I Survived 1000 Hours as a Baby Villager

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wait okay guys i am too cute and little of a villager to be here by myself hey now you're a rock star i see this little beam of lights i know are you okay do you know where my parents are yes come quickly the king illager he came and raided the whole village i tried to do what i could you must go to all the villages and grab all their summoning beacons and then go to the woodland mansion and summon the biggest village army the world has ever seen to save our village and your family oh oh oh my gosh um guys he left me supplies oh another right pickaxe yet an iron sword that's a little bit of a weird balance there unfortunately he can't join us on our journey but he did leave us with our first beacon breeze home summoning beacon before traveling to all the villages of the land i wanted to find the pillagers who were responsible that's when i found the evil king illiterate secret hiding spot that has to be a woodland mansion i'm trying to find my family and you look kind of like them can you can you help me help us um um no i'm sorry i'm sorry it looks like a very large pillager illiterate man is on i have to go i'm sorry there's there's something i have to attend to and get away from that very scary king i don't know who are you i'm a baby villager who are you i'm a baby pillager hey do you know that guy out there he looked kind of scary i kind of ran in here away from him um i don't know i've been in timeout what'd you do i ate a cookie when i shouldn't have you know what does that mean you can join my team i'll take you out of timeout if you help me find neat oh i know where these are these are in all the villages around i know where we can put these around here where oh follow me follow me okay oh this is gonna be so much fun what's your name by the way i'm brianna what's your name charles charles i have to find all the rest of these can you help me yeah there's a there's a snow village right over there i love snow okay let's go day 10 and my new friend and i have embarked on our journey to all of the different villages i don't know if we can trust him yet but he did know where the snow village was have you visited here before oh yes look look here's a secret entrance to the village on a roller coaster i just i just want to ride the roller coaster are you sure there's snow golems everywhere okay oh geez there's a lot of snow golems this is scary i see a beacon right isn't that this glowy thing excuse me i need to get through here please can i help you yes so my name is bree um my family's village has been attacked and there's a little bit of a shenanigan happening so i just need your help to find a beacon i'm trying to summon everybody um get back home i see hmm you can use our beacon on one condition if you didn't see we're being plagued by snow guns right now but there's a giant snow globe nearby that's been brainwashing them to attack us if you can defeat them and bring me the head to prove it you can borrow it for now okay we've got this for sparta charles yeah hi um do you happen to have like a sword or anything that sounds like a yes follow me charles because we're about to um have to defeat a very large uh snow golem everything's gonna be fine just follow me day 12 i promised the snow village that i would stop their snow golem threat it took me a couple of days to find the snow golem oh my goodness i see him i see a very large pumpkin it's a pumpkin head do you think we can fight this thing he's saying guys please subscribe to this video so break and save her family yep that's it in all actuality charles there is lava at the bottom of this page and i think we have to put it somewhere to make a trap oh use the lava to kill him bartholomew i'm sorry but you must melt just don't wait charles i'm sorry was that you you see how close are you right now i almost stepped into lava back here yes there's a path out of here i can make it back i have a plan is he melting no he's melting oh my gosh yes [Applause] charles i'm getting the head and then we have to head back to the snow village is that a pun yeah i tried did you did you do it of course we can help you with this here take our beacon and use it as much as you want thank you mount this on the wall good job let's go way to go charles now we just have to figure out where we go next i don't know where the next beacon is i i i i know where the jungle village is oh okay follow me day 20 on our way to the jungle village we found a stranded super ravenger in the middle of nowhere i know how to tame those things we could ride it and get around faster are you sure you can tame them he doesn't look super friendly did you just see that they love beetroot if we can find some beet root then we could we could feed him and then he'll love us does it look like there's beets around here there's like concrete and stone everywhere oh wait wait break what what what what look up top of the hill it's a witch's tut witches usually use beet roots for potions oh she's inside take a look no way i should see feet do you do you see any chests in there there are um quite a few beetroots that i just take them off she won't be suspicious right yeah just take them all i took them all mr ravager gonna get over there yes he likes us i'm proud of you