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do you ever get bladder infections all the time actually literally ammonia antibiotics right now cuz I have one last time it was like a months ago and then I went that time I asked it was six weeks prior hi Sarah hi nice to meet you Joe people don't usually come here and tell me how good they're feeling so what can I do for you today it's mainly a lot of knots and cracking in the upper shoulders and right around the shoulder blades good and somewhere around the sciatic to it but if initely cramps up and cracks in there a lot what's a lot do you have cracking in your back every day every day okay do you so you crack your own back or just cracks by itself both if it's really hurting me and I can't it feels like an air pocket or something I'll grab the chair in turn and do the normal or I'll push off the back okay but if I have problems splashing too terribly so if I'm slouching too long and I sit in a chair most of my day and I just sit up straight it'll crack at my blades every time even if it's only been five minutes go by and I do it again it'll crack how much water do you drink a lot actually it's pretty much all I drink probably maybe three to four bottles throughout my workday okay all right so you have pain in your upper back and shoulders as well as your low back yeah which one hurts more upper recently the upper okay yeah do you have pain every day pretty much at some point in the day there will be pain for me how long have you had pain there for ten years it's been bad when I was really young probably like elementary middle school I actually did get looked at and they said that I very slight scoliosis but I wouldn't need a brace or anything like that it would just you know if I worked on my posture and sat up straight it would work itself out by itself okay but I probably have not done a good job at doing that okay so was there any accidents or injuries or anything significant any traumas that you can remember no really bad car accidents or anything okay all right what makes your pain worse sitting standing working lifting moving resting I don't know it varies I guess cuz sitting all day I guess just only having a few positions it'll hurt but then if I go to do too much twisting or lifting I'll be hurting the next day as if I worked out or something okay and that's in the upper back or the lower back or you know even start to creep into the sides of my spine like in the middle it just depends what I do that day that's where it's gonna start really hurting me the next day okay and so the low back pain do you have anything specific that makes the low back hurt what is that like more in the morning or at night or when you're sitting or when you're standing um I almost musiim when it's standing it's worse okay I know if I were to lay on my back on like a hard surface if I go to sit up it'll send shooting pains down it and I actually have to like roll over to get up because it'll just it'll keep like shocking the nerves does the pain travel down your legs at all no okay it doesn't travel down the back of your legs behind your knees into your feet at all sometimes I feel at my feet but I don't actually is that weird I don't feel it go down my legs but I'll feel shocks in my feet when that happens okay we're in your feet the bottoms on the sole [Music] your heel oh yeah that's the ball I guess it'll just be right here okay I'm like I also get charley horses in my feet a lot to those I don't know if that's correlated that everyday if I can week yeah if I clench my tip Bell it's happening already if I clench my toes and hold it like well for modeling I have to point my toes a lot and as if I try to point them or hold them at it stands from one thirty Seconds they'll start to curl well it starts a clench up but I think it's that tendon in there it'll pool okay but though little cramp in the punch really hard if I try and like point too long like that yeah they're starting to go after pull them back out until they stop or like do this for a little bit and get them to chill is that never worse in the morning or just when you're pointing or various time very very yeah very it's not distinctly when you wake up in the morning okay pointing definitely anything with my feet definitely do it but even if I'm sitting at work all day and come home and relax it'll sometimes at nighttime if anything I'd say at nighttime is when it'll happen the most okay without doing anything strenuous okay that's when it'll happen by itself they'll just keep curling on themselves okay to just keep stretching them out alright do you ever have any pain or numbness or tingling in your arms your hands my hands are bad already - Madison okay who told you you had carpal tunnel oh yeah both hands this one is the tendinitis and carpal tunnel and this one is just tendonitis okay but I'm actually in the middle of going to like neuro and stuff because I also probably have fibromyalgia which would explain all of it with like the nerves and shooting pains but my hands are definitely the worst part of my whole body it's my hands and my feet and upper back is definitely like the spots and my knees actually my knees will crack it like any given moment okay I will get to that all right let's do this hold your wrists together like this for me with your elbows up just like that we're just gonna hold this for 30 seconds do you have any pain in your wrists right