FULL RECAP | The Witcher: Season 1 and 2 Explained

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The Witcher on Netflix is a show that is Loosely adapting Andre savkowski's The Witcher book series since season three drops tomorrow I figured it would be helpful to review everything that we know so far including some high level nods to the two prequels in short season one was about Carlton Siri becoming family and season two was about Jennifer joining their family so now they are all together of a Cameron Unfortunately they have to leave since a number of people are looking for Siri and one of them has already tracked her there the biggest reveal so far is that series biological father is not actually Dead series father is the Emperor of nilfgaard which means he is The Man Behind the war that has killed her grandmother and so many more there is a lot to go over so let's start at the beginning the first of the three main characters is amazing geralt's mother was a sorceress named vicena she gave girl to a Witcher named vesimir who became a father figure geralt also trained at the Temple of meliteli a mother neneca became a mother figure hey I have missed you in order to become a Witcher geralt underwent a process known as a trial of grasses that is a very dangerous process in which 7 out of 10 boys die when he was just a boy Cara Morin was sacked during that sack many of the witchers were killed and they lost the knowledge to create new witchers the second of the three main characters is Jennifer avengerberg yennefer is a quarter elf since her biological father was half Health unfortunately her father was killed during an event known as the great cleansing an event in which thousands of elves were killed when Jennifer was a child she was given away to to say a DeVries and trained to be a sorceress as a result to Saya became her mother figure during her training yennefer developed a relationship with istrid but he betrayed her by telling stregabore that she was a quarter elf leverage that information to get yennefer assigned to nilfgaard instead of fringilla yennefer had wanted to advise the king of adern since she was from adren so she underwent the transformation she became a work of art and she won over the king of adern however it came at a cost in order to transform Jennifer gave up her reproductive organs at the time Jennifer did not realize what she was giving up over time Jennifer grew tired of her role as an advisor to the king she felt a longing to become something more namely a mother Jennifer went rogue searching for a way to heal her body one day she met geralt and he made a wish that saved her life from a gin that wish known as The Last Wish has never been revealed but an argument can be made that geralt saved her life from the Jinn by wishing that yennefer would be the mother of his child regardless of whether or not that is true geralt fell in love with Jennifer right away and they made love unfortunately for them both geralt foolishly snuck off breaking Jennifer's heart six years later geralt and Jennifer stumbled across one another during a Dragon Hunt at the start of the hunt Jennifer's goal had been to kill the dragon in hopes of using it to heal herself so that she could bear children however when Jennifer found out that the dragon was protecting its child she decided to fight alongside the dragon and helped to protect that child afterwards the dragon in his human form told geralt and Jennifer that they were made for each other that they were destined for each other however he also said that nothing would come of it because Destiny alone wasn't sufficient something more was needed in time they found out that that something more was their adopted child Siri Siri is the third of the three main characters Siri's grandmother was Queen kalanthi of sintra her mother was princess pavetta and her father was a young man going by the names Lord urchin of erlenwald and Dooney halanti hired girl to kill Dooney but girl didn't do that instead geralt risked his life to remove a curse although geralt didn't want anything in return for doing what was right Dooney insisted so Carol casually asked for the law of surprise lo and behold but that it was pregnant [ __ ] so from that moment on geralt and Siri were destined for one another geralt did not believe in destiny so he never tried to claim her but in the end they were reunited after the fall of sintra now let's summarize the main plots of season one and season 2 and then look deeper into the motivations of all the other characters supposedly Siri's parents died in a shipwreck but it turns out that was a lie series biological father is still alive Siri's father's real name as Amir far Amorous and he is the Emperor of nilfgaard amir's Army began their Invasion North by conquering sintra and he test kahir with capturing his daughter Siri at the time girl was a prisoner there during the battle geralt escaped but he was unable to find Siri since kahir had already captured her and rode off Siri exploded with magic allowing her to escape kahir she joined a refugee camp which was attacked and she spent time hiding in Brooklyn forest with the dryads a Doppler posing as her mother's advisor mouth sack Lord her out of broke along but she figured out that he was a fraud and Dara helped her escape the Doppler a group of cintrons including a boy whom she had always looked at as a friend tried to turn her in for a bounty butt she exploded with magic again