what are you doing here oh my gosh oh what are you trying to do with my super rafter it was his idea drum no witch okay i'm following you we have to make our way to the jungle oh this way follow me day 29 after taming our new friends it is way easier to traverse the land um but we we still have to make it to the jungle for the next beacon there's a beacon do you see it yeah it's like really far in the distance but that's where we have to go do you think these ravagers can make it through the jungle let's see oh not the best swimmers i'm gonna leave them here be safe gerald i'll be back for you here's the door maybe i can just go on up say knock knock who's there it's brie i'm taking the beacon mr elder hello i want to take your begin oh sorry for scaring you i'm the chieftain of this village um well i just i really respect your village but i need to take your beacon before we trust you with such an item of our village could you help us find our our cat i know it's not silly right away they escaped the cage and they went into the four so we can find them find them and we'll give you the beacon day 30 and i'm off to find the village's favorite ocelot i know ocelots love fish so i plan to catch as many as possible and place them all around the jungle this is our first trap and we're just going to fill it with some fish and it's set let's go find another spot i'll do this one thank you nice appreciate it last and final trap is set next to a temple too could be a good spot hey charles it's been 5 000 hours and i'm ready to see if is that a panda it is a pin oh no i don't know what to tame it oh i set it on fire no oh my god all right let's just go to the second trap and act like this never happened okay next trap did i open it sure oh oh my gosh who is this he's sweet he's sweet help him out here take this what um um um i just used lava again on accident i tried to use dirt let's let's check the last trap the cat has to be there i don't i don't see anything wait do you hear that i hear a cat oh where is it it sounds like it's in the tumbler there's an enderman in the jungle oh oh my gosh there's way more enderman now i'm scared bree me too me too i'm just trying to find the cat oh there he is down the hallway oh my goodness you just can't look at the enderman okay right right you can you can go ahead hi be careful breathe they're all looking at you love me oh oh it just hit him it won't take the fish there we go yay oh wait a chest yeah let's check it out and take a little bit of iron here so a little bit of gold and what was that quick let's get out of there i got a ton of iron i think we can go you have the cat did you get the cat we did um she's she's right here thank you [Music] she's not listening anymore kitty maybe she likes me better she won't take her eyes off of you is she mine now can i keep her well i she's taking a liking to you so ah all right you could keep her go ahead okay where do we go next charles oh ooh ooh the planes in the sky on the oh we're about to fly in a plane guys now with our newest member of our family we have headed to the plains village hopefully getting us one step closer to saving my family breathe there's the beacon oh my gosh wait this is such a pretty village they have sheep and flowers kind of looks like a place we shouldn't ride a villager pillager rager what what is this thing called ravager yeah let's not ride one of those into this pretty village oh uh how can i help you nice to meet you um can i have your beacon uh that that is a that is a big question why would you why do you want our beacon our entire village has been attacked and the only way to make them all come back beacons from everywhere this hey can i ask you a question sonny do you know the king villager by any chance hmm i think i've seen i've heard beside him one time am i wrong i've i've heard i've heard of that name before hmm well we lost our iron golem if you could build another one i'll i'll think about it but i would say you have a shot okay just watch me look charles i have iron blocks and pumpkins from the snow village it's going to be very easy to just do uh one of these oh you did it well that's so satisfying oh oh oh i hear them they're coming what the village is being attacked you gotta put more i gotta hide i have to build more wait but if if we if we defend the village can we oh no maybe if we stop the zombies he'll give us the beacon let me keep on building briefly oh my gosh it's working i made an iron golem like what what is this an army i made an army of iron golems the zombie's already gone yeah i don't see any so we can have the beacon right yes to just take it out thank you panic attack oh i gotta go only two more beacons where do we go after this i think there's a oh there's a savannah village okay let's head to the savannah there's the beacon brie is this a savannah it's a savannah oh there you go ah new recruits you're finally here we're about to be under attack by the pillar drone post destroy them now and i'll give you whatever you want just one of them bri i actually know what the outpost is talking about follow me day 61 me and mr baby pillager have found the outpost for the pillager raid party being babies we might have to sneak around and try to find a disguise all right bree hey here's the outpost so we have to destroy the party