now feeling advanced okay just hold them like that do you have any headaches ever yeah how often do you get headaches once a day once a week once a month once every maybe day or two okay when you have a headache is it usually on the front or the back of your head usually the front front you ever have pain behind your eyes okay I mean it's happened but not as often as headaches do okay do you feel anything in your wrists mm it's more based on that side yeah what do you feel is it tingling is it painful okay all right keep going just a little bit more what do you do for your headaches when you have them do take any over the counters Oh sometimes I'll take Advil or ibuprofen but usually I just want them work their way out they don't last long they might last like five ten minutes okay same thing with your back do you have any sort of headaches only last five to ten minutes yeah okay do you take anything for your back pain um the same thing if it's really bad it'll take like a naproxen or ibuprofen okay how are your wrists feel okay all right flip Oh up like this and go like this and hold them like that now keep your elbows up good do you feel anything initially like that okay just keep them there for just thirty more seconds okay all right is there anything else that you feel like that you need to tell me do you have pain anywhere else that we haven't mentioned yet Thanks okay do you have pain in your knees or do they just crack pain go throg okay especially if it's like cold front or something almost okay almost as if you know we're doing probably joint pain and I'll throw up throughout the day I have to constantly like move and adjusting crisscross my legs and then cross the other way and then Lam out straight constantly messing with them have you ever been to a Rheumatologist that's where they're trying to get me they sent me a referral to one and then they sent a fax back to the doctor saying with everything that you put in her notes we feel more comfortable with her going to a5 in my alginate more neural neurology instead of Rheumatology but that's originally where I was trying to get a referral to so they would didn't see me they sent me straight to fibromyalgia and now I'm still waiting to go back to get all of the blood work done to test everything against what they can to figure it out if it's fibromyalgia okay how'd your wrist feel right now same better breasts are still fine okay you can let that go down then my reps are still good it's in here that it'll start to get all flared up okay have you ever been tested for Lyme disease no that's one of the ones they want to do against [Music] alright so I'm gonna do an exam on your spine yeah and we'll see what we need to get adjusted today we'll get you adjust and hopefully feeling better too okay thank you okay let's see what your spine says I want to start here at the top of thoracic you have a little bit of a rotation but it's straight up and down right now we're gonna do a skull you guys check to see if there's any curvatures in just a minute first I'm going to check the temperature a little bit of a rotation here you can see this this right shoulder blade is just out just a little bit back but it's it's mild you're very close to normal here there's a little bit more heat here on the right of lumbar spine I'm just gonna come down a little bit past your belt line okay okay okay let's check out the muscles now okay is this tender here not bad how about here a little bit more on there right okay so I'm just pushing it a little bit deeper now we're looking for muscles that are engaged and trying to pull your spine back into alignment tender yeah is it more tender here than here one or two or three thank you yeah so kind of far this is sticking out here it's rotated out and then it falls back into here and there's it's counter-rotated on the other side no okay don't in ewing down left or right we're both right left or right right okay all right so let's check the motion of the lumbar spine here just lean back a little bit any pain here oh five and your paint here not as much for three no - okay my back pain oh one up above it pain not as much 12 all right we have T 12 here got some thoracic let's check the sacrum now okay lean back to the left just a little bit and you're paying there not bad here two three four okay there goes to the right side now I'm back four okay three so paying that one how's that last one which one's the which ones worse one or two okay which is worse right or left definitely right all right so oh five s1 s2 all showing up on the right okay let's do this bring your knees together and then keeping your feet where they are just open your knees up okay back to Center okay again open your knees up and back this one's flaring out to the side here but this one's not moving at all one more time let's come down here open and close the SI is moving here and it's not moving on the left so we have some kind of pelvic dysfunction on the left as well I'm just going to contact your pelvis here and what I want you to do is lift your right knee up into the air down left knee down right knee down left knee no movement okay what's doing it right right right good movement down left movement down all right so I'm gonna look at the glute fibers here let's see we've got slightly higher on the left the right is lower and the left is flatter it's higher and flatter here lower and more around it alright on the walking