussion  concussion rising voltage okay okay okay yeah okay i had to hard to read  that turn i i had a feeling it was last year or   i had a feeling in this ditto based on how they're  playing it could have been needy though but i   thought if that was me they would have run into  block sucker punch earlier okay okay okay okay   okay i think i can win from here because i think  they have to go for i think close combat will   to ko so i go for close combat i don't have to  protect here i close combat and then i can scald and i'll win on life or recoil if they  fire blitz okay close combat how much   oh i won okay yes let's go let's go let's go  let's go let's go let's go for kirchen you're   so good people keep underestimating the  precursor killed dynamic to lucky and then   basically like chunk luna hola and then ko'd one  shot sachin let's see please i've i've suffered   a lot please let me in to master all please  let me in the master ball it's been three   and a half hours because i'm into master ball  okay rank 85 okay okay okay okay we made it uh i mean okay it's not a great lead but i mean   whatever i'm gonna get flying damage  on this thing and then go for protect   i could've gone for a knuckle there as  well yeah knuckle might have been better okay they're actually lucky here which is interesting  um i'm cool with it though truthfully i'm definitely endangered i wonder if it's covered   or not i hope it's not but  it i don't know it might be they're going for lightning okay into my is  actually okay i'm glad i protected i don't need   to actually live in this game it makes things  a bit easier but it's not needed uh the nice   thing about lightning there is also it means  that i don't have to play as scared around the   mungus because i don't i can't fall asleep right  let's see if it's covered there's life orbital   lucky so that's good to know it's cobra ivory  among us which is definitely annoying oh wait   i'm not confirmed yet not coba okay that's very  good full power max airstream no intimidate   okay that's a very very good  time to not know truthfully that's super good that i didn't ko there yeah  that's that's a real high roll because now i   can go for a knuckle into this slot and  i can also behemoth blade into this slot   i could flare here if i wanted  as well just to get sun up um   but i think knuckles fine just get attacked boost  off because basically what this does is it forces   them to either switch into incineroar in  which case they get both attacks into a   lucky and get an attack boost off um uh as they  probably can't miss action or it forces them to   rage powder behemoth played chaos mungus and  they're still going to tack off an attack boost um   which is what they're doing it looks like yes race  better comes out we're basically trading among us   for action which most people wouldn't consider a  great trade however in this position it's not bad because i still get an attack off here i'm  probably putting let's see yeah that goes   down move is going down as nice as well because  i don't want to go for later um fighting again   this move isn't that strong but it gives me an  attack boost on both my bonds which means that if   on the off chance they don't go after asha and  they're creating more problems in the future   um and based on what knuckle does uh neutral  i know that flare will kill next turn   so yeah i can actually go to concursion  this next turn and kick flare plus rising   voltage for a lot of damage go for lightning and  shukyozashian no it's syndrarchy yeah but now is   the issue i just mentioned which is that i  didn't get one shot i don't know that to crit   okay why don't you actually get one  shot for regional id i don't want to   explain that to me because from where i'm  standing it doesn't make too much sense all right uh i think i already  i think i go from curtin here i can also relax uh concurrent is the  better man right now yeah go competition   oh my gosh you want to get one shot and send  zernius actually okay that is not too bad at all   um a little confused though because i am plus  one attack uh i do think that dashing key is   at this point though i'm plus one i mean doesn't  do the questions is just neutral is that shin ko   yeah definitely kills okay cool um so  i'm plus one speed so i can actually just   rising voltage here i'm going to predict  this push out the human plate here i'm predicting there's only some shot they read that okay i hope they protect because otherwise this  is an absurdly hard read i hope they protect   okay okay that's that that is a reasonable  play that is absolutely a reasonable play   i could have doubled the slot but i  didn't expect a lucky to switch out oh no wait they're wasting my electric train turns if i killed there i would've won um i think i  think of a rise i could i could get the kill here   but i think it's better to focus down zernias fake  