I Hate My Body | 12 Years of Knee Pain

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hey guys I'm here with Kent he's helped Yugi out in the past on his body but we've got this new series coming I like motocross Ken likes German Baskin German basket-weaving and we're gonna put it into a hybrid method now we're gonna fuse them together yeah we're gonna have a podcast we're just gonna be talking about that for the next 15 minute you have an expert on the subject we have a special guest he's coming right now over your channel but actually we're gonna fix this guy's be here yeah I'm just hitting it okay dude you know the history of knee pain yeah well the last two times we came here with Ken he worked in my forearm right here and he fixed it so but there's more to do good job by the life is one huh moving on moving on - yeah twelve years of knee pain I've had patellar tendon OSIS and my left kneecap force in south 20 that's a tall order yeah so this right here below it hurts whenever I do anything that involves jumping and back squatting if you guys know how much I hate back squatting that's the reason why I hate it is because of that so let's do something wait were you hiding in the bathroom when we were introducing our show okay your closet as a toilet back sometimes before we get started to Gyr you're like cessful it's the camera angle we're using a wide lens or something right tell them everything that we feel makes me look small I mean everyone talks about small legs but I think bodybuilding has kind of worked it into you have to have huge legs or some to be strong is huge shave 10 minutes so does it is it point specific or does it feel like a rasp right here there's just a right player horseshoe or okay just right there yeah it's not anywhere on top whew yep it's part of the issue yeah yeah I mean that all this this doesn't feel good a little stuck is it this is like where the quadriceps start is it's not supposed to feel bad no I thought it was always supposed to hurt okay that's my car alarm is something he said yeah kind of upset someone upstairs Oh something I was thinking you know what really good cosplay as mr. clean mr. credibly yeah I've got it yeah for Halloween oh god as mr. Koester clean has no facial hair and all he doesn't know he doesn't know he does I thought he does now yeah he's got like a like a little fine yeah to deal with the very metro mister yeah Millennials gotta buy his clean product that's right why would this cause me to have a knee problem well what I'm thinking is the the quadriceps are a little stuck together or are they yeah they have a little bit of a stickiness together but right here is the Sartorius yeah Sartorius wraps around right here and it kind of separates adductors from quads the Sartorius starts right here okay so it's it can send that signal and wrap around like this interesting that's its referral pain it is notorious for being the Sartorius sorry dad Jonas is this the is this the dawning of the age I'm sorry yeah yeah yeah [Music] never tell you to actually work on the tendon itself it's everything around it pretty tender tissue yeah so working all around it moving the kneecap around making sure that it has mobility is is pretty good I don't know if I do a ton of work through here especially tooling is not good here yeah okay just just with your thumb and just making sure that you have patellar glide up and down okay and a little bit side to side come on like there feels pretty good there it's pretty stuck like it doesn't want to go up all right so that's a pretty good indication that there's some too much tension in that tendon below all my claws are stuck together like yeah the vastus lateralis and media I was thinking the intermediates they're all pretty kind of stuck together and that will make it hard for patellar mobility for the patella to move because they all attached to the patella okay this is all one learning all one chain right okay I can just awkward silence great I did once upon a time cardboard box spins you know I swear to god it makes so much I don't know I to me I just I placed you as a b-boy yeah you have to use that with some German vascular beauty she's you're sick man what is that so he was having some it's all popping and stuff the tailless was sitting kind of forward on the fibula and the tibia so I was pushing it back into its position just made a little bit of noise there we go there's been several people that have contacted you from our videos yeah yeah yeah it's been awesome right well what's the best way to reach you it's uh it's WWF it's Charlotte calm fingers not gonna do anything there well cool and then do you have a phone over for the business or no the night for nine to eight five two one zero five well no I mean yes it's still hurt okay I mean you should write I'm so used to used to these hurting all the time every day forever oh I mean that's you missin me right look it out define here I'm happy I am I mean muscles are sad here and getting these all separated off of each other if I eat crappy fur for a day or two I'll wake up in the middle of night and it'll just throb it just hurts and if I eat a lot of anti-inflammatory foods a lot of vegetables fish and not garbage it feels a lot better yeah so don't blame the diet when your personality is so inflammatory spaghetti uh-huh it's all nice and liquid and