post okay okay now usually there's a bunch of tnt up there and i think i can be able to sneak past them all right so i'll be right back okay i can tell i'm gonna have to have a disguise look at me i look like a baby bree villager like i can't go in this way oh they are not sounding happy excuse me sir i'm just gonna take this pillager helmet oh my gosh it actually works now they're gonna love me charles is never going to recognize who i am now though okay let's keep going all the way up the stairs go go go go go go go bri we are on a time crunch speaking of crunch do we have some tnt let's make an explosion i'm ready so we have to unfortunately do this because we cannot let the outpost attack the next village i'm sorry sir to save the village oh no oh geez you've done it here's the beacon thank you so much day 77 and only a couple more summoning beacons to find this one is in the swamp so let's get this over with quick oh okay i found the swamp there's a beacon it looks really pretty actually this is a pretty swamp let's see if there's an elder who can not only give me the beacon but also tell me where my friend is where is charles um how can i help you hi so i'm actually um needing this beacon please my entire village was attacked and i can only help save my family if i get all the beacons back well we have an ogre issue right now if you could sort that out somehow we could give it to you yes sir i can totally do that that makes me it's bad okay so it sounds like there's a shrek in the house okay if i was an ogre i would definitely live over by the water in a hut this definitely has ogre smell written all over it i can smell it there's definitely there's nothing in here what are you doing [Music] [Music] what's wrong i don't want to hurt you you don't no oh thank you everybody's so mean to me i'm sorry here here here i'll feed you i'll give you some food i just really need a beacon to save my family but hey i'll spread the word that you're really cool and i'll get you out of here you're my new best friend donkey thank you what is your name my name is brianna what is your name sir uh shrock the rock version of threat that's my brother but i won't talk about it the king illager stole him can i join you i wish you could help me but i actually am on a journey so i'm gonna have to have you stay here i'll spread the word that you're very sweet have a beautiful day nice to meet you howard i mean truck truck i hope that'll help us get the beacon though i found him right i'm back oh yeah that was quick yeah don't worry about the ogre problem it's oh fantastic that sounds amazing here's our beacon thank you uh the next one will be that way the desert thank you so much i appreciate it we have all but one beacon left and then hopefully my family is saved also hopefully we can find charles where is that guy day 85 we have made it to the last village and with this last beacon we should be able to stop the evil king and bring peace throughout the entire land i have a beacon in my sight let's just take it free the land save everybody just like super can i just grab it can i just grab it please huh oh uh can i help you um yes so i am actually trying to get a bunch of these to save my family uh-huh okay well um we're currently uh trying to get our gold back you see they've been rated and they've taken all of our sacred temple so if we could go get them back okay we would consider it okay i will get the gold if you guarantee it you guarantee i pinky promise without a pinky ooh this looks awfully suspicious let's change how i look we have to be a little more incognito okay now is our chance we are tiny which is helpful we could be sneaky we have a disguise on i am basically brianna james bond jones apparently there's some treasure that is missing oh i did not go about that the best sort of way oh that was scary i am hurrying this is so scary i'm just looking in chess in there oh there's so much gold there's so much gold there's so many diamonds there's so much gold there's so many diamonds there's only one thing i know to do guys three two one i'm sorry it has to be done oh my gosh well we can definitely say we're safe to bring back the gold hi um did you do it did you look at the gold yeah look at this i have tons of gold oh my gosh i'll keep up my end of the park and here you go thank you i can't wait to go back to the temple oh my god wait okay have fun bye thank you day 100 with my seven summoning beacons i've returned to the mansion to summon a giant village army to defeat the evil king save my family and my friends whoa there's no way look at all the villagers warriors who came free charles i'm back these took me but but i i got away i i know a secret entrance follow me oh we're back to where we started yes oh they're inside luke what's happening oh my gosh come follow me that's scary to the left quick okay why do you know how to do this in the first place charles charles oh oh hi charles is my son he's led you here on purpose what now it's time to join your family you're my best friend [Music] that's awesome you're my best friend let's see let's say we save everybody how about that okay let's go pull the lever you can do it okay oh my gosh is it going to work oh the pillager threat is back and charles the son of the king is making him a pillager army you have to grab all the