the right hip is catching come back this way down the left hip is swinging you keep swinging upward and the right leg just catches a little bit good turn around walk the other way couple more times not as much swing on the right side is on the left how do you feel when you walk you feel even you feel your hip swing both evenly on the same side I feel like I've never even okay what do you feel though was it feel like pop out more yeah absolutely it pops out yeah I really did stay straight and I feel like this has to come out you're exactly right yeah so here's a leg length check I'm gonna look at your legs here we've got the right leg just a little bit shorter the glutes have evened out here that I can see a little bit of an asymmetry and the thoracic spine so I gotten still coming up a little bit here so you still have a little bit of a rotation here even when you laid down let this right hip pop and down we're gonna let the left hip up just a little bit and we're gonna recheck the legs and even-steven we actually reversed it a little bit so we've overcorrected we're going to take this one out just a little bit and now relax your legs so you don't really have one leg that's shorter than the other but you have a hip that's twisted a little bit so it just makes it appear okay I'm gonna lower your the headpiece down good all right so I'm just gonna do some friction here to kind of change the tone and your spine this is a meningeal stretch this is the coverings of the brain and the spinal cord the point of the blocks that I have you under or that are under your hips and also this stretch are to help release the tension in the meninges which is the covering of the brain in the spinal cord because if we could release the tension in the meninges all of the soft tissue around the spine will release all of the muscles tender out here so these are all gluten fibers I'm going to check for the sugar points in the other parts of your spine I just mean your extremities we'll start in here yeah tender so you do have some trigger points in your hamstrings yeah okay so you do have a trigger point your calf as well it's only on the right side on the left so we just have to count up all these trigger points throughout the adjustment and see if you have enough to qualify for the fibrosis okay when you use an instrument here Sara this is gonna help loosen up your spine a little bit more okay you just have a spasm in your right glute okay [Applause] okay Sara we're gonna do some adjusting now okay we're gonna start at the top of the spine we're gonna do the thoracic spine first this is where your sympathetic nervous system paraspinal ganglia live on the side of the spine right here this is your fight or flight system so once I start adjusting this it'll help calm and restore relaxation in your entire spine okay so you've been adjusted before but let's practice one just so you can kind of remember what it's like what you're gonna do is you're gonna breathe in through your nose and then out through your mouth and I'm gonna follow your breath down like this and at the end of your breath we're gonna very lightly give a little push here as there was already just three cavitations alright so we're gonna do two this one here okay okay take a nice soft breath in through your nose and out through your mouth good and just kind of relax here oh all right still tender there yeah all right we're gonna have to come up a little bit more and do one a little higher okay do another breath in through your nose and out through your mouth good and your shoulders sink in here good better now we're gonna get lost to this nasty transition area here okay this one's gonna be a little bit different this time I'm gonna push as you breathe in okay right I'm gonna push at the top of your breath so it'll be just a little bit different but again nice and gentle so just let your shoulders sink and good a nice soft breath in through your nose out through your mouth perfect all right we got it all right let's see bend your top leg here and I'm gonna scoot you four towards the table all right so I'm gonna just the right hip for us this is a P I so we're gonna be pushing in this direction this way what I'm going to do is just bring it down to about here and then we'll give a little push okay all right can you pull this for just a little bit more just like that let your head and neck relax and turn your head so you're facing straight out the window there you go we're gonna come at the top of the si here and take a deep breath in through your nose not your mouth good let's just all relax there's more hold on okay you're back yeah good we're gonna bring this up and I'm gonna scoot you for just a little bit and that's good just like this okay keep that straight good then let this read like let this relax here that's good just like that alright so we're gonna bring this down like this and give it a little push okay take a deep breath in and out lay in the back all right go ahead let's take that for a test drive okay the right side is moving better now the right side is swinging good the left foot is still coming out a little bit that's okay just keep walking we're gonna let that we're gonna let the walking help integrate the adjustment back into the spine okay good usually it like hurts to try and make myself stay straight which is why I don't bother fixing my house okay this is gonna tell me where to adjust your neck okay so