moves right and warm that's how muscularity should be but let me leave it on the counter for a couple of hours it starts to get starchy and sticky yeah that's kind of what's happening here is it's getting a little bit stuck together and they could be from overuse so we're saying is my muscles are spaghetti that's dried and sitting on the counter that's right classic noodle classic move Oh bless the noodles guys we're not down the video Ken tragically died in the motocross accident in the middle of the therapy r.i.p ken here is massive amount of blood going to his groin I do so would I be your main vein then there's a lot of lymph nodes in the groin yeah a lot of times when I train like chair splits like dad intensely I'll feel sick for the next day or two anyway yeah really yeah cuz that's the immune system yeah Tom never tell you that no but uh how did how does your how do your lymph nodes feel after every part of your legs sucks everybody did every part of my legs I heal a boy for 200 Sartorius [Music] there no everywhere else it is but something this involve something something yeah just as dead as your Instagram account I just had another gal come in here bodybuilder gals same issue really and this was the the issue for her was the Sartorius and what was the sentence she went back to her it was the same as yours right in the front kind of a little bit of a u-shape around the patella uh-huh and that's a classic referral she'd been doing a lot of squats or something she was doing she what she's she's in CrossFit out there the second round gave me some relief so whatever you were digging around in there just a second ago I was the adductor line we're looking this stuff this is why it's red yeah it's definitely going to do both legs if you just get one leg I mean you're working on the affected leg but the other legs probably carrying some of that weight of compensation mm-hm so you definitely want to go through and make sure that it's working right okay we just want to get this relieved first and then we can balance she's okay I think he's what is that I think he might make it what is it what is it for hamstring it can't just be a ham screws hamstring is it it can't just be a hamstring pretty philosophical seriously is that just a hamstring well it's a hamstring on the IT band so the hamstring is a little it's kind of the outer hamstring when will then be now hamstrings are knee benders right yeah do this yeah so if you're in this position try to lengthen out like as in a jump yeah like this yeah see they're they're long uh-huh here let it go they're short so when you're here you're ready to jump and when you go they have to be longer no they can't elongate I always thought my hamstrings are gonna be pretty good because I do all the splits and kicks and stuff and and that can actually make them tight well it's not necessarily tight but it will because you're asking them to work in an elongated position uh-huh they can get glued together can get kind of sticky just as much glue as the Kabuki strength power barking okay yeah see that left hip is still not setting back all the way you mean like that yeah it's not wanting to crease all the way yeah you said a lot now yeah I didn't even realize I was doing it so I'm sitting more on this yeah you're sitting more into that joint yeah so we've got to get a little bit more on this okay juju you got a blood call you want to talk to him they were on your board I'll give it to you soon how about Thursday all right now you little bitch it's over use use it a lot yeah and it's not your strong leg your stronger leg is this side uh-huh so this side when you're doing anything that requires that strength is just not as durable as that in there so what's my homework assignment for lit for this to see I mean it's gonna take a few weeks to a month or two months before I start that I think really feel a huge difference right so I'd say you know take a couple more treatments to be honest did you do your homework last time Gigi he fixed me sorry he fixed you nothing's fixed right cat I mean we fixed thankful that the person has to finish it do G finish it how are you with ice do you ice I don't know stuff you don't I would okay let's start but I want you to ice them back in the knee oh it's interesting it's different yeah put it on the back mm-hmm a lot of times when you have trouble with your patella any kind of inflammation will shift its weight towards the back of the knee yeah so I want to make sure that that's not an issue okay and it gives this a chance to do its job better okay the other thing is I want you to come through this Sartorius line mm-hmm I thought you were coming in with a Sartorius who left you hanging work this whole line right here you can just come in and even like in between sets yeah just come in and give it good like work through five ten seconds just work it all the way up to the hip yeah whole line and then do another set do it again okay so the referred the referred problem here is yeah pretty much everything yeah it's not to say that there isn't an issue with your patellar ten yeah I'm just saying let's let's work on all the auxilary stuff to make sure that this doesn't become more of a problem when it stays at bay you have a fresh injury right it's not injury is an ailment ailment ailment go yourselves like pneumonia that's fine it's okay