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[Music] what's up everybody another high risk or enforcer video um today I'm gonna be trying to clean up the whole entire machine lock like win every single prize in you somebody was actually just playing before me there was a huge Tower of quarters in here but as you can see it failed in no luck it didn't fall to them like it fell backwards and it powdered up for me and they just quit because there was like that was going for the tower and there was that stack of money right there those that cash right there and they did not win so I want to go for it and I have a 200 dollar buy and today that's all I'm gonna be spending I'm gonna be attempting to clean out the whole entire machine so yeah let's get started I'm gonna do what they usually do about 2 bucks at a time two to three dollars on the tongue English stack like always hope y'all are having a good day today I am get to play the hardest conversion so y'all um y'all probably can't see it good but there is a 25 out of 50 getting her to fall off on the right side over later I got to the hardest going for sure before they could reset the play field so now I think they're pretty good [Music] I hope the rip is not as high as as it was yesterday I mean if y'all have not seen the first video I did on this machine um I warned that so much money you all need to go watch that video and also did another video on it yesterday and won a ton of money okay that's pretty good in quarters out there [Music] sorry if I'm honest talkative today you can go to bed too late once now right alright that was good come on push George we start a fifty dollar cheaper out here it is did we win alone what was chicken soup it's stuck well thank you fifty dollars only one we got so far so out of a two hundred dollar buying 50 bucks back so far nice really decent pretty good so yeah let's keep going we're also women of low to quarters back like a lot we're one of the mother lode of quarters all right let's see this one should be pretty good announcer all right perfect look at that come on that is insane dude there's no chip stuck I think the art stuff out there I'll have to ask them to get that out [Music] now let's see what this one right here oh nothing really why have you still got a decent amount of quarters back I mean at least we're not losing money in holding really let's see if we can get to a thousand locks on this video well that's kind of too hard over set let's try to get to 800 locks on this video if we can get to 800 locks on this video the next video I'm little baby well there goes a $25 chip down there again um okay back to what I was saying if we can get 800 locks on this video right here a thousand quarter challenge on Miss Harris coin pusher right here this exact same one a thousand quarters [Music] [Music] well have to wait for the slots to go back around all right right there that should be a good one right here come on not perfect here we go decent not bad well I don't know if we can clean the whole entire coin rush or I don't like win every Friday but I do think we can get off it third time playing and I might get one all right right here come on Jewish give me something back come on oh goodness gracious this is insane everybody I want to get the chips they're stuck out of there but look three $25 and a fifty that makes 125 dollars right here and we did a 200 dollar buying plus there's 150 stuck it looks like so yeah I'm gonna ask them to get that stuff out real quick Barrett butter boom right here they got the hundred and the fifty out so we're definitely ahead so far so I got a hundred and fifty that makes 200 right here two fifties in the hundred souls two hundred and seventy-five dollars so where we had two hundred or 75 bucks right now that is insane and in quarters us that sucks one-third of the coolest that's down there so let's say we've won about a 10 or 15 dollar profit just in quarters so far so yeah that's the next handful it was down well we'll need a lot of quarters if they will clean out the whole entire machine that's one thing my last video that I did I want a mystery box out of here and you're not gonna believe what was inside of the mystery box another 150 oh my god this is in Sandin oh my god so here's 250 300 350 375 400 425 dollars swear so we profited 225 dollars that is in same dude but I have a lot more quarters to keep going to try to clean this thing out so we can win some of these case knobs out of here I want to win that stack of cash right there I'm gonna do about 2 dollars and 50 cents out of time that's usually what it takes well I got a dollar off cool oh nothing well it's gonna take a while to clean up this routine so yeah I caught this machine at the right time everybody because they didn't have time to reset the playfield I just started playing right after somebody else just did and this is insane I cannot believe this my goodness so yeah push give me something oh that was insane there's a lot of quarters that fell off out there so each time we put about two dollars into three books simply at least get five books out every time well about that I'd say perfect couldn't have been any better Oh dude this is insane oh crap well they might have to set the lip up a little bit on this thing home like I have people winning like this every single time this machine was probably a bad choice they should have chose something like a silver falls machine that pays out to the owner a little bit better you know all right right there come on well y'all see in here how many quarters we're winning this is insane well it was stacked up when I first came in here if you all want to know my biggest profit that I've ever gotten that a coin bushard I have put in like six or five dollars before I walked out with thirty oh look at that come on perfect really good that was excellent dude there it goes so yeah I mean I may make a video of me servicing the machine that I owned at UM at my local restaurant I might make a video about it so let me feel them there there's a lot that goes into filming in there and those restaurants so yeah here we go not perfect well you have one to the owner so yeah I think what we need to do right now is fill up the gaps and then we'll try a solid push like two dollars at