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what's going on guys welcome welcome back to another video I'm sorry I love you YouTube boys youtube voices 5 you know I would like to say that I've been working on it but really it just it just comes out whatever but it's natural it's the charm that it has but yeah thank you I you know I'm often described as charming but anyway I'm really excited for this video obviously ludie you're here do you want to introduce yourself hi I'm Ludwig I'm the fastest growing to a streamer here with the fastest growing youtuber right that's right yeah definitely a hundred percent fastest growing Pokemon youtuber probably as youtuber and jealous and actually guys Ludwig is the world's fastest masher so we have a professional gamer on our hands here as well there's a guy there's a guy beat me again I that nobody knows yeah you know he lives far away where different school you oh yeah she's super nice um she's great we talk about the time but yeah so Lud um well you know actually and since we're talking about about growth I'd like I think we should give an intradermal a stream way back in like I think 2017 right I think it was around then and a lot of me was commentating and I was like this guy's super funny so I am him and I was like hey do you just wanted to say like really good job like you're like I really enjoyed your commentary oh and now here we are all these years later on YouTube now you're super nice and now people don't even know I play melee or commentated melee no they have to know know so many people don't know I'm over it I'm over it whatever that's the first five years of my life just [ __ ] my [ __ ] fault well you know and my viewers now know so anyway enough about enough about I never bound us let's talk about the team that we're using today so the way that like I was just telling lovely the way that I think this is gonna work is we'll just walk through this team some of you've seen this on the channel before however I do want to say that this team um I used it twice and I didn't do that well on like when I was using it and people were like why wilfy so bad as teams are so bad the key piece of my team this colossal had no V's it had no V's the team so like I kept being outspent by stuff that it wasn't like and just dying and like it wasn't doing any damage and so this is the first video with properly Eevee drained colossal so it's not excited for that but yeah basically the way that this team works flood is and just taught me at any time if anything doesn't make sense or if you've any questions run it run it no I get it got you so the way that this works is colossal has an ability called steam engine and the way that it works is if it gets hit by a fire or a water type move it it becomes four times as fast it reaches its maximum speed stat which is like extremely extremely fast because we've trained ours in speed so like for example the fastest pokemon on the format has 214 just speed stat like without without like the fastest pokémon without modifiers that's 214 and colossal hits like 80 times four it's just like like almost 400 I think with some crazies Christ like 320 right yeah like yeah yeah 328 I guess I'm doing math properly but yeah so it's very very fast and it also holds an item called the weakness policy which if it gets hit by a super effective move for example a water-type move then it becomes twice as strong effectively so basically what we're saying is mmm both are boosted both are boosted so we're only using special here but yeah so well actually our attack doubles our special attack doubles and our speed quadruples but we're only using special attacks so it's really just yeah we're is really just special attack of speed we don't need to worry about attack but we become very fast and very strong very quickly is the point this reminds me of your your Lucario team exactly it's a similar concept where you have it's it's like set up and then sweep so there's that linkage n8 what were you just like you keep hitting yourself to get more powerful kind of like it's I think it's it's it has some usage every year but this obviously there's some Pokemon this generation that specifically benefit from that and also like I think when when a format is new and people are still kind of figuring out what to use I like to use teams that are Leila kind of have a set strategy so it's not just because some teams are they're called like good stuffs and it's just like a bunch of good Pokemon that work well together but if you're newer to the game it could be confusing us like when you bring what so I like to have teams on this channel so far that like are kind of like a set strategy so if you don't know what to bring you can just go with like your main strategy yeah I see I see I see yeah so that's that's kind of where I've been building obviously Europe line exactly so all you obviously you're like a really like really advanced Pokemon player so we don't need to do this for you but for the viewers sake I thought it would be like nice I have one goal all right one simple goal I want to either beat Hugo Gonzalez 86 malphur ad okay I want to I want to be able to beat both their asses can this team do it it depends it depends on what they own what they use but I would say let's out red used the team you shadow it honestly that one that one depends on how you guys play a hundred percent really but yeah I also do like with teams like some teams will feel right and some teams will feel wrong so we can mess around with this and just see like how it feels um it's just like a feeling thing anyway we were talking about colossal right and we were thinking all right the problem is that colossal super weak to the water type right which is what you need to activate this strategy so what how we r gonna get around that is we've got this we vial here with surf and we vial it's uh do you know what like physical and special attacks yeah yeah yeah I was a redundant question right no right sorry that was very rude I apologize but the way that so basically we vial is super weak on a special attack and surf in doubles is actually a pretty weak move because it's just weaker in doubles than in singles and so if we use surf weight white why why it just is so if use less damage so yeah so um this is really cool so if you use a move