to can't put it in that position yeah yeah and what if what if you then turn your pelvis like this oh I'm gonna sit true that everything in yoga has to do it too so ass Yeah right I guess been told yes yeah we're gonna do bonds from hip flexors let's check your hands for years not sure there's not tear you're looking for anything that feels like a tear anything that feels like scar tissue any kind of hot or what we call dry where the muscle is just kind of lost some of its fluidity like bad spaghetti like that spaghetti looking fine I was sprinting and I kicked the ass out of John here's the clip and then I tried to do it again and then I've tried too hard he's crazy stretches where he digs into a muscle then gets this joint here bending and an isolates this joint then all these things happened at the same time for combo breaker found micro tears how does it feel like was a pillock it kind of feels like hot feels like it's got some temperature to it no it also feels like it's inflammation right yeah but it also feels like little lumps like little lima beans yeah little tiny ones Tom's got a lotta beans in same string a lot of y'all I'm gonna feel why my beans there right there just content guys quality content yeah yeah there's a lot of being in you um it's like does it feel any different now that you're filming someone being massaged I mean I'm not being massaged while I'm filming well you were being massaged while you were filming yeah well it's been massaged do you feel it's a picture in a picture in a picture in a picture different being massaged while you're filmed it's different when you're being linear the massage therapist filming I hate when you do this does it feel weird to be the therapist filming the therapist when you're working on his hamstring over here yep what exactly is happening when you're moving this leg around back and forth so this is my passive hand and this is the active hand okay so this is doing the work and this is kind of using it the rest of his body as a cross fiber tool where I could hold this and love this yeah right yes the opposite so I'm holding like a pressure in place and then using the rest of his leg as a as a tool to separate the musculature Oh sick that's really cool or you can hold and then separate the muscles individually with the opposite hand so it's you know two different ways to approach the problem nor hamstring footage juji go workout 365 or some yeah okay can't do a Harald transition if you want you looking good we haven't done one in a while let's do it where are we I'm looking to accomplish my homework right away no procrastinate it's content okay you just go back Jim yeah get out of here Gigi part of Train 365 has taken care of your body part of taking care of your body is taking care of the muscles and that's why we're getting massages and this is why in the gym Fork I have a massage wall now dude you're looking at the camera like here about to kill it Tom I thought you were supposed to be not here oh yeah how'd you get here no really what were you wearing talking about no what are you wearing is that my robe I'm recovering right now so there's lots of stuff that I have to do because I've been working out more that involves a lot of digging and muscles and things I'm getting older so I can't really get away with this much so that's what that's what we're doing tom is gonna give a bulk update in the next video right Tom that's correct and didn't we give them a bulk I say that's a date number two what we're gonna measure some stuff right we're gonna we're gonna measure some sort of alignment somewheres one actually talking on what you got here oh I made this so this is a it holds rollers sefar I didn't buy it I made it which means I bought the materials have made it which means I got the worst of both worlds okay but at least I made it have a jigsaw ready which I do which is for sawing wood you can actually stick the bits and give me all of your body and guys I'm cutting juji off from this frame because I'm not going to show you the white pegboard that you see on the corner is it's a special thing that we're gonna show you real soon that's another update we'll give it to you later is pretty cool we just unboxed with some stream guys yeah Anna B Alice and the calf squat thing yeah because part of keeping your ankles healthy is strengthening your ankles and a lot of ankle strengthening exercises they're boring as crap but you have to do them in these things make them go quicker all right some this cliffnotes five seconds could have be said instead of three minutes recovery is very important for train 365 juji and the video with this incredible rendition of robot [Music]
Channel: Juji & Tom
Views: 1,018,097
Rating: 4.8472748 out of 5
Keywords: jujimufu, juji, acrobolix, tom boyden, okathletes, bodywork, structural integration, structural integration massage, structural integration therapy, rolfing, rolf, massage, chiropractic, bodybuilder massage, bodybuilder, bodybuilder bodywork, massage techniques, massage athlete, athletic massage, physical therapy, rehab, injury rehab, my body hates me, my body, body rehab, muscle, muscle therapy, muscle therapy massage, therapy, i hate my body, jujimufu massage, juji massage, knee pain
Id: XwI2F30rseo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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