once all right a dollar come on well I'm trying to fill up these gaps right here but it's not working out too good how's the quarters keep falling in the wrong places all right I'm gonna try it right here this should be decent right here [Music] it's probably already won $20 back all right so yeah I'm gonna probably be the only quarter I need to put in Yeah right here tall all right not bad not bad old hard hard why is he paying out so many quarters today I mean it was really stacked up [Music] and I just drop something that's up oh well let's keep trying this one should be pretty good I'd say [Music] yeah those 20's are sliding backwards that sucks well that was good though right here perfect here we go alright that was a decent come on I wish one of these case knives would fall off I can't boys how many quarters please again that's the first handful second handful and the horses so yah we have gotten a lot of money well that didn't go in the right place all right that one should be good out here well Conda I'm not [Music] that one should be good all right Lisa come on oh my god y'all I don't believe this 250 bucks just in chips right here holy crap and a case-knife right here white one with red red on it right there nice really really good so we have almost cleaned it out I mean there's like one two three four five six prizes later I'd say I know we'll probably win that knife right there and that 50 in the corner problem we've gotta keep doing it this way if we're gonna win anything I hope they don't mess with the lip and the front right here because if they remove that lip up we're not gonna win anything I know we won't I used to play one of these at the gas station well there's two of them at the gas stations where I live that are actually four there's four gas stations and there's in each one of the gas stations there's a mother lode coin pusher they used to have one where I went out every time I used to went out it every time they set the lip up and it would not push anything off like nothing matter of fact they had it so rude that it couldn't take the pressure when a quarter would fall the the back to push it they would just slide underneath the tray back their toes it couldn't then have the power to move all that stuff because the loop was so hot all right this one should be good all right come on I don't know if we can clean this thing out where that portage stuck in the wheel right there I may have to go get them to get that cooler out of that wheel cuz that's it's not good and that one one on the yellow thing over there alright alright that was decent calm [Music] I will try all this right here oh well I've been playing for about five minutes off-camera and we've made like no progress at all we'll see if this does anything right here it should [Music] all right this one should be good all right perfect push them all that was like that the mother lode of quarters all right that one should be good finally we're actually getting some quarters office that's good well I seem to fix the back of it there cuz there's like a quarter stuck in the wheel alright so here's the thing right now they they fix the quarters in the back and stuff um that was nice enough to move the 20s over here like cuz they was like sliding backwards they moved them over here for me they like they scooted it over some because it was like there was no way it was going to push forward because it was like stuck on the quarters in the back there so they basically put it on this side to give it a better chance of falling off you know so I was able to get a lot of quarters back out of it oh there's a 50 getting ready to fall and no they did not lose that 50 on the edge for my idea with my quarters oh yeah rap there that should be a good one okay perfect well that 50 to prepare that thing's you know well that keeps you got there is gonna fall but that one I don't know about that one or the one on the right well there that one with hope this is insane I never thought the new corner she would made this dinner I thought it was gonna be worse within the pot of silver but obviously it's not it's actually a really good machine well I don't know if I can get what's on the right side there but right here let's have to see what this this perfect that was really good all right decent come on well everything's moving [Music] I wish they would move the glass down the way it would like not stack the quarters up you know what I'm saying that would be a lot better but I don't look we'll do that in off well might as well quit one time and that did pretty good what's the second wave out of it nice way to keep the chip final oh yeah that was the one that fell off on the left there nice look at that so yeah we're gonna keep going here those 20s they're like movies won't suspect the twenties and that now at twenty-five chip out there's going to go to the owner that 52 bits closed push push them all it is getting a ton of quarters back but the thing is the pauses in there don't want to fall over [Music] okay that was good don't know what that's gonna do but all right perfect good starting to lose quarters outside it's not much so I'm gonna do like a saw with two dollars here and just see what we can win all right this one should be pretty good I would think here we go every time I say it's gonna be good it's not yeah those 20s just fell all the way backwards [Music] alright that was pretty good that's a good thing well after this one right here I'm gonna turn the camera off and play by my own or on my own a little while that way I can move some of the stuff forward then I turn the camera back on once it's on the edge well that $25 chip right there is getting ready to fall to the owner all right this one probably will be good I'd say all right here we go come on the problem is that right side never does anything it sucks [Music] all right this one should be pretty good all right besa besa there we go that was good all right here let's see what this one does oh that 50 chip right there that is moving I'm hoping I can win that cash stacker out there that would be awesome right here pretty good come on probably have to put one more in if that don't lock that one down yeah I want to try one more quarter and then I'll be ready to play I'll release the skill stomp