13 REASONS WHY Season 4 Ending Explained Breakdown + Full Series Recap & Spoiler Talk Review

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welcome to the heavy spoilers show I'm your host definition and this episode were breaking down the finale of 13 reasons why the Netflix phenomenon has just dropped its final season and throughout this video we'll be going over everything you need to know about it and it's ending there will be heavy spoilers here so if you haven't had a chance to check out the show yet then I highly recommend that you turn off now make sure you subscribe to the channel and hopefully this video gives you 13 reasons why you should hit the thumbs up button with that terrible pun out of the way let's get into our breakdown of the series okay so season 3 pretty much centered around the murder of Bryce Walker the highly hated teen died a disgrace with very few friends and because of this everyone was a suspect we learned that it was Alex that carried out the crime but the season ended with the blame being pointed towards Monty which exonerated him completely throughout season 4 this lies slowly unravels and we pretty much watch as the truth slowly comes to the surface so that the characters can finally close the book on it however this isn't the only closing of the book and metaphorically season 4 culminates with the students leaving high school and starting a new chapter in their lives 13 reasons why the matically has always been about choices and how certain ones can have a butterfly effect that ends up and things spiraling out of control season 4 exemplifies this with the choices that the characters have made in the prior three entries all having large carryovers I'm going to be primarily focusing on the arc of clay as the thing that that has the most repercussions on the others but there's just so many things going on that I would of course love to hear your favorite aspects of the show from the off the season really hammers home how difficult it can be for some to survive high school the show even opens with a line stating that some people just don't make it and a big death is teased with a funeral that happens six months ahead of where the majority of the season takes place now I really think another major theme of 13 reasons why is that two wrongs don't make a right though Bryce was a terrible person the murder of the character was also wrong and thus the group had to deal with the repercussions of it this culminates throughout the season and the choices they made a cover it up all have devastating nowhere is this more represented in clay and the anxiety that he suffers with throughout as someone who's dealt with anxiety myself I found the portrayal of very accurate though I haven't exactly had the ghost of a person i frame familiar haunting me overthinking things and thus creating paranoia can often happen it can send your body into weird states such as agitation overheating and just shutting down worrying is often an overuse of your imagination and I love that this season dealt with the inner turmoil that clay was suffering with because of all that he'd been through whether it's the guns connected to Tyler the cover-up being unearthed or just the ghost of Monty that haunts him you really see what is happening to him mentally the paranoia heightens when Winston arrives at school and emboldened Clay's mental illness as he believes the truth will finally come out Winston was of course the secret ex of Monty and he knows he's innocent due to being with him on the night of the murder he starts to get closer to Alex and I actually spent a lot of time wondering whether his feelings were genuine or if he was simply manipulating the character someone starts to tone clay with strange phone calls and he loses his grip on reality in our eyes he becomes an unreliable narrator as we as viewers can't really distinguish what's real and what isn't also is it just me or when his phone was ringing did you start shouting just pick it up man first ring pick it up anyway the voice tells him to do more and more things and slowly it starts to escalate I was convinced that this voice was penny wise when they found blood in the shower but it's revealed to just be Monty's teammates they were pulling a prank but because he freaks out they realize he's hiding something darker a kind of jump at a bear as I don't want to recap some of the pointless elements of the season but the paranoia within the character slowly starts to come to the surface as the ghost from his past get closer and closer initially I did kind of feel that this was a slightly slower season than some of the prior entries as I didn't think it had many big moments early on however it quickly ramps up and at just ten episodes as opposed to the regular 13 it really feels like the big moments start to come thick and fast clay loses that B card a big crash happens and the school goes into lockdown with a suspected shooter this is all revealed to be a drill for the experience of its end clay into a complete nervous breakdown the blackout's hallucinations and paranoia all hit a high point when both visions of bryce and monte come to torture him now these visions are really important to note as clays mental health issues eventually caused him to develop dissociative personality disorder he pretty much takes on a dual identity in which a violent side of him begins to subconsciously commit crimes that will eventually unearth the truth and bring to light the things that he has done this revelation comes much later in the season but watching certain elements with the knowledge of how he develops definitely needs