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yep there it is your discretion is why that means me dude jacob discretion is advised jacob's discretion is advised but you're gonna watch it anyway aren't you i have watched 13 reasons why you jacob have not do you know anything about it a girl who kills herself and then people are bummed about it actually i forgot to mention that we're marathoning every single [ __ ] episode uh in a row in one day i hear checking your watch right now i hope you have nowhere to be a little trade secret if they're cute only put butter on the top so they have to come back out for more during the movie you don't come out for butter who knows you're [ __ ] nuts i guess there really is no adult management at this theater huh there's the boss who's got to be pissed off that they're always [ __ ] around yeah can you start buttering the popcorn properly please people are complaining that you butter three kernels and that's it it's like meticulous you're enjoy your moody who the hell put a [ __ ] pinwheel on there this will be funny she doesn't have any stickers or pictures inside her why doesn't she have any stickers it's not mandatory yeah but she was clean not mandatory anymore i really don't know okay so i never really went to high school but he didn't go to like a yeah he didn't go to a public school everybody have stickers no i was a hannah i never went to my liquor yeah i was a hannah baker don't worry about me but i was i was about to call somebody see i can guarantee that one of the reasons that you're still listening is that you really want to know who are the others no it's because you threatened me you psycho [ __ ] you [ __ ] threatened me how many cats do you think she has five seven i was thinking twelve and they're all i was thinking twelve why is that funny another number can i ask you a super needy when did i become this kind of girl question sure if you don't you're gonna kill yourself oh my god and freeze it's not about my period all right hannah chill the [ __ ] wow wow hannah's a [ __ ] weirdo careful dude wait was she going to ask she thinks that he thinks she's going to be like hey quick question about my [ __ ] period wait what is she asking hello wait i mean yeah jessica's pretty and all but you're special special like [ __ ] hannah favorite like hannah make it easy for me to be your friend please that's what i'm saying make it easy for me to care about you yeah no fail literally this conversation goes so wrong agreed it's how are you socialized i keep thinking you're some different kind of mail clearly there's no such thing i'm not like [ __ ] off [ __ ] right off dude she is the worst yeah i was having because i was like the only person who likes you you're an [ __ ] too yeah what's your [ __ ] problem i'm still sad she killed herself but this is good i'm on the fence oh how awkward look you're here no i'm animatronic shut the [ __ ] up and she's wondering why she has no friends this isn't a junior college player guys when i hang out i'll make fun of you oh how goddamn awkward oh thanks put it away look at us having a designated best friend who works at the movies if you can't get in for free now she's basically bribing no actually we're hey what the hell is going on you work wednesdays covered this jessica can fill you in oh yeah and then she makes him pay well i love the implication of he was like you wait you work wednesdays meaning that like he only goes when she's not working get one ten dollars please oh uh also how come she doesn't want to know what movie he's seeing it doesn't matter they only show one there you go actually maybe they i'm here to see the movie there's a couple of theaters that will see if there's anything we can do to make your visit more pleasant oh my god ah their reaction is my reaction the eye roll just like all right you [ __ ] loser my god and then she's like i miss my friends i miss my friends who i clearly don't be such an [ __ ] also that kid is legit the worst casting in his life just because you think he's gay yeah like i okay listen i am here for awkward unsexy cheerleading in like movies and tv shows you know what i mean like i think it's hilarious yeah like you know that they're like purposefully making what is this song and they're just out of sync enough yeah they're out of sight yeah but also like i'm saying like the way that they're dancing like they know that they're being goobers it's on purpose definitely yeah and it's brilliant because it's so accurate you know like in high school well yeah you didn't have friends i'm just kidding you didn't go to high school but i didn't have friends like there's definitely you know you go to the pep rally it's like ooh it's cheerleader time and like and then they do it and it's like oh that wasn't i mean like what was i expecting i'm pole dancing like folks i think it was gonna happen here i'm laughing like i agree but i'm just enjoying your description get it you get it what happened sweetie finish your fritos and go to bed [Laughter] you've barely even sipped your son kissed son kiss me do they not have employees it's from the only employee passed away recently uh hey we have a job opening they put it yeah they put a help wanted sign holy [ __ ] could you imagine if there was a help wanted sign on the window and they're like uh what happened to your last employee and they were like oh um commit suicide so and everyone laughs like yeah yeah anyway yeah i'll take the job she looks so goofy yeah that's so good how did the muff divers pick the god also is the mascot allowed to participate yeah he already owns the costume the mascot is one of the costumes and she said muff diapers yeah yeah wow so the school our finalists are [ __ ] muff divers so the school collectively approved [Laughter] more so it's like is there any adult in the room like yeah this is [ __ ] anarchy how's the hot tub at your place hot and the beer is cold well i like my beer warm so [ __ ] out of here oh yeah i like my beer warm sensitive teeth uh i guess we can't go there sensitive that was [ __ ] incredible i did not notice that the first time that was beautiful whoa i forgot that was her house wow wow that was a shot what is the show doing whatever you want this show should be bad it should be bad okay day's going fine so far oh oh well [ __ ] me i guess i would like to die please can you tell me why you think that happened can you tell me where you got your glasses dude can you tell me why your [ __ ] mustache is so thin i wanted to talk about hannah baker yeah that's my whole job now yeah that's pretty much all i do these days oh really i'm changing this side to hannah baker talk hannah bakery this is the hannah bank nope nope that's a big fat ass nope no oh holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god no please don't [Applause] are you all right i don't want you here get out hannah get the [ __ ] out all i can think is and forgive me if this is like rotten like not rotten to say this is like inappropriate to say but all i can think right now is go tigers yeah and was that the saddest thing that pmi has ever commentated upon this yeah this is i mean between this and spider-man three yeah he's pretty sad too thank you very much for watching this sample of our commentary tracks for 13 reasons why that is right we recorded commentary tracks for every single episode 13 hours of gold if i may be biased if you'd like to listen to all 13 commentary tracks there are three ways to get them number one is to go to shop and purchase them individually if that is your cup of tea or if you know you want all 13 you can buy them all at once and save 10 bucks once again at pretty much it dot com shop or the third way to get them is to support us on pretty much it for ten dollars a month you get all 13 tracks plus like over a hundred more that we've recorded over the years and we record brand new commentary tracks every single week thank you very much and i hope you enjoy
Channel: Pretty Much It
Views: 2,714,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PrettyMuchIt, Commentary Track, 13 Reasons Why, 13RW, Rape, Bullying, PMI Commentary, Hannah Baker, Season 1, Pretty Much It, 13 Reasons Why Season 1, Netflix, Commentary, Suicide, Pretty, Eric, Jacob Shao, Much, Eric Striffler, Striffler, PMI, It
Id: yLZsKWQEomk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2017
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