summoning beacons to all the villager castles in the biomes i can definitely do that i've done it before who says i can't do it again you might want to check out the woodland castle to make sure it's still there why would pillager charles do this to me if you don't know who charles is click this video right here he's up to something fishy like last time i can do this on my own all you need to do is hit that like button and it will help me be able to do this guys this is weird the woodland mansion looks different from last time look in the windows nobody's here it looks like it was partially destroyed what is going on i have to get to the bottom of this what are these cages truck jungle kitty i found you guys did you hear something what was that oh no hi bri hi charles no don't do this where am i hello bree do you remember me yes i do i thought we were friends we are not friends since you killed my father and i am gonna finish what he started with the help of your ogre friend i'm gonna make a monster army and take over all of minecraft charles you don't have to do this you're not your dad truck was trying to protect me well in a hundred days there is no protection for anybody in a minecraft i have to apparently save minecraft i have only 100 days jungle kitty how'd you get out of the cage i knew you were a magical cat oh awesome wait i have a pickaxe in my inventory why didn't i think about that we have to find a way out of here oh what is that not again jungle kitty run oh my gosh oh a hidey hole jungle kitty join me right here why aren't you getting in the hole join me jungle kitty what are you doing what what this day is not going well i really have to find jungle kitty but what's this here this must be the machine that baby charles was talking about the one he's using to make robots jock no does he have you too there has to be an off switch here somewhere right you have to turn this off we can't let charles's plan work intruder intruder i am pillager baby robot hey buddy since i'm a pillager just like you mr robot could you tell me how to turn off this buying machine i'm actually brought here for maintenance this machine only baby king charles can destroy this machine with a key where's the key king baby charles we have to find the key together for more monster army yeah yeah we're gonna we're gonna help with that situation yes my programming says baby pillager robot i'm on the same page as you you know what we need to do we have to get out of here i have an idea yes yes we'll listen robot this is the only way we can create an army we have to hurry run i'm running as fast as i can if you haven't seen the 100 days video right here is the platform where i placed all of the beacons that i found to create a huge army this time we need an even huger one let's see if there's still a beacon under here what is bacon this is how you create a huge pillager army so we have our six beacon platforms um mr robot i need to visit each castle and bring back a beacon to help with the army situation can you take me to the snow castle to find the first beacon it's really good and exciting snow castle calculations acquired follow me let's go this doesn't look right what's happened to the city there's not even a castle no villagers where are pillagers ravager dragon what is it i've never seen one of those in my life maybe that's why the villagers are missing that's pretty dark is anybody still in the town let me stand for life forms is it a dance it's called the robot boogie this way there's so many people what are y'all doing in here we're hiding from that dragon right now it looks like it's gone okay i'm gonna lock them inside what do you need there's a baby pillager who's trying to seek revenge and i have to stop him from making an evil pillager robot army the only way to stop him is if i can take the beacon right over there stop that dragon and then you can have the beacon just just get it out of here okay could i just take it and then leave please no okay fine i don't have anything to fight the dragon with do you have any weapons or anything that i could have he loves just just get some beet roots and lure him down and slay the dragon mr pillager robot could you help scan for beetroot free you did not tell me this was villager they're um long distant cousins of the pillagers okay they seem friendly yes they're very friendly and we're nice to them confused do you know what might help your confusion mr robot have you subscribed to this channel brianna plays yes good make sure you subscribe guys and let's get some beet root scanning for beets do the dance oh yeah beats found follow me carefully that dragon can be mean these things are not mean these are friends is this the right way robot beets acquired by dre robot we talked about how the dragons love beetroot right and it's getting very angry so how about i see this chest here let's fill it with beetroot and bring it down to summon the dragon brilliant i would move out of the way mr robot sir hello dragon hi dragon you look a little scary are you just having a bad day take beetroot we're here to be your friend i'm gonna keep one beetroot in my inventory so i can feed you again later because i think you're gonna come in handy isabelle she is so sweet yeah we're friends i never thought i'd be friends with one of these mr robot this