Celebrities Rate My Food

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In this video, I'm going to bring celebrities the dish of their choice and ask them to rate my food. For example, Gordon, how was that steak I cooked you last night? For God's sake, Nick, that steak was raw, honestly. Three out of ten. Next time, bring me one from Gordon Ramsay Steak. Please? Hopefully the rest of the ratings will be better. The way this will work is simple. I'm gonna DM a hundred celebrities on Instagram and see who replies. Let's start with Taylor Swift. Hey, T. Swift. I'm enchanted by the idea of cooking your favorite dish. Travis can join. I got to work messaging as many celebrities as I could think of. I messaged all of the world's best athletes, a long list of famous music artists, and a few of Hollywood's biggest movie stars. Just a few hours later, I got my first reply. When Tom Brady sends you a message telling you to get him a slice of pizza, you get him the best, because he's the best. So I've traveled all the way to Pizzeria I Massenielli, which is the number one pizza restaurant in the world right now. Chef, I came all the way here from Boston to pick this pizza up for Tom Brady. You know Tom Brady? Oh, I love Tom Brady. He's number one. Yeah! Tom, I'm coming home. I brought this pizza all the way back from Italy after you sent me that message. It looks amazing. This is as fresh as it gets. Well, it's actually not as fresh as it gets because I had to go on the plane and I had to reheat it. It's OK. That doesn't matter. That's just details. I think that's perfect. I don't like it too crunchy or too thick. It has to have enough texture. The dough has to be a little bit sweet. It's about the dough. It's always about the dough. And by the way, for some reason, I was surprised when you sent me the message because I thought for some reason you didn't eat pizza. I thought you didn't eat cheese. I rarely eat cheese. A lot of people think I don't eat a lot of things, but everybody loves pizza. I love pizza. You love pizza. I'm not going to waste my cheese eating on bad pizza. Got it. So you've had a lot of pizzas. Give this one a rating. This is a pretty good pizza. 7.0 Oh no. But it's not bad. I don't feel bad since I didn't make it. Good. All right. Why don't you try to make me one sometime? I'll make you one next time. All right. Speaking of pizza, a long time ago I cooked some pizzas with Charli and Dixie D'Amelio. I just got a reply from Charli asking for pasta with red sauce. Hello. Hello. I brought you pasta. Oh my god, yay! This is it, pasta with red sauce. Perfect! It's classic, it's simple, homemade spaghetti. Give it a try. Okay. And don't go easy on me. It's really good. It's better than yours. Uh-oh. Oh, I'm sorry. I would say mine is a 10, so I'm a little confused as to how this is better. Seems a little bit unfair to like just start yours off with a 10. I love pasta, and this tastes like how my mom would make it. Yeah, this is good. I give it an 8.5. That's a good compliment. 8.5? Yeah. I'll take an 8.5. 8.7. So I'll take the average of those two, 8.6. That's a great bowl of pasta. I like it. It's great. I'm going to finish it if you guys aren't. Yeah, go for it. See you guys. Thanks. Bye. We just got a DM back from Matthew McConaughey. He's in a lot of my favorite movies. One of them, of course, Wolf of Wall Street. He killed it in that movie. And with that said, he wants me to bring him a burger. And his order looks really tasty, but really complicated. Let's get started. Along with his cheeseburger recipe, he sends along a quote that I really love. It says, the man who invented the hamburger was smart, but the man who invented the cheeseburger was a genius. Now, I've got all the ingredients here for his hamburger. He requested a high-fat content ground beef. Then he likes classic American cheese, pickled jalapenos, which we homemade, a thick slice of raw red onion, and he tops it all off with some finely shredded iceberg lettuce. And as for the bun, he just likes a classic regular white bread bun. Matthew's not going to be hanging around for too long there, so we have to finish up the burgers and bring them to him right now. I understand we got cheeseburgers. I think one of the greatest food inventions, if not the greatest food invention in the world. First, just give us a visual. A really thick patty. I like that. Shredded lettuce. I'm already a fan of that. The sweetness of the barbecue sauce. I