But WHY is Riverdale's Writing so Cringey?

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mr. Rogers nice haircut looking extremely dilthey today as our geo hello so cards in the table I have never read an Archie comic the perspective you're getting from this video is from someone who can't judge the show as an adaptation because I'm meeting the characters for the first time what I have absorbed through social osmosis as there is a blonde and a brunette fighting over a redheaded boy he's probably named Archie and there's another guy in there somewhere who eats a lot of hamburgers and wears a crown yeah that's all I got so let's watch Riverdale originally airing on the CW it started in 2017 and has nearly four seasons completed as I write this I sure hope nothing important happens in season four so I don't regret making this video so soon maybe all the characters will just chill out all season long and take naps and little people pile oh boy there is something in Riverdale that feels very genuine and sweet but how is a show so self-aware that in the first episode it'll point out the one of its characters fits the gay best friend trope to a tee it's real eating still a thing it's being the gay best friend still a thing but not self-aware enough to realize that it's not really funny to point out that he's a cliche in the episode you introduced him because you're the reason he's a cliche you know before I even saw Riverdale YouTube really wanted me to watch all these videos titled things like Riverdale's writing is cringe for 10,000 minutes there are just so many of these videos our family will eat like kings all winter this provides me with a question I want to answer why is Riverdale's writing so cringy the first reoccurring thing that jumps out to me about Riverdale is the show keeps running up to me and telling on itself four things it doesn't want to fix check yourself I'd date ladies fo lesbian kissing hasn't been taboo since 1994 but to me there's nothing more amateur than age-inappropriate casting don't worry you may be a stock character from the nineties teen movie but I'm not our show is insecure it needs a hug it wants some hot chocolate it needs a little bit of a pep talk to stop this analysis from getting to blood for the blood god I'm gonna try to go out of my way to praise the show and I think it's done something right for example I like jugheads crown beanie I think it's a clever translation of the comic book characters crown it's unique but not distracting to me and it helps the poorly maintained illusion that the character has a limited wardrobe because he's poor some folks who grew up with this character might hate that he looks like a moody hipster but I'll accept the miz' Mele hipster because I don't know them however the people working on the show think jugheads hat is stupid how do I know that well I could tell you it's because I've watched a lot of interviews but mostly I know that because they told me using Jughead in case you haven't noticed I'm weird I'm a weirdo I don't fit in and I don't want to fit in have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on that's weird it's like watching a ventriloquist who's not even trying to hide the fact that they're the one talking in the compilations of Riverdale's worst lines this clip always shows up in there somewhere there is something so deeply uncomfortable about him talking about his hat like he's the Phantom of the Opera so if you don't know Jughead wears this hat because the character he's based off of wears a crown the character talks as if he's not in control of whether or not he wears the Hat every day and in a way he's not Jughead Jones wears the crown because he's Jughead Jones but the fun of fiction is getting us to believe that the fake people are alive that they've lived a life that started before the events of the story and that they make choices big and small on their own let's take a similar thing jugheads name is kind of silly and the show can't change his name because he's an iconic comic book character when sheriff Keller asked Jughead if he's ever been bullied he goes yeah my name is Jughead and that comes off as a real reaction as someone who had to walk into kindergarten with that name the trouble is the Hat is treated the same as his name as an inherited problem from the source material an aesthetically unpleasant thing they can't get rid of in the real world these two things are the same problem but in the fictional world they're not the character didn't pick his name but he chooses to wear the hat every day the crown beanie could be a gift from someone special like Arnold from hey Arnold's little blue hat or maybe it's just that something about the symbolism appeals to him thus why when he tags his name on a building he takes the time to include a crown maybe he's declared himself king as a way of saying he has value or control over his life but that's just a bunch of stuff I just made up absolutely none of it is necessary because it's a gray beanie with a unique rim look I promise I promise I promise I promise at absolute worst it's a questionable fashion choice being made by a