that hits multiple targets like surf or rockslide or earthquake in singles like let's use earthquake that's the easy number so earthquake is 100 power right however in doubles they want to make sure those moves weren't like just super overpowered right because if you if you have one Pokemon for 100 and you or you hit two Pokemon to the hundred each then that's like a little bit busted right so instead so what they did in order to balance it was they added over damage reduction so if a Pokemon would hit multiple Pokemon or targets multiple Pokemon that move is only 75% is strong so earthquake instead of being to 100 based power moves is will is to 75 based power moves does it does it reduce further if you hit your own teammate no no it only does that in the regular game well yeah it is but most of the regular game is like single battles so like it wouldn't really apply it because like fuse earthquake and singles like you know like you're playing against like like a random not NPC and you can it with earthquake like you're only targeting one Pokemon so it did the the damage reduction doesn't activate basically whenever you use an attack the game checks if I mi targeting one Pokemon here or - and since you're mostly playing like one-on-one then it wouldn't apply so most people don't know about that I used rock slide against Rai Han and now I know it's the game's fault and not my fault right lost my Ferrothorn no offense oh good - it was the game's fault it was the goal so I could have done I couldn't have done anything that was a hard Jin leader as well yeah thank you also you saying that a lot of weak is doing a Nuzlocke of Pokemon swords your first first playthrough right yeah it's gonna end badly I I'm a little worried you already predicting that I'm gonna fail no I only believe in you I just I I said to Lud listen LUN you're a lot better than I am when it comes to this whole Pokemon thing but okay but I did wipe out on the final Gimli on the final ah the final battling I had a lot of trouble there so I just wanted to warn you that it was hard for me so just just be prepared let me ignore that dark reality no I surf and it'll do only 75% of 90 which is obviously yeah and then then and it won't do much because it's special and then I'm boosted up exactly but okay but you you you put them out off rip right like what if they have a drink of ich on their team they'll probably Auto counter and have ma in front so the cool thing about is well there's two things about triggerfish because tre go fish is really strong so there's two things around this we gave we've Ohio we gave it the we gave it the choice scarf item which makes it very very fast because we've I think we've all is the fastest like surf Pokemon that doesn't do any damage like I think Drago Paul might get it but yeah basically like with with um with the scarf you're gonna be moved your guarantee to be moving first before almost like the whole field and in this generation one we on when we surf ourselves then the speed change happens immediately so if they have a Draco fish we can like Dynomax and then hit them with like the +2 attack + to max falling just try and kill them one shot so it changes the priority even after the the turn started right which it didn't used to do that does you change Elfie right so that's why the cuz it and the speed didn't update like if it behaved like it used to behave then this strategy would probably be pretty bad because you would be so slow with colossal uhm yeah but now like a Pokemon even pokémon like excadrill which like are really fast in the sand we actually Weavile what I would speed extra roll in the sand surf will like break a focus ash and then colossal WOD speed X to drill as well so you can just immediately wipe out the like the fastest thing in the meta game with this combination because we vile and colossal becomes so fast with their item and ability respectively okay now I like this now I like this a lot so that's the central strategy the rest of the teams kind of built around that we have on gastro Don here like we mentioned like water tips are kind of scary because colossal so weak to them so gas runs abilities storm drain if you switch it it's like okay and signals but it's much better in doubles so the way that it works is there's actually synergizes really well so if your opponent uses a water type attack let's say we have gaps around and colossal on the field okay yeah and the opponent tries to use like hydro pump into colossal storm drain will will redirect that attack into gastrin on have it take no damage and give squashin on a special attack boost so like and that's for all water type move so if you try to hit if you try to use a water type move and gash it on is on the field as long as it's like not like a move like surf or muddy water that hits multiple Pokemon gasher done will draw that attack in so it's like a free it basically a gash an unpredictable from all water type attacks our most water type attacks I should say okay that's also filthy right and the other thing is we still have surf on Weavile so if we want to we can use surf to boost our own gastro Don as well yeah well okay this okay all right look I'll pretend I'm a child here this right seems [ __ ] broken well I didn't wreak invoke it right monetize to do modern what is goodbye what is that okay so we're were they weak so what is my eye let's see so it the team isn't it's um it can be tough against when the opponent has whimsicott and they'll use like arm speed they'll use talent and it's the same thing as colossal it will now update mid turn so like if they use talent and then they have something even faster than excadrill then that's one way they can out speed colossal or even worse Weavile because we've I was really frail so so like because of that if they can out speed weavile it's probably not gonna live like it-it's not gonna survive like one hit so you kind of need to hope like versus whimsicott you have to adapt a little bit um okay you're gonna like so we file straight up won't be faster than a one Scott well whip no wheel is faster than everything but whimsicott uses a move called Talend which doubles the partner speed immediately so there's some Pokemon that will thanks to Talon immediately doubling their speed like cuz whimsicott will use its attack to use