How I Trolled a Pokemon Unite Tournament...

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as with many great stories this one begins with  the dm from advanced memor and antarctica's   number one heartthrob alpharad alpharette had  decided to host a tournament in pokemon unite   and was inviting content creators of all different  genres and sizes to participate in the spectacle   i played a fair bit of pokemon unite when the  game came out but stopped playing completely   several months ago however i'm a person who  likes to commit to things fully so when i got   my invitation to this prestigious tournament i  broke out my switch and started to practice now i   know what you're thinking i don't know anything  about pokemon unite so why would i watch this   video fear not beloved viewer for i will give you  all the knowledge you require to understand this   beautiful and chaotic game pokemon unite is a moba  style game the same genre as league of legends   that means it's a team game with five players  on each side trying to work together to best   one another the goal of the game is to  score more points than your opponents   which you can do at goals around the map each  side begins with five goals though if enough   points are scored a goal can be destroyed how do  you get points you ask it's quite simple actually   wild pokemon spawn regularly across the map and  knocking them out yields some points that you can   use to score knocking out both wild pokemon and  your opponents also gives experience just like in   the main series of pokemon it's this experience  that often determines the winner of the game   typically a team that is higher level will have a  significant advantage against a lower level team   the map is evenly divided into two equal halves  players knock out the wild pokemon on their own   side of the map and then meet in the middle to  try and ko the neutral wild pokemon and each other   the last thing you need to know is that  there are three primary zones on the map   the top bottom and middle lanes the jungler is  typically the most influential role as because   they aren't sharing experience with a teammate  they're often the highest level on their team   so you should now have an understanding of how  pokemon unite works players k a wild pokemon to   get experience and earn points which they dunk  at goals around the map fighting over the wild   pokemon in the center i had a few weeks to  prepare for the tournament but i wasn't sure   which character i wanted to play i have the most  experience with venusaur who is great at doing   damage from a distance and talonflame who excels  at finishing off low hp targets i was going back   and forth on which character i wanted to play  when i got a dm that though i didn't know it at   the time would go on to change my life a simple  message from one of my best friends aaron traylor   it was a link to a twitch vod from goof  one of the best unite players in the world   in this vod goof uses greeden to sprint all  the way across the map at the start of the game   totally ignoring the wild pokemon on his team  side of the map and instead begins doing his   utmost to steal the wild pokemon from the opponent  deep in enemy territory goof specifically targets   the enemy team's jungler as they are typically the  most influential role in the team and despite the   opponent's best efforts he makes off with lots of  experience from the opponent throughout the game   for me it was love at first sight this  is a totally unorthodox way of playing   the game and goes against nearly every standard  convention for how the game should be approached   moreover greeting is probably the only character  who can successfully pull off such a heist   before it evolves it uses tackle a move that  allows you to dash with a very short cooldown   because of the length of the dash and the short  recharge time squovet is one of the only pokemon   if not the only one that can make it all the  way across the map before the opponent has ko'd   their important wild pokemon and once squoven  evolves into greeden it truly becomes a menace   tackle is replaced by a move i  am personally very familiar with   stuffed cheeks stuffed cheeks has greed and  throw multiple oranberries in front of it   which it uses to heal itself and move faster with  the move with both healing and increased speed   greedon is nearly impossible to catch  making it a very slippery burglar indeed   oh and did i mention that when greedon attacks or  takes damage it also throws out those orenberries   it probably goes without saying but people were  not very happy to play against greeden in the   tournament part of the reason i chose to use this  strategy is that i thought our opponents wouldn't   be prepared for it in the tournament i wouldn't  know how to approach it using greedon in this   way is very volatile if you run across the map  don't ko any of the opponent's wild pokemon and   get knocked out you'll be in a really bad position  also you're weakening your own top lane as instead   of having two team members you only have one that  being said after talking it over with my team we   decided the risk was worth the reward speaking of  this tournament was a 5v5 you can't play pokemon   unite by yourself our team was as follows rickles  played jungler using talonflame outputting lots   of damage and finishing off low hp foes aaron  was half of our bottom lane duo using cinderace   as a ranged damage dealer to wear foes down over  time and generally be a nuisance to our opponents   joining rickles in the bottom lane was scooch  playing the all-important tank role as snorlax   scooch would open up team fights by stunning  opponents and keep them away from important   objectives with block last but certainly not least  was moxie who would be holding down the top lane   on his own with serena while i was off on my  jungle adventure serena functions by fighting up   close with the opponent and excels at sustaining  herself during extended drawn-out fights   we decided on the team name team pikachu  as none of us knew how to play pikachu   most of my teammates had played a bit  