high schooler just chill out think happy thoughts okay hot chocolate big fluffy blankets little mittens for fuzzy kittens because of the patrons we got a higher quality mic we can do ASMR now I'm going to speak in a low voice in crumpled paper I believe in you you should have more confidence in your decisions realize I need to dissect the scripts a little more name I know you do what you like this you go [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] my line out of the office one thing that would demolish most of these cringe writing lists is if the characters stop talking the way people tweet semi ironically Veronica Kevin and Sheryl are the biggest defenders because Veronica and Sheryl are so important to season one you may switch from Veronica focusing to a Cheryl focusing and since both characters are talking like this it feels like it's everyone even though it's technically just these three people and then there are the references they come in two types dialogue and in visuals Riverdale's use of visual references is fine a lot of them are really cool I like in this intense moment where the stovetop popcorn is about to explode like and scream I love how the license plate on this car that they push into the marsh is the same as the one from Hitchcock's Psycho some of them can be actually smart and adds something like miss Grundy is always looking over her heart-shaped sunglasses like Dolores from Lolita but miss Grundy is in a victim like Dolores she's a predator like Humbert Humbert get it that's kind of cool other times they can be a little ham-fisted like Betty's dead slowly turning into Hannibal Lecter once he's in prison but what's really getting me down is Riverdale's use of references in dialogue it made me realize how annoying references can be when not specific or targeted enough it is not funny to acknowledge the existence of other things on its own if Jughead a guy who lived and worked at the drive-in that mainly plays old movies compulsively reference those movies this would be fine even if the jokes fell flat it would still feel like the character failing to be funny or if Veronica and her mom Hermione did it that would mean two people were doing it but you could argue Veronica learned the habit from her mom instead it's everyone every episode people in the inner circle people outside the inner circle their parents their foes almost everyone has the same way of spouting references and the teens rarely reference anything from after the 2000s we get like a shrek and Suicide Squad reference what was the like Suicide Squad and all this time I thought you were a lover not a fighter I've got layers there might be a character in your story who's a bit of a film buff who enjoys making obscure references so no one specifically in the room seemingly just to enjoy the sound of their own voice but without a setting that warrants it like all the characters are film students it might start to feel unnatural and alienating can I suggest if you love putting references in your fictional narratives try to establish in your mind what a character's interests are once you know that make sure the references come from their specific pool of knowledge try to consider the characters age in how they grew up then decide how up-to-date they are with pop culture or how much knowledge they would have of things before their time my brain is so desperate to make the references mean something that the most suspense I ever felt watching this show was when Betty and Veronica were forced to drink slow-acting poison but you know not for the reasons they wanted me to so this was a part of a series of trials from Simbi baddies and they can't get the antidote until they pass all the trials the episode goes on for a little while and then Veronica and Archie kiss and I'm like wait is that gonna get him sick then a while later Betty kisses Jughead and I remembered that the first scene where Betty and Jughead kissed Jughead enters the room referencing Romeo and Juliet and I'm like oh the poisons gonna get transferred from the kiss and they're not gonna have another antidote for the boys oh no and I just made that up that's not what happened Chekhov's gun be damned - silly me for bothering to remember something so the references aren't just jarring I have ziplock ties less disposable than these references they're not foreshadowing they're not thematically important they confuse the setting they're never important to characterization they simply never matter their little black holes in the dialogue it's so great in life what answers are straightforward just stop just stop doing it here's a list of things you should be doing oh look at that doing the references isn't on there I would say that Betty and Veronica have already been adults you run a business living yeah Betty go does her own thing but also Jughead does too aren't you kind of need some guidance but she and Sheryl are still teenagers but if you sat down and watched any one episode of Riverdale you would probably find Archie Andrews to be extremely inoffensive as a character the show works hard to sell you on the idea that he's very sweet and well-meaning