Talon so that's like not really a threat but a Pokemon like max speed arcanine for example is fast enough that like it can out speed and then it's fire type will let it um KO Weavile in one hit so you have to watch out for for whimsicott specifically um okay and you know about trick you you know that trick room right yeah you're right now right of course um so trigger was another thing we're like trick room teams will often have like um I'm more dedicated to setup so like they will they'll use the look kind of like sacrifice one of their Pokemon to get trick room up and then try and like win from there and because in trick room faster Pokemon are actually slower colossal is kind of like it's kind of awkward and trickery um so that's another thing you have to watch out for okay however we've got some tricks to kind of mitigate those problems so one of them is Togekiss token kisses ability makes all basically in this situation makes air slosh so if you use air slash and I'm sure you know this but if you use air slash with normally it's a 30% chance to flinch yeah if you use it with Togekiss it's a 60% chance to flinch and thunder wave is a is a 25% chance not to attack as well every turn permanently um and follow-me will redirect all attacks into togekiss so one thing you can do with this team is kind of set up your colossal and then play defensive for a turn and bring in your toga case and then use follow me to protect colosso while just powers up or like fires off super-strong moves I see I see um and it's more like just because you can do follow me protect and then kind of annoy them exactly you can follow me and attack so that like they can't like they're trying to go to your colossal because that's what doing damage but while they're trying to like while they're trying a colossal you're forcing them to target Togekiss instead okay all right hold up follow the math here if you thunder wave someone then you air slash them with the 60% chance of flinches at an 85% chance work know it because the way the probabilities work basically they have a 40% chance of attacking through the through the air slash like because they have 60% chance of flinching so it's 40% times 75% so it's like I think a little bit those 30 yeah yeah 30 percent exactly that's right okay I'm an English major I'm sorry no you're fine I was there with me well I just add them together I'm a data science major and you just got the like probability basic math you're faster than me so but yeah the other okay there's two more two more Pokemon them will play because I know that song okay that's the real goal here but here's another cool thing so excadrill super cool Mon um this is one of the best Pokemon its ability Sandra says if if I'm in sandstorm I'm twice as fast meaning it's like one of the fastest things in the game right now um and you might notice we don't nothing on the team actually activates the sandstorm like on this team except colossal what a Dynomax is it's rock moveset sandstorm so once so fire set sun to weaken water attacks and rock set sandstorm to boost excadrill and rock boosts colossal special defense so the Taipings here are really nice for that for the psalm pokemon oh that's why you run x control because like you can kind of open them up with colossal do a lot of damage even if you don't win you can try and sweep with excadrill on the back i see are these moves mostly here to be used in their Dynomax form well most of the time your dynamics in colossal on this team that you don't have to um yeah I would say no I would say I'm saying they just kind of it's it's less that you're using them for the Dynomax oh it's more like the Dynomax effect dynamaxx effects tend to be really nice on this team okay so it kind of is like natural synergy that works out and the very last pokemon is wheezing wheezing that you love this guy I really like this guy I want it to dry him out test with him I really I really like him all right he is cool he's super cool you know how neutralizing gas works turning off all these hey I see my vid right so he's super cool I honestly I haven't quite figured out how to use them so maybe you can help like educate me here but that's a good idea give me tips on melee next time oh yeah for sure a man ice cannon I don't know I don't know but yeah so basically wheezy's here he's really disruptive um I haven't quite figured out how to use him yet so maybe like basically there's some teams that really rely on their abilities you can use him there but the problem is that this team also really relies on the abilities as you might have noticed so mm-hmm um but yeah it's a cool Pokemon so you know there's some there's some I've definitely brought him before sure sure sure but yeah so that's the team do I know that's more like that's like ash bringing Pikachu exactly exactly you know just like kind of like oh well I guess we're bringing Pikachu now but yeah cool it makes general sense I think I get the game plan yeah juvinity questions you want to jump into it I think I'm ready to run it I think you're gonna I think you're nice so I I do wanna warn you unfortunately you can't you can't go down in tears so we're currently like ranked really high which is a little annoying cuz like like I mean for you it's probably fine but for my other guests like it could be you know like it could be nice to start oh well I see you're concerned that some of your guests right not have the level of intelligence required right for your rank exactly exactly you're not about that with me right no of course not no no it's not it's just that like the opponent like this team it's very satisfying to just blow through somebody who doesn't know what they're what they're doing but we're ranked 205th in the world right now which is pretty good considering like that top that's that's badass yeah so like and it's cool that they show you that in the game because that's new for Pokemon as well yeah the world's big man world's pretty big a lot of people playing Pokemon out there remember your filthy of the game let me but I remember i watch your video on the final drake of his team right no like oh hell yeah like i wonder how he does he just lose right right okay so this person is number 60 in the world which is a lot better than us and they have a hard this so this is a hard trick room team which