Call of Duty Vanguard Is Not Worth $60...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar today i wanted to talk about call of duty vanguard and why you shouldn't actually buy it because it's actually not worth 60 dollars i know i know a bit of a you know nashville hot chicken tank right there you know what i mean a call of duty game not being worth it for 60 dollars stay less king no i'm i'm serious okay if it's one thing that i always really know about call of duty is it comes out every year and this year i was a little weirded out you know i didn't see the whole fanfare you know usually i'm on twitter constantly witnessing somebody talk about this is the next new cod leak guys hey guys you know they're making a cod game yeah i think we all know okay if it's one thing that's certain it's seeing the back of my dad's hand when i get an a minus on an english test and then also understanding that call of duty releases every year dude we could have the post-apocalypse we could literally die as a human species and the corpse of activision would find some way to pimp out a cod game and go battle pass battle pass pre-order but that's the state of call of duty okay you understand that now in the last two call of duty's that have come out all right specifically call of duty for me has actually been kind of an interesting game see modern warfare 2019 is a game that i absolutely love i know that the entire community apparently hates it or something is from what i guess but modern warfare 2019 was where it was new engine call of duty actually looked like a game release that year the reload animations are still worth simping over i love the fact that they didn't start pimping out a season pass for everyone to split the entire community into and i genuinely enjoyed the gameplay the campaign was fun the special ops felt like your average korean mmo where you just lose no matter what i guess unless you put money into it and then the multiplayer was actually a pretty good component gun fight is still really fun now i realized man they must have really set the bar high you know somebody at infinity war decided they actually wanted to make a game that year and then they did so then the year after we get call of duty black ops cold war which honestly if they can sell black ops cold war and still make a profit bro they could sell anything activision could literally get up off their chair spread their cheeks crap into a plate and sell it to you and people would buy it if black ops cold war could sell anything can sell so now vanguard basically gets announced and boy i i saw the trailer it wasn't super excited about it i think some of the best comments i've ever read is never pre-order a call of duty game general george s patton bros i'm kind of tired of this neutered down version world war ii but don't worry don't buy it it's really simple i don't like minecraft you get this i don't buy it i know amazing why you couldn't know i mean you want to know what's funny about vanguard immediately when you start playing it and you look at the names of the teams my team or the enemy team what kind of fisher price caught is this now i just wanted to like laugh at that because i found it kind of funny but i'm pretty sure when the game actually drops i'll have like you know the cia or like various like ex-nazi teams mentioned there's no way they can't get around that let's be real here uh and also i think cold wars beta didn't actually have teams i think they also use the same thing it's been a while but uh the games campaign is actually about like the birth of special now to understand playing this game the user interface was the exact same that i've ever witnessed across call of duty and you know that's a cod staple okay you're like you're nitpicking you're right okay it's kind of a nitpick but to be honest if i put modern warfare 2019 cold war and this game right next to each other you might actually have difficulty identifying each and every game okay unless you had prior history or something i also love every time that you fire this game up you just see the lineup of call of duty games and rotation i swear to god i almost believe like down the road we'll see like 10 of these games stacked up next to war zone but you know usually with call of duty games i've always found out that throughout the years each cod experience always has like something unique going for it you know if you look at something like call of duty 4 they went into the modern era you look at world of war they went back but they introduced a cooperative campaign they brought in zombies and generally the multiplayer was an extension of what made cot4 great then you look at modern warfare 2 and they're like three kill streaks how about 20 how about a crap ton of weapon unlocks how about camouflage unlocks how about pro perks i mean that game expanded the multiplayer like no tomorrow black ops introduced a currency and allowed you to actually wager your currency and go up against each other in fun game modes black ops 2 which might be the peak of call of duty introduced the pick 10 system so i can go on and on about how call of duty yes it's the same shooter every year but every development team usually brings something unique to it so when i go to cod vanguard honestly playing this game didn't feel like a world war ii title to me now the maps are all usually the boring same affair if it's not the three lane map design it's like hey here's three random points let's have this open area in the middle and just build it for snipers basically vanguard is a sniper game okay if you're not playing the sniper and vanguard you're playing the mp40 and running around generally the idea with this game is you want to be as dead brain as you can okay so spawn in run into a sight never aim down your sights and start holding that left mouse button down like no tomorrow that's pretty much vanguard's gameplay and strategy you don't need any more logical and tactical thinking beyond it they introduce some new [ __ ] like destructible walls but then they like make the destructible walls so like you know just out there like they literally just look like wooden planks that you can run through like your oryx from rainbow six siege or you know somebody's behind it 99 of the time so just pepper it with bullets and you get a free kill then you also have extra things like champion champion hill which is the new game mode so basically they have like teams of six all right eight it's actually a cool game mode they just sort of spawn you in randomly with team to team and as long as you keep all your remaining lives by the end you're kind of fine it's kind of like a battle royale mixed with search and destroy kind of or gunfight which i actually quite enjoy i think it's the only unique thing that vanguard offers now when you go to call of duty's like infamous like terrible launcher which i think this is a terrible launcher no matter what that's a different story cod vanguard is an action shooter oh yeah and then you go inside their pre-order bonuses this is why i honestly get blown away by this game and how much it sells so they're selling you the standard edition for 80 canadian which is like 60 us but then somehow you can get some [ __ ] brain damage and decide to buy the ultimate edition okay now if you go down into the actual differences so the standard edition gives you the game obviously it gives you the opportunity to pre-load the game before launch that's not a feature that's a standard in every launcher now okay you can download the game before it comes out that's a [ __ ] feature oh yeah yo you know how bad the executives must have realized making an ultimate edition feature frank all right make those [ __ ] pay for preloading and then you've got stuff like the task force one pack so you get three skins you get three weapon blueprints which trace around so that's the only thing you get to