at launch and then stopped shortly after   scooch actually had never played the game until  around 10 30 pm the night before the tournament   and stayed up late grinding to make sure he  could unlock the eject button item i had the   most experience on the team so i ended up serving  as shot caller directing my teammates to different   parts of the map depending on what was happening  in the game the night before the tournament the   five of us hopped on a call to introduce ourselves  and get some practice in we played for about two   hours and then called it a night to make sure we  were well rested for the big day the next morning   and just like that the tournament was finally  here the tournament used a round robin format   with each team playing each of the other  seven teams one time in a best of one game   this further strengthened my strategy of using  greedon as opponents would not get a chance to   react and would be even more likely to be  caught off guard by the squirrel burglary   before we jump into the matches please  consider subscribing currently only about   six percent of my viewers are subscribed  and i'd really love to get that number up   anyway here's how the actual tournament went our  first opponents would be conor esports comprised   of conor eats pants emeroo stanz ee and amaranth  now at this point we hadn't actually decided if   we wanted me to play greeden or not however in a  brilliant call from rickles we decided to do it   oh i'm nervous best of one man that's the  one i believe in us and if we don't who cares   oh well we lose the match started and i saw  something absolutely terrifying if it's jungle   zero i might not be able to make it in time  because he has the fluffy tail but we'll get i   mean nothing to do now right let's just we'll have  to go for it there wasn't time to change so i ran   across the map and promptly stole their ko i stole  it wait there's like carter's getting invaded   two more team members came to stop my  attempted robbery and i was knocked out   three of them on me there's  three of them i'm gonna die okay big collapse big collapse you guys got it  i trust you yeah they do have skits which is   very cringe what our opponents didn't realize  though was that this was also part of the plan   by leaving their lanes i was serving  as a decoy allowing my teammates to   get more of the shared experience and  score some goals where's my back up the fact that they came into our side that quick  show of confidence that i was not ready for   after i revived i headed straight back into the  enemy jungle to take more of their wild pokemon   the squirrel is still in our jungle this [ __ ]  squirrel yeah okay he's dead he said he's saying   dude this squirrel sucks he's so bad at the game  with the early experience we gained via my heist   we secured the first major objective without  issue giving our whole team bonus experience with   the early experience drastically in our favor we  killed their entire team secured articuno and one   handily starting off with one win and zero losses  our opponents however were less happy whoever was   playing the stupid squirrel i don't know what's  wrong with like what what is that what does that   thing even do we'd won the first round but our  journey had only just begun our next match was   against the washington pokemon team comprised  of arty adriana hotcat josh and jesus because   the first round had gone so well we decided to go  with greed and special heist for round two as well   i'm just saying here by the way credent is a  bastard try not to chase oh yeah i took my saunter   across the map into enemy territory and once again  burgled the opposing jungler i'm wrestling i stole   it i stole it right in the jungle help help help  help help oh yeah i'm coming i'm coming back   sorry i'm oh oh my god what's going on so far  forward just like in game one i was ko'd after   my little escapade but the decoy had once again  been successful because aldegas had come up to   help the opponent's bottom lane was exposed and my  teammates took wild pokemon and even scored early   uh they're they're stealing all the kills here  i'm coming i'm coming coming after i respawned   i ran to the top lane and helped my team nearly  break the top goal within a few minutes of the   match starting you guys score you shoot score  i'll try nice job i'm gonna go take jungle again   i headed back into the enemy jungle but this  time i was thwarted and failed to ko the stantler   before being knocked out despite being weaker than  the previous game my teammates had made great use   of my decoy status and were stronger than normal  and we turned that early advantage into not only   the first dreadnought victory but also ko'd  most of their team and broke the bottom point   nice job super nice job okay let's push this kill  one nice score oh i got owned you guys go top i'm   going into the jungle with the experience lead  we secured rotom broke their top point and nearly   broke their second point as well i went back into  the jungle and things were looking grim all five   opponents stopped doing their objectives in order  to try and stop me unfortunately for them i was a   bit too slippery and escaped despite their best  efforts there's all five on me but i'm making it that's so bad it's a robbery we had a huge lead and felt good  going into articuno which is exactly when disaster   struck our team was totally out of position and  three of our members got ko'd quickly we answered   back by ko and most of their team which is when  i made a bad call i told my team to go score   leaving articuno totally undefended the opposing  team took the crucial bird and things were looking   grim they scored several hundred points and  we waited with baited breath to see the result yeah miraculously we've been doing so well for the  rest of the game that even though we lost articuno   we still ended up winning our opponents had caught  on to our strategy after the match but thankfully   it was best of one so they wouldn't have another  game to adapt i think the problem there was the   green and it's just like the amount of time so  it's