everybody talks Archie up as if you were the perfect precious puppy like pal and you know what I'm sold Archie is a cinnamon roll he's as pure as the driven snow I want you to imagine a version of Breaking Bad where at the end of every season and occasionally halfway through a season Walter White has an epiphany that he's being a naughty boy and so his personality almost successfully resets to the harmless chemistry teacher he was in episode 1 but the stakes and level of danger he's in continue to climb at the same rate it was before this is for the most part what Archie Andrews is like he never learns his lesson and something about it feels so accidental I've seen critics talk about poorly written geniuses and I realize now that there is such a thing as poorly written naivete Archie has a terminal case of protagonist boy syndrome despite the fact that he's not the main character anymore I should know I'm just assuming he was sometimes the main character because the comic was named after him Archie is underdeveloped compared to his friends Betty Veronica and Jughead have their own deep conflicts and themes that continue to come up every season but I'm not sure what Archie's conflict is the one that reoccurred every season is that he isn't sure what he wants to do for work after high school which is more realistic for his he n'ajjer however it's not Veronica or Jughead trying to survive their crime entangled families or Betty wrestling with the fact that she might become dangerous to other people if the world keeps pushing her it puts Archie mentally in another world away from his friends Archie continues to dip his toes into the water of being a bad person however unlike the show seems unwilling to treat Archie as creepy instead it always forces his hand in the name of self-defense I'm one of those Riverdale fans who's really said the main for spend so much time apart but you know Betty doing private sleuthing isn't that bad Archie on the other hand really can't carry a subplot by himself I think they need to stop sending Archie on these protagonists boy side plots where he's ten thousand miles away from his friends getting shivved in prison or fighting off bears however if the show is revamped - Archie fighting off bears in prison that would be a different story if the show carries on how it's been carrying on everyone's just gonna keep snickering about the latest Archie misadventure because they can't believe this dude who keeps repeating the same mistakes is still alive he's accidentally messing with the tone it either makes his friends look silly and dramatic or it makes him look like he has no real problems like it just looks goofy if next season Veronica's dodging bullets in Jughead and Betty are hiding dead bodies in the woods and where's Archie oh he's in his room scrolling around college bored like well I thought school wasn't for me but maybe I want to be a dentist and then the plot kicks down his door and is like hey kid Iram wants to murder you again you know he's the one from a stable background to me they should let Archie be the wholesome foundation for his friends to come together that he was always meant to be sometimes I think I understand what they're going for with him he's like the human version of pops chocolate shop he represents the sweeter side of the show and he has to do battle with the dark side but like I don't know how to break it to the show that Archie Andrews is not the leader and the center of the universe he's just the tallest boy what he actually is to me is support he's the friend everybody loves he's the tank okay let him be the tank he's good at it I don't think he's a bad character I think he's being misused and his time is being wasted my favorite Archie moment is when he is punching through a river of ice to save a friend and his hands are bleeding and he just keeps punching as Veronica Betty and Jughead watch in horror and the reason I love this is because his friends are calculating their schemers they're cautious they don't know what to do but Archie knows and maybe the smarter answer but he just goes for it because there's no time Archie is direct and the fact that he takes the straight path and the obvious answer is valuable and can save them hip Riverdale's main characters have been accused of being archetypical you better believe it's side characters are softcore doomed despite being marketed as a show for teens Riverdale is drowning and contracting and gentrification drama and just general drama from the adults the show refuses to have an actual teen antagonist and so a big deal criminal like Hiram Lodge gets to look real silly as he chases down some high school sophomores and let us not forget Alice Cooper who changes personalities more often than her husband changes eye colors then there is one of my personal favorites Cheryl blossom who has this forced mean-girl personality that is paradoxically well not forced the mask never slips this is just who she is she's the realest fakest Mean Girl it's like the feeling you get when you walk too close to a visual illusion and it stops working hey I can't see the boat anymore and my eyes