doesn't count as defeating the ravager dragon that guy in there he doesn't have to know if we take the dragon away with us and take the beacon then we can be on our way to the next castle very true free isabel stay out of sight okay we'll come back for you but we have to act like you're not here right now let's go robot let's get the beacon sir we did it i saw the whole thing from right here here you go thank you our troops are yours we'll wait for your command we're on to a good start mr robot do you know how to find the desert city locating desert city this way we're here robot the wall is broken this is normally completely gated off whoa what's happening act natural there's a few villagers in here and i want you to know villagers are just as awesome as pillagers are they are let's go just think on it okay they're they're very sweet we have to head to the village leader there he is robot hello fellow pillar jerk are you trying to insult me more he's very young he's still learning the ropes sir my name is bree i am trying to save the villagers from the pillagers the only way can save us is to get a beacon from each of the castles around the city can i have the beacon have you looked up yet we've got a giant cactus snow globe problem right now go to feed that giant cactus snow gum and we'll give you whatever you want can you sense a golem robot i don't believe so robot come here i think we should climb to the top of the tower and try to see if we can spot him from there let's get to the tippity top and see what we can see giant cactus snow golem found free in the lava this does not compute it does it you know what mr robot before i had to defeat a huge snow golem with lava but this guy looks like he thrives in lava you know what that means we have to do destroy him with water oh lucky for us there's a huge stream but no buckets i have found buckets conveniently are you kidding me that is very convenient sir so let's head to the stream and see if this can put out the snow golem fire okay fill your buckets i'm scared of water bree i might rust let's defeat the snow golem together teamwork makes the dream work i'm more of pixar oh cactus gollum is dying it's already dying wait run run run mr robot i know how you can get over your fear of water come here follow me i'm gonna give you the power of water hurry it's about to die i'm coming oh no oh no dump this on his head is it working oh we did it that thing clearly did not like water we're back hello villager you were magnificent i'm sorry for doubting you did you hear that free i'm i'm here to collect the beacon please our troops are at your mercy just give us a call take us to the jungle city a robot found jungle city sir where's your elder i need to speak to uh somebody who's in charge does somebody say eldar is a panda talking to us that seems to be the case don't call me a panda i'm always smarter than a regular panda what brings you to our village huh so pillagers are basically trying to wipe villagers from the face of the earth and the only way i can destroy them is by making a huge army with those beacons can i have your bacon you see that ship over there yes we've been invaded with the pillagers they've been parking their ship and dumping their trash in our waters that's so mean don't blow up the ship and i'll give you the bacon how do you feel about that robot i am confused you know what might help your confusion if i give you a name blinky i have never had a name i've always been seven four two four five eight two nine ten ten ten one seven eight four five eight two you're blinky now blinky i like it now let's destroy some pirate booty pun pun pun we definitely need to destroy this thing hold on what do we do oh no i have some materials from earlier already in my inventory so we're just gonna make you a little bridge here i don't want you to rust thank you bre that is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me okay we'll all continue to be nice do you hear something ticking oh no the tnt this might be a trap no no no no no wait there's a note what does this note say pollute the water love charles why would charles want to pollute water charles is a mean pillager and he's trying to take out all the villagers don't you see we only have five seconds no no no no no no wait wait wait the sound isn't a timer it's the pollution getting put into the water that is so sad i know save the turtles we must stop this instantly yes we have to get rid of this dang ship how about we blow it up for good do you have any flint and steel by chance i'm a robot i can do this are you ready bree three two run we saved the water we also made a big hole in the ocean don't worry we did good things mr blinky let's go back to the panda where's the panda where is your kung fu panda express panda express hello panda well you might like looking right over your shoulder sir ma'am thank you panda express he won't like that one take us to swamp city one second that panda believed he was a villager because he was being himself guys comment be you down below because you're beautiful and you can do anything you want who are you speaking to we'll talk about that later blinky blinky we're here i don't even want to ask an elder this time to be honest like should we just take it hi hi we have an ogre problem and we'll give you the beacon