A Clear Message On A Cloudy Day - Pastor Joel Tudman

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[Music] i love to praise his holy name if that's you i want you to type that in the screen right now i love make it personal i love to praise his name that's one thing i want you to do the second thing i want you to do is i want you to invite somebody i don't know what platform you're watching us from tonight but i want you to share i want you to tag and find a friend and say come praise with me tonight as we explore god's word together the third thing i want you to do is give our bishop and his wife our first lady a lovely round of applause i want you to find those little emojis and i want you to put those things together right now and i want you to bless god for them they are incredible leaders where would we be if we did not have the two of them leading this ship that's the third thing i want you to do fourth thing if you just joined in and you just logged on you missed an opportunity that we all worship together in giving i want you to join us and sow a seed in to this ministry that is changing lives all over the world and the fourth thing i want you to do is i want you to find numbers chapter nine numbers chapter 9 verses 15 through 23. on the day the tabernacle was set up the cloud covered the tabernacle the tent of the testimony and it appeared like fire above the tabernacle from evening until morning it remained that way continuously the cloud would cover it appearing like fire at night whenever the cloud was lifted up above the tent the israelites would set out at the place where the cloud stopped there the israelites camped at the lord's command the israelites set out and at the lord's command they count as long as the clouds stayed over the tabernacle they count even when the clouds stayed over the tabernacle many days the israelites carried out the lord's requirement and did not set out sometimes the cloud remained over the tabernacle for only a few days they would camp at the lord's command and set out at the lord's command sometimes the cloud remained only from evening until morning when the cloud lifted in the morning they set out or if it remained a day and a night they moved out when the cloud lifted whether it was two days a month or longer the israelites camped and did not set out as long as the cloud stayed over the tabernacle but when it was lifted they set out they kept at the lord's command and they set out at the lord's command they carried out the lord's requirement according to his command through moses father we thank you for your word in jesus name i want to teach tonight from a topic entitled a clear message on a cloudy day a clear message on a cloudy day the objective of this lesson i believe that you will learn that god is dedicated to leading us this passage of scripture reveals god's loyalty it reveals his leadership and it reveals its lordship it's a recap of what has already happened in the book of exodus and how god used a cloud as a command and the compass i want you to put that in the screen right now how he used a cloud as a command and a compass he used the command and a compass to guide the children of israel into the future and their deliverance from pharaoh see the bible paints a vivid picture of how god and how far god is willing to go to lead us if we're really willing to follow him and he will often use things that we recognize like a cloud in our text to keep you from being lost and from being puzzled and from being left but yet he still expects you to deepen your reverence for him and your respect for others as you discover his value in the residue of what you're going through see the children of israel had been in slavery you know that for over 430 years they were in bondage and he leads them out as free men and free women he does not leave them out as slaves or hostages and i think i wanted to park there because some of you right now god has pulled you out of some situations that you felt like you were enslaved or you were tied to but your biggest battle is going to be am i what i was when he called me out prior or am i what he's calling me now and oftentimes you will battle with that tension that transition because you're free he who the sun sets free is free indeed but i still got all my bondage clothes i still got on i still got on the chains and i still have on the slave mindset so i have to adjust and adapt to the freedom that he has given me and he calls me free but i still look like a slave he calls me free but i still look like what i've been through i want to park and encourage you and i want you to encourage your brothers and sisters that are on the line and tell them you are not what you came out of you are not what you did you are what god called you and he called you free he who the son set free is free indeed see the children of the israel of israel they're on this journey they're on this journey and this is a a one of discovery a discovery of god and discovery of themselves and and and here they are wrestling am i what i was am i what he called me uh am am i am i worth all of this i'm unpacking what i've been and i'm trying to see the unveiling of who i am to become and between every exodus and every entrance there's an encounter that reveals god more and reveals more of who i am more of me and more than likely you're going to need help discovering god's plan along the way why you say that pastor it is difficult make sure you write this one down it is difficult but not impossible to lead yourself safely out of bondage without hurting yourself or hurting someone else here's what i want you to know you can't show yourself what you don't know that requires someone that knows that's why