hurt I have a strong belief that no one has figured out what to do with Cheryl after season one with the case of her murdered twin brother they solved it but now you're left with someone without a strong motivation where nothing else has ever stepped up but I'm mostly just crossing my fingers that the thing with Jason blossom stays dead done and buried okay well they unburied him but he's still dead and done you know two out of three ain't bad anyway for whatever reason Cheryl is strictly prohibited from ever breaking original characterization new things happen to her and she reacts to them as they come but they have no effect on her like the way her brother's death did and this is a problem because her brother's death was the first thing that ever happened in the story if you're watching the show and trying to take it seriously Cheryl is your worst nightmare if you're watching this show with friends as something to laugh at Cheryl is a beautiful goddess providing you with a bountiful harvest of cringy quotes the best thing that ever happened to Cheryl is her relationship with Tony because if Veronica or whoever comes up to them before Cheryl can open her mouth Tony could just be like whoa real character here to translate and you know what I like that when Tony is sad because she misses the serpent's Cheryl just goes out on a mission and returns like so I bought you a girl gang we can teach them archery in my yard and become plot relevant someday do you love it say you love it there is this almost patronizing and possessive edge to their relationship that is openly acknowledged and criticized by Tony without the wheels completely falling off the wagon so yeah I'm a fan however the oddest and most admire all thing about Cheryl is how she just demands to be an important member of the cast despite how little she has to contribute past season one the show bends to her will she gets to be in the surface without doing in the dance and she gets a special red jacket because she likes red why is the camera doing a slo-mo is it drools all over her when the shot isn't attached to anyone's eyeballs isn't that what the explanation typically is when a camera is liran on a lady placement of the shots together makes it look like it's from Veronica's perspective Veronica doesn't like Cheryl Archie and Jughead are sitting on the side of the table to see this too but neither of them like her and no one's really happy to see her or flustered by her there's nothing really significant to this moment it isn't a reveal what's not unusual this is just Cheryl's reintroduction in the first episode of season 3 to me this is sort of Cheryl's perspective of herself and she wants a sexy slo-mo musically scored love interest introduction she just gets one the writers are literally obsessed or Madeline's agent did a fantastic job with her contract and deserves to be taken out for some milkshakes and this brings us to Keven Keller who I'm gonna focus on to try to make a point about Riverdale's inability to keep tabs on these chickadees Kevin seems way more important in the first few seasons than he actually is every season he just falls off the face of the earth for a few episodes at a time and then reappears when we need access to whomever is his plot adjacent boyfriend at first it doesn't seem to offer a supporting cast member right but soon kevin begins to fill any miscellaneous voids when we need a student who's not one of the main four who's gonna be the kid of the sheriff connecting us to Riverdale's law enforcement who's gonna run the talent show Archie's joining the wrestling team we needed ood Oh Kevin and my personal favorite who's gonna get sucked into a cult and have his organ harvested dares our boy all of Kevin's platonic relationships are weird and poorly defined if Kevin talks to another boy like Archie or Jughead i partially expect a loading screen to pop up if you listen closely you can actually hear the writers hastily messaging each other at 3:00 I am trying to remember if he's ever spoken to Reggie what happens with the girls his Kevin slides into the gay best french room he meets a girl and the girl now trusts him more so than other girls so it's like he maxes out friendship points with every girl he meets but the friendship is simultaneously incredibly trusting and incredibly shallow in my opinion one of the cutest friendship moments with one of the main four and Kevin happens off screen it's when Veronica sleeps over his house to do recon on his dad not to be confused with the time Betty broke into his house to steal from his dad and when we see Veronica and Kevin after they've gone to bed Veronica is in Kevin's bed and Kevin is sleeping on the floor this made me smile because it means either Veronica browbeat him into giving up his bed or he just gentlemanly let her have it it's cute it's like they have an actual dynamic they sorta do in season one but these moments get kind of a few and far between I like this clip though you do you a girl I'll be back what was it like before she got here I honestly cannot remember Kevin's main dilemma throughout Riverdale was loneliness he really wants a