out into my sashing yeah i could have protected i   guess but it i'd rather have the mind game next  turn and see oh god here it comes and it's one   point faster than my plus one's actually in which  is a real problem i'm not gonna lie i need a crit okay little concussions doing a good job they  should be able to kill both here so i'm just   going to go for this although they could just  protect right how many turns of electricity are   left it's gotta be lost one right yeah um i mean  if they're good they'll just protect you right   if they dazzlingly then i okay man that's what  i thought okay all right well i called the   i've caught a lot of the moves correctly  however there's still some issues left for example i don't know if plus twos or any  ski has me from here probably does right with   thousand gleam specifically certain yes thousand  william plus two it actually doesn't knock ko   wait uh max damage is 107 that's a hyrule   so i could i could hope that they make a  mistake and go for dazzling gleam if i if i all right they need they have a a 13 and  16 to komi or it should not kill me so   with dazzling gleam so with that in mind i'm  going to go for behemoth blade because i need   to go for moonblast and this gives me a free  solution to lax which is kind of important here they weren't for the double because they don't  speak tears wait they went for the double oh my   god they threw they actually threw are they only  through if they're not max speed or if they're if   they are if they are max speed otherwise yeah  they couldn't win all right we won wait we're   mine's one from cc but we still have daz in the  wind we died at moon blast but we're not faster   than them unless they are if they're assuming  they're timid max speed which based on this   plane they're probably not let's jump that [ __  ] i don't this person wasn't sniping to be clear no snorlax dodge it yeah like i think if you like to switch dynamic  trajectory out and then gm and see in front of   plus one speed is actually in  plus one attack sashing and   concursion i think it's pretty  questionable if you're human   seeing that term but protective switch  makes a lot of sense in my opinion that so yeah like it's a totally like man  thunder is a problem is it just me listen erect   us kong i'm gonna give you a secret everything is  a problem for this team my best my third my second   best pokemon my third best pokemon is concurrent  do you wanna no my third best pokemon is that [ __   ] do you understand what that means for my team  kirsten's the best pokemon on this garbage team do you understand what i'm working with here  we're not having fun this isn't for fun you   understand that this is this this is this is  punishment i am i am i am better playering   my way through this horrible ladder it's like  i'm like sisyphus pushing a boulder up a hill   i'm not winning because my team is better i'm not  even winning because my team is slightly worse i   am dragging this god awful a set poorly assembled  excuse for a team through the ranks of master ball   the team is not helping me we are not the  t the team is not on my side right now okay that's actually good maximum d yes  maximum dd yes yes i hate you i hate you indeed i hate you you're my enemy  indeed more like out dude   why is it blue i don't have time for this  morning okay time for relax so who would win   two pokemon two legendary pokemon fused via the  power of friendship and carrots or one rotund boy   the answer may surprise you they help i  can't max mindstorm into my stupid snorlax if they a reasonable play is helping  handmax goes try and watch out sashim   i have a feeling they're trying to wait they  didn't follow me when i couldn't max darkness   yeah they took so long i was like i was like well  i hope it was worth it hey nice job nice job for   your helping hand life or max move i hope it was  worth it i hope you feel good about yourself simon   i knew you were my worst enemy my worst enemy  i hate to simon great simon now you're going to   make us break out this huh really mature really  mature simon huh now what simon now what are you   going to do what are you going to help again this  turn oh we're going to help again max go are you   gonna follow me max ghost mization how original  huh how original simon if that's even your name simon what do you have to say for  yourself that's what i thought   no answers from simon take all the  time you want i already made my moves   and the move is snorlax is going to use snorlax  blast it's going to activate the quick clock   it's going to ignore it's going to use stall work  i'm going to i'm going to use the stalwart ability   and then i'm going to oh now they follow  me real mature simon really mature any other complaint simon huh huh simon what's the rest of this team because i  don't think i can beat it since i did   switch damage so they're probably  going to