to be kept in mind he finally accepts culpability for it and in facing his inner demons that have manifested as the pair he realizes he has to right the wrongs of his past his mental health does to climb further in the wake of the lockdown but due to the support of his friends and family he's able to reach a positive outcome Tyla is revealed to be an informant for the police that's been working with them in the wake of the guns being discovered and I think this reveals sort of symbolizes the major theme towards the ending of the season that is the future and how we must always be mindful of it but in doing so we must make sure we are present in well the present clearly Tyler was stuck in a corner with the police and he found a way to navigate towards the future still having it intact by his choices clay however continues to live in the past constantly haunted by what he's done which makes him no longer mindful of the present or the future and thus he makes brash mistakes his past literally becomes a physical manifestation within his personality in a way that it tries to constantly bring the past to light so that he can finally move on to the future thinking about the series as a whole thirteen reasons why is all about how the past can always come back to haunt you and it is rightfully be mindful of the present so you can have a future at a clay looked ahead rather than always behind I think that some of this season would have gone a different way with him he would have not been tortured by the apparitions that seemingly stalked him and eventually this led to him coming some truly terrifying acts one of the only times that we actually see clay thinking about the future properly he doesn't actually have a realistic grasp upon it and instead imagines the air 2161 where the earth is a polluted and Phil under attack from a sentient robot army that exists in the Andromeda girl yeah its core completely crazy now a great line that appears towards the end of the season is that the best way to fail is to have no plan at all and I think that this is exemplified by clay who's constantly trying to navigate the past in order to ease his conscience rather than thinking about how things may play out he's brash impulsive and acts on a whim without really thinking of the repercussions and can cause because deep down he wants it to come to light by prom he does eventually get to live in the moment but he definitely spends most of his time buried in the past this is mirrored by Tony who initially doesn't think of how things will go ahead but he does eventually gain a big opportunity by changing his focus school is all about preparing us for the future I think as a whole the show is pretty much been about how he must constantly be mindful of it all I can do far more damage over time than the truth can and I think that clay and coke could have saved themselves a lot of pain had they opened up earlier rather than trying to cover things up however another theme of the show is of course unity and the group definitely managed to get through things because of each other nowhere is this idea of taking a stand shown more than in the walkout that happens after some police brutality it's obviously difficult to not draw comparisons with real-world events right now and though the show has always been controversial this definitely feels like it's come at the right time clay states that they have to bring it all down because he is merely a prisoner of the structures that have been put in place around him I think that his personality is literally trying to bring these walls down and that is why he destroys the deans car again this is all because of the repercussions of choices early on that clay made and he was unable to truly process the weight of his actions so his brain had to find a way to deal with them every time the truth has suggested is shot down when it could have ultimately stopped so many more lives from happening the lies are reflected in the characters parents as well who track their children and I did appreciate how they were initially trying to just keep their children safe through a lie whilst claim Coe were doing the same thing in order to protect one another ultimately most of the truth all comes out in the end and this includes drug use sexuality and more being talked about openly the promises celebration of them finally lifting the way of their shoulders way you brought a hooker to problem anyway clay embraces the moment and is finally finally present in the present Winston gets dense with Alex and it feels like a certain sense of closure to me this symbolizes all of the characters finally letting go of the past and though it may not have a literal sense to it it shows the ending of the pain that the past has caused all of the characters we all have regrets from our lives but we have to learn to live with them and move on much like how the characters in the show do they are progressing and whether it's to prom kings a big twist with boundaries and more this is about moving forward in a positive direction this is 13 reasons why though so of course the happiness doesn't last long and Justin who's been exhibiting flu-like symptoms throughout the season is eventually diagnosed with AIDS which would pass through drug use and sex work there was a point in the show that Justin and clay had to take drug tests and the former blamed the other for switching them to provide a positive result he's revealed to be the character that the funeral was held for and it's honestly not something I was expecting comes as a big blow and though it's tragic it reminds us that we have to make the most of