boyfriend but he can't find one in Riverdale there just aren't that many fish in the sea for him it's actually not really a sea at all it's more like a plastic pool for toddlers with a little turtles printed on the side of it so he can only hook up with guys in the woods any boyfriends he gets throughout the story bail on him or bail on him or bail on him off this mortal coil how original or veil on him again or bail on him by getting raptured that's actually original either the writers really want him to be single or perhaps you know I'm just gonna go with the first thing am I allowed to just not propose a second thing the show should probably be connecting how unfulfilled his platonic relationships are into this dilemma there is basically one scene in this entire show where he gets mad at his friends and still stuff isn't lining up in his season 2 episode 3 speech in the aftermath of the black hood killer a murderer whose MO is stabbing sinner and at the bar for what a sinner is is so low that he tried to eliminate to teenagers for doing drugs in the woods sidenote why are you murdering children in the woods for doing vague pixie stick drugs what even is this moral value system I'm sorry I'm getting distracted anyway Betty has gone to confront Kevin about hooking up with dudes in these very same woods but Kevin's speech quickly goes off on a tangent about Betty going dark Betty the show's cute nickname for Betty's alter-ego when she dissociates for when you're exploring your BDSM sexuality which again you're allowed to do you mean that time she snapped and tried to boil and drown a sex offender dude and a hot tub ask yourself if Kevin gets one speech where he gets to cut to the bone about how ignorant his friends are of his problems why include this the bit that actually matters the pale pink milk chicks part almost reads as if it was written for a different character who wasn't constantly inserting himself into Betty's love life season one Kevin definitely comes off more like someone vicariously living through her or just loving the drama at first I thought the discrepancy was on purpose that this was going to tie back into those themes that everyone in Riverdale is wearing a mask I thought maybe they were playing into this idea that Kevin was LARPing being that gay best friend archetype I started wondering if this was more of a persona that he had to psych himself into but he wasn't totally comfortable with the persona wins him friends with girls like Veronica but at the end of the day they stay the personas friends but I can't find evidence the discrepancy was on purpose I find something very compelling about this I see someone who is desperately lonely and their platonic friendships are nothing but a drain on them there is a legitimate criticism of his friendship with Betty because sometimes it does feel like she's judging him she never laughs at his dirty jokes and she seems skeeved out by his casual hookups but it all gets washed away because the specifics of the situation wherein he finally gets to make that criticism is so absurd it was almost like it was organized to take all the bite out of his argument you just want to roll your eyes and yell go home Kevin develop a character quirk and come back when you're ready you know it's okay if the group only cares about each other and sometimes their parents but the world the Riverdale would feel more real if you kept better track of the relationships between the main cast and the supporting gas Riverdale's struggling with this I don't think the show is willing to confront the fact that Kevin is emotionally their lunch box friend when they put lines in like this your mother is here best friend wait jugheads in this plot line oh he probably means platonic only so Archie actually you know she's closer to Veronica these days your best friend Kevin Oh No who told ever never that him oh that makes me sad it was written in the cards for I'm not sure you've noticed this but Riverdale has been criticized for sexualizing teens a lot not like showing teens having relationships with sex but leering on them with the camera and putting together choreography that would likely not get approved for school events you know the kind of stuff that would probably make more people take pause if the characters were played by teen actors closer to the characters age the show can just straight-up forget how old its characters are like when Kevin does a Freudian slip that breaks the fourth wall accidentally calling Archie a millennial but like most millennial street guys he needs to be told what he wants so tell him hey I know what Millennials Street guys really need to be born before the first Shrek movie it may be like a t-shirt it's got a picture of a worm on a string on it with a curse word I'm just talking about what I want now anyway the most famous example of Riverdale sexualizing a teen character that they got raked over the coals for is Betty Cooper high school sophomore does a pole dance in a biker club filled with adults including her mom and her boyfriends dad of course no one stops her they give her a leather jacket and welcome her into the serpent's