one shot my action here   with phantasm oh quick uh that  probably yeah definitely one shots uh we're trading we're trading this  i got two and they only get one   so is it gonna come down to concurrent can you  assign what like auntie simon blaster i think   don't remember any other pokemon or team but i  know that i have encouraged them to do pretty good   i have encouraged you to have  cinderacci i know they have cortana   see simon this is why didn't you do the wide  and you could have just lost your mom turned   one you're gonna make a prediction no no  predictions stop doing that stop predicting   just give me the look okay i i  have suffered you don't understand i hate you landorus you're a bad pokeman if  this is thunderous we're gonna have a bad time   we're gonna have a bad time really quickly  temple finney tupperware temperature temperature   thundurus volt oh noe i'm earthquake food  um okay i need i need to hit landorus   with a with a with a blast move hey  i'll start into landi oh my god i'm   playing vgc whatever whatever again 2015  2213 whatever okay simon you and me mono   or whatever you identify a whatever i identify  which is mono i think mano is hand oh yes i oh i thought it was okay no protection  snow let's use northwest norway please   survive please survive please  drive earthquake what's first   oh over here too bad i have super special super  special what am i saying superpower oh lord that   drops their defense wait that drops their defense  i'm pretty sure i one shot with firewall ah but   never hits all right gg i lost never hit never i  don't even need to calculate i know it kills but   i also know it won't hit wait i should calculate i  should calculate because what if i need to suck a   punch so that way i can feel you worse when i miss  uh it's a roll i should probably suck at punch oh wait it's actually no i'm sorry wait hang on  wait um it is not a roll actually i count wrong   fireball oh it's minus two wait hang on okay i'm  i'm totally choking my calcs minus one uh it's a   68 chance to oco i don't need to roll go for the  roll because i have sucker punch and make it 100   unless they want to get like yeah unless they have  like fun they they may have thunder wave no no not the real no knows because i ain't gonna  miss because of firewall alright whiter was   so broken sucker punch go you sucker punch  blast bop next move please hit please hit   oh i won okay simon thank you thank you  direction okay that was way too close   and this is why i didn't bring concursion in this   is why i brought concussion another and knox  indirectly it's one of the reasons at least   because i wanted to save whiter just in case  something weird happened two in a row wow i like that that's the one i burned  at this point in the in the night   bring it home for the homies for the team  para cool oh oh wait rising voltage is that   the target is on the ground okay well  good burn actually it saves me a turn all right wait ups and rochester moving top 50 oh whoa whoa wait hold on hold on that  was a huge jump that was 40 ranks it was 40 ranks i kind of want to max knuckle stuff i can max  flare but i really want speed control but if   i get max lightnings is that how bad is that this  max i don't want a max flare actually um my brain   is really turning off oh my god what are they  thunderbolt max quake and i lose both my mods like   zappos is more threatening here all my mods lose  to zapdos so you probably should target it down i just like can't kill it as the issue  yeah if zappos maxes i'm in trouble i think   okay they go for nothing okay just kill  it can we get landy which is good i guess   ideally they're heat waving so they can double  burn me quick all right not bad gamer landorus   is still good in my opinion getting a speed  boost here i probably died a thunderbolt though yeah i really need to get rid of zapdos  if everyone is up this is winnable   but i have to take an attack  here which is really bad like real bad yeah i should i could have knuckled but  i was afraid airstream okay fine remember   which one brings burnt yep maybe both maybe  both nope just one fun game by the way   really glad that i played this game i'm glad  my cinderella got burned so that was this   three out of four he uh heatwave burns by the  way flappers the grumpy yeah i'm grumpy lapras   is there any way for me to win this  because i can't do damage anymore   i'm pretty sure they're maxing here so  i'm going for if i hadn't been burned   this game would be free but i got burns now this like this is just this is honestly insane  it's not even gmax it's d-max lapras oh   my god so i think i think that max or the  plus one behemoth blade was 70 is my guess this game sucks if i hadn't been burned there i would have just  killed the zapdos that's what sucks because then   i could just go with concussion but no i can't  get that i just have to be in this