WHO BUILDS BIGGER ARMS? Arm Wrestler Vs. Bodybuilder

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[Music] sweet it's not the song man alright we're doing the who builds bigger arms we've done this with a strong man but no one's this magnus plus we don't like we did with clarence and legs but yeah you're gonna show us exercises and say they build bigger arms Judy's gonna show and we're gonna use me as a guinea pig he's gonna build my left arm he's gonna build my right arm we're gonna measure that thing to see what pump works better and you guys are gonna debate on why you build bigger arms this way um why am i measuring the left arm why don't--why my left arm what can I be right on right on I'll take you really I'll take you everything okay good here alright so we're gonna measure straight like this okay 11 its 11 like this I'll add man that's a huge just about level that people build Peaks man they're measuring like this tom is making it harder on himself which is fine it's gonna it's still gonna still up up it's a actually left as bigger celeb another quarter why is that no way what is my truck offhand dude this is not right 13 a half nan pumped okay do you feel pumped at all no okay you got lots of sugar in you 13 to 13 I'm a lot of the threats a little bit small I think so the left is a little bit smaller so you got more with the advantage I got more space to grow oh yes you do what is that it's at 18 18 18 I'm closing you a few laps that's right about 18 all right people always think my arms are bigger but they've been 17 since I was like 21 no I'm saying this big oh it's big some kids baby the big insane not one is yeah that's seventeen and a half yeah okay let's see we pump this out well I'm the bodybuilder so I like the bodybuilding exercises I built my arms with bodybuilding exercises my first exercise is a machine exercise because I love machines because I'm a bodybuilder you can load on the bottom middle or end portion of lift the plates go on this side so it's a plate loaded bicep machine okay so there's a libre machine you're kind of locked into this track and so it really isolates you more since you don't have to use your stomach or your back or your legs to stabilize so it's really nice for just focusing on the arms what are you doing for reps sets I like to do multiple sets of 10 plus reps when I'm doing my biceps cool I mean since we're doing a bunch of exerciser today just do a set or two with Tim why'd you take this one for your first I think it's interesting because he's not gonna pick a machine as he yeah yeah I think it's a good warm-up you think that I'll try and do something similar to this though oh okay yeah cuz hey everybody loves a preacher and I mean these are in all gyms I think I've started off doing preacher curls you know when I was a teenager just trying to build my biceps I can't really go down all the way real nice like when I get ready the bottom like I feel like my arthritis starts kicking in kinda yeah that's a beauty is when she had her check it out I didn't remove this plate it takes a load off the beginning yeah load me up on the bottom there cuz that's where I really need it anyways it's wrong here right oh yeah yes where I want to be strong you know I love its smoothness no like if I'm just thinking about my biceps it does feel good you can just tie them you can just do one arm at a time watch the handles fold yeah just just gonna orient your body so that your Center with yeah there you go super isolation focusing one arm at a time I like it that range though that's what that's what's that's gonna be the difference all right what is your exercise so we're gonna do like kind of cheat curls on a preacher as well so it's the same kind of thing just what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna isolate the really most functional range to work the bicep at and that's as like tight as it can be and I'm kind of gonna work the muscle to breaking point in this locked position no idea what this is lock it closed just like you would be an anonymous um table and you follow the weight down and then you drive it up okay now the part that's gonna fail is this lock okay wow this is pretty light for me okay and I think it'll be light for you too but the thing is is this angle it's where the bicep is really strong and really functional alright if you show up in a gym fails video oh man I've had so many people look at me but this exercise right here is like when we're locking up on the enable it's yes yes okay like over here like like bring like get your watch this like when you stand yeah put your right leg here so you can really drive off it if you're here you're gonna be like using your back okay okay but you're not gonna build more arms up oh my god you wait yeah now put your left foot like in there this is really interesting I never had so much stance work on a bicep curl get that left leg right inside there yeah you know cuz you're gonna look down okay that's better but come around so you can actually bring your left foot yeah so now you can follow it over easier okay dance guys not bad if you guys are doing this in gym key tag has a small keep it small at devil eret de VLE a on our apt on instagram you know what we gonna do we don't do it we got lower it for you okay that it's different how much can you how much weight can you do that do it well checkout hook training - yeah you do it 165 what was that I think I did you need like around almost 180 what is what wait wait what do you do you have a 100 okay [Music] yes stay close to it that's it good that's wild perfect yes keep going so you can hook it yeah or you could hammer yes