World's Strongest Man 2018 Forgot Me

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this is a lion's den gem no soliciting hey you want to buy some smelling salts of course oh okay see you go try these whoa baby salesman come into your gym door trying to sell you smelling salts oh no this guy shows up in a unidentified uber car I wake up and it's just this in my nose holes oh my god Joey and he's been in another video Laura so few a few videos yeah yeah and now you've invited me to your gym absolutely and it's this is it we're here this is a address is there on the below the screen so if you're in the area come check it out come check it out this is your one-year anniversary yes one-year anniversary so I actually made it past one year which I don't most gyms do but we did it baby and you did it new 2525 gym owner gym owner you give us a quick tour yeah absolutely okay yeah we use it for our members to log in sometimes I'm just watching YouTube or we can hook it up to play video games or whatever you want to do the senior videos this is way way bigger person only I'm mrs. Jim cat but it is the Lions Den so we're waiting for Africa to get the permits to get the line okay so you're saving up for the line yeah bumper plates table machine so if you guys wanted some curls so this is a bodybuilder friendly and pretty much just a whole strength and conditioning facility for anybody to walk in weightless they're powerless they're strong man you name it nice bunju does xavier speak english no no you can't hire someone who speaks english scripture okay there's another hand what yes it's awesome okay who has more stuff your Brian yeah I've been working on these car deadlift frame we took the line see classic two weeks ago so it's our first drawing competition that Brian I actually co-hosted together mm-hmm but that's where you put a car actually on we got the tires and rubbers back there stone loading podium you got it you know it's really cool about this place so far I mean other than a lot of things that we've already seen is that it's very clean clean I'm not very freaked it's very clean yeah it's awesome that's how I don't know I like whenever I go to jams reading like gym bathrooms they're gross that I hated that so I clean it multiple times make sure try smells good too so yeah okay yeah I mean I suppose like nothing well that's what you got sweet wine right okay smells a little like rubber Mac but that's okay yeah yeah hopefully fixated on these bad boys can we do some work together all right can you train me well on them let's do it I've been working on okay oh these are sand bags these are sand bags and you're warming up for the stone sandbags sand bags that seems like a lot better for not tearing off your forum skins so trying to do okay though Olympic lifting shoes is good for stones I like it gives you a better base so we're flashers are better just not squishy shoes okay last question belt no belt no belt I don't worry about I can you you can does it help hurt I think it hurts just slip sometimes or it gets calling about messing me up my mines all over the place nice yeah okay it's hard to get your fingers underneath the sandbag this is shear warming of the back and not destroying our forearm work here you go because I plate Lee I've just been starting with a small stone Willie bad arm tendonitis Oh like as I get further cuz I feel like there's some exercises I should be doing yeah I mean honestly like I don't do stones that much like I'll do it like once every two weeks just because of that honestly like messing with your tendinitis I did bring my Olympic lifting shoes while I traveled this time so actually the stones now yeah actual work won't lie how much of these 100 hundred bucks back yeah no no they're pretty useful for this oh yeah what planet you from Mashhad oh yeah I got see your arms is your 250 on there to rub off on your arms here you make this look so so low since I'm traveling and I don't have my small elbow sleeves that I really usually pull down I don't want to ruin my forearms again so do you start at the top or the bottom hey you tear this hey you tell us herself [Music] [Music] [Music] this is working [Music] TRX 407 240 pounds what you will have to do in a cup competition whoops oh I - Holmes come to 40 - uh-huh so I have to do in a minute 300 then it goes to like 330 365 400 likes fast you can get them on and they all the same height so they like getting lower there we have 52 inches across from it so we're going to be up same height let's go just Wealdstone up over next one okay there's another camera angle and I go is tacky on the tripod forgive me [Music] come on there you go you have a 3:30 yeah all right let's go to what's happening we don't we don't tachyon just for the record it's new tacky there's a little tacky it's just tack there's residual patent ah can't believe it come on lose that lizzing with skin again there you go there you go no it said