Making My Cat a Roblox Account!

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you guys I love my cat Eloise but sometimes she can be a little bit lazy I mean come on she doesn't even remember her password for her own roblox account luckily for her I am a great cat mom I'm gonna just make her a new one so we have to start on the main roblox create account page and oh no birthday first it hold on hold on I'm real glad I brought her carrier in today the vet said July 13th 2017 guys it's almost her birthday soon so we're gonna have to wish her happy birthday I have made her a cake before use your name Eloise the cat is already taken I don't know why oh here we go Eloise the Persian cat has not been taken and obviously Allah wheeze is a girl so we are ready to sign her up Oh verification oh no sometimes these are actually kind of hard for me roll the ball this isn't even a ball up here we go oh no not again that was a little rough oh they are timing me here this is a little intimidating don't judge me I haven't done this in a while but I am a real human and I'm about to prove it here we go I failed the human test here we are it's a beautiful sight to see Eloise the Persian cat finally has her own account now why does this look like a man hold up I said she was a girl I thought oh no guys can I change this oh no Eloise IV Trish you well there you have it folks I actually did have it on mail so we're gonna become a female now hopefully that'll work let's see she is still a heat no hold on she is now a girl but I mean that's what it says in my settings so we'll go with this and we'll work with what we've got don't tell her so we can't start off in the roblox catalogue without any robots so in order to get a Louise some roebucks I am actually going to join one of our groups and pay out some money now obviously we have Preston's awesome group but I have just created my very own called we be and we even have a limited time only hoodie for only five roebucks go ahead and use code Breanna and purchase that hoodie I think Eloise is getting a little impatient while having to wait for her roebucks Eloise requires 100k is that right but I don't know what she's staring at me like this oh no Eloise have successfully received 30k robux which wasn't as many as she asked for but I think it's a good start let's head into the avatar shop and get going first off I feel like we need to change her body type she is quite bulky I would say right now can you purchase arms no hold up I think this is in the avatar part isn't it guys male yeah she has a male arm so let's take those off I'm purchasing a free woman skin from the Avatar catalog because we gotta fix that first there we go that is much more like it she is only 7 and a half pounds so we had to compensate now let's go back to the store and really get going first let's start with the tail she has to look extra sassy and oh that wolf's tail does kind of look like her hold on what do you think I think she looks like she has a wolf's tail according to roblox but I guess we'll keep looking Yap or squirrel tail although he's made me you have a squirrel tail she is not appreciating this I will keep those on my mind a roadrunner tail that's ridiculous a bunny tail I wish Eloise had a bunny tail huh this kind of looks no nevermind Oh pig tails I was wondering why hair wasn't here but that actually does make sense plain white cat tail gray fox tail this doesn't really look grey you guys I'm kind of feeling this one though it's it's fluffy it's grey this is apparently a gray cat tail but nope I'm gonna go with the one the only gray fox tail girl you lookin good I can't even see her tail did I make her smaller or bigger what is happening I I don't really understand what his body type she's getting real big that way and really like tall what what is this I don't know I feel uncomfortable we're just gonna put her at 75 percent there she is the majestic box tailed woman we have to start making her look like a cat cause it's getting kind of weird we can start with ears that would definitely work oh my goodness I have no idea there were so many they actually have kitty ears those are pretty cute too bunny ears are adorable I would definitely use that if I had a bunny however I do not elephant a counter immense guys how do you say this word account remnants confused I went to college and I don't even know what that means servile ears wolf ears to her ears looked more like a wolf or like a cat tabby cat ears Wow we have a lot of options black kitten head low what does this mean a head low that's hilarious you can wear a cat on your head well normally I would love that but that's not gonna work for Eloise I don't think she gets along with other animals very well these are very fancy ears Eloise literally keeps digging her claws into the carpet to get away from me because she's a very camera shy cat apparently Eloise which ears would look like you the most she is scowling at me what's wrong tell everyone oh she's embarrassed she's gonna tell me about it later to him I could give her antlers she's already technically sort of a man like why not just go full crazy here those are so cute but I think we've got to just stick with the good old-fashioned cat ears here makes the most sense to me however it is kind of clashing with her tail which definitely kind of bothers me wait where are they hello where are her ears oh they are under her hair it's not disturbing at all she looks like a cat and I'm nervous so I'm gonna sing cuz it's freaking me out we gotta go back to the shop guys cause that would make her look you know more like a cat so I put in the search cat clause and literally super slash cat claws came out now I'm kind of freaking out because this is begin to not match it all with her tail so we're gonna get these she's also too sweet to actually ever use her claws I've never been clawed by her those were 400 roebucks I just realized that do 15 to 30 damage per swipe that's it a really aggressive cat you know I'm just gonna go ahead and get the good old-fashioned grey cat tail cuz one she isn't a wolf and two the real reason is the tail clashed and that really bothered me how she looking well this is looking real interesting you guys I am on a road to victory and success big that's terrifying you know I'm getting a little bothered by what I'm seeing so let's continue to perfect the cat miss Atmos I'd be a good cat name you guys in order for this eloise in roblox to become a magnificent creation go ahead look under this video and if your subscription button is red make it great cuz Eloise is cray cat face here we go oh okay we have some interesting things here in the shop cuddly cat that looks just like Eloise hold on is it like bellows is this another cat low the more I think about that term the more you think about the cat loose term it really freaks me out but we're gonna buy a cuddly cat even though Eloise doesn't really like other cats maybe I should get her a fish for a treat I know I know I already bought the claws so apparently you can't hold the fish I am a little bit sad about that so she has a companion a business case this is apparently an accessory hat so is it another cat loaf oh that kind of works although it makes you look a little manly hold on try this on this will officially make chuckles and a Louise Prince yes no hesitation this is happening chuckles and now Louise