they had to have a moses one who understood that nature one that understood that life one that understood their heritage one that understood where they came from one that lived in both sides of the fence so that he could come in and speak the language and know the feeling but yet also know what it's like to come out and not be a slave you need help you need someone to show you because if you could do it yourself you would need someone to break you out in exodus 13 21 and 22 the bible says the lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to lead them on their way during the day and in the pillar of fire to give them light at night so that they could travel day or night so now we see this cloud that we were talking about in the text that moses is discussing in numbers and he's showing us where they begin to build this acquaintance they begin to build their relationship with this cloud because you got to look at this now and i want to take my time and then practice this cloud never left its place it always stayed in front it always stayed out in front of them and it only changed positions when pharaoh began to pursue them so this cloud was out in front as direction as guidance as the compass to show them where to go and the only time that we see this cloud change positions is when there's a threat from the past and i wanted to tell you some of you right now there's some threats from the past there's some threats that are trying to tell you they're going to pull you down they're going to destroy you but god told me to tell you there's a cloud that's changing its position to protect you from what's trying to destroy you glory to god he only changes the position when there's a threat behind him and all god's trying to show you is that i can leave you and i can protect you yeah i can protect you from what's from what's chasing you i want your focus to still be on the prize the high calling what's exactly in front of you i don't want your focus uh behind you because you can't run well looking behind you can't run well with your focus behind you you can't run well with your attention behind it's not even possibly it's not even possible possible anatomically you've got to be able to look forward so your body can flow the way god designed you to go so this cloud never changed this position only when there was a threat all right so this is when they got acquainted with him but you got to see the adjustment okay because i'm sure i'm sure over 430 years it had to have rained sometimes i'm sure that slavery looked like a cloud i'm sure that slavery looked like a storm i'm sure that they understood what thunder sound like but there are going to be moments when god sends something that you recognize and you've got to be able to look at it and not think the worst because of the relationship or the experiences that you've had with it in a previous place so you've got to look at that serpent that they had to look at in the old testament and for healing it's the same thing i got to look at after i just got bit by snakes you want me to look at another snake it's in the obedience i want you to look at the cloud but what i came out of looks like a cloud i want you to look at the cloud but what i was in looks like a cloud i want you to look at the cloud but what i was doing looked like a cloud i had kids in the cloud we we were being beaten in the cloud there were storms in the cloud and you want me to follow a cloud yes because every cloud is not a storm every cloud is not a storm so they had to get acquainted with the cloud coming out of bondage so there had to be some adjustment in their perspective okay write this down your bondage doesn't surprise god he can handle your habits and your horror see emotionally bondage is tied to a phrase filling blue and filling blue is about being sad and being depressed and speaking about that i read an article recently in everyday health it was a study that was tied to how weather affects mood and so in that study it listed the top 10 states in america in the united states and how uh how much did rain each particular state city and state was over 50 or 50 days out of the year rather and so it was talking about in this on in the study from both sides that there wasn't enough not enough information to say that it affected the mood and then there was just as much that said it was that those who lived in rainy places they had mood swings they would fall into depression easily on multiple days of rain and so i began to look at that and begin to see what it looks like when we have been in cloudy moments in our lives and a lot of what we call cloudy all right a lot of what we call cloudy is when we've given our own initiatives green light without god's input and we we we we've taken things that we've not talked to god about and we've decided to be king of our thoughts and make our own moves without checking with him and then also there are things that have happened that we have no control over and we have to sit under and be forced to find a way i want to talk to somebody who feels cloudy i want to talk to somebody who doesn't understand what this looks like because when it's cloudy my view is distorted this may not be a storm with precipitations but my view is cloudy america is cloudy families are cloudy job security is cloudy globally we're cloudy we just watched on television today on channel 4 news where they asked the question could we be facing a twin gimmick in a super storm with an upcoming flu season mixed with covet 19 that sounds cloudy we just got through watching a presidential debate where we were cloudy and didn't have any answers we are in a cloudy time so the first thing i want to tell you is your perspective of cloudy days