I Tested 1-Star Hotels

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I have collected the craziest one star hotel reviews across all of America and today I'm gonna put them to the test my only role for this challenge is I have to leave a five-star review at every hotel but I can't lie my Journey Begins on a flight to a place that I've always wanted to go [Music] I am in Salt Lake City Utah I know what you're thinking Ryan that's like the chillest place on Earth what's wrong with this hotel that's what I thought as well until I saw Stefan's review drove six hours from Vegas wouldn't let me in the building to check it there is a blizzard outside made me pay 100 cash deposit then at 9pm I was exhausted there was a hostage situation in the room above me bomb squad 60 cops around the building I was forced to go to another room and they refused to refund me don't stay here one star Stefan you don't need a refund dude you need a therapist did all that really happen here howdy I'm scared and Stacy's not making me feel any better this was by far the worst hotel I've been to just to list a few things bed bugs all over dirty dirty dirty window broke door broke a hundred dollar cash deposit now I'm broke one star okay so the bed bugs seemed to be a common complaint I didn't sign up for roommates if you need to pick me up like I did after those reviews here's here's William's review it's just a selfie there's no caption there's no message there's barely any information other than just William William don't ever change well I have to find a way to leave an honest five-star review at potentially the most concerning hotel in America and to test the legitimacy of this 100 cash deposit policy I have no money I've got no cash I'll see you on the other side hello hey just checking in for a last name Trahan I don't have any cash down 7-Eleven yay [Music] here's the 100 let me make one thing abundantly clear I didn't come all this way to leave an average review I came all this way because I want to be the greatest reviewer of all time yeah I bought a briefcase for this I just I I don't know that made me look cool I mean there are three main accusations for this hotel we've already proven one of them so we'll be checking the room pretty shortly but one thing they don't tell you in the reviews this view okay well you can only pretty much see the fence from here but there's a mountain back there see if I can oh yeah look there's a mountain I love mountains anyways this is my stay for the night I can hear my upstairs neighbor actually very vividly they keep flushing the toilet oh that's concerning for number three but regardless let's investigate number two the main accusation I'm afraid of is bed bugs oh okay well one thing we just found pretty quickly there is hair on the pillows but that's that's normal that's where you're that's where your head goes all right let's see if there's any bugs in here wakey wakey do you have any any bugs yep there it is that's one of them is he a lot I think it might be I think I don't know if it's a lie no yeah that's yeah no that's concerning I honestly don't know what that stuff is on the bed it's really not that big of a deal like if it's dead skin cells or something like I probably have that in my bed it's just the fact that I know it's not mine I'm solved the room comes with a microwave in a in a coffee machine I feel like that's actually that's pretty good to help you overcome the other stuff the bathroom is fine it really is the main thing there's no way that there's this much are they okay is my question the good news is it's almost dinner time and we still haven't had a hostage situation that is a huge Plus for me we've got four walls the doors locked and I love sleeping bags really the only thing left to do is order some Chinese food and wait to see if a bomb squad shows up for my next door neighbor dinner is served the doordash driver had to like take a picture of of the food delivery and I'm just in it why am I so awkward I look so awkward in the photo you know what I'm having a good night I tried watching some TV but for some reason only Impractical Jokers is on like I can't change the channel and one of the main reasons I was excited to film this video I haven't read a book in like two years and my wife Haley she's been trying to get me to read and I just I can't do it at home I I'm so distracted so I took this book from her shelf and I'm gonna surprise her by finishing it while going to these hotels she's gonna eat that up boys I ate my meal while I enjoyed the incredible view outside my window good news it's sleepy time and no hostage I want to finish writing my review I really need to go to sleep okay I'm ready [Music] you guys are never gonna believe where I'm going next [Music] check that out Hotel Fort Des Moines I feel like I had to say that with a fancy accent I know what you're thinking Ryan that hotel looks so fancy it is it actually costs a lot of money which is so confusing because the ratings are so low maybe Troy's review can give us some insight not a single room ready until 6 PM when my room was finally done I opened the fridge and let out the deepest groan of my adult life because there is old breast milk in the fridge and now I have to remove it to make room for my wife's leftover lasagna I can't do this anymore I'm getting too old one star what I thought that review was insane until I scroll down and immediately read Scots hurt myself getting out of bathroom hitting a set of keys decoration bathroom is so small it's just so small I can't stand it wife and baby not happy I'm not happy worst of all there are leftover nachos in the fridge rooms smell bad and now I know why I had to dispose of them myself because my wife needed clean fridge for breast milk Dylan the night manager was rude one star it was you how is this even real I feel like I just watched a movie that was insane I just witnessed back to back guests leave one star reviews because of each other and on top of all of that I don't think Lauren B understands how these reviews were demonte's Iowa hotels near me one star Amen