is not our best matchup we're gonna get toasty we're probably gonna get toasted um so I think for this one I'll pick the Pokemon for the first game and then you can try for the second game oh sure sure sure so this team they're probably gonna lead in didi and had arena to set trim and the most likely have torkoal in the back so the problem is that in didi and hat arena are really hard to stop from setting up trick room um there's just like a very strong combination so I think actually what could be cool to do here is um so we're gonna try something a little a little a little like cheeky where we're gonna actually use gasps ah do we want to do that because I'm so one thing we can do here is we can basically use we buy out to help set up gastronomic gastrin I'm really strong and then use gastrin on to boost like our special defense to make it even stronger and we're almost out of time so I think we have to do that now that I know that I mentioned it in the back so I'm leaving we've out this is a weird team composition that doesn't function like they're my opponents that doesn't function like most normal teams because yeah it's trick room so it's like you need a really specific strategy to deal with it I think we're going to-- because in the back we're gonna try the way that you beat these kind of teams is i kind of wheezing honestly know you love wheezing we're gonna so the way that we were with how we're gonna win this game is we want to we want to trim is really really threatening because they are they're very bulky and they're very powerful however if we can if we can survive kind of the onslaught if it comes to variety for 5 turns yeah we should be able to be GG because then they'll lose their advantage and we can capitalize from there so it's just a question of can we make it boots first like 5 terms of trick room so you're kind of sacking your Weavile in a way because you're gonna need your did not expect that how does this change things so trevenant is a it's grass-type unlike header a knee which is a psychic-type in it because it's grass type it's super threatens our gastrin which makes this thing is that a bit harder to say the least let's see we have Oh actually you know we're okay we're actually super okay I have got an idea okay I trust don't worry lad okay so what would you like to do here sorry what would I like to do I'm yes look I thought I thought this surf on the gastro Don can you kill the treatment in one shot so the gee-gees not gonna let us kill the tree retrieving it but what we can do is we can dine a Max and Max quake is gonna make us bulkier which will help us for the rest of the game and you think you'll survive yeah I think more X well I think this turn treat trevenant wants to set up rather than actually attack if that makes like it wants to set the trick remove if they attack our own it's not that bad for us okay all right do you want yet yeah trust so yeah sorry I'm not right up this time like yeah we look we're going up against the sixtieth in the world right I just want to walk away with the W and attend I was like you know misty in the anime right so my plan I'll walk you through our we're watching the animations my plan is we're gonna try and use Togekiss to stall out the this trick room so next turn what I was thinking is like we can protect our gastrin units now like stronger and bulkier and then using that momentum well they actually didn't follow me using that momentum um we can try and stall out the trick room like it'll take them a couple turns to get through Togekiss for example we vial is very weak yeah we keep files pathetic that's why was that who so they they basically lowered our they made our we made our guy so I'm stronger and then they made our guys turn on weaker but it's a see don't worry you can do it again right if you wanted to recode yeah so now trick or miss up which makes things a little harder but we actually you're sure these Pokemon on the field are kind of defensive so we actually don't want to we kind of want to leave them around like we don't want to ko ng you right away alright glad we got five we got four turns left you think we can make it through yeah absolutely alright do you go to Togekiss offer it I think we do because we've Isles locked into surf and we're kind of just a sitting duck at this point and you just perma max quaking to a bulk up so this turns up to you so what we can do is we can actually waste another turn even though we're using our Dynomax we can protect ourselves you should easy max guard yeah yeah three percent that's what I'm thinking because like we we actually these Pokemon they have on the field or they're there they're set up Pokemon so if we kale them they get to go into their sweeper for free if that makes sense and then once the ship is in it's like much harder for us to stall out I see I see yeah does that make sense no no that makes perfect sense alright that yeah cuz because because otherwise yeah because it's just how it works and both these Pokemon they have in the field are pretty like they're pretty they're not very strong so the naka and they're not good against Togekiss either so would hammer would have killed I think no because we've got a berry that weakens it but we would it in a lot and we thing is what hammer is not very effective on tokus so like neither of these pokemon could deal with toe very easily so what are you gonna go for are you gonna go for cuz we need to wait it out alright so we can't air / revving it and kill it cuz then because then it's so you need to follow me mhm and then I'm assuming you're gonna bulk with max quake I think that's a good idea cuz max or you could gamble max guard 50% chance but we're because we're using follow me we're not we're not under uncertainty matter yeah that's yeah alright see these are my short sites that make me lose to the 60th best boy in the world well not over yet you want to max quake so it's not very effective in trevenant so I think we should it in DD yeah yeah well you did a little less than half right so yeah so we probably right oh it's this which okay so now gas drones not is threatened anymore which is nice oh this is probably gonna be their Dynomax Pokemon they're probably they probably use torkoal here however used it on the Trevon it would have been too filthy dude that would've