like it was just one of us in length two   people were chasing green we were off to a strong  start but things were about to get difficult our   round three opponents were seal team six which is  one of the favorites to win the whole tournament   toxic eternity scott falco floyd jome and drumsy  were the team members and my teammates and i were   especially worried about void he is incredibly  talented at games across genres and would be   playing sarina one of the most powerful characters  in the game we knew what we had to do and once   again i rushed across the map to meet my fate  stole it for the first time i was able to take   both of the important wild pokemon of the enemy  jungler i got both jungle i got both jungle i even   made nad alive this time unlike my last two games  we were off to a much better start i ran back into   the enemy jungle before their jungler returned  and made off with another buff enter void void had   had enough of my antics and had joined me in the  jungle to make my life more difficult got it huge   huge i didn't get it yeah we fought for a while  over the first dreadnought but void came in at the   last second and finished it off putting us behind  an experience for the first time all tournament   that early advantage snowballed and the enemy team  took a second dreadnaugh further compounding our   deficit we went into zapdos losing and the  other team wasn't going to attack it for us   i realized at a crucial moment that their  greninja had left to go score and because the   enemy team was so tanky that meant their only  damaging pokemon left was void playing serena   our whole team began furiously hammering at zapdos  and aaron as our cinderease finished it off it's   all it's really low go go go come on okay now go  score one score what's going on even with zapdos   it wasn't clear if we'd won somehow with a margin  of exactly 100 we'd manage to clinch victory let's go dude you guys are nuts we were  ecstatic and we were also the only team that   hadn't lost a game after the first three rounds  feeling confident we plunged into round four   round four was against team tropius comprised of  family jewels tier zoo major duncan rubber ross   and ouija the god we had way more experience  with the game than them going in and after   our strong start we were feeling confident ross  just got the game last night well so did scooch   so and he already has a jackpot yeah the script  is godlike you know the draw at this point i run   across the map steal the enemy pokemon and cause  mental damage to the opponent uh well that's   unfortunate i have been uh counter-jungled  it happened oh that's a big problem oops   god damn it man how do you prevent this from  happening chad took some more farm went down   to score and headed back into the enemy jungle  before their jungler returned to take more of that   delicious farm this is the his character what do  you do i was somehow already a higher level than   their jungler when typically greedon is one of the  lowest levels on the team we were so much stronger   that we broke their bottom goal before dreadnought  had even appeared we melted dreadnought within 10   seconds further solidifying our lead we continued  controlling the map for the rest of the game and   when articuno came up we won an extended team  fight and wiped their whole team we came out   articuno and went to score solidifying our win  with a margin of over 700 points with this we had   crossed the halfway point of the tournament and  were still undefeated round five however filled   me with dread we were up against imagine dragons  which had not only the child of chaos himself   alpharad but also my giga brain friend aaron  zhang aaron was even scheming before the match   began jacob i need you to watch this video this  is it this is like what video do you have for me   okay we run in circles rounding out the team were  several other big threats and atriox overly may   and captain kidd we knew this match was going  to be tough but there was nothing else to do   except take a cheeky stroll across the  jungle and well i still got it are you so mad i wasn't satisfied with just one buff so i took  a core fish and then went down to grab bouffalon   2. i saw another i sold both jungle camps guys he  took both my buffs i'm this is a problem yeah this   is uh i don't know what to do three of them work  together to end my little escapade but the damage   was done not only because i denied them crucial  experience but also because while they'd been   chasing me my teammates had secured nearly all  of a fresh bout of normally contested experience   i went back into their jungle took ludicolo and  evolved i was still hungry so i took buffalo on   two jacob was understandably less happy i don't  know okay he can't kill greed i don't have any   of my buffs we killed him we've done it we even to  wolf glick to pull the cheesiest trap imaginable   despite our experience lead our opponents worked  together and made a coordinated push breaking our   bottom point before dreadnought went up we lost  dreadnought and were once again on the back foot   we managed to secure the next dreadnaught evening  things up a bit going into articuno we then   performed my favorite fortnite strategy and all  hidden a bush and just like when i play fortnite   it didn't end well the opposing team once again  secured zapdos and things were looking grim we ko   three other team members and sprinted to go score  whatever point we could after we scored we dropped   back to play defense and sent moxie sneakily  across the map as a second wave of offense we   defended our point successfully and moxie scored  100 points in the final seconds of the match   earning us the victory nice job everybody yeah  even though we won i think i did mental damage   to alfred which i felt bad about chad's saying  i threw i don't think i threw i think i just   got outplayed by wolf for me the greedy strategy  is always a bit inconsistent and the fact that i   stole nearly every buff was definitely a bit lucky  nonetheless i had chosen this criminal's path   and it was way too late to have regrets we ran  