killing them all the following morning a local woman found Siri and brought her to her home in sodden meanwhile yennefer was nearby defending the pass into the North geralt was also nearby geralt saved the life of a man named yurga from Ghouls but he was grievously injured in the fight yurga brought girl to his home offering geralt the law of surprise as a reward and as Destiny would have it they arrived home to an unexpected child Siri so that is how geralt and Siri became a family in season one the main plot of season 2 was one in which Jennifer attempted to betray Siri in order to get her powers back but she ended up sacrificing herself to save Siri here is a high level recap of that when Jennifer saved sodden she lost her powers in order to get them back she made a deal with a deathless mother the deathless mother told Jennifer that she could get her powers back if she brought Siri to the shattered monolith at sintra at the time Carrollton his brothers were hiding Siri all the way up North at Cameron the witchers didn't know what to do about Siri's mysterious Powers so they summoned Tris Marigold to take a look at her since Tris was unable to help girl took Siri down to mother netica at the Temple of meliteli while they were there Jennifer showed up looking for Siri was not the only person looking for Siri geralt fought off reince and his men by Jennifer tricked Siri into teleporting them away from there since Siri was not trained to do magic she brought them to the woman's house down in sodden presumably because it was a place where she had felt safe it's worth noting that sodden is close to sintra which is where the deathless mother wanted Jennifer to take Siri in the first place as he traveled over to sintra Siri grew on yennefer and when they got there Jennifer had a change of heart she told Siri that it was a trap and advised Siri to turn back unfortunately it was too late the deathless mother had fed on enough pain to escape her prison and she possessed Siri as Siri made her way back to Cameron in order to save Siri yennefer offered up her own body as a new vessel and the deathless mother entered her Siri then teleported them to another sphere that new sphere was the world where the deathless mother had come from so the deathless mother left Jennifer's Body and returned to its original form it turns out the deathless mother was actually one of the elves of the wild Hunt so who is the wild Hunt and why do they want Siri the wild Hunt is a group of elves led by Eridan those elves were originally from series World in fact Eridan was a captain of the guard at sintra back when it was called zentreya that was 1200 years before the current story at the time there were no humans and there were no monsters in the world that changed due to an event known as the conjunction of spheres spheres is just another word for universes or worlds when the Spheres overlapped monsters and humans entered the world from other worlds around the time of the conjunction of spheres eredon and some of his guard were betrayed and trapped in another world they became the wild Hunt so the wild Hunt has been outside of their Homeworld for over a thousand years the wild Hunt wants Siri to join them because she carries the Elder blood that raises the questions what is the elder blood and why is Siri special when the humans arrived during the conjunction of spheres they were scared and confused but the elves welcomed them the elves even taught the humans magic unfortunately the humans eventually turned on the elves in order to save the Elven race Elven Mages bred a warrior named Lord Doran Laura Doran was supposed to fight against the humans but instead she fell in love with the human Mage and they had a child Laura Dorne was hunted down and killed but her line lived on through her child there is a prophecy called the ethylene prophecy the thinning prophecy is about Lord doran's descendant and it just so happens that Siri is a descendant so that is why she is special Siri carries the Lara Doran Gene she has the ability to master space and time and thus she is very powerful that is why a number of people are already looking for her and why that number will grow as more people find out who she is and what she can do one of the people who has already found out about Siri is istrid istrid is a fascinating character was Jennifer's first lover and istrid has always had a soft spot for elves Israel has spent time doing research in an elf Guardian Empire and he has also investigated the monolith with geralt after geralt went back to Cameron istrid went to kodringer and Fenn and they figured out that Siri carries the Elder blood istrid was captured by Francesca and he told her about that so now she knows about it as well so who is Francesca and why do the elves want Siri over the centuries humans have killed much of the elvenaries and banished their survivors out into the edge of the world to make matters worse a pure blood elf hasn't been born in decades so the elves are a dying race a year prior to the current events of the story an elf named filovendra LED an uprising in an attempt to reclaim Cintron land but Queen kalanthi fought them off since Philip Andrew lost the elves turned to his lover Francesca it's worth noting that some claim that Francesca is the most beautiful woman in the world Francesca formed an alliance with fringella an alliance that allowed elves safely into Sentra the elves began training with elf Guardian troops in