gang the pole dance if you're not in the know is the price of admission for would-be lady serpents because it's such a mad world it's supposed to be creepy but I don't think it is the only thing actually creepy about this is the weird auto-tune to perfection singing and the real world implications my icy 20-something dancing on a pole looking bored and then I see the characters react to the fact that she joined the serpent's and just kind of forget that this part happened or you know the alarming underlying psychological issues the character is going through that caused this and stuff like this to happen quote dark Betty unquote feels so safely contained only emerging to do something tragically edgy or sexy then swan dive out of existence for 10 episodes the show manages to take all the power out of dark Betty's bite when Betty brings the black wig on vacation with her to wear while having sex with Jughead who do you think this moment will mark the beginning of the end where the lines between Betty and dark Betty start to blur more I was looking for the lighter as proof and found all your secret toys why in god's name do you have this cabaret wig where's it when she has sex with Jughead is that true Elizabeth I how would you even know that I was guessing guessing Betty is it is it true this moment doesn't move the plot forward you will only remember this as scorching secondhand embarrassment and another example of chick being creepy I think the sound effect here was trying to communicate that Betty's digging her nails into her palm even though we can't see it I just want to be able to squeeze my hand and make it sound like I'm pulling a legendary sword out of a rock then no one would mess with me everyone would just give me all of the worms the best most extreme example of dark Betty when she is both dangerous and dissociating and also just aesthetically notable because she's visible in full costume is its first occurrence you see there is no progression or rather regression on the dark Betty front a mental illness is currently defined as unusual persistent patterns of moods thoughts or feelings unusual in the context of your society that are hurting your quality of life in Riverdale Betty's mental illness is a finisher move she can use on people who cross her it's hard to nail down what exactly Betty is supposed to have but this is not too much of a problem for me because in real-life duo diagnoses are a thing and sometimes when one thing goes wrong a whole bunch of things start to go wrong I'm not completely disgusted by the werewolf like way they treat her mental ill to an extent sometimes people just suddenly act out I've come to appreciate that the world has no shortage of functional or seemingly functional people working hard trying to keep things together behind the scenes some of them in treatment others not I am however insulted by the storm of words like insanity and madness paired with the lack of anything meaningful or notable to say about the subject but he's risk seeking behavior and her violent impulses are like a skill tree of magic available to her because her father was a serial killer however in the last episodes of season three it reveals itself to really be maybe more of a medical problem Betty apparently has the mao-a gene also known as the serial killer or warrior gene it's real and inheritable it's usually coupled with the traumatic childhood but women are excluded for most research about it what little research I could find suggests it the way it interferes with neurotransmitters would make Betty happier without enough testosterone she wouldn't experience the loss of impulse control and thus the negative consequences associated with having the gene in the first place so we're back to square one I really feel like you shouldn't use a gene that has never been mentioned in universe as an end-of-season dramatic reveal that's supposed to be weighty and upsetting it just seems silly and probably insulting to someone with real problems I think the reason why seems like Betty striptease will always be read as Riverdale back out it again is because they never found a mature way to talk about her issues so people will always assume that it's just shallow oblivious fanservice and that sounds pretty fair to me because they've never given me a reason to have more faith that they thought this through with all my sarcasm Snipes and snickering you might think that I hate this show but I don't and you know what I'm not alone because half the channels making Riverdale cringe compilations are also making music videos about the characters being in love and you know what I have something nice to say you people have correctly identified the fun part of the show from what I knew about the comic I was expecting it to be love triangle central and I was first impressed with this scene that case mine putting in a word I've heard every flavor of boy horn actually to clarify Betty and Archie aren't dating but they are and gaming she's asking to the semi-formal that that's a clip from the first episode and I like how it subtly moves away from some of the cliches of teen dramas instead of