like it to be the first thing that touches my palate. Okay. I want to put that upon entrance. We put some of your Pantalones tequila in the barbecue sauce. Get down. Let's see. We got a little dance going on here. That's got some heat. Nice heat though. And you had a burger for breakfast? I did. I had a burger last night for dinner. A burger this morning for breakfast. And now lunch again. This is the best one yet though. Is it? Yes. I don't believe in a 10 out of 10 burger. I agree with you. I'm giving this a solid 8.2. And I'll take that. What's your rating, Levi? What do you got? The meat is probably my favorite part of a burger. I love that you added the thick onions on top, too. 8.7. 8.7? Come on, then! Come on! We could make a habit of this. Yeah. Let's just do it. Let's meet in a different parking lot every week or whatever and I'll just bring a burger. I also DM'd a few supermodels, which was a long shot, until I got this reply from Veronika Rajek, who's a Slovakian supermodel who seems to love Greek salad. With a few substitutions. I made the Greek salad for Veronika, but I feel like she's either going to be a really tough judge on me or go really, really easy. We're about to find out. Hey. Hi. I got the salad. Oh, wow. This is one of my personal favorites, too, by the way. Yeah, really? Greek salad. I usually get it without the onions. Without the onions, because you want to kiss some girl, right? I know you requested no onions, and I just messed up. And also, I don't like the cilantro on the top. Point down. Now I'm nervous. Not the worst. But it's cold. I prefer a more softer cheese. So I've missed the mark on pretty much everything so far. I've had better. Right. Many times. But this is like 6 from 10. Next time you will prepare me crepes with Nutella. Okay. So a totally different dish. Mashed potatoes and filet mignon. Filet mignon. But well done. We have a deal. All right. See you in the next video. I'll see you next time. I just got a reply from Benny Blanco, one of the biggest music producers and songwriters in the world. He asked if I could show up with a hot plate of fried chicken. We're at Benny Blanco's house. He had a ton of security out front. They hardly let me through with this chicken. I really hope he likes it. Hey. What are you doing here? I brought you the chicken. What? We talked, like, two days ago. You said I could. Yeah, I didn't think you were actually... you live in Boston. You're actually here? Yeah, I brought you fried chicken. You're insane. Come around back. Come on, let's go. You love fried chicken. Tell me why. Okay. No explanation. Just dive right in. Yum! Did you have like a fryer in the car? How did you cook it? I've been known to cook in the drive-thru. I've actually done that several times. This time I did not cook it in the car. How is it so crispy? It's really good. Yeah. Double fried. You seemed like someone who knew your way around a good piece of fried chicken. So I was a little bit nervous to cook for you, believe it or not. I would fully f*** this chicken, This is 10 out of 10. Frankly, it's juicy, it's succulent. I didn't know it was coming. Unexpected chicken. 10 out of 10 f***able chicken. I got two pieces left. Go out and fry me some in the car. All right. Okay. I just heard back from Q, one of the four guys on Impractical Jokers. I watch this show every single night while I brush my teeth. He wants a chili cheese dog, but he wants it this afternoon in New York City, and I'm not going to have time to make one. So I'm just going to pick one up from a street vendor on my way. What's going on, Q? What's up, bud? How are you? I'm very excited about this. This was your request. You know, you told me you'd feed me whatever I wanted. This is what I picked. Because I don't need them as much as I would like to. OK. And as a child growing up in New York City, like, these were everything, man. This looks like classic street dogs. Does it? Yeah, this looks great. So you can tell that I didn't make these, obviously. Yeah, I know there's no way a boy from Rhode Island is putting together something like this. You know, can I tell you the truth? I don't think I've ever had a chili cheese dog. Oh. Dude, you're going to get messy. You wore the wrong shirt. Do you have napkins? Napkins? Nice catch. All right. My suggestion, start on that end. It's already messy. You're going to get a bunch of taste right in that mouth. Really? Yeah. OK. I want to experience this