been so good you God really sorry oh they doubled Oh another lard type Oh No okay okay they play well that's where you expecting the 60th best player in the world right yeah so so that turn is basically null we have a follow me up and how many turns are left - I think two turns you have trick room so yeah we can actually check it will tell us so we have two terms of trick room yeah the Sun is up so I think we I mean look don't you don't you just uh think he's protect on the Togekiss hmm that's a freebie and then you just earth power the torkoal I like that a lot so they could use a grass move on our gastrin on with salt they could use solar beam however first of all I think we'll definitely survive it and second of all if they use solar beam when we use follow me with Tobias then though they didn't Dynomax that's really good for us you might go for eruption yep that was a great play lund so like the aw that was so that if you were at the beginner level play there was to just use follow me but now like oh my god that's strong basically because he's strong that did nothing well we re resisted that and we have a special defense boost from the first max quake oh my god that did so much blood that was a that was a good play oh what a fire turn I was a super good play okay so this voltage not work if it's protected so he stays at another stocke so well it is our time to capital we are doing yeah so this is so they're almost at a trick room and again if we get them out of trick room they're gonna be in big trouble so here's what I'm thinking Lud and let me know if this sounds good to you okay I was thinking we could go colossal here because they only have their only way of resetting trick room is using um is using the trevenant which is weak to fire and they have the sunup and colossal z' heatwave will ignore in DD like so they can't follow me because heat wave hits both targets yeah run it and then with Gaston you can attack here but it's safer to protect so it depends on do you want to gamble and go float on dopey protects I think so if you got away you gotta weigh it out the trick room exactly exactly what chance the zero chance to use a fire move or water move this is very good chance to use a fireman there's also a very good chance to use a grass or yeah they're trying to hit gastrin on here I'm really surprised they're not Dynomax thing I wonder what they're saving it for maybe Rotom it's good to have it late right it's good to have Italy yeah so like right now they have it and we don't but if you wait too long then it can be trouble great protected by the way the protects are filthy right and now so the reason why it's gonna be brought and colossal that's okay because now if they go into trevenant then they'll get ko'd by heatwave and they can't stop it and if they go into indeedy this psychic train that they set up earlier which makes them like stronger now that's out of play because it's the terrain is that if they bring it in then the terrain will end so there we've kind of pinned them in a sense but the trick room is gonna end next turn right trigger matt has that once they switch something enter commands so now now it's our turn to kind of fire back well but we didn't buff up our colossal we didn't puff up colossal but they did it a little bit for us because they set out they set the Sun for us okay okay okay so he's still gonna be faster than these bug one I mean yeah because these are really slow so sure sure sure yeah so yeah we're definitely faster than them alright so would you like to do here does heatwave hit hit both which both and probably kills book I'm I had to guess and then with gosh it on this was kind of this was coming up - you deserve power hit both um earther hits both the skull two hits both well earth powers not very victim in trevenant but shouldn't revenant died from the heatwave I think it well scald is good in case you're thinking like Scholz good in case the trevenant has a berry because it couldn't grow up you want to scold yeah you want to be when I hit torkoal or trevenant Trevon it right Trevor net yeah I looked roving up there I mean there's a chance you dead man like there's a chance to switch out Oracle oh that's interesting so they're trying to survive the hit using Dynomax however that's not who did they dynamics the dynamics probably trevenant to try and survive yeah yeah oh it's horrible I have no idea what's going on it wasn't torkoal at like 20 hp per centage base so yeah literally a dead man I think slower it might be able to live the heatwave but I'm not oh god if he lives this is filthy but this seems dumbest dumb as all hell oh no that's okay I mean cuz I think it will live actually cuz it becomes so bulky although I don't know dude let's find out let's find out I think it will live but I'm not sure that actually yeah it lives that's unfortunate Marissa tower hit both right earth pirate boat I thought my part oh it has max quake alright that was not great however now we get to play my favorite game what is that game that game is user dynamics ah no that game is that game is called use air slash so the opponent can't move ever it's a very fun huh cool yeah I like that game yeah hugo 86 game ah so let's go talk easier Toki's it's still gonna be fast in these two so yeah these two are super slow you all your Pokemon on some innocence oh we do we just don't let them get trimmed back up so loud what we have to do here is we have to flinch them with air slash yeah sorry so just do it and then it looks really let's we learn her lesson let's kill it's worth power yeah okay easy turbo torkoal earth power and if we flinch here they're gonna be in a lot of trouble although I think what they're doing probably with trevenant is it's probably like Trevor has this ability where it can recover it's berries oh my god this guy's crazy this guy is crazy but it's what I mean blue and colossal spur doesn't if he's gonna row down right yes it's not gonna work now yeah we did it in the wrong order we scalded in the wrong Turner then yeah however that's not too bad though cuz they lose the Dynomax yeah they've also got an axe but that's that's our mom man why did that do nothing they boosted their I guess they're really bulky and they've boosted their special defense but I'm still surprised at how little that did is it worth well