to that Lauren you're doing a great job all right well let's go find a way to leave this place an honest five-star review I don't think it's gonna be easy [Music] how's it going all right I was immediately confused by what I was seeing fancy staircase crown molding fancy lights big window fancy jazz music on the speakers they call snacks Sundries this place is so nice hey just check me in my first time to Des Moines it's just so exciting honestly just staying here [Music] what what no way no way emergency meeting this is the nicest hotel room I've ever been in the other hotels are not gonna be like this one they're not going to be like this one at all I picked the hotels based on which ones had the lowest ratings in America the main reason for the one star reviews are the following one the room is dirty two the bathroom is small and three there is food and potentially other fluids in the fridge that are not mine let's investigate let's do this nighty night oh gosh that's dark I bought a black light on the internet let's see if this room's actually dirty I started off with the pillows no hair then I moved on to the TV remote one of the dirtiest objects known to man I got a sample for my microscope and I went to work I don't know what I'm doing this room is spotless it's it's actually really clean the bathroom is also completely massive what was the last thing oh yeah this is actually scary I'm actually scared I don't know what I would do if I open this and I just saw breast milk in here but here goes nothing three two one no now that my investigation is complete I decided to treat myself to a dinner at their restaurant proud footing bird why do fancy restaurants have names like this hey I just prefer one this place is so nice I got the chicken it's not chicken I don't know what it is to be honest but it was really good you guys have chocolate cake can I order chocolate cake here I ordered some dessert to my room and I I watched football I was having a great time until I take all over oh I spilled a cake on the mattress no no I just imagine the next review being about the stained bed sheets I'm the reason for the one star you can't take me anywhere I actually feel so bad good I had a great night of sleep I brushed my teeth I took a shower and then I saw it made some coffee drank it and then I was ready for my review [Music] I made my way to the next airport and continued reading I'm actually quite invested in this book and I'm just excited to see if this next hotel is my happy place New York okay so busy here I'm from a small town [Music] I'm in New York City baby lots of people the hotel behind me is looking pretty good but let's see what John has to say bad never go here there are rats in a bad and fish in the toilet Roaches on the floor gorilla in the shower a killer knocking on my door shot it down trees growing in the sink Lone Star where to wipe again how did that review feel like a horror movie and a children's book at the same time and the photo he left I mean I'm praying this review is a joke it literally has to be a joke and Brian isn't making me feel any better about this don't stay here unless you're willing to lose it all the risk isn't worth the cost and the cost is the price of the risk monster I think that made sense I think I'm terrified when I was trying to book the hotel behind me because its average rating is 1.4 Stars 1.4 well I was running into a lot of complications because the whole thing with this hotel is that they keep changing their name on Apple Maps it's called New York inn but there's a sign that says City rooms NYC and then in the entryway it says be home Hotel on top of all of our concerns every website has wildly different photos of what the inside looks like really the only way we're gonna get any answers and have any hope at leaving a five-star review is if I go inside let's go find out what the heck this hotel's called we're here this is this is it is it a real place yes hey um I'm just uh checking in for the hotel is this the hotel what was this place called actually by the way before I was sitting here [Music] okay well now we know why the name keeps changing management but there are some major accusations for this room so let's check it out I'm not doing that again we have some serious investigation to do in the toilets showers everything else this looks pretty good but is it I don't know I was trying to have some sort of sick one-liner but oh it's okay no rats in their bed no fish in the toilet no gorillas in the shower really nervous about this one oh thank goodness no trees in the sink what's going on here please be a gorilla please be a gorilla what the heck and I thought the view in Utah was good what is this this is two massive pipes then I decided to go out and find some dinner I'm in an amazing location that's a huge plus of this hotel I'm right by Times Square I decided on New York Pizza across the street have you had this pizza before thank you I just had one ah cheese or pepperoni or I like cheese cheese I'm a cheese guy too thank you you too bye-bye got it Victor can you take a picture of me with my pizzas sure I say New York on three yeah one two three okay what's the real New York I fold it in half it in half oh this is amazing I love New York oh oh this way this way this way sideways all right here goes whoa I walked over to Times Square and had an amazing time it was a great it was a great evening I am back at the hotel this is my buddy CJ we had so much fun I ate my pizza and then he got a hot dog and then we hung out for like 30 minutes I love New York I just been reading for like two hours which is a huge feat for me but when you've got a view like this I mean this room is really nice I also took a shower earlier the shower's great the whole bathroom's good really everything about this room is Pleasant it feels good inside the AC is blowing cold the tile is Subway no complaints also this burrito this is the stubbiest Chipotle burrito I've ever seen yes I got more food I can't even slap back can I well [Music] okay I'm ready [Music] my flights in the next city didn't leave