position now   um i have no way to win this that's the  truth can one shot this lapras but i   won't i don't think kosher will survive  they'd have to make a big mistake here   and even if i survived like they would  basically need to they'll go for like a   double max guard or something stupid because  i can't kill them i can't kill the zapdos see if that was max flare i could be i  could be this happens to be dead by now and i could have stalled out with  concursion and you know beating the   lapras in one versus one but oh  missus i missed the wrong target oh my god please into snirachi please  mr arachi not the ocean   there is absolutely no freaking way i win  this right all right dmx lapras okay hold on there's no way i win this right i don't want this because i don't think life or concursion is doing   if i had made it into one versus  one i might have been able to win but i the burn damage unless i want  to call it double protect but i don't i mean with a crit maybe yeah not huh wait a second no way no way no way no way i have to call a 50 50. in  terms of who they go after well all right i guess the stream's not over what type is on this stream oh okay i don't know that happened there's  zap this was slower than my corvo knight um okay current rank is like i  don't know 45 or something no it's the one okay that's the issue oh no oh no wait i think the cursing is slower than turquoise  which is actually really bad right about now   like really bad like all right nice try when you saw not today okay okay big damage no drop no drop oh okay  i killed the twerkle wait that's really good oh but in exchange it gets something pretty  dangerous which is there to go back in for free   but i don't think i got one shot by your  shifu wait hang on a second what do i do here   because it might be close it might be choice   vendors in which case i could just  lose my max like immediately right spectre oh that's quite good i think i want  a max strike here to get the speed control   yeah percussion already killed twerkle so it  already did its job i max structures to cover   for a switch as well if they max venus venusaur  they're gonna be in for a really bad time like a really bad time i'm not gonna lie down okay  of course now granted they're still in for a bad time i do want to set the hail up  at some point maybe next attack because the hail will cover for focus saturation  which is going to be a problem i could just one   shot the thing but i actually think getting  speed control is more dangerous for them   so if they hadn't maxed conversion one shots  here i actually beat for this specifically so that's why like sucker punch here is  actually pretty good because it covers options like as you can see it will be 50 exactly so  yeah i would have killed if they hadn't maxed   which given this is a percussion that's going down  this turn anyway like it's not bad at all right and i actually think them turning off priority  moves here is kind of bad for them because they're   pros really going for psychic oh although now  they put me to sleep so i just be a little careful yeah actually to be careful here oops nice grip  by the way um i probably should go for darkness   that venusaur doesn't have protect so actually  i just have a free kill here if i want it yeah i can just uh strike and then   okay ah okay interesting i quit them i would have  preferred not to get there truthfully um it's   not sash that which is interesting so we know  that the last one is actually with sash right   so i can actually go into sashim who's better  here chrome is action and i can click behemoth   blade into the big for me come on yeah i think  this actually should always i think i have not   a guaranteed one but pretty close to it i think  this is fine because they'll probably close   combat and kill me and max guard but then i go to  cinderacci and then i get to go for i can actually   bounce in this position bounce speaking of blade  and then oh actually let me kill them okay cool yep exclamation point just  scorched you on the discord you tell me you know i never pulled an all-nighter  in college but apparently perfect urchin is uh i'm willing to do it let's combat yep  this is not choice been though so actually   is just weaker than i i had less hp than i thought my favorite thing about cinderella is that psychic  train doesn't have any perfectly accurate moves   so i could still like close combat uh i don't  think loose comic kills as soon as focus   concursion underrated from christian honestly has  been so good so good what's wrong with him with   blade all right this is a win two consecutive  wins i'll go from powerball so i can miss where   i thought to poke yeah i mean it's probably one of  its better seasons like because i can actually get   a max water move but yeah i mean i don't know how  good it is actually really good back in the day kyogre tornadus yep torn this snorlax