advance of the upcoming War but then Francesca gave birth since Francesca's child was the first pure blood elf to be born in decades the elves saw that birth as a sign it gave them a new hope for a brighter future Francesca told frangela that the elves were no longer going to fight in the war instead they were going to remain neutral and focus on growing their community fortunately Emperor Amir found out and he hired an assassin to kill her child since the humans in the North had been rounding up the elves Francesca wrongly assumed that the Assassin had been sent by someone in the north as a result she went up to rodinia and she used magic to kill a number of human babies in other words Amir killed her child but she mistakenly went out and did his bidding by causing a war between the Elves and the North when Francesca captured istrin he told her that Siri has Elder blood Francesca was already well aware of the ethylene prophecy and her interpretation of the prophecy is that Siri will be the savior of the elvenar race so that is why Francesca and the elves now want to find Siri on the flip side there was a human Mage named stregabore who hates elves why does straightborn hate elves is a very old Mage he was around during the time of a quarter elf named falca who led a rebellion in fact stregabore lost both of his hands during that Rebellion Falco was eventually captured and burned to the stake but strangovor still hates elves to this day stregoborg is a fanatic as an example stregabore captured killed and studied women who were born around the First full eclipse in 1200 years he justified his actions by claiming that those women could have drowned entire Kingdoms in blood one of those women was a princess on the Run named renfree Siri is also a princess on the run and even worse Siri is a descendant of Laura Doran whereas Francesca view Syria as a savior of the Elven race if Dragonborn finds out that Siri is a child of Prophecy he is likely to view her as a danger especially if he determines that Siri is also a descendant of falca another interesting Mage is vilgaforts but we don't have much time who the [ __ ] are you I'm vocal force of rogavane vilgaforts is Young he is handsome he is talented and he is ambitious although yennefer was the hero among Heroes at the Battle of sadden the Mages thought that she had died in order to strengthen their position in the Brotherhood against the likes of Artorias and stregabore to Saya urged Jennifer to let vilgaforch carry the mantle of victory at sodden it's also worth noting that when Jennifer returned to aratuza she overheard vilgafort's quietly speaking to someone while she was in the hallways so vehicle force is an ambitious Mage who is making moves and that's not all focalforts has a volatile temper during the battle at sodden Kayer somehow bested Vogel forts in a sword fight vilgafort fell down a hill hit his head and went unconscious when he woke up he killed and injured Northern Mage in other words vilgelfort killed a member of his own Alliance and no one knows that he did that that was the first sign that vilgofortz is not as composed as he often seems in public later on Tris Marigold warned to say about Siri and to Saya spilled that secret to vilgoforts since to say and vocal forts were a couple although tessaya had warned him to not tell trist that he knew he was so interested in Siri that he couldn't resist Tris was upset that taseya had shared her secret so Tris walked away refusing to give vilgaforts any more information afterwards vilgaforce lost control of his temper for a second time and I will not wouldn't ask you to if it wasn't necessary vocal forts claimed that Siri might have the potential to end all war forever unless she falls into the wrong hands season 3 might be a big season for vilkaforts there are also some people who are looking for Siri strictly for political reasons as an example king vizimir of rodania rodinia is one of the most powerful Kingdoms in the North King vismir's advisor is a sorceress named Philippa alhart who can shapeshift into an owl and his spymaster is a large and talented man named sigismund dijkstra they told their King that they should find Siri and leverage her claim to the central throne in order to expand rodania's power and influence however Philippa eilhart in her owl form overheard isstrid telling Francesca that Siri has the Elder blood Philippa told her confidante dijkstra that the word had gotten now which means that they had already known about Siri and they had kept it a secret from their King by pretending as if she is important strictly for political reasons so they also want Siri for her Elder blood and dijkstra told Philippa to bring yaskir to him to say debris called a meeting with other Northern monarchs to discuss rodania two of those Northern monarchs are King full test of tameria and queen meve of lyria they all agreed that if king vizimir of rodania found Siri he would gain too much power as a result they agreed to put a bounty out for Siri and anyone protecting Siri as a reminder to say a DeVries is the retrous of aratuza and she loves Jennifer like a daughter since yet for now love Siri like a daughter that means that desea has unknowingly put out a bounty on both her daughter and her daughter's daughter might come to regret that one of the most mysterious Mages is Ryan's why does Ryan's want Siri Ryan's was hired by Lydia and Lydia works for a secret employer who is a male mage when geralt