live. OK. Yeah. OK. Here we go. Yeah, yeah. Wow. There's so much more going on there than I thought there was gonna be. You see the mixture? Look at that messiness. How the cheese is just getting to the nooks and crannies. There's just something to it. I can see what you mean. You got some of the cheese already. It gets everywhere. I would call it borderline disgusting when you look at how messy it is, but that's okay. You wouldn't be wrong. I don't care. That's great. I've never seen anyone eat a hot dog like this, but maybe that's because I've never had a chili cheese dog, right? Yeah, I eat corn the long way too. It's weird. You know, I'm going to call you a chili cheese dog expert. I'll take it. Give it a rating out of 10. I would say a seven, but because it was your first one and it really went well tonight, I'm going to give it an eight. Thanks Q. Appreciate it. Let me take this for you. I'll see you later. I am currently hiding backstage at the Jonas Brothers concert in New York, where I've turned their popcorn into this incredible chocolate-drizzled, delicious popcorn. And when I walked in here, the bag was full, but it's so good that I just keep eating it. What's going on, guys? Hey, hey! Welcome back. Do you guys always eat popcorn before your shows? It's good for the vocals. Oh my gosh. That is delicious. 10 out of 10. I'm going to give it a 9. Not a 10, because I want to keep your ego at a sharp level. I'm going to go with a... 9.75. It really is delicious. It's good, right? I'm not making this up. Your dad backstage just ate, like, maybe, what, 10 handfuls? The proof is in the pudding. Or in the popcorn. Wow. So we got a 9.5. I'm really happy with that rating. You can make your own mind up. Now, thanks for coming by. You can leave. We're going to keep this. I'm going to head out. Good luck on stage. Yeah, yeah. All right. See you, Nick. Thanks for having me. When I was sending out DMs, I also messaged a number of professional sports teams. And it turns out the four major teams from my home city of Boston actually replied. One of those teams was the Boston Bruins. And since I'm a big hockey player myself, I figured I'd bring them what they requested, some cookies. Do you like cookies? I love cookies. OK. I do like cookies. That's the type of cookie that I like. Chocolate chips in there. Smells like a cookie, yeah. That's a nice cookie. Yeah. Soft off the bat. I like the taste of it. It's just the right temperature cookie, I think. Right out of the oven, too. Yeah. Soft, airy, good ratio. I like that you're thinking about that, the ratio. Yeah, I need to get that in each bite. I'm thinking about sitting down and having a glass of milk with it. Yeah. Are these healthy? No. We'll say they are. I do like a little bit of a thicker cookie. OK. But I could just stack two on top of each other. That's true, too. This is unreal. They're up there. Yeah. It's worth the calories. I ate the whole thing. Yeah I would say they're top tier. Anyone else coming or no? Haha! All right. What do we got? I talked with the team, yeah. We had a nice, healthy discussion about it. Did it get heated at all? Yeah, there's always a couple of aggressors. Some of them are big chocolate chip guys. Yeah. But yeah, general consensus was these are pretty high-end cookies. We tend to do 0 to 7. We landed on a 6.9. Oh, you do it out of seven? Yeah. We'll take that. That's a great rating. Thank you. Congratulations. We just got another DM from Sasha Pieterse. She was on the show Pretty Little Liars. I may have watched an episode or two back in the day. She requested a meatball burrata recipe directly from her cookbook. So I can't really mess this one up. I've got the meatballs. I've got the burrata. I'll be honest. It's not my best looking dish I've ever made, but it's one of those ones that I just know is going to taste unbelievable. So I'm hoping for a high rating here. Hi! Oh my gosh, welcome. You smell that? Yeah, I do. Please, please come in. So why don't you dive in first? I'm going to take a little bite too because I haven't even gotten to try it. The only thing I would say is if you could have added some herbs. Oh God. But I feel like the salt level's good, the pepper's good. I like the honesty. Out of 10 meatballs, what are you giving? Haha, I will give you eight out of 10 meatballs. Okay. Well, thanks for having me to your place. Absolutely. And I'll let you finish these. Thank you so much. We just got another reply. It's from Brian