was really bad when i was testing  this team i like never maxed it but it's actually   pretty good today yeah alex it's been it's  been an adventure and by adventure i mean   truly a horrifying humbling experience  it makes me question my limitations   question why i pokemon in the first place  do you think cole's probably good to go this   season yeah i do i think you pair it with  i think you pair it with kyogre and euster   and you get strong surf and you  get cold it's a really good idea   who are they gonna max that's my question this  is my question to you the people at home watching   learning absorbing information who are they going  to max if i take too much damage i'm in trouble   specifically if i take enough damage on all  four my mom's get kayode in trouble i hope they   taunt snorlax uh oh okay that's fine waterspout  shouldn't do that much no dodgers snorlax snorlax good job snorlax return and by returning using  back strike please don't quit please don't quit   please don't quit oh excellent great damage uh  that's probably not for being with blade right   i probably don't need to use a wire charge here  yeah oh yeah it usually kills okay cool i'm gonna   use behemoth blade and hailstorm here here get  both chaos but that gives them a double switch is   that what i want they go into what lele um i think  it's fine because i should have trouble counting   both my bonds i just need to remember to take  smart trades from here on out i also definitely   want hell up because there's a chance that oh  it's super slow torn okay okay kill kyogre not bad   nice restrictive mom by the way although honestly  going down here is kind of good for them because   i get two turns of tail one left to go for foul  play okay this is actually it actually does a   lot of damage all right that was a ton of damage  although i honestly did about as much as hurricane   would have done so it's not that much i guess  hellstar comes out uh i'm not in danger of beat   up anymore okay they don't have focus ash that's  good because it means i might have broken a focus   elsewhere and i have cinderacci and concursion  in the back so i have two turns left to speak   and full to deal with my snorlax is relatively  healthy my zachine is relatively healthy and   they don't have reggie lucky um so it's  probably taraki on lele or it's probably   not umbreon it's probably tracking on lately  right that's what we expect in this position there's a little character on and next up is  the lele no that's not really oh goldarian   zapdos was right um cool so this thing is  defiant which is kind of an issue right   i really think i'm in danger here but  i'm going to go for hailstorm plus this   because i have cinderacci so if i can't even  deal with the zap like if zapdos maxes it's   much more dangerous than a dragging on max's  oh they didn't max thunder is kicked into houst   oh wait i might kill zapdos here justin i  survive wait i'm pretty sure it kills a zapdos   earthquake huh what went back okay but they haven't maxed yet so we're going to be  careful are their life work no life or that's good   okay zap this focus hash  but i set hell up so it dies   okay um so again to prevention they  can kill me with max quake right that was my last turn to challenge  two uh which is kind of concerning i'm wondering if it's proper to wait i could actually still lose this i'm not sure  of the damage output actually i think i should be   good because high jump kick does a ton of damage  i'm just gonna go for my offense moves here   high horsepower plus rising voltage because if i  protect then i would be in really bad shape right   like if they just like max knuckled then i could  lose so i think i'm gonna go for damage if they   they can ko one one but not both yeah well now  they definitely can kill both because i can only   attack one and knuckle okay that's better we'd  rather they knuckle here because yeah they kill my   snorlax but they have to take full power rising  voltage and rising voltage is not a joke at all   i could have scalded but i actually  think rising voltage is stronger   may come down to if i can get a hydrogen kick  though rising voltage how much does does this   do chat ton of damage not gonna lie um what's  nice about that damage by the way is that in   order to survive like let's say i missed high jump  kick which is the only way they can win because   someone ends the string um the only way that they  can survive a high jump kick is if they go for   i guess if actually never mind like because if  i missed they could probably come with rockfall   and go from there um there's two turns of max left  so i'm just gonna go for a hydrant people kill but   it might miss i only win this 90 of the time with  that move and then i can go for rising voltage   here i jump kick i change the fighting  type do i connect i do okay gg all right yeah concursion has been so good all right