now hammers gonna be better it's a very beginning of the match before they like right when they say go yeah and then you're gonna have access to more strength normally when you're supinated through your bicep sets and reps so the real test is a single okay the Regal that's saying a single is like your ultimate test but I mean we're talking about strength and power so singles triples if you want to do ten that's about as far as I go for this one yeah yeah and what about the tempo like the speed of this he's moving a pretty good pace right now I guess have you got it that's good it's gonna be a real slow yeah yeah if you're working with a single you're gonna have to stay tight as you lower it and then you're gonna have to try and maintain your arm integrity as you driving up with your body you might lose it a little bit and still get it up but really as soon as you lose that tightness that lock the lifts gonna fall apart really quick that's it how do you gather yeah that's better good and you don't even have to squeeze it let the weight like like hammer up like like you're pushing up the plates Porsche job man so much you're right put your right leg on the outside that's right Tommy use your right arm yep you double up on your right arm Tom I don't have a problem with that Oh stay close stay close that's it that's it that's it it's like a real match man yeah and you would've been able to curl that right no no just using that strong part of the arm - yes you can use way heavier loads concentric it's like a negative that's like a snack yeah yeah I want to take it lower the weight and make a more complete range of motion because good range of motion it's gonna develop the muscle better for big big man I can't I can't say I believe you know it's like a welding torch versus a forest fire you know you're just doing mass trauma everywhere oh I just hit that spot you know oh oh it feels way better way better now I'm not saying this is gonna make me a better arm wrestler bud are you gonna blow up though it's gonna help me to recover so it could be a better arm wrestling but I like them both I have never done what you just showed us not even once but I've done this a lot and this works pretty good for building this much on the outside of the arm I haven't done this since high school I got out of here eight our arms I'm living it but see that's what is strange though that feels good and you cover it you can grip it harder if you have fat gripz yeah slip those on there too you're gonna hit all this but I personally like to do this one the two thumb bellows yeah the one I don't get a job them quicker so I don't feel like the isolation is necessary I just want to use my body yeah swing trying to make it solid no you like this exercise you do at the gym all the time yeah yeah yeah he puts in a program you like putting these at the end of other exercises other bicep exercises is super sore from you guys yeah I don't have an opinion on it you don't know I'd be I mean it's good for me but I don't know why I'm doing it I know that you can do it we did like the suppon aidid all right soon ated and then go into hammer curl what it's Devin's on you're still curling all day all day where's my protein shake all right Devin you brought this in your carry-on cap this is my basic complete system everything that I really do as an arm wrestler is right here what is those crap yeah this is this is really what arm wrestling is to me this is almost this is arm wrestling this this is army this is everything you need okay what are we doing with it I'm gonna tell you that this is the best one of the bunch well no I don't want to say that this one's really special yay one of the most powerful now when you talk about the arm okay this is such a nice part of the arm you know you know I can't argue with it I still like the functional part and this you know we're always talking about biceps and triceps we never really get down to the forearms when we get down to it you're right this this this makes sure that all this gets to talk all right the cup the cup this is this is like really big an arm wrestling everything I do off cables is on here this is one that I out do in almost every single workout we call it multi spinner and you do four workouts a day yeah I'm normally do four workouts with these four arm workouts yeah same thing every day only harder you know so one of the things in arm wrestling is you never really want to squeeze too much that's why I use the strap mm-hmm so I do a wrap and I'll either wrap high like this or I'll wrap low like this so it just affects stability a little bit it's like a wrist it's like a Swiss ball for wrist but the low wrap is really your strongest this is like the strongest thing you can do in armwrestling right here yeah okay so it's just it's a drag with wrist involvement you want to take off the rest it's okay it's okay I'm so I just I use it all so it doesn't really affect me go to break my workouts in a few different things I'll do rehabilitative workouts but really after hanging out from Eastern Europe for a little bit I know that I've really got to work my top end so I've switched my rep range much lower so I'm just gonna see what I can do like a blender to max out what you call this again I call it some multi spinner you're gonna max out on a cable stack multi spinner yeah I will alright let me look you oh yeah fifty kilos 108 pounds fifty six seventy kilos 156 pounds there [Music] this whole unit wants to break apart you know so I'm just fighting to keep the integrity but it's all this stuff like all these muscles are gonna get really really locked the whole stack if you're