Bumgarner. He played Kevin in The Office. Throw back to the time that he spent all night making chili and then spilled it all over the floor. And he wants barbecue, but he didn't give me any specifics. He just wants barbecue in general. So I'm going to make him some ribs. All right. So Brian's on a shoot right now for one of Drake's music videos, but we've made him these delicious ribs. I hope he gives us a good rating. Let's see. Hello. What's happening? Oh my God, it's been a long time. Oh man, last time I saw you, we were... We made chili. Yeah, the chili was way too spicy for me. Well, look what we made today. Look at this. Can I hit you with some barbecue sauce? Please, I would love that. Get sloppy with it. Just get crazy with it. Why not? I think you might know I've got a barbecue cookbook coming out. You're a barbecue pro. I'm a barbecue pro. Yeah, let's see if I'm a barbecue pro. All right, let me try this. These are delicious. There's a little spice to it. Well, I'm trying to build my spice tolerance. So these days I feel like I have a little, I'm a little more heavy handed with the spice than I used to be. I mean, there is definitely some cayenne pepper that is permeating my soul. It's very good. Very tender. I'm going to give it a really, really solid 8.7. Okay. You just send me a message anytime you want any barbecue and I'll show up. And you come tomorrow. My mouth is burning. I just found out that our next stop will be Paris. And no, not the Paris in France. I just got the DM back from none other than Paris Hilton. And the best part is she wants lasagna. I love lasagna. I'm going to get to work, Paris. Hello. Hey, Nick. Come on in. So I thought I would surprise you. And I put in your new pan. So tell me why you requested lasagna. I love lasagna. I have my recipe and it's called "Sliving" lasagna and it's delicious. Well, I also tried to give you a pink sauce here. It's not easy to make a pink sauce, by the way. Yeah, it looks purple. It's a little purple now. Would you like to do the honors? Let's do it. Cheers. Cheers. Tastes good, not as good as my Sliving Lasagna. If your Sliving Lasagna is a 10 out of 10, give me what this one would be. A seven. No point something, no, no, just a seven. I'll give you a 7.5. A 7.5, that's the final rating for Lasagna, I'll take that. It's only because I'm comparing it to my Sliving Lasagna though. Right, which is the gold standard, 10 out of 10. Yeah, well no, that's like 100 out of 10. Oh, it's a 100 out of 10. Yeah. You gave me an impossible task to make Lasagna for you. Well, you're sweet, so I'll give you a nine. This keeps going up. This is amazing. Okay, a nine. We're just going to keep talking and it'll be a 10 eventually. Can I have the leftovers? Yeah. And can I take the pan with me? Yeah, I'll send you the whole cookwear line. Beautiful. Okay. I'm going to take this and I'm going to keep the knife. Thanks for the nine. For our last delivery, we got a response from... Jason Derulo. Jason requested a chocolate lava cake. I'm here at his apartment, but I didn't quite have time to make the lava cake, so I got it from Domino's. Fingers crossed he doesn't notice. How you doing? Chillin, brother, how you doing? I got you the lava cake. All right, come on. You ready? All right, Jason, you tell me why you requested lava cake. I mean, come on. Lava cake is the best dessert on the planet. How long did it take you to make this? Oh, man, that's a good question. I don't even remember. Oh, wow. By the way, Gordon Ramsay approves of my lava cake. So Gordon likes your lava cake? He does, man. If Gordon Ramsay approved your lava cake, then you are definitely a connoisseur. I'm not going to lie. It's very, very familiar. I've definitely had this before. Did you pick that up from Domino's?
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 12,963,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nick DiGiovanni, Cooking, Food, Chef, Recipe, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen, ASMR, MasterChef, Osmo Salt, Salt Bae, Learn To Cook, Knife Drop, Cookbook, Kid-Friendly, Kid’s Recipes, Kid’s Cooking, steak, meat, expensive, YouTubers, Tom Brady, Charli and Dixie D’Amelio, Matthew McConnaughey, Veronika Rajek, Brian Quinn, Jonas Brothers, Sasha Pieterse, The Boston Bruins, Benny Blanco, Brian Baumgartner, Paris Hilton, Jason Derulo
Id: LL5pu9GzziA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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