let your legs relax let your feet relax there you go okay now turn your head to the right let your legs relax keep going keep turning it all the way to the right good okay back to Center now turn your head all the way to the left back to Center okay so I'll just let me hold your head I'm not going to I'm not gonna adjust your spine yet okay so you can just relax this lay your head relax I'm just gonna kind of feel where it's stuck so just let it all go okay let your head completely drop there you go let's just relax okay we may have some occiput there on their left occiput on the left lower cervical on the left and an upper cervical humble right let's see is it occiput atlas is it tender there right your left what Hospital EFT and tender there I'm all right she wants you to write all right you have a little counter rotation going on it means that your occiput is stuck in this direction hmm and then your Alice is stuck in this direction so they're kind of twisted against each other I don't see that one very often yeah another anomaly I suppose always seems to happen with me tender yeah rocks a little fiber on 2 & 5 trap fiber on the right three you lift this up just a little bit okay bring it back down okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bring your head over to this side like this try to let me do all the movie okay you don't have to help me at all just let me do everything I'm gonna bring your head to right here you're helping me a little bit am i sorry let me let go let me do all the moving but here's the feeling that you want you let me pick up your head the feeling that you need is drop just like that and so don't push it down but just drop and so if I come over there you go that's perfect and so like when I'm right here just drop you know your head drop and we'll adjust that side first okay all right so nice and gentle just kind of breathe through your nose close your eyes it makes it a little bit easier to let go I will do the right side first good your head drop let your shoulders drop gosh Oh breathe through your nose all right so let's test this out here let your head completely drop in again seven six five let's definitely at the bottom so we're gonna bring it over to this side okay and we're gonna give it a bit of a push after this side just like that okay mm-hmm all right let's see oh a nice soft breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth nice and gentle that your shoulders relaxed here good oh let's check that occiput okay let your head drop into my hands okay okay a bit of a turn there close your eyes again Sarah it'll stretch this way push your jaw out to the right push your jaws to the right now to the left push okay open close tender on the right yeah okay just like open your jaw slightly not that much like that right there and just like let it loose good there you got close your eyes nice and gentle let your head relax let your shoulders relax they're good blacks it's tender huh yeah okay we're gonna just the talus here on the Left nice and gentle just let everything relax okay I'm gonna do an ileus equal valve release here this is a manipulation of the organs of your intestine got it release did you hear that tender breathe through it almost there I see you squeeze my hand squeeze relax gender ok let's just count let your shoulder relax let your hands get under the bride's hand away some wonder this right here triquetrum ok we'll do this one here ok that was weird cause it didn't even hurt that bad it just means I'm gonna really randomly yeah nothing in life is random everything has a purpose what sorcery pressure point did you hit the wrist is all about transitions it's all about positioning yourself so that you can do your work here on the planet that's what's coming up energetically in your body that's where the resistance is that's where you're stuck so your thumb was literally stuck there all right don't apologize ever for crying to anybody see squeeze yeah like I said like a handshake okay squeeze okay relax I don't feel sad anymore I'd say just squeeze no no squeeze good relax down there relax not this down - oh no all those releases in your digestive system alright let this relax okay let this relax the area how's your digestion a little slow or fast it'll go back and forth actually maybe slow how's your menstrual cycle normal yeah I'm on birth control so it comes the same exact time because that pretty much makes it do you ever get bladder infections oh my god all the time actually literally ammonia antibiotics right now coz I have one last time it was like a months ago and then I went that time I asked it was six weeks prior okay he's like all the time but I never have kidney problems it's just I'm so prone to bladder infections okay you
Channel: Chiropractic Medicine
Views: 2,726,541
Rating: 4.6915517 out of 5
Keywords: chiropractic, chiro, adjustment, adjust, spine, spinal, decompression, ring dinger, crack, cracking, neck, joint, addict, asmr, pain, extreme, chiro core, chiro fe, hurts, pop, ouch, relax, relaxing, loud, cracks, deep, intense, fix, help, better, good, best, fast, awesome, awsome, spine crack, brutal, sleep, chiropractic adjustment, back, chiropractor, massage, back pain, neck cracking, compilation, comp
Id: fT7xigKjl_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 19sec (2119 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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