he's probably to protect himself right like realistically she's not that threatened by us so he might not I don't know it doesn't kind up to you well like realistically like if we do an air slash in a water yeah he would kill I don't think this thing is super interesting a super strong so I think it will not kill it also almost certainly has like this berry that will heal it so the safe please players lost the trevenant is the problem any sense the will the rota MS dangerous for the guys exactly yeah we don't really have good ways through the roads on either another we've lost colossal what do you at air slash I would it's obviously either air slash to protect which one do you want I would protect I think he's a hundred cent going for cuz he just you just protected last night I know he didn't I think he's going to do it who do you want asphalt wants called the road song try gonna burn we gotta we gotta started we got a hurt throat Rotom yeah burn baby burn why not we deserve it we Jews ever been good boys oh that's but that torkoal play was actually really good okay they did not protect which is a little unfortunate but I think we're still know that was good those good we live Togekiss oh my god I thought they were gonna have a trick room but they've decided not to oh no our play was bad our play was boss oh they cribs but it was a bad play that was a few shouldn't have done it no no it's okay it's okay I think we can still we're like so close we just can't get through the Rotom is the problem the room times are really problematic here Oh Sherman is very good alright who's our last month we've got we Lyle so we don't want to have here hmm we just honestly we could easy kill the trevenant but yeah how do you kill the Rotom the Rotom is a real problem here like if we can get through the if we can get through the Rotom well like everything else loot get scared by we vile however how do we get through the road songs the question so you wonder what the big brain play here is actually yeah I'd love it so we can see you you could do here if you could you could just go for the cave on the trevenant however then wrote AMA has more turns to attack so I think what you actually want to do here is you want an air sauce to trevenant go for the flinch to like keep it on the field and then use your dark type move into Rotom if that makes sense yeah yeah because the most damage cuz there's the most damage and that we like we're basically just praying that there's too long to it right yeah now we can't switch moves all that into zero that's not great much that did not do much however that didn't do too much either yeah that's good we just need a flinch or clinchers any flinch a flinch big fledge I think Rotom could take one more Thunder well bury this guy have this one it has this ability where it'll restore its own Barry flinch flex flinch there we go buried okay that's okay that won't kill what to berries in one turn yeah that's it I guess there's a strategy here they used torque in the sunlight which we don't have Sun anymore but in the Sun it always works should we just double on road and then kill I think we should trevenant gonna do I think a wolf it says trick room will definitely lose so we have to Nick we have to okay okay okay okay okay okay I think we should just do the same play again and we're gonna we're just gonna hope that the Rotom is like scarfed because if the road is crit or bet yeah crit would be huge oh it's not citrus actually okay if we live this and we get the flinch we actually can live it what can win it's gonna be I'm shocked that ko'd I think based on the first one we should Alicia love that listen we were you were viewer one you were one I guess we were lost either way but it was that week without I know this we we didn't know we didn't can't Nick a Oz but we were very close because if we did we wouldn't get any chaos we were so cuz if actually if that trying gone like if totem guess it survived and we fool we were like I thought one guy in the process though there is we're so close we were actually so close like if that's weren't that's weren't determined the game because if we if we won that if we had if that turn and gone our way if Tobias had survived and we'd flinch the trevenant then we do we a hundred we at 100% but it would have been very difficult to lose from there I think I think we definitely got a one from there but we did not that did not happen number 60 takes another one down that is my that's fine because look we weren't even able to do what we were kids right that's right so this time you're gonna pick the team regardless I'm happy to answer any questions but I I feel bad because I was like such a that was such a learning experience I'd read your rank okay I'm always dropping my rank I don't know how I got this fight in the first place okay 12:17 finds it I can think of one we got ash yeah is not a terms oh my god this is perfect this is this is your match up dude this is our dream team right who is right Go Fish Dragovich and the grim snows a little scary but I think I think we're gonna be fine okay okay we just have to well yeah look we got a run we got a run what we're here to run yeah we needed the people to see it so it's a Weavile and it's colossal that's right in the back I kind of want wheezing okay you want wheezing no I just say that because you like him this is not his best matchup but I would think that it would be pretty good I think Togekiss is pretty fire dogies I like Togekiss Togekiss man isn't a gastro down better then they're both you're gonna be feeling extra maybe so Gaston is nice because it protects us from Drake a fish but there's other ways around Drake a fish as well um and they might not even bring it so basically gastrula is pretty good against Drake of ish and it's not amazing versus everything else um however so okay and then excadrill is better against like extra tools like a good sweeper but so it's actually better off until the gas runs better defensively you know bring the extra drill man cool what what why wouldn't we have a Draco fish on this team I felt bad because like everyone was using Drake of ish and then everyone was like I don't know like I figured started it I did start it but then I was like everyone's complaining me like Wolff please like please no more drink avenge like