already there right oh my god so you see how this starts to become more of like a full-body lift yeah Wow that was I mean let me get a little bit cleaner on that [Music] so that's hitting this right here that's like supinating cupping Lac connection all together and it makes like a really strong like bow I like this no way just bend your wrist a few times good feel that yeah okay so if you're like lit up in arm wrestling uh-huh I'd do this for like 50 reps that's my pretendin itis problem you know tsa might not approve this like throw some hip in there to like you know what I mean this almost you know how like you throw a ball like you're like throwing alright get that hip that's it and now follow-through like right right to the ground I'm not a ball throw there's no ball that's not a good analogy for me I don't know how to throw a ball it's like throwing a kick in Taekwondo if I keep your elbow like in contact with your body that's better that's better I think I'm laughing a range of motion here if you want to learn more about Devon we got a podcast with her needs to check it out goes ok podcast man hi all right but don't push so much make it come through your rib okay they're here yeah yeah get your elbow inside your body there that was a hard part for me yeah there you go oh crap this will blow up your Flom good you look super hard right here I'm feeling your super-hardened hood can't confirm Thomas super hard guys we're not measuring the forum but we should good nice good how's this feel John I really like it yeah this is wonderful I mean yeah it's just what yeah lighten up this listen to the 4-under it's wonderful it's wonderful don't really want to go outside of your really good ranges an arm-wrestling like you don't want to train in a brokeback position for curling it's just it's never gonna work and it's never gonna happen like if you're bent back oh I agree I agree with when when people do anything yeah bodybuilding when they when they do uh when they're like doing tricep pushdowns and their risk do that I think it's a very bad - same with curls if you're letting your wrist do that you need to keep them like this the whole time that's activating this as well yet neutral yeah so you need to keep your wrists neutral that's why I do that like that ya know for all you guys watching this is a PVC pipe with a strap with some holes and some duct tape attached to a carabiner so yeah this is a towel from your local country club this is your borns belt from sixth grade one day I'll be using a black belt and this is some hardware attached this is for escaping you said yeah so we create anything you want if you want to all right well did you do it to your next exercise I'm gonna take a cable exercise I'm gonna make it super easy and accessible to everyone this is a bicep blaster it's not necessary for this but I like it because it helps pull the elbows forward when you do it and it's like a preacher curl it simulating a preacher curl so you can really access the muscles better without them hiding away from you anybody use that on a cable stack correct all right monstrosity yeah here you know if you left that in the gym no one will take it all right yeah I'm making sure that your other muscle groups aren't causing you to fatigue prematurely so you can like lay back oh yeah you know the only reason I don't do it is because I always forget how great it is when you have a concrete floor at home yeah it's pretty dirty I don't like to lay on that floor now this gym floor is way cleaner than my garage gym floor but yeah just do like ten plus reps oh yeah we range of motion that's the stuff notice how I like to stop at the top get a little bit extra contraction right here and you can rest just a little bit more in between reps so you can do more reps all right what do you think about that Devin forest fire yeah it's gonna fill them up Oh feels good your your biceps are already blasted [Music] well I like the way it feels like I feel like I'm even if when I rock a bit you know like it helps me push it through my bicep do you do more way yeah yeah it's like I am on a table almost it's almost a full stack [Music] not used to working my biceps in any kind of range like I feel like like all wobbly through my arm so do you think this would be good for recovery you like to put blood in the muscle to help recover it so you know it's definitely a healthy thing to do yeah yeah that's good tell me no okay you like oh that's have sex though really for some reason yeah this feels like someone's gonna mount me he told me to start off with the tricep exercise so we're gonna do this same cable set do you guys do cable like tricep exercises depends on the guy a lot of guys do work tricep I personally do little but I do some so I'll show you how I do mine hilarious I'm like atrophied tries you look like every guy to fit extra one of the things I like about triceps is just the number of things you can do to them that you could just it's based on preference and day of the week so we're gonna take the same stack and we're just gonna push down on it okay but here's the thing like on any given day of the week my preference for attachment is gonna change so if I'm not feeling this right now I'm gonna go for the rope and some days I won't feel the Rope well that's heavy it wouldn't be more effective we've just had all three of these things on a carabiner hahaha Administration is has to be easy there we go it's the same thing you got yeah it's the body building implement there we go see we need to sell us on Krypton II it's just a bunch of implements put together a keychain for every key that you own no you put all your