that's it I can't grip it man I don't know how you're doing that what you get here can you get lower and try to get higher up on your chest like a try that may give you more leverage because if you're trying to pull from a low position it's not before I've done 350 before with tacky all right this is uh like a half tacky pact like half half and half half caffeinated we're half a second the still he's tricking you it's harder than it really is switch sides oh that's good sighs go down okay there you go nice laughs get up on chest big hips crusty Davis come on oh my god seriously oh gosh oh man oh man how much went over the yolk bar their yoke flips now you only turn this two weeks out of the year all right I'll do it like every two weeks every 200 actually awesome jacket that really threw me off how much do you think it's too much for training this ah pencil how wrapped up your arms are first of all yeah that's why I threw my actually my good elbow sleeve I didn't want to use for this is uh there we go yeah I mean it depends if you have stone of Steel what kind of stones you have yeah but I would say like once a week you know or maybe once every two weeks something like that you don't overdo it technique down you're getting stronger your stones are gonna go up okay let me try some more stuff arrest another two minutes so I did it lower get lower in your hole take all the time get that check or the stone as high as you can on your chest all right then big breath load your hamstrings scoop all the way through a big extension and then over okay don't hit it too early either like don't come up and slam this so just make sure you rolling rolling it come on get closer that's it good luck get on your chest big hips come on let's go God dang I was like live from dead 435 not stone now there's a story behind the stone right yes this is actually Mike Jenkins stone so if you guys know Brian all drew BIOS was really friends with Mike Jenkins Brian Shaw they're all good buddies but then he actually passed away he was a world Strongest Man competitor I'm not gonna be able to move this but we're just gonna it feels cool just to try them to pick it up yeah Jesus man just crazy how big that is yeah it's like [Music] yeah there's a lot of hugging here longer arms where's Xavier Xavier is over there all right Xavier you still cooking bro a partner stone relay I guess let's tacky up on the stone yeah yeah basketball hoop oh gosh did your gym chef just abandon the food I remember this day this is the day we first met yeah it was the day we first met yesterday through these signatures that is Brian Hall's room oh yeah there's uncle Nick who the hell is that that's John north if you see this signature this is what my signature looks like so this is real you can actually read it just just Jay a little bit there there there you go okay all right this is this is a lot of fun this is great thank you I need needed the help I'm just I'm so amazed at how strong you are dude yeah the same time we knew is tacky dude you got use hashtag it's half this half Tech and you can find me on YouTube that strength as well follow the gym lines then elite training on Instagram and that's where I'm at and where else you going going to us s Nationals in June yeah or strawman so hopefully we're up to 242 class pretty well and any tips for anyone wanting to get in strongman because you guys are subscribed to our channel you noticed me and Tom have been doing a lot more of it since we bumped into the likes of you know them and guys like ryan hauser and other these all these guys on the East Coast so yeah it's simple I mean honestly a lot of the stuff that we use can either be made or be found like Alice stones you can literally go in the woods somewhere and find a boulder and just get used to odd objects it's easy to put in with programming for powerlifting so if you're doing powerlifting it goes great along with that or just find a local gym or just find anybody around who does it kind of get in with them and just get after it but it's fun you're gonna love it you'll love competing eventually if you get into that as well I really love it so simple and you're oh you're really young so yeah baby I'm gonna keep my own huh all right thank you so much thank you man guys see in the next video thank you [Music]
Channel: Juji & Tom
Views: 157,648
Rating: 4.9654942 out of 5
Keywords: jujimufu, juji, acrobolix, tom boyden, okathletes, world's strongest man 2018, wsm, wsm 2018, thor bjornsson 2018, hafthor bjornsson 2018, brian shaw, martins licis, world's strongest man, world's strongest, wsm jujimufu, strongman, strongman competition, atlas stones, atlas stone lift, atlas stone technique, strong, strength, world's first, strongman 2018, strongman workout, joey szatmary, lion's den gym, szat strength, szat strength jujimufu
Id: 31TPPefVX6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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