into round six knowing that one more win would all   but guarantee us the top spot around six opponents  were team australia made up of serenite cj caleb   hiles feymata and poppet there was a lot on the  line i have to obliterate my girlfriend i feel bad   on top of that team australia had fae  who was a good friend of mine and an   especially talented gamer i've played  several games with faye including smash   battleship and unite and she's better  than me at all of them that being said   i was determined to do my best so i took my  little jog into enemy territory once more   i stole the farm what the [ __ ] is wolfy doing  over here yeah yeah we get out we can we push   i stole another farm i still both farm what  the hell with the extra experience i evolved   super early ko their steeny scored a bunch  of points and went back into the enemy jungle i'm done i left i'm pissed i don't know what the  hell to do to that our early experience lead once   again allowed us to take dreadnought i got it  nice nice that's huge we continued on with the   match and although there were some minor speed  bumps i'm coming in right oh no my finger slipped   i opened a core fish we had a huge lead going  into zapdos we used that lead to continuously   ko their team without attacking the yellow chicken  left with no other options our opponents started   attacking zapdos only for us to kill them and  steal the crucial objective leading to a win   via surrender and leaving us still undefeated  what team are they team five i'm gonna say   we guaranteed ourselves the top spot but  we still had one final game left to play   our final opponents were team reddit made up  of failboat altrive modest cube kiwi and smith   despite being our final opponent this was the  first time we'd be going up against another   greeden so i wanted to do my best and what better  way to start our final match of the tournament   than by once again committing my favorite  burglary not coming no what the hell oh they're   in my jungle no i got both their camps i didn't  need an adult it's a story we've seen before   three of them collapse on me to finish me off but  my teammates win their lanes harder because of it   after i respawn i run right back into the enemy  jungle evolve and steal ludicolo once again   we had a lead going into dreadnought but the  enemy team started it before we were in position   thanks to a timely clutch from rickles our  talonflame we secured dreadnaught nearly   broke their bottom point and even went on to get  the first rotom with our enormous lead we secured   second dreadnaught second rotom and broke their  second top point we secured a third dreadnought   right before zapdos but once again our opponent  started attacking it before we were in position   and this time the coin flip didn't go in our  favor oh they're going for it shoot okay everyone   just go i'm going don't attack them don't  attack it hey yeah oh i just wasted time oh they got it but we can't happen even though  we'd lost zapdos we immediately killed all five   of the opposing team and counter scored instead  sealing the game up and finalizing our record as   seven wins and zero losses and with that we'd  won the entire tournament we'd managed to go   undefeated beating every other team throughout  the course of the afternoon we were ecstatic   and ready to celebrate except well alright so  it turns out that we hadn't actually won the   tournament just yet there was still a final  match to be played between the top two teams   and of course fitting with the tournament  theme it was going to be a best of one   match after seven rounds our team was locked  for first place but there was a tie for second   between alpharad's team and void's team each with  five wins and two losses after a coin flip a chat   poll and the head-to-head between the two teams  it was determined that we'd be playing against   alfred's team in the finals we were nervous  but our strategy hadn't failed us thus far   so we decided to do what we do best run across  the jungle steal the farm and you hate to see it   i honestly do wait do we get a tie breaker  or whatever it's called yeah we got washed   it turned out that between rounds team imagined  dragons had been scheming to come up with a way   to stop our greed and strategy absol is one of  the few pokemon in the game that can kao ludicolo   before greeden shows up which is something  i didn't know going in it was the first time   all tournament i'd failed to steal ludicolo and  it totally snowballed into a resounding defeat   so did we end up winning the tournament no but  we did have the best win loss record even after   the finals which we all felt good about i think  if the finals had been best of three we might   have been able to make some clever adaptations  but i don't think i can complain about best of   one in good faith given how much it works in our  favor all tournament if anything i'm proud of team   imagine dragons for coming up with an answer to  a strategy that looked pretty hard to deal with   and just like that our run was over we laughed  we'd cried and we'd made a lot of people very   unhappy with a burglar disguised as a squirrel  i'd like to give a special thank you to my   teammates for being a joy to work with alfred for  hosting and of course you the viewer for watching   if you enjoyed this video i'd really  appreciate you doing the usual youtube   bulogna as it helps me out a lot and this  video took over six months to make goodbye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 471,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, twitch, twitch streams, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, pro gamer, gaming, gamer, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenges, alpharad, alpharad unite, pokemon unite, pokemon unite tournament, alpharad pokemon unite tournament, amouranth, connoreatspants, ludwig unite, smallant pokemon, pokemon unite guide, pokemon unite tier list, legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus
Id: ahHRtr17zaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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