Betty silently sulking about Veronica going after Archie Veronica is informed of Betty's intentions and so Veronica can make the decision to just chill out and this keeps her from looking like a stock mean girl but wait there's more the show will not pretend that Betty owns Archie just because she's a nice girl who has a crush on him this is some advanced protagonist writing okay soon into the first season the love triangle between the three is dropped and with a weird amount of certainty Betty and Jughead get together and they just kind of stick together what a novel concept for a teen drama the show made me realize I'm burned out on treacherous love triangles and shows that make its characters dating life into a game of musical chairs because they get bored and they want to try something new I slowly realized watching Betty and Jughead that there's this quiet underappreciated dignity to just letting two characters chill out and be a normal couple and then send them on unnormal adventures Archie and Veronica unfortunately operate as business as usual for the genre they might clock in more hours together than what is typical for a show like this but the two do break up and date other people for much of season three but you know it won't last because as Veronica says their end game these subplots are so depressing they feel like extended apologies to Reggie and Josie because their pre-existing characters that aren't being used it's actually kinda rude dear Josie I'm sorry we changed the tone of the show so much that your narrative about a teenage girl trying to build a brand doesn't fit anymore you see I was on a D&D kick and I binge stranger things and then I got jealous that my show didn't have magic so um I don't know changing the genre every season had some unforeseen consequences sorry you're cute though and I want to inject that cover of candy girl parentheses sugar sugar into my veins good luck with your new show sorry love the writers I can't guarantee the writing for the romantic subplots won't tank in the future but I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed that they keep the love triangle suppressed especially the ones between the main four if you're rooting for something else I'm sorry but the plot literally cannot handle a shift that powerful the show structurally resembles three different flavors of gum chewed together and spat out the general bond between Archie Betty Veronica and Jughead is probably the most solid believable thing in the whole show and that's a relief because there was a lot riding on that it strengthens the friendships that stay platonic they don't feel forced and weird and contaminated by drama and backstabbing basically it's like the exact opposite of the Glee cast where a few seasons in you're watching all these people singing on stage together and you're like these people shouldn't be friends that you'd be lunging across the stage trying to kill each other because that's what happens when you play romantic musical chairs with the core characters slowly the dense oppressive tangled roots of in-group friend sess grow wild and free so I don't know nothing about the hot tub scene we don't know her it was a joke okay that they didn't play the tense music okay that didn't happen a [ __ ] kiss right now in the present might be precisely what it takes to save a future bug-head from imploding just shh-shh repress the memory we're gonna sit down and watch our stories and we're gonna get mad at them but we're gonna have fun getting mad at them I did not expect to find a show more extra than Gotham so fast and I loved it I just want 10,000 seasons of Riverdale now I'd like to thank the people who made it and encourage you to watch it especially if you got some buds and/or buddies to be watching it with although I'll warn you if you're going into this with a serious mind it will probably not turn out well oh and one last thing if we do Riverdale again would you like to do a plot analysis or character analysis if you like my content and you deem me worthy you can subscribe to my channel you could go another step by ringing the bell for my channel and you can go a third step by going to my patreon and becoming a patron my patrons are the holiest of all submarino's they're all attractive and polite and you can join them you don't even have to get your organs harvested and your boyfriend doesn't have to get raptured your boyfriend stays exactly where he is either right by your side or comfortable state of non-existence first thing they're gonna midea nollie like foot finish other sites on there yeah I know I'm not on that sign on we keep it very sir sighs I don't know probably you have small little perfect feet that lots of people love okay take your shoes off no I'm going that you're the one behind we keep show those feet show those things yep so good bye
Channel: Quinn Curio
Views: 2,015,993
Rating: 4.9468546 out of 5
Keywords: Riverdale, Jughead Jones, Betty Cooper
Id: CF0PTwMhgF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 13sec (2053 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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