keep because get this with the ultimate edition you get the battle pass bundle the battle path you get to go on the bank bus one season battle pass and 20 tier skips okay so that immediately matters for nothing after that season end so you have to buy the next battle pass obviously then you get five hours of double xp for almost double the price of the game they can't even just [ __ ] give you double experience for life okay like what what what is this what you're really going to pay double the price for five hours of double xp is that really it and i 100 guarantee you it's not even like double xp that's all usable in game time it's like you pop you pop a double xp off and it calculates the time you spend in the game and between connecting games so they get you in every way anyways they also give you a campaign which if i'm gonna be honest with you call of duty is only worth it for the campaign right like i actually loved modern warfare 2019's campaign uh i loved black ops cold wars campaign i thought it was really interesting the way they handled it uh and i i actually wouldn't mind playing the campaign for vanguard is it worth 60 dollars to pay for what is a four-hour campaign no that's why you pick this [ __ ] up on a sale then you get multiplayer which look man we just had a whole spiel about the multiplayer it is not an enjoyable multiplayer experience it does nothing to separate itself from previous call of duty games especially the last two call of duty games asides from one game mode this is not a good multiplayer game okay quite honestly it feels incredibly uninspired i mean even visually it looks uninspired even on a top end pc like mine all the maps literally don't even have an art style worth going for even the characters are very hard to identify in between different factions this isn't like world at war or any of those older call of duty games where like you actually had lore you had proper enemy teams you had different looking enemy teams i mean listen a call of duty vanguard is the safest play these guys ever could have made make a world war ii game it's what everyone knows now listen i know we all used to [ __ ] on infinite warfare for instance because it quite honestly wasn't exactly the best multiplayer but that was a call of duty where they took some risks in the lore and the system they built i'd rather have an infinite warfare and an infinite warfare style campaign because if you've never played the campaign to infinite warfare you did yourself a disservice go pick that [ __ ] up for five dollars and give it a try because it is absolutely worth it in my opinion so infinite warfare in that case you know at least you had different factions different worlds different things to explore call of duty took some [ __ ] risks and no matter what cod will always sell regardless of the risks it takes infinite warfare was the most pan cod but i do not doubt for a second that it's sold like hotcakes now of course you jump into zombies which is actually developed by treyarch and zombies is the only thing that i think would make this package kind of worth it the best experience i had playing call of duty cold war asides from the night me charlie hugby's you know funky and justin wang sat and basically crapped on a bunch of new players was playing with mangoes on zombies that's about it other than that the game exactly the game is just an uninspired nothing burger nothing special about it the fact that it basically popped up out of nowhere without really any fanfare surprises the ever loving [ __ ] out of me but it almost doesn't because this year call of duty actually has some proper competition you've got halo around the bend hopefully when that drops you've got battlefield around the bend which turns out to be community favorites okay one of the things i always hoped call of duty would do when they introduced operators is like when they had specialists with like unique abilities i was always wondering like if you're going to elevate call of duty instead of keeping it the search and destroy the same as always been for over a decade maybe look at something like rainbow six siege and actually give these operators some special abilities actually give these specialists something and if you're going to introduce destructibility there is no better blueprint than rainbow six siege i mean that's a game that needs more competition and if call of duty could provide it it'd be awesome because if you're just going to update the you know player counts and give like bargain bin destructibility i'm basically playing you know an inferior version of an older battlefield title so really call of duty can elevate itself it's just unfortunately we're at this point where as long as they can keep shuffling in three map lane designs and call it a day and you know that's it as long as it ticks all the boxes that's where we're sitting at yeah this is the these are the three characters you end up getting yeah like lucas polina and wade this is the kind of stuff that i find insane about it i can almost guarantee you these are just operator packs right so they're just skins for different operators they have the operator concept but they're so scared of turning it kind of like rainbow six siege in a way if you're going to introduce these operators instead of making them look different how about you give them actual different gameplay styles i would love a call of duty game if it tried to even somewhat remotely resemble rainbow six siege and honestly given how current activision is do you honestly believe this girl paulina right here who looks very good in the skin pack won't end up getting anime neko cat ears and running around the axis battlefield sorry the enemy team battlefield looking like an anime cat girl like you know that's what it's gonna be like now there is one benefit the game is only 20 gigs right now but that's because it's in beta i can only imagine the 200 gigabytes it ends up taking up when it releases i'm sure that activision hasn't figured out file compression yet which is going to be a fun time but ladies and gentlemen that was call of duty vanguard a game that frankly the first time in my life that i genuinely don't even care about a cod game i had to actually look up vanguard i had to actually like look this game up normally call of duty is such a big deal that all the information disseminates even to aliens beyond but this is one of those games where i feel like call of duty generally just did not give a [ __ ] that day they phoned it in they didn't care it is what it is they opened the previous games project file called it a day that's what vanguard is dude and it is one of those games where if it sells poor or if it sells like poorly i don't want anybody blaming this on some culture war nonsense or the fact that people didn't like vanguard for some obscene reason people don't like vanguard because it's an absolute boring waste of your time alright nothing in this game is worth paying any amount of money for okay unless this game hits like an eighty percent off sale at some point by christmas then you can probably go pick it up hey i wouldn't mind it then i'll play the campaign but as far as what multiplayer i've played and before anybody says it's a beta let's not kid around we all played this beta i hope alright i hope most of you have this is what you're gonna get on release date all right it is what it is this beta might as well be called an extended [ __ ] demo so ladies and gentlemen let me know what you think about it in the comments section below this is me mudahar if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it that stranding comes out in like four days i'm excited i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 983,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W6MfH-It6UY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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