predicts your posture in them all right i'm going to repeat that again your perspective of cloudy days predicts your posture in them see they had been in slavery that that that was cloudy and it affected their interpretation of liberty because what you don't see in this text you see the recap of what moses is saying but you don't see moses recanting all of the murmuring and all of the complaining and all of the adjustments that had to be made because they didn't understand how can we get water out of this why are we having to walk this far there will always be cloudy moments but what you've got to understand if you don't shift your perspective then it will predict your posture in a cloudy situation and so your body language is bad your verbal language is bad and i came on here today to encourage you because natural cloudy days are viewed as gloomy and sad and interfering and and and we even have songs that talk about cloudy days and and how how they hinder amazing opportunities but biblically biblically when we see clouds we see god's ability this is why i've got to change your perspective tonight when we look in the bible there's no reason to have a mood swing when god brings a cloud and shows his ability why write it down god's ability will accommodate his agenda yeah his agenda in the wilderness was to lead his chosen people into the promised land number one he wanted to develop them as a people number two he wanted to develop their worship number three he want to establish a new pattern for them and number four he wanted to dwell amongst them and all of that came from a cloud but you don't see how they had to adjust from cloudiness and slavery and cloudiness journeying to get to the point where they can embrace the spirit of god in the form of a cloud glory to god i wish i had a witness in here right now somebody could just shout out hallelujah his agenda requires your work god's agenda is going to require your work what do you mean pastor number one is going to require your attendance number two is going to require your attention number three is going to require your attitude let me say it again number one is going to require your attendance some of you got to show up it's time after you send in somebody else it's time out for you just kind of watching behind doors you got to show up you're going to have your attendance number two is going to require your attention being there is not good enough you're going to have to be there and be there mentally glory to god and number three your attitude we're not only just going to have your attendance we can't just have your attention we need your attitude to look like the kingdom of god your attitude can get so bad that even in your absence if somebody else start acting like you we'll say you acting like joel that's not what we want we want your attitude we want your attention and we want your attendance pastor what does that have to do with anything in this text let me tell you why the very first verse that i read you and on that day that the tabernacle was reared up the cloud covered the tabernacle namely the tent of the testimony and even there upon the tabernacle as it were the appearance of fire until morning let me i don't have time to teach the tabernacle but i do want you to understand something it's a time to do the tabernacle it's a time to do the tabernacle i want you to put that on the screen so they can see it it took time to do this habanero it required attendance it required attention it required a good attitude they camped around this particular epicenter every tribe was around it the bible says that moses set up the tabernacle he laid its bases positioned its supports inserted its crossbows and set up the pillars then he spread the tent over the tabernacle and put the covering of the tent on top of it just as the lord had commanded moses moses took the testimony and placed it in the ark and attached the poles to the ark he set the mercy seat on top of the ark he brought the ark into the tabernacle put up the curtain for the screen and screened off the ark of the testimony just as the lord had commanded him moses placed the tap of the table in the tent of meeting on the north side of the tabernacle outside of the curtain he arranged the bread on it before the lord just as the lord had commanded him he put the lamp stand and the tent of meeting opposite of the table on the south side of the tabernacle and set up the lamps before the lord just as the lord had commanded him moses installed the gold altar and the tent of meeting in front of the curtain and burned fragrance of incense just as the lord had commanded him he put up the screen at the entrance of the tabernacle he placed the altar on the burnt offering of the entrance of the tabernacle the tenth of the meeting and offered burnt offering and grain offering on it just as the lord commanded him he set the basin between the ten of the meeting and the altar he put the water in it for washing moses aaron and his son washed their hands and feet from it they washed whenever they came to the tent of meeting and approached the altar just as the lord had commanded moses next moses set up the surrounding courtyard for the tabernacle and the altar and hunger screen for the gate of the courtyard so moses finished his work the cloud covered the tent the meeting and the glory of the lord filled the tabernacle 35 says moses wanted his head he wasn't able to enter the tent of meeting because of the cloud that rested on it and the glory of the lord filled the tabernacle i came in to tell somebody right now glory to god you look me right in my face that would you do your work for god even in times that you don't understand while you're journeying trying