if you sort it out um how did you know that news travels fast oh okay blinky when we were back at the desert remember how we had to go really high to find um the snow golem i think we should do the same uh breed free villagers can be smart after all you said that now i'm stuck in a tree there's a ladder i'll probably just take that instead why don't we just take the beacon without him knowing villagers are honest we can't break the rules if we give our word we we keep it programming confused you should switch your programming on that one oh that is definitely not truck i'm a little scared that has charles written all over it oh my gosh what is happening i don't know blinky we need the dragon stat do you have beetroot i actually don't do you i do all right oh no blinky no three put beets on beacon it might help her smell on the beacon okay there we go i see dragon isabel oh girl you'll be powerful you be strong i am impressed me too you know what i'm taking the beats again in case they're gonna again come in handy but let's find the elder and be able to get the beacon can we just take this now since we've done it i'm going to take the silence of noise as a yes now we have to go to the savannah can we use dragon to fly to savannah i don't know how to talk to her do you do you want to try to yes i know her language [Music] don't leave me behind i forgot to mention i have flying capabilities what you're just now telling me that i am a robot you know you know what isabel let's go free sheila does not feel good this is isabelle are you naming her sheila i thought her name was sheila anyways what's wrong with sheila she does not like sea pickles and is highly allergic is it safe to say blinky that we know the problem already in the savannah are you saying there might be a typical scientist turning everything into a sea pickle i think there's a sea pickle problem let's get kosher you have to play the game a follow the sea pickle i've been through this before there are so many sea pickles oh my gosh this is dangerous are you following the sea pickle still always let's follow the sea pickles to the factory blinky i think it has to be this way do you see those big pickles oh my goodness do we choose the left or the right factory first there are three see pickle factories oh i didn't see that there are three good point blinky you choose this one bree why is jungle kitty can we get out of here free we have to destroy the factory do i blow up these blocks destroy this slime block and i'll destroy the other are you ready oh run running running don't you remember me that is not your kitty your jungle kitty is in the machine sorry we destroyed the factory i'd really like a beacon now can we have begin please i smell the smoke here's the bacon also um you do now have a cat problem have a good day what we only have one more beacon to go i think we have to head to the plains jungles laid an egg go to breemerch.com you can get chuckles in real life and this awesome shirt that i am wearing here today somebody is selling out blinky we're here we've made it to the last and final city the planes you don't sound very excited can i hear a robot excited sound it's the place oh my gosh okay blinky let's get the last beacon how are we gonna get this beacon i don't see a problem currently is there like a chief or like somebody in control here there's literally no one in this town i have sea pickles oh i'm the only one left what happened i run everyone out of town i've asked them to save my princess from the tower but they've all died that's a big tower i'll give you the beacon if you climb it and save my princess i believe you can do it thank you okay i'm gonna get going we're kind of in a time crunch right now i don't know how much longer it's gonna be until charles makes everything crazy this is parkour are you good at this no oh this one this is a jump here this is really hard blinky [Music] are you okay wait i can't do the jumps now blinky bravery uh oh it's probably something charles did is he okay hold on we still have some beetroot isabel i'm gonna throw it outside [Applause] oh there she is thank you so much for coming it's time to get to the top of the tower save the princess that's a good place to drop me off huh guys i don't know how to get in here there's no way oh oh thank you dragon now i'm in the tower at least right i have a pickaxe so all i have to do is dig straight down terminate blinky do you see me germinate look up villager alert villager alert what happened to you terminating villager princess five four no no no don't do that blinky snap out of it blinky two princess we're going to save you this is certain you don't have to do what you're programmed to do do what you want to do i am blinky you're blinky thank you bri that was really scary i feel bad finally the princess is free she is kind of quiet are you a robot princess no thank y'all so much for saving me see she's grateful blinky let's just bring her down to her husband carefully this is a very steep ladder we brought you your princess yes thank you so much here's our vegan oh yes i love bacon we did it that's the last bacon haven't i seen you at that little woodland mansion castle going on out there um let's get out of here only one more beacon oh my goodness will this summon the biggest villager army ever here they