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huh guys let's start with my cat Jim cat he's right here hello buddy okay you know right just new with you training every day since December 9th of last year I'm on like day 160 170 something and it's not working so in a previous video you guys were showing a lot of concern for me and I listened take me to the gym okay so here's the thing I haven't D loaded because I thought it was against the rules but I've been putting a lot of workouts and that have kind of been like recovery workouts here and there but they're not working because they're not consolidated into like a block of time and I knew this I knew you're supposed to take off back off with some new you're supposed to consolidate rest periods this is what most people do so X means training Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday you know they train they rest they train they rest and it's not smart because they never really take a deal owed smart lifters take a deal owed every like four to eight to ten weeks or something especially for competition because well competition so this is the smart way to do that so pretty much the same thing as if we're here they just do pretty much nothing see the difference okay now watch this this is what I'm doing this is also what I'm doing this doesn't work but the details of what I've really been doing is in here and what actually is a training session because a training session can be light medium or hard and the thing I found is that if you do this every day and you modulate between light medium and hard and let's say you do a string of light days let's say all these days are light all right see I'm color coding it they're blue now right light is blue is blue I'm trying to make a point here my point is that it doesn't matter still because the amount of stress you have and other things you do the body doesn't know the difference between heavy deadlifts and heavy gardening for example so come out here and check out my garden real quick my garden is doing really really well this is a these are two weeks worth of gains and I've already been harvesting a lot of this basil right here leave this wonderful it smells good you can't smell it through the screen but you can try stick your nose up to the screen do it when I planted this it did take about four hours worth of work maybe I'm a slow gardener but I would just really wanted to do a good job doing it and I did the garden is great but it was physical labor and now ever since we moved out here and me and Tom have been working together there's a lot of foot traffic I do a lot of people handling guests hosting materials traveling all sorts of things we're doing is it's on another level and that's that's that's wearing me down too so the thing is that even when I've been taking off these days here and there it hasn't been enough but I haven't taken a D load still the color coded it for you light medium hard this is really probably about the best representation of what I've been doing it's still everyday and this is what I really need if I'm training every day I still need to do nothing here because because this isn't working but I can't do that because my goal is to Train everyday I have been complaining about it a lot because training everyday is not very good but since I'm I'm almost halfway if you were halfway and your goal was to compile an entire book about the whole thing when you're done would you quit no but I do actually want to be a good athlete so in order to do that I have to figure out sort of a workaround and you guys have helped me do that you guys thank you very much for the support and the ideas this is what I'm gonna do stupidly light okay yeah and that's what I need to do every chance that I needed to do something physical for a video or to work out with a guest do you really think that if Larry wheels came here you were gonna have your D load week no you'd be maxing out with the guy too but it looks like I have a clear week ahead and so this is what I'm gonna do I am going to make something so stupidly light that it still counts as a workout but it's a complete waste of time so I'm going to show you some of the things that I've come up with based on some of your ideas in order to achieve training everyday status without doing anything it's actually useful so how about five sets of 10 back squats with a hundred and thirty five pounds does that count as training because it's pretty light interestingly enough I did that the other day and it made my groin really sore why I keep having to come back to my definition of what training is so for this train every day for a year thing what counts is training my definition is that it's 45 ish minutes of physical effort directly related to achieving training goals so even though four hours of gardening thrashed my body more than five sets of 10 back squat with one plate on each side it doesn't count as training and interestingly enough I was trying to do the five sets of 10 back squat with a light weight to kind of give my body active rest because that counts as training but it actually made me sore so you have to be pretty creative but a lot of times what you think isn't really stressing your body when you train is I'm actually pretty proud of it I got some cool things on it this is one of my favorite new toys it's a jigsaw massage you take a jigsaw and you attack muscles with it anyone that's ever had a good massage knows that it could really make your muscles eff up for days so it does count as training because it's physical effort directly related to achieving physical training goals but it's really not a good form of rest because it does make you sore and your body needs to recuperate from that in order to actually get better we have a grip wall over here it is uh getting better I'm expanding it right here I'm going to be putting some artwork it's gonna be a giant painted hand but grip work is pretty good because it'll only make your forearm sore and but it can be pretty stressing on your CNS see the thing is muscle recovery is one thing but you also have to let your nervous system recover that's that's part of recovering [Music] this amble lived here for grip it's not really it's not the same thing as hitting all your muscles like a deadlift or something that's loaded on your spine like a front squat a back squat or a yoke or anything but you can still do it pretty intense so do you just modulate your workouts based on like how hard you're trying like rate of perceived exertion like do I do it like really light or something [Music] oh the things are a lot simpler when you can just take rest days and not do anything because it all bounces out better see I just talked about training squats for 5 sets of 10 - the light weight which is essentially the example I did here with the anvil lifts and that made me sore right and so even if I do a high intense sets of grip training it's still gonna fry my CNS just just a little bit and we're not even talking about the elephant in the room which is taxes what counts as training taxes taxes taxes taxes it doesn't that doesn't count as training but it just it just pisses all over your training goals what else pisses all over your training goals stuff I mean just in general stuff yeah I want to lift the 400-pound stone for a double aerial switch the odd doesn't matters stuff is getting in the way of you know training goals so we go back over here we take a look at a week we're trying to plan out how to do a deal owed while training every day and we still have stuff part of the solution is to take care of the stuff that's dressing me outside of training and part of the solution is actually figuring out which workouts are actually the type of workouts that count as training but have like no impact on my body so we're talking about like useless training sessions and it's not that simple it's not just hey dude just train light for a week it's not just like hey just do some lower the weight on a bar go through the motions it's not just do grip do calves those are not bad ideas but I think it's really it's more specific than just train lighter or do less work or leather muscle groups it's really about specific types of things so I'm gonna get on the rowing machine in this banana outfit and do 10 minutes of work what I'm discovering on my way to finishing training every day for an entire year is that not all light exercises are created equal 15 minutes of light roaming is easier than 15 minutes of light back squatting so the key is not to categorize things based on muscle group type intensity level but take it on exercise by exercise basis let's go slacklining I do have a slackline setup back here you've seen it in some videos I'm not good at it I don't train it regularly I've never made progress on it but I like to do it sometimes I mean I would imagine it would help my balance but in this case slacklining is actually pretty easy so I think this is a pretty good choice over other things [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] doing way too much work now so I'm gonna stop I'm getting exhausted and I'm supposed to be D loading hmm guys thank you for commenting and helping me and supporting me on my quest to train every single day for your straight very much appreciate you guys for subscribing as well if you haven't subscribed please subscribe it would mean a lot to me and any other thoughts or ideas you have in your head leave them in the comment section below because we checked them and we respond we're not like a lot of other guys that just completely ignore the comment section so I'm gonna go eat which is a whole nother can of worms to talk about in terms of recovery so I'm leaving and I'll see you in the next video thanks guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: Juji & Tom
Views: 228,182
Rating: 4.955194 out of 5
Keywords: jujimufu, juji, acrobolix, okathletes, training for a year, training 365 days in a row, training 365 days, fitness goals, motivation, training goals, train 365, training everyday for a year, train everday, training everday, 365 days of training, fitness, fitness challenge, challenge, 365 challenge, everyday challenge, daily challenge, jujimufu 365, juji trains everyday, jujimufu training, jujimufu routine, jujimufu train everday, jujimufu train 365
Id: -Faum1jqZK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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