we can't plan every team so yeah yeah I want to show multi-cell you discovered it and now you can't use it I didn't necessarily just I would say I popularized it I didn't necessarily discover it it was like the first man to eat an apple right you Isaac Newton discovered Apple that's right now Lud I don't wanna I don't want to speak too soon but that's a very lead for us yeah it's really good for us probably depending with uh the guy on the right it looks insane he's scary they're actually very like a goblin enemy I look sir pop rip surf-off rip and then would you like to do here I mean don't you Dynomax you do Dynomax great and then and then you use a whichever one will kill so max the strongest max Fleury coat yeah it depends on what the crimson robe is but would you want that it more scared of the grim snarl Grimm's not supportive but it's really good at supporting Duryodhana's more offensive and it's pretty frail but the thing is so like they're ions threatening damage but grim smells more annoying overall however I'm not convinced you can KO the the grim son off he uses a light screen so if you use it into drought it on you'll probably get the kill so it's kind of like do you want to start chipping with wait why would he be able to put a blight screen priority his ability gives in priority sorry oh it's that dumb ability er you're like yeah yeah alright then yeah let's go throw it on yeah so dry you know oh how do you say it I think I'm staying around I think you're saying it quickly so this this ain't gonna kill this isn't gonna kill but it's gonna do some damage it's more damage than you would expect I think sand streams the ability that makes it our exit drill really fast right exactly although we did just overwrite that but that's fine because they probably also have their uh meat okay okay and like the thing is so even if they Thunder Wave us which would be a little annoying um it's not actually that bad because we're still twice as fast even when thunder waved julie gil stall it's only half at this gen right it's only half in this gen that's right what's a bit grim storm goes through a question light screen okay good call good call good call the thing is though actually just that like switch wasn't that great for them in the end oh my god that's four times super effective dude what they just did yeah that's a big 28 that's a big 28 doing a lot and now we have Evie so now they're actually in trouble they've also got the weakness policy however I think even through light screen because so because you set the Sun which is good now turret renters get some it gets more bulky in the Sun and the sand and you just over up the sand it's ok be extent would you bless I think that's actually really good because now they you a view of your grass move which is super effective so do we have to switch out we've Ozzie or me but it's not doing anything here at the moment so then like he's also not under pressure so you kind of get a free switch into whatever you want is there any scenario where you should serve twice and then be so ripped you don't you won't get any stronger anymore if we keep surfing unfortunate oh really we've already met ok it's only the first week missed policy does not I could only activate one exactly otherwise yeah we would just keep firing it all right then look you know I like I like I mean who's easier because so extra goes better offensively and Tobias is better defensively so like who are they gonna target realistically they're one after colossal 100% like two percent okay yeah then you probably go with Tobi kicks could protect him to say yeah yeah we need them for two turns yeah and you want to just try and KO this right yeah yeah big Hales big kills so what I'm worried about is if they Dynomax or they could survive maybe with lights green up is gonna be close I think but you are really strong and they just like they just lost one of their like main defensive boost so let's see if they don't know max they do okay as predicted as predicted should have surfed a myth should sir I don't think so very much damage I can the Sun but great with the weave I'll surf in the Sun right what do they lead again did you remember older aliens good you're looking really strong cuz extra hitting every other Pokemon II yeah the building boy Oh protect that's actually really good for you I think let's do it unless they go from Thunder Wave oh no oh yeah during you're in a good spot dude because the reflect doesn't really matter because we're special attack exactly and now I didn't do it shouldn't they know that they probably should have known it they might have been afraid of Weavile they might not have realized it was choice scarf because it does get fighting moves alright do we go with a follow me yeah where's gonna big follow me here and then we get our last turn exactly if dying how long just follow me last is it just so well just Justin just the one turn oh but this is really good because let's see the worst-case scenario happens this turn which is that's which is that he lives in DK azar Togekiss because and this is why i Dynomax is cool that is in my opinion better in doubles and singles all Dynomax moves only hit one pokemon so even though Tyranitar is super strong it can only target it can you're forcing it to target Togekiss which ensures that colossal will survive that's the I see it that makes sense so that's why it's good that he protected here because now he cannot ko colossal is turn unless some really weird stuff happens let's do this thing Thunder Wave okay so that was that's what that was a little scary and we're lucky that didn't happen sooner in my opinion because under wave lect instead of thunder waves seemed weird I agree I feel like that would have been better that would've been a matter under wave turn so I I'm not sure if it's okay oh but I think it might survive oh wow it really should rhymed okay okay I don't love it don't love that but now the fields all green the fields all green which is good actually that's pretty good let's see cycle guys reduce reuse oh that's gonna big kill that's gonna big kill however we that's actually still good for us because now we get to get extra drilling for like basically for free is it okay so oh wait that makes it say exactly that makes this sandy yeah so this guy not know about Mexico