to figure out who you are god has a blessing and he will attach that blessing to your work and i'm coming on here today to prophesy to you that as you get busy working god's about to get busy blessing as you get busy doing what god told you to do god's about to drop an anointing on you and the anointing is going to be so strong that it's going to change your perspective of a cloud glory to god there will be an intersection of your work in his imagine you working up kingdom business even as you work out imagine yourself working up well joel what do you mean there's an intersection the glory is coming the glory is coming the glory is coming the glory is coming and some of you stop building right in the middle of the glory coming because you couldn't perceive the glory from what you were in previously and sometimes god will often use what what what what made you go backwards what made you become frightful god will also use that and tell you to keep on working can you see jesus when he's on the cross and he's dying further into your hands i commit my spirit there was an intersection between the work of jesus the man and the glory of god the intersection the intersection the intersection the intersection where humanity crosses into divinity where glory to god the terrestrial and the celestial begin to collide there will be a blessing when the two intersect god's covering what's the blessing and some of you are missing that because you would rather kick it with god than be covered by him you are going to have to make up in your mind that covering has more responsibility than kicking it see kicking it doesn't have any responsibility but covering has accountability and if we're going to walk with god through cloudy times and receive a clear message you're going to have to embrace that god is your father he's your lord he's your savior and there must be an intersection between what he has and what he told you to do see let's look at this cloud i got to deal with this cloud a cloud is made up of water droplets ice crystals in the sky and when you look at clouds and rain and i'm not a science guy but i do know that you've got condensation and evaporation and cloud formation and precipitation it's called a water cycle that with this water cycle this is how god gets what he has there here some type of cycle that he created at the beginning of time to get what is there here clouds this is what makes the pillar of fire by night such a miracle because it's a pillar of fire by night but naturally it's ice it's another form of water small crystals frozen together and god takes the natural and puts it super on top of it and causes it to be what you need so that you can be covered and comforted in a cloudy situation see the white clouds artistically paint the sky with beauty while the dark scouts bring bring this fear and bring this worry but if you've ever been curious like me up in the airplane and you just wish you know i wish i could just grab one of those big fluffy cows well you can you can't do it in an airplane but you can if you've ever walked outside and it was foggy you were in the cloud you were inside the cloud that's what it looks like when god brings a part of the world that you could never reach to you he brings the cloud to the ground so you can experience what's in the atmosphere can i prophesy to you god's about to bring things down even in a pandemic i believe car prices are about to come down house houses the prices are about to come down there are going to be things that have been out of your reach in a different atmosphere that god's about to show you i am the lord thy god and i can bring it down somebody shouted out in your house lord bring it down for me bring it down bring it down bring it down so we can see the connection to clouds are often within the scripture and if the connection of the clouds are often in the scripture then that would mean that i've got to learn how to readjust what i think about cloudy days yeah we know that he created them when he did the heavens and the earth but we don't actually see the word cloud until the ninth chapter of genesis in genesis 9 13 through 15 he says i have placed my bow in the clouds and it will be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth and whenever i form the clouds over the earth and the bow appears in the clouds i will remember my covenant between me and you and all the living creatures water will never again become a flood to destroy every creature when you see the word bow in this particular text he's talking about the rainbow the rainbow comes from the throne of god i think you need to hear that the rainbow comes from the throne of god if you go over to revelation chapter four and look at verses two and three it says immediately i was in the spirit and there was a throne in heaven and someone seating on it the one seated there had an appearance of jasper and carnelian stone a rainbow that had the appearance of an emerald surrounding the throne what is he saying the rainbow is god's are you hearing me so when you look up in the sky and you see that rainbow after there's been a rain after there's been some type of precipitation and you see that rain yes it's beautiful but it's not just beautiful it comes from the very throne of god it is god pulling in what you could not see and making it visible so you can see god gave us his rainbow as a sign that is a clear message what do you mean it's a clear message clouds are the carriers of the noaa covenant god said i will never destroy the earth by water again every creature will never die like this again and so when you see the rainbow you have seen a clear message in a cloudy day that god is saying i'll never do that again well what is