sitting in a tree that doesn't really work let's go see what she's looking like so far ladies and gentlemen not gonna lie she looks way more like this other cuddly cat but we're doing the best with what we've got now we are definitely missing some accessories we have the Hat we have a friend we have a tail where are her claws they are gone there we go why are they so big I can't get over it I have me Eloise we're close before I made her become Santa Claus she apparently did not appreciate that but we will get her another article of clothing we have a shoulder shark rocketcat what happened to you oh oh I thought he was like in a back brace but he's just in an astronaut costume magic broom Black Cats spooky shoulder black cat why are all these cats scary guys cats are sweet they always wear this yep definitely needed we don't want to lose her in role box now I'm just gonna say you guys you heard me I said cat shirt I am not seeing anything resembling a shirt huh I'm gonna cry that is the cutest thing I've ever seen here we go with more cat Lopes I literally just went straight to clothing and this popped up please explain to me one who's cat is this he doesn't look like he wants to be photographed and two why is this 150,000 Robox nope that is a ripoff I'm sorry I would have bought your shirt if it wasn't so expensive this one's cute too but it's a thousand seven hundred okay that is more feasible for me a crying cat sad it's more expensive and it's more sad oh yes kitty has the walk that's a very interesting title for a shirt I don't really understand what any of that means I'm not gonna lie this one would be kind of funny because everybody knows hats always are jumping in boxes something about that doesn't look right we're gonna just go to regular shirts instead of t-shirts oh we have a lot of this shirt guys uh please count them for me and also explain why they go up in price up here is very interesting wow this person has made a lot of the same shirt now I like it don't get me wrong but very confused as to why there are twenty-seven thousand of them it's also called Cat Cat Cat Cat Cat Cat Cat Cat yeah so is this one how are you supposed to differentiate which one is which you know what I've been tempted long enough I am going to buy this five Roebuck five Roebuck sis five Roebuck what is the proper grammar for that anyways I am buying that shirt okay I don't really like that that makes her look a little manly I'm not gonna lie we need a girlier shirt Eloise is very snooty at times and she wouldn't approve please explain why this golden tuxedo is called cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats I just don't understand cuz it's not a cat let's put a cute cat I think that might be more successful oh now one is cute oh wait they're too cute yes immediate purchase it is pink and a cute cat just what I was looking for nope never mind guys what is this called again toaster cat no it's not called toaster cat what is it guys oh no I was like really really into the now until I forgot exactly what that is something cat yeah yeah nope it's not it that's not working so the cute girly shirt doesn't fully fit eloise because she's currently looking like a man oh wait I forgot I can fix that right oh no I've ruined it all we have to put it back you know what I would just like to all take a second to notice when you're a man in roblox you have two options you can look like this or you can look like this guys which one is better I'm really not sure he looks kind of like a grandpa and he kind of looks I don't know I don't know why you would choose one over the other I'm just gonna be honest see you guys the blue is just peeking out from other under there so we're just gonna have to go with the not as cute shirt it's just gonna have to happen what else are we missing pants she needs pants maybe I could put her in a skirt or is that inappropriate for a cat although she does have to use a litter box so we probably want her in a skirt skirt skirt skirt skirt skirt skirt skirts wow this is interesting you know what I think I'm gonna have to do I am going to have to go to one of my favorite games and it's not called the digestive system adventure although that is very tempting that's kind of hilarious oh this is called aesthetic clothes where are we gonna go sell us yep there we go I don't know why but I'm feeling it how am I looking so far do I look like Eloise not really you know it's kind of creepy that I have regular arms oh where are my paws I've lost my paws that would definitely help a little bit now it's time to try on some pants or skirts Eloise in real life you are much faster than this I don't know what's happening oh here we go there's some bottoms how about this how's that look why I want to let me try it on I am going to take Eloise to my clothing store that I have used before on Robox if you have a suggestion on better clothing stores shoes let me know see that guy looks like a sloth and I look like a cat we are going to be friends excuse me sir let's try on this skirt why am I still blue I don't think that's supposed to happen oh we have a tuxedo shop over here how snazzy hmm what are these they're flourishing or it's just my screen being funky yep it was just my screen being funky maybe some promising things in here oh yeah yeah I'm digging that let's go no I ran over the wrong ones oh I forgot I have to buy them first guys remember to buy your clothing items it can't walk I did not appreciate that whatsoever I just had forgotten to buy my clothing item before leaving the store and I thought I'd been caught there we go it looks pretty much perfect although I still don't know chimp scare my wife just wait I'm gonna get you back now I forgot she needs her companion that she probably won't really like and there you have it folks it is Eloise although I think we're forgetting one last thing comment down below if you think I forgot something but I think all I need now is some gear something to hold although I don't know if she can with her claws hmm what's happened to this man I what happened to you you don't look normal oh it's okay I still love you I don't oh no what if I give her a ball yeah she would like this a disco ball or there fish that is very morbid why is mr. whiskers so creepy also I thought cats were the ones who ate fish Oh yep that is a cat I definitely mistook that for a dog well she can't have her claws in a fish and she can't apparently really have anything with that beach ball that was expensive by the way so here you have it be beautiful the loving Eloise the cat she may look strange but don't tell her that because she has feelings too now let's get her approval what do you think of your future tell us tell us to the microphone huh she doesn't even want to look at it oh no is that a bad sign Oh Sheetz it oh no well you guys that is it for today I have successfully made Eloise even though my cat absolutely detest what I have done so go ahead and put below in the comments who I should create next just wanted to let you know if you comment on my videos within the first hour of it being posted I will read your comments and feature them somewhere on the screen I don't know exactly where
Channel: BriannaGamez
Views: 20,209,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nsPWtYR1XC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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