I guess he doesn't Utah's pretty silly silly man and Lud so I in this matchup I probably would have brought I probably would have brought gastrin it's a toga kiss and then I would have lost so your decision to bring your decision to bring totals real Bob no seriously could latter me because we couldn't redirect so extra left that's not good to you yeah a big extra big XE what are you gonna Weavile reveal a nice shard no let's not do that cool so we are saying mall but we're super goddamn we're so fast and we're very strong and well does thunder wave have priority it does however it doesn't affect excadrill so and I'm so he's gonna probably use it he's probably he doesn't leave anything better to you so he probably will so what I'm thinking here well what are you thinking here so both fire I'm Internet is super effective into Tyranitar Hyper started stronger and this is the colossal my okay here's my concern we don't a lot of time but my concern is that he uses the thunder wave on colossal then colossal would he still be faster still she's still found either yet just kill the Tyranitar yeah hi whisper and then he waved you think yeah we'd better hit some both yeah yeah run it I love a both hitter that way I'll to think about it exactly one less thing to worry about and all should know he's gonna die though right he could protect but it doesn't really save him in the long term you know doesn't change his outcome yeah like cuz they just dies next turn and he won't be Dynomax next turn do you like thunder way being half instead of quarter I think they should have changed oh they owe my god they messed up that was a big mistake of my opinion Oh instead of using thunder wave because colossal couldst is still super fast now that was their main like they really needed to slow colossal down I guess hmm what's his fourth movie we're gonna find out cuz it didn't go first it's probably how play oh that's interesting was that dude that uses already one style that does a lot of damage what that's all fee move yeah that's pretty good don't get along should be a dead man yeah it depends it a little over half with heatwave person heatwave pretty much kill i think i think i will live one more because of the stupid this is why the screen this is why this pokemon so annoying if you don't get rid of it right away because it just sits there and like this it has an item that uh okay that's good um it has an item that extends the the duration of the light screen and and the um I see I see so which one of these do you want gone right now the grim snarl the grim snarl reso there's two ways we can go about this we can do the 100% safe way which is iron head and then heat waiver that's like your best bets or we can rock slide which will KO both but we'd have to hit to 90% accurate moves on crimson arrow however on a run I love it because if we move double hitters yeah heat wave and yeah runny yeah easy because the thing is baby looks like if there's a chance to flinch we hit the first two okay that's really good burn burn burn burn oh we hit them both blood your natural you just gonna run it man and I did wrong continuous that did nothing to Doral you dog it's okay we did it for the flinched chance okay wow that tax he's just gonna kill he's not gonna do anything do why did he do that why didn't he kill the extra drill he probably didn't expect crimson Isle to go down or he thought that we target the was he banking foul play I don't know what he was yeah I think he was banking foul play there okay so what we don't want to see here is excadrill the other two are fine extra will be the worst but I think if he had ex-girl he would have brought oh it's dude it's so over oh I feel bad all right Oh feel bad all right you know yeah I think right here it'd be great to kill ya so high-horsepower don't drag it on the others are not great you used to love high horsepower undervalued on and then that guy's not gonna fall you want to just run it heatwave sure yeah make sure that it's just bury his body and yeah and we still we've I own the boat before Friday very nice very nice easy way to let's clicks on her fingers all right yeah saves us some see doesn't he PP he was playing the he was playing the long game he didn't wanna take you know hand damage or anything okay so that team was filthy against them yeah so that was that's and that's the way it's supposed to work trick room again is kind of the one exception but honestly we came pretty close um we definitely came pretty close yeah I think the trick room I and I'll say it was held back by you we would have toasted them and I I appreciate that you that you know we're still so gracious as to play with me even though though you're wearing some weights alright I like it I like that team it's filthy cool um so yeah I think I think that's probably a good place to end this this video but thank you so much for for being on here with me yeah I appreciate it yeah yeah I've got actually I've got a ton of new I have a ton of other teams as well so if you if you like everyone to come on again of course I'm sure the viewers would love to have you back but yeah thank you guys so much for watching really appreciate it if you enjoyed this let us know down below and Lud do you want to plug anything you want to sub to wolf that's up to wolf all right let's get this guy if you know that 55 percent of people who watch your videos aren't sell to you I did not know some real stat it's a real stat yeah it's just her it's just hurts my feelings yeah I feel hurt I well there's a terrible [Laughter] [Applause] oh yeah thanks for having me as a yeah thanks so much dude yeah guys check out Ludwig drink water it's important and yeah see you later for the next video peace
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 141,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, ludwig, ludwig ahgren, wolfey ludwig, ludwig plays pokemon, competitive pokemon ludwig, how to play competitive pokemon, vgc20, vgc 2020, alpharad, alpharad Pokemon, how to win at pokemon, ludbud, lud buds, ludlocke, ludwig smash, ludwig smash ultimate, ludwig sword and shield, ludwig stream, ludwig buys
Id: xkm4etzCeEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 25sec (2785 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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