for a while so I enjoyed my time in New York I got a bagel coffee it was awesome but there's no time to waste actually there was that was the whole thing I just said but I've got to keep moving in this new city I did my favorite thing in the world rent a car I have now arrived to South Dakota is my phone gonna fall I'm in a rental car because I have to drive Ward miles to this next Toyota oh yeah I better hit I'm gonna drive I also really want to finish this book for Haley so I'm listening to the audiobooks as I approached my destination I was confused because I am in the middle of nowhere but then I saw it oh I made it to the lowest rated hotel in South Dakota this is like the least trustworthy looking building I think I've ever seen somehow it's an inanimate object yet still looks like it's evading taxes it probably is this is the only solid photo of of the inside that I could find which is frightening so let's check out the reviews Matt said been coming here for 10 years and lose money every time that was 2015 and then he updated his review a year later each time I go I ask myself why I bother going here this is my last time coming good riddance and then uh you guessed it he updated his review again update even worse the payout on the slots is so horrible give your money to the state and not these tight jerks never coming back guys he wasn't done he came back three years later and updated his review again decided to try again uh still not much has changed this place is a joke lost so much money I wish this place never existed I'm done here burden my Casino Card it's hilarious that I can hit a Max bet bonus here and I get forty dollars Wahoo that's not even gas money to get home brilliant I'm moving to Florida I'm getting emotional saying this but I don't think he moved to Florida because he went back cried my luck again absolutely rigged guys we need to have an intervention if Matt is in there I'm taking him back home to Texas with me gambling is illegal there I know that's not even about the hotel but I I thought it was so crazy I have to try the slots in the casino imagine I win a bunch of money the hotel for the most part sounds pretty good except for this one review from Bill very disappointed we drove over from Minnesota for a weekend away we checked into our room and it was okay at Best in need of some upgrades then we looked around and found an underwear on the side of the jacuzzi tub did he just say there's a jacuzzi in the hood I'll continue we went down to the desk to ask for a different room lady didn't even seem surprised about the underwear no sorry no free play at the casino ATMs didn't work how am I supposed to gamble save money live better don't come here that all sounded really awful until he threw the Walmart slogan in there at the end how did he do that or why look guys the Knight is still young and I've got a reservation with my name on it at the lowest rated hotel in South Dakota I may never say that again hopefully not let's go see if we can find Matt please it's a long ways from home I know came all the way out here for for this place this place really in the middle of nowhere huh are the slots lucky today have a good one [Music] sorry I gotta stop with a slow-mo I just I think it's so cool if you're wondering why the lighting is so good in this shot it's because I literally I have my phone on a light bulb how about a room tour the bed he's cozy this is a nice bed the fridge does not contain breast milk not one but two chairs for all of your sitting needs and finally the bathroom is really nice and it does not contain underwear I'm starting to think Bill's review was an inside job and he just wanted free spins on the slots it doesn't surprise me that a hotel attached to a casino would have bad reviews it's mostly probably just people that lost their money because this is I'm having fun look at his menu are you kidding me that's the most fun looking menu I've I think I've seen in any establishment I love it here also on the way here I pretty much started crying at this book this book's got me in a trance it's like it's a Cheesy romance book for reference Haley rated this book five stars I think she's actually gonna freak out whenever she realizes that I read this book I've got like three more chapters left this is crazy I haven't read a book so I'm experiencing some character development here in this video speaking of which I'm gonna go gamble this place feels like a world in the metaverse I can't believe how much dopamine is available here I'm willing to lose a 20 bill for the video just to prove that the slots are rigged but you're never gonna believe what happened come on come on I kind of stopped recording at this point because I had like six dollars left I thought I was gonna lose it all and then wait wait no way no axle away no wait did I just win the Mega Jack no way Matt is gonna be so upset I just won the mega jackpot I started getting really nervous because I feel like everyone was looking at me like they were mad at me so I just cashed out as fast as I could and got the money I got myself a Big Cheese Pizza did the New York bite and watched some football I just had so much fun at the casino Matt if you're watching this dude I'm so sorry this place is great watch football that was fun got back to my room and finished my book I cannot wait to get home and tell Haley that I finished one of her favorite books she's gonna think it's romantic I think I've definitely got a good review cooking for this hotel but listen to how good one of these last lines is no one else's happiness is yours to Grant but when I need to feel safe and happy I go home [Music] okay I told Haley I have a surprise for her and she's freaking out do you think when and Harriet really should have moved to Montana nowhere [Music]
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 24,062,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan, Trahan, hotel, 1 star hotel reviews, I tested, ryan trahan, $1 hotel
Id: Zp986RMLBD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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