keys on one keychain analogy that's perfect yeah don't push it down like I'm in here I'm nice let's just lower the weight absolutely want to see if you can actually push it down I don't know if I can all right let's try like can you extend your arm completely oh okay that's as far as I get it but you know what this I know this would help my elbow helps a lot if I did more tricep uh-huh I should probably do it I think so well a lot of power lifters who have elbow problems just like to throw a band of leggings and do the band's forever they'll do like 20 rep sets before they do a heavy pressing but it does hurt me like but not in a sharp way it's just like get in there and push through it so I should do way more tricep well you just need to yeah if you don't change your cell phone these key chain push down attachments yeah I might have more triceps in Devon I think yeah well Tom how'd you build your triceps anyway dips yes dips and rings seriously yes I didn't do anything before this remember I had triceps before I started doing body but with you what do you think a push down since you've started doing the body though I like them yeah you didn't blow them up more I get swollen triceps and then they slowly migrate to my abs and there are six triceps there - jeez a tricep exercise I don't use a lot of tricep but when I do I use it to press and when I press normally I'll be supinating at the same time so it looks something like this I'll get a towel and I'm pushing and as I push I'm gonna twist in I'm gonna stay in like the position that I arm wrestle in but the tricep is definitely engaged that's something push push push push okay makes sense twist okay really turn it right over so it's not a tricep pushdown there that's what I'm talking that's what I'm talking okay arm doesn't even really have to move you can just there that's it yes okay okay yeah get that elbow inside your body oh man it's a lot pressure on the joint it's really tight through the elbow yeah makes it harder when you already have a pump actually okay I'm like trying kind of squish down there that's I just want to push it down ah the cool thing is that you could probably take a lot of these exercises you're doing for armwrestling and you're gonna build pretty good arms just doing them while activating all these other things too if you converted this just a little bit into bodybuilding so I feel like the big difference and what we're doing is the range yeah my ranges are super close and tight where you're getting the whole thing going yeah and if you use these exercises in like a big range so all the way through in this one do you guys do that we could know why would why not why not I feel like you could get huge like that that's all right I feel it activating bad to get your wristband more get your wristband there you go have the towel coming over just there in there yeah oh yeah it's right on the bottom of my there you go and elbow wrist it in there you go really twist in there we go hmm 14 14 yeah Devon's off Oh 14 PI equal blow up is this like the NFL respect respect all right you guys let's let's shake on it they Fred well one man case study it depends if you don't have a tank top on I think you with a regular crew shirt look on par with him now he's got too much going on you've got this when you pull the shoulders out it's like oh god you know this is despicable too much these are okay look at this is your last exercise Devin what is this this is all about top rolling and what so many people forget about when they're using this chain is the pronation muscle all right and this really hits that with your bicep and you do how many reps is a lot ah really it's about one but when I'm hurting I'll do like up to fifty okay yeah basically when you're hurting you're doing a lot more reps yeah yeah just to push fluids but really it's about the single it's pretty cool you brought us some exercises we've never seen before with this wild key chain of yours that everyone should get I think everybody and Judy's last exercise is a close grip bench press but I'm doing it on the floor because it's restricting the range of motion and so the top end is the part that's being focused on and that's all tricep it's gonna build the owner oh yeah yeah haven't you ever do this everyday boom whoa guys we have Magnus mitt both coming next week rock climber coming back and we are going to do some arm wrestling with him and do rock climbing with him we're gonna do all the things but we're also gonna shout Devin now he is on YouTube Devin Larry he does I'm wrestling you talk about matches coming up you talk about life things it's just a beautiful place see you around guys thanks for having me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Juji & Tom
Views: 664,973
Rating: 4.9726238 out of 5
Keywords: jujimufu, juji, tom boyden, who builds bigger arms, build bigger arms, arm workout, big arms, bodybuilding, strongman 2018, best arm exercises, workout for arms, biceps, biceps workout, get big biceps, bodybuilder vs, how to get big arms, arms, strongman workout, bodybuilding workout, bigger arms, devon larratt, devon larratt arms, devon larratt arm wrestling, arm wrestling, armwrestling, arm wrestler vs bodybuilder, 팔씨름, bilək, армрестлинг, הורדת, rankų, braccio, güləşi, борьба, армспорт
Id: ECiI4wmU_bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
Reddit Comments

Ya'll have been too kind in watching our videos! Looking forward to making more videos with arm wrestling.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/tomrboyden 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
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