what we have and the time we do by being present in the moment and appreciating all of it we must take the good with the bad because that's what makes life worth living that's really the message that Justin tries to pass on before his death and I also think that it's the message that the show is trying to portray high school and life in general passes by in the blink of an eye so make of it what you can love what you have and and I'm a crying you're crying Justin's death finally makes clay and the group appreciate all they've gone through and it tells them to leave the past in the past and focus on improving themselves Alex also confesses Bryce's murder to Winston and the latter hands over the tape to the former which means that Bryce can no longer ruin any more lives he returns to taunt Jessica mentally but she says that though Bryce made the world a certain way they learn to love each other by taking a negative and turning it into a positive there's a lot of scenes of closure and discussion but you really feel like everyone is grown in a positive way by to accept how things are we've all made mistakes as that therapist states and we are guided onto the right path by others just like how they were guided when they were younger this sort of brings everything to a close and he states that he began much like how clay does after closing the lid on what's happened to him Jessica admits that she was a one-issue person but she shifted this to focusing on love loving all that she has and all that will happen to her hate is too easy and it drove Bryce down a dog path and almost took those around him with him but they survived and together the friends loving one another or what got them through it it shows us that you can survive anything no matter how hard things are and it's definitely a message that's more important now than ever choose to live choose to get through it because there's always going to be something worth living for even if you haven't encountered it yet love the moment live in the moment and enjoy it it's a perfect way to end the show and watching these characters say their goodbyes after the four seasons that we've been through really feels like the best send-off they could get the group go their separate ways on to their new lives and the next chapter but they've still in so much clay is even accepting of his ghosts and though they've tormented him he eventually learns that the past is making him stronger and it's not something that he should be driven to hate you can find the love where you look for it and forgiveness is always something that you should have clay finally accepts the ghost that has driven him the most and that is Hannah she returns for a final goodbye and it's a I'm a swear I'm not I'm not crying he says goodbye dare in some form just as he meets someone new and they bury the tapes along with the past at home he reads a piece by Justin that reminds us that the other is darkness the light shines to move it all out the way and this makes clay realize that though he was a negative person he had a positive influence much like how it's therapist did on him though we don't know what happens to the character after this he will survive life is just a set of chapters and through it all we have many ups and downs but we can get through it you take care but that sounded really sad when I said that out loud but it does close out the season and as I'm sure you can guess from the way that I've written this review and delivered it it was a very emotional ride that does feel like a fitting farewell for one of Netflix's biggest properties so that was 13 reasons why and after watching all of the episodes in the same day I feel like it was an incredible journey that felt like the best send-off we could have gotten I've had lots of highs lots of lows and yeah what an amazing journey 13 reasons why was brilliant and I get a 9 out of 10 now obviously I'd love to hear your thoughts on the season and what you took from the ending comment below and let me know and if you enjoy this video then please drop a thumbs up it makes you check out our breakdown of defending jacob which is gonna be linked at the end we go over our interpretation of the events so it's definitely worth checking out if you want to know more you want to support the channel from his letters at 99 cents a month then please click the join button below we massively appreciate you and as a thank you you get access to content early you want to come chat to us after the show either follow said heavy spoilers or click the discord link in the description below those are the best ways to give it a date with us so hopefully we see over there very soon this is the channel for people who are never missing television so if that's the kind of thing you like you need to subscribe to definition thanks again for taking the time to watch this you've been the best and I'll see you next time take care peace [Music]
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 318,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 13 reasons why, 13 reason why season 4, 13 reason why season 4 ending, 13 reason why season 4 ending explained, 13 reason why who killed bryce, bryce walker, bryve walker death, 13 reason why trailer, 13 reason why season 4 predictions, 13 reason why explained, 13 reason why season 4 soundtrack, 13 reason why spoilers, ending explained, 13 reasons why season 3, clay, 13 reasons why ending, episode 10, netflix, tv, 13 reasons why season 3 recap, 13 reasons why full episode, 13
Id: hBxWli9zTdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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