killed the Michel a Brothers Ryan's was too weak to create a portal of his own so the secret employer created a portal for him in other words although this show is not yet revealed who his secret employer is the show has made it very clear that Ryan's and Lydia's secret employer is a talented Mage it's worth noting that Ryan's stole a vial of series blood from care Morin he gave that blood to Lydia and Lydia is using that blood to track Siri it melted her face so that is why she now looks the way she looks last but certainly not least there is Emperor Amir far Amorous who is he and why is he looking for Siri Amir far emerus a series biological father in the past he went by the names urchin of erlenwald and Dooney Dooney knuda Siri's mother pavetta had magical powers because he saw them firsthand on top of that Dooney came to believe that Siri was a child of Prophecy when Siri was just a babe Dooney told pavetta that they had to flee Sentra because people would kill Siri if they found out about her they sailed off onto the cover of darkness and supposedly they died in a shipwreck it turns out Dooney didn't die dooney's real name as Amir far amorous his father was the emperor of nilfgaard but his father was overthrown and killed by a man that came to be known as the usurper Amir reclaimed the nilfgaardian Empire he conquered Sentra and now he is searching for Siri since she is a child of Prophecy Amir test kahir with finding Siri and he did just so when censure fell kaher captured her fortunately for him she exploded with magic and escaped instead of waiting for reinforcements Carter and frangela attempted to press on North and they lost the fight to the northern Mages most notably yennefer after the battle kahir was captured they tried to interrogate him but it didn't work because someone had put a magical Block in his mind in other words someone didn't want the secrets about Siri to get out since some of the northern Mages didn't trust Jennifer they test her with killing kahir as a way of proving her loyalty to the north but she didn't do it Jennifer freed cayer and they wrote off together that is when they came across the Oscar since humans in the North had begun rounding up elves yaskir was secretly smuggling else out of the North down to sintra yennefer and Kyer boarded one of those ships together but yennefer heard yaskir screaming in the distance so she got off of the ship to go save him long story short Siri does not know that kaher serves her biological father and Siri has had nightmares of alkire ever since he captured her so Siri hates him and you want to kill him yes why I hate him hatred is an endless circle of fear and Desperation and who can tell which came first on the flip side Jennifer has spent time with Kayer and she has gotten to see a different side of him amir's other loyal servant as frangila Vigo frangila was an advisor to amir's father when his father was the emperor when the usurper overthrew emir's father to use serper imprisoned her when Amir reclaimed the Empire he freed fringella so that is one of the reasons why she is loyal to him a second reason of fringella respects a mirror is because he allows the nilfguardian Mages to use forms of magic that the northern Mages prohibit at the end of season 2 Emperor Mir finally arrived to sintra and kahir and frangela tried to win his favor by lying to him since Francesca's rage had caused her to attack the north they tried to take credit for that by claiming that they had killed her child unfortunately for them Amir knew that that was a lie because he had been the one who had hired the Assassin as a result Amir ordered their arrest so that is the story so far geralt Jennifer and Siri have become a family but Siri is not safe up with Cameron since there are a number of people looking for her they know that Ryan's is looking for Siri they know that the wild Hunt is looking for her and geralt correctly suspects that nilfgaard knows about her Elder blood as well however they don't yet know the emperor Amir a series biological father they also don't yet know that vilgofortz is interested in Siri they don't know that King vizimir wants to use her claim to the throne and they don't know that the other Northern monarchs and tasaya want to stop that last but not least they don't know that istrid Francesca and Philippa alhar all know about her Elder blood in other words they know that Siri is in danger but they don't realize how far that danger extends the witcher's train Siri in the art of the sword and Jennifer has begun to train Siri to use her powers Siri wants to become a Witcher but Siri is full of pain she is full of hatred and she is full of fear so Siri still has a lot to learn ultimately Siri is a child of Destiny she is the sword of Destiny and what is destiny Destiny is Hope elf kind cannot win fuel by pain and anger alone hope is vital with the right guidance you may have the ability to break the cycle of hatred once and for all
Channel: bridge4
Views: 79,501
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Keywords: bridge4, the witcher, the witcher season 1, the witcher season 1 recap, the witcher season 2, the witcher season 2 recap, the witcher explained, the witcher season 3, the witcher season 1 explained, the witcher season 2 explained, the witcher season 1 and 2 recap, the witcher season 1 and 2 explained
Id: gP3BNPgiYjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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