button [Music] all right here come on push that was good right there hold that $50 chip fail oh my gosh so we have almost cleaned this whole thing out with just $200 $200 by and we've almost cleaned this whole entire thing out come on push it off get that cash at least we're getting a lot of quarters back that way we can keep on playing Robert come on oh come on really I want some rocks not doing anything this one should be a little bit better well that cache is not moving should I quit while I'm ahead right now or should I keep going for that cache stack I mean I played too long to not win anything you know what I'm saying so before I leave I definitely wanna win more stuff out of here yeah that moved that cache stack that time that was good [Music] I'm gonna try two more quarters right here come on babe this one should be good okay that one looks pretty good I still got a lot in the middle getting ready to fall well I think I'll make it website [Music] [Music] sorry I'm not really talking I'm just trying to concentrate here I'm winning all these progress perfect that should get a lot well I have to say we have not done bad all right perfect against who comes in the race well I don't know let me just see if I can get this cash back on the age all right that was pretty good come on you know I do I still have a lot of quarters you know so we can probably keep playing for a little while right [Music] here to push give me that cash back oh that thing is super close now that's a whirlwind light we could win it with just this dollar I don't know let's see perfect and that that stack of cash right there that's gonna follow come on that should be it right there hey at least we got our money back in quarters that's good all right that one should be good right here this one should be good come on push that cash that off come on all right that should get it right oh no [Music] my feet are getting tired I'm exhausted after standing here about an hour trying to win everything in the machine yeah I think that's tough [Music] literally not women yes there it goes but it's stuck I know it I guess don't give that to me nice so we basically clean this thing out all right let me see if I'll get that thing out of there all right so they got the let's cash back out of there looks like a lot of cash in there maybe a hundred maybe fifty I don't really know I set my stuff back on the machine here they moved some of the stuff out because all that stuff was on the right and getting ready to fall to the owner they moved the knife out a little bit they moved the 25 out from going to the owner and the 50 to 50 would not fall oh so yeah I'm gonna just play Y left on the right side [Music] this one should be good right here come well I don't know things if that's gonna fall or not I mean the only reason they moved it was because he was getting ready to fall to the owner so I don't know if it'll fall or not well all I need to win is that knock right there [Music] perfect here we go come on [Music] all right that should get something off but well those 2550 the slob is all right that was good that was good I don't know if we'll be able to clean it I okay that one an extra dollar 25 right here come on please be a good one I hate to say it but this is my last 50 cents to put in there right here come on please push them all off for them that knife is so close let me try to get them in quarters off their bomb using still stop perfect look at that this is where it starts to get intense around here that because dollar right here [Music] all right one more quarter right here you should get that knife I hope it does because no more bye and this was the last of my money right dance we just got the knob holy crap it failed oh my God look at that not nothing yeah that's 50 and 25 that's not gonna fall it you probably have to put in a $500 buy and just to get that it's not worth it at all all right perfect [Music] I think I'm gonna try like two more dollars hi this is my wife's two bucks right here well I put another quarter in because it didn't fall again really really nothing fail this is a joke right come on this is the last of my money please be good well I'm gonna try to use these skill stop to get some of these quarters off the back but all those to fail but they stacked not gonna all right right here this one is probably the last push right here come on get something off I gotta keep going cuz I have them just a little bit of quarters left and we're all on the edge and of course half of them got stuck all right right here come on yeah whatever I win this time I'm taking home yeah I think I'm gonna call it quits right here oh quit while I'm ahead so yeah let me get the winning because and I will show you all what we won so we ended up winning two $30.00 case now so that's 60 bucks right here well yeah well these are about 35 30 or 35 I don't really know let's say they're 30 bucks apiece so that means we got 60 bucks now let's open the cash stack right here oh crap I can't get it open I don't know how they even take this right here okay I got it no worries all right well I'll see a 10 so far so let's see 20 40 60 80 $90 in this stack right here so $90 $90 now let's count how much money we got in chips 400 right here just in hundreds say there's four 100 450 500 550 600 650 700 775 just in chips right here so yeah we got 775 right here 775 bucks let's say 60 bucks here and well let's not count the knives let's just count the cash so yeah 775 and we got 90 in cash that would make our total is 865 dollars out of 200 plus the knives right there probably won't for 60 bucks together about 30 bucks apiece so yeah I want to cash out here um we practically clean this whole thing out I mean you know I mean there's 25 and a 50 left I don't I ain't going for it just because it's too far backward you know so anyone y'all did enjoy please leave a like on this video a hundred lakhs on this video and I will do a thousand quarter challenge on this machine right here the high-risk ownership thanks for watching have an awesome day [Music]
Channel: A&V Coin Pusher
Views: 14,572
Rating: 4.8200564 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 31sec (3031 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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