i'm  gonna check my ranking p well check my ranking   return my water p and then come back four  in the morning do you bring double i do i i   might bring it here foreign for urchin  food but to take care of my boost anyway   all right that's like the worst case scenario i  think what does the chat think they're going to go   from max yeah they're going to max their spectre  or max post myself and then lower mice and relax   his defense and possibly get the oco but i i can't  switch or sack or anything so i have to go for max   strike and pray that i survive oh god this might  be this literally might be an auto loss oh god i   need i i hope that max norris can take it might  as well combat i think i think it can take one oh i 500 hp i really should be able to take one  but i'm not that bulky and i actually don't know   if i take one oh god i hope they double my like  max quake would be good here max mindstorm would   be fine okay okay that's great that's great  that's really good that's super nice honestly honestly next quake get some damage down it's probably light for they did a lot of damage  i'm not super familiar with this thing though   i've never actually used the slight forward we  go for combat relax okay i would have survived   but it would have been pretty narrow um and now i  get to go for strike which tells me oh no tell me not too much okay this is cool um i lower the speeds with this so now zachine can  one shot the calorics which is interesting um like   basically like i get to pick which of my pokemon  survive this turn maybe it wants action to survive oh wait this could backfire pretty  hard oh no i should have killed thee   or shampoo wait actually depends a  lot on what they go into because now oh that's really good i need damage on this  thing okay okay it's not great of course because   they're gonna kill me but um it's actually  quite nice because now i just need to oh ooh i did that oh i'm sorry  i'm sorry i just i did that   all right i think this might also be a  pinkerton diff but reggie like he was   the most threatening mod on this team  so i'm super not upset to see it gone so i could go into syndrome here but i'm not gonna  do that for two reasons the first is that i no   longer need to worry about some electric train up  because um i've chaoticy the second is that if it   goes to narachi they're gonna expect sucker punch  and they'll probably make a defensive play to get   around it it won't get me anywhere with concursion  i have the opportunity to potentially just get the   ko for free right because if they don't expect  sucker punch um then i will ko them right   awkward okay they figured they were going  on anyway may as well get some damage   i figure congress is the strongest mod in the game  are you for this i believe he's an attack for that   thank you for coaching i love you oh my god yeah you viewed for that it's not it's not a roll   all righty let's go all right that was number  nine that we won so maybe top five if we're lucky gg good job encouraging yeah see if we've gone to  narachi they would have switched and that would   have made our lives very difficult and would have  made it would have forced a mind game but because   we didn't we knew that they didn't expect us  to oco with concurrchen that i could just win   the game immediately and and just like that  that was nice okay we're ranked number one bad   ideally it's like torque venusaur but it's  probably insane that looks like it's into me   groudon cheering is actually not terrible um   all right but this is physical oh right that's  kind of bad i actually think my best move here   is to say all right like the most fitting thing  they can do is to max right or yes to max the max   quake here not not actually go for christmas  blades so i'm gonna go for hailstorm skull   expecting max quake i would have to somehow  make it through the attack but if i can get   a burn here i'd be in such good shape they go  for a helping hand okay this is helping him   keyblades but i don't think protecting was that  helpful for me truthfully they go for p blades   they hit both sorry and they decimate snorlax  okay that's real bad i think we lose actually   uh we might be able to still win this i shouldn't  let snorlax take so much damn i should let fashion   or something all right we technically trade  one for one um and i got hail up which is nice   and i killed the yeah we took my trade  one for one which actually could have   been could have been worse right i have to go  dashing in next though which is kind of scary the chairman goes down get a little bit of  ship damage on the groudon don't hit the   ground on no i needed to get rid of the  chairman because it was giving special   a physical attack boost  the whole to the whole team yeah the charm's ability powers it up so yeah  the nice thing is that incineroar is the worst   pokemon that can push in here for me