covenant covenant is an agreement that brings about relationship because of commitment but prior to that scripture it isn't clear if it had rained or not in noah's time but what we do know that noah was building that ark and while he was constructing it there had been no rain so imagine what the people are thinking when they finally see clouds forming noah building realizing that they've been ignoring all of his messaging and the clouds are in the side i've been making fun of noah and all this time he's been building but then here comes a message see you got to catch it the clouds were a key sign that rain was coming a clear message job poetically uses the word cloud in the 26th chapter in verses 7 and 9. he says it like this he stretches the northern skies over the empty space he hangs the earth on nothing he wraps up the water in his clouds yet the clouds do not burst beneath its weight he obscures the view of his throne spreading his cloud over it it was elijah who prayed for rain and his servant went upon the mountaintop for the seventh time and saw a cloud coming up out of the sea the size of a man's hand that produced an abundance of rain and a little later the bible says that it got cloudy and it got windy and it poured rain there was a clear message coming from the cloud in the new testament god spoke out of a cloud publicly saying this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased clear message he ascended into heaven by cloud and the disciples were looking and gazing clear message he's coming back by cloud and we who are alive will be caught up to meet him by cloud clear message so what are you saying pastor next point get over the look of things and look again get over what it looks like yes your blessing may remind you of one of the worst encounters of your life but it came from god get over what it looks like you can miss the message simply because you've mistaken god's cloud for your previous storm yeah see glory is not a storm but glory can come out of one glory to god glory can come out of one and i wanted to talk to somebody tonight that's got that's got an issue you've got a struggle going on right now and i want you to know that glory is getting ready to come out of what you're in i feel the holy ghost in here with me right now i want you to lay your hands on yourself and say i want to feel your glory i want to move in your glory i want to walk in your glory i believe god's about to show you something in your mind right now so you can understand even though i will walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will feel no we were for thou art with me whoa glory to god i wish y'all were here right with me right now we just all screamed hallelujah matter of fact i want you to shout it out in your house shout it out in your dorm room shout it out in your car everybody shout glory oh my god he will often lead you with something that you know but he wants to remain with you through the process and in order for you to embrace that you're going to have to start seeing clouds a new way so you can get the message you've got to see them no longer as storms but as surveillance god's protection and god's light sometimes the bible says that the cloud remained over the tabernacle for only a few days and sometimes the cloud remain from evening until morning and sometimes a day and a night sometimes the clouds would linger like they forgot to move and then there would be times where they wouldn't wait or rest they would move quickly because god's cloud god's way of protecting you that behavior is not up to you the behavior of the cloud is up to god and if that is the case then the next thing i need you to write down is this understand his unpredictability you're not going to always be able to predict how god moves and to predict where god's going to go you're going to have to learn how to trust god trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not to your own understanding but in all thine ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path trust in the lord with all thine heart not pieces of you not parts of you trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not to your own understanding and in all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path you're going to have to trust god and you can only trust god with what you submit to god what is god doing here one day one evening two days one month one year what is god doing and i hope that i'm helping you here because this is what i want i really want to drop this on you god is teaching you new habits that you can't go when you get ready to go and you can't move when you get ready to move just because you were hurt or just because you have an action to go somewhere else it is not up to you because you feel that it is that is not what the deal is here he told them that as long as the cloud stays you stay and when the cloud moves you move so you have to understand his unpredictability you've got to be able to sit and wait on the wait under god's authority and submit to him what is that doing for you that is the discipline of obedience that you are saying not my will but your will simply this we cannot move without the cloud if we move before the cloud we're no longer followers we have become the lead and if god is no longer the lead then you have no longer allowed him to be god and you have replaced him and you're asking him to follow you last thing i want to tell you is respect the command see there was a there was a command the cloud moved and there was also a command the bible says the lord commanded them but it also said that it that that was done through moses so something i'm going to say here before i before i before i leave you i it is my prayer that every man every woman has a leader because it was moses's job to interpret it to interpret what god was doing and many of you have made premature moves because you did submit to the cloud but you wouldn't submit to no one you wouldn't submit to another individual a person that could show you the way train you how teach you how coach you how push you in pull you from that was moses's job and when moses did that he and god were in sync and that is exactly what god expects from you and i for us to to respect his command is god's expectation from you and i will you obey him will you obey me the last thing i'm going to tell you and i'm going to pray for you what the cloud was for them if you play for me softly sir but the cloud was for them faith is for us sometimes faith can seem cloudy sometimes we haven't heard enough word to walk certain way and sometimes we haven't had enough nerve to actually walk out what we heard and then sometimes we have a bad attitude and we're not in attendance and we haven't paid attention and so to do our part because faith without works is dead so i want you to understand the cloud is the message and there's always a command and there's always a compass but your perspective has to shift from slave to son it has to slip shift to daughter it has to shift to woke from woe is me to lord here i am send me i'll go there is a clear message on a cloudy day and i want you right there where you are i want to pray for you matter of fact i have my device with me because i wanted to see some of the things that you need praying for i want to take the next three minutes and all of us that are online right now if you're not ashamed to admit that you that things have not been clear for you things have been cloudy and and you can admit that you can shift your your perspective i'm going to do that then right here on this line what i want you to do is start telling us what you want us to pray for things that have been cloudy and we want to agree with you i've got my device right now and i'm looking on here we want to hear for you we're going to take three minutes and we're going to pray for each other start typing it on the line as we speak that's what i want i want to take it come on play for us a little bit a little soft come on come on come on we want to take this time yeah come on come on come on come on lord help me i feel like i'm in a storm help me understand your unpredictability yeah type them down type them down i want you to type what you want us to pray for come on come on come on this is a moment for you to interact with each other for me to interact with you someone said i want my trust i want to be built i want my trust to be built the unpredictability i want to understand it lead me that's it people of god come on come on faithfulness come on somebody said lord i'll obey you increase my faith come on come on come on if you're not ashamed i want you to type it on this line type it on this line pray for my husband a closer walk with god my marriage that's it come on come on start typing it start typing it start typing it i want to shift come on come on come on that's it come on a little bit louder come on come on come on let me hear you let me hear you i feel the holy ghost i feel the holy ghost i feel the holy ghost i feel the holy ghost depression anxiety strategic direction my marriage a deeper understanding nursing school mental health finding a job come on come on come on come on come on two more minutes two more minutes that's it that's it stay right there i feel the portals of heaven beginning to open now right where you are god's about to break through on that device at this moment where you are right now come on come on come on come on lord i need you to hold me yes stay right there hey need you to hold me through the storm and the rain and all the pain [Music] need you to hold me hey i feel the holy ghost oh yes i do i need you to hold me hey [Music] glory to god come on have your way tonight do your miracle do what you do come on in this place tonight we give you glory we honor you we bless you we thank you we've been confused we've been cloudy our nation is cloudy our country the global place everything is looking like we're not gonna make it but we have shifted our perspective and we're believing tonight that you're getting ready to do something glory to god joy unspeakable joy is about to hit your address is about to hit your mind it's about to hit your heart it's about to hit your family come on and have your way do what you do come on and have your way do what you do we give you praise [Music] and we give you glory because you are not just god on a sunny day but you're gone [Music] the cloudy days and there's always the message a clear message in the cloud we love you potter's house is praying for you you can call 1-800 bishop too if you want people to pray for you there are people prepared to continue to walk you through this cloudy moment but your perspective has shifted it's not what it used to be it's what it is biblically that every time i saw a cloud in that bible god's ability was released and i believe his ability is being released in your health in your finances in your marriage in your mind father i thank you now in jesus name till next time love you [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 72,824
Rating: 4.9296565 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, WednesdayBibleStudy, PastorJoelTudman, JoelTudman, AClearMessageOnACloudyDay, WNBS, god keeps us in times of storm, sustaining power of faith
Id: dn05k7l12TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 55sec (2815 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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