and if  it's cinderella which is in then that means   they have another defensive piece okay so i mean  it's the worst case scenario but it's the best of   the worst case scenario right um if that makes  sense yeah groudon just too much i should have   led i truly don't really have a good answer to  groudon right like i did i kind of did the best   thing i could because i can't intimidate it right  they might even switch out here a party shop might   snorlax i could have called that but decided not  to they do max here i wonder what they're using   i mean honestly max grove if they mix groudon  and mess up their thing this could be winnable   okay max groudon i'm like so close that's  what that's what's things about this is i'm   really close with this but it's i think i'm  too far away if this is like fire punch maybe should fake it i think unless  they hard to read me no think okay   if they fire punch here max  flair quick okay interference is that [ __ ] okay do a ton of damage the question is how much damage does first of all   how much students is actually  in close combat doing twitch because this is doing like nothing right it  was intimidated and dynamics actually didn't   do zero i think i'm just just close combat and  max hailstorm again i think that's the play   this is a pretty good chance  to ko into incineroar i think if this kos we may have a chance at  this all right we're still alive somehow   like somehow someway we are still  we start we are still in this   they're going to get them on here  most likely flare it's a hoost   it's actually okay but they reset the hail so it's  two versus two i could have actually given them   the sun so i can kill them with cinderachi that  would have been another good move it all depends   on what the last one is here because if the last  one is torque we're actually in pretty good shape   i got a little bit more shift damage off on  this groudon it's a two versus two groudon's   at about fifty percent um i don't think i can win  this but it all depends on what the last mod is   truthfully it's uh it's gonna be a last month  here i don't think i can win this though   truthfully because i'm out of dynamics and i do  cinderachi still but i should if i just the worst   part is if i sucker punched earlier it might have  actually made a difference here with my concursion   rather than going for skull if the last one is  or which is what kind of expect personally it   is venusaur okay and venusaur's not focused  that she's the other interesting thing here wait i might live take that oh no oh no no no because i can kill  the venusaur but then i lose to the   groudon can one shot me i think it might come down  to whether or not i can take a fire punch which   i don't ah wait it's not snap wait this may be  winnable wait this actually might be winnable   but in a perfect world bound like venus or ko's  snorlax bounce chaos venusaur and then groudon   doesn't want shots indirachi and then powerball  kills because it's not it's not boosted it's not   like it's not stab it can't use its ground moves  it can only use fire punch which shouldn't kill me   without a crit or a burn such  one comes out kayla's lacks oh god this is so tense i can also just miss  bounce and instantly lose i hit okay i kill   i don't kill thunder punch oh it didn't  even matter i just left your train boosted was there anything better i could do there they  max flared me i could have hire if i i needed   a pirate ball groudon on that turn i needed a  double ground with pyroball plus um i should have   known they weren't going to max quake i should i  should have known they weren't going to max pick   or even hydro kick was okay i think remember  we were number 10 we peaked at number five   we were in the top 10 a couple times and we're  probably finishing like top 30 if i had to guess   20 okay 20th all right not bad not great but  not terrible thank you for watching i'm gonna   get some sleep um and end this thing here but  i hope you all enjoyed watching um thanks for   hanging out i know a lot of people were were here  for the whole time so i really appreciate that uh   if you need to sleep as well i feel you let's  go record some rest together and good night bye you
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 343,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, twitch, twitch streams, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, pro gamer, gaming, gamer, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, hop, hop pokemon, pokemon hop, hop pokemon team, wolfeyvgc #1, wolfe glick #1, #1 pokemon team, pokemon team #1, hop pokemon team competitive, can you get to #1 in the world, How I Got to #1 in the world with, pokemon world champion
Id: 6ZLfyD6PgeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 33sec (5313 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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