are they actually showed see villagers are very loyal i know secret entrance to monster machine let's go we have to save my friends and family yes follow me to monster machine blinky you're sounding a little weird are you okay yes i will turn off machine and remove bedrock this way free this looks very familiar i don't like being back here this monster machine friends friends blinky my friends schrock and jungle kitty are trapped we need charles key free look behind hi charles robot here i i blinky you are your own we personal program you he didn't program you you do you your name's blinky i am blinky for friends for friends goodbye brie it was good knowing you wait what blinky no oh my goodness oh i did it this is our last chance to stop baby king charles i'm ready king charles is always up to no good follow me with those potions keep me covered let's go your rain is over oh my god quick i'm not i'm low i'm low there you go oh there there he is hi bri you stay back oh okay luckily i'm small i can hide here is that a robot piglet the robot sees me we gotta move down this tunnel i'm gonna make baby charles pay wait where am i are you trying to stop baby charles i can't trust you you're a witch you work with the pillager charles betrayed us and we have to unite forces okay oh okay so you'll work with us i i guess so if it'll stop the piglets from getting into the overworld oh no come with me okay come on just keep on running can we make it i don't know you guys make sure and give this video a huge thumbs up because this is looking pretty scary okay so what is baby charles even up to he's bringing the nether into the overworld and he's releasing the wiggling what the heck is a wiggling there's no time you're gonna have to get the help of the pillagers there's a pillager mansion in each biome and there's five of them follow me oh geez you can make it here's the snow mansion oh whoa wait so does this mean there's different types of pillagers yeah you're all over the place you've never noticed no idea guys did you know there were different types of pillagers these guys are as cold as ice are they supposed to be frozen oh no we have to unfreeze them somehow do you have a spell um let me let me try oh i'm not that powerful yet for you hold on maybe we can take this uh fire that's right that was not the right answer right here he's frozen oh yeah cause he's the one who has the banner isn't he we gotta make friends with them so maybe if we melt them they'll like us oh wait willie a flamethrower oh my gosh we have to unfreeze them all willy what do we do before we unfreeze the the leader do we make sure you're subscribed willie let's just check right now oh my gosh yep i'm subscribed yay high five hopefully he likes you i know right i'm a little nervous no mommy i don't want broccoli oh what what what what what you saved me oh my gosh long story story we are trying to save minecraft because a wiggling may soon be released and we must join forces what's a wiggling exactly well here take my banner rumor has it if i place this banner down that you guys will come to the rescue correct that is right we will be right by your side four more banners to go then right willy let's go so this is the second type of pillager the plane's pillager i don't see any planes i don't see any pillagers unless oh he doesn't mind you he's rocking that skirt okay get it willy i think he's up here i told you warm cookies oh hi how can i help you hi we didn't bring any cookies though wait wait um i did here you go it's silly well they're still warm we really need your banner hmm i'll give it to you but you must destroy the nether portal plaguing our land all right we'll just you enjoy those cookies get out of here that's a weird looking portal i've never seen one like that before the inside is like a mirror you can literally see into the nether this is everybody's least favorite thing to watch in minecraft hopefully no one clicks off right now i know [Music] i'm going to take this destroy it it's only a wooden pickaxe oh no willy gardas have to focus on this oh let's go back that was terrifying bring your camera with you um take a picture so we can show the pillager i'll take a little golden nugget okay that's exactly what i asked for let's go to the king villager oh i see him oh you asked for it this time i said i wanted more milk oh we did it here's your proof it's a chicken nugget that you should try to eat that okay oh quick get the beer okay what mansion do we have to find next the desert here's the desert mansion oh it's pretty king king oh somebody call me hi king destroy the nearby constructed nether fortress they're burning one in the overworld and then we can have the banner right yeah sure why not okay there it is where over do you see that no oh our render distance must be different if we're gonna destroy the fortress i think i have to take that piglen's gast can you distract him uh yeah hey mr penguin i'm just a little witch and i have no gold oh my gosh wait willie where are you hey did i get it where's the other pillager oh i see you i see you you will soon not survive ah you got this brief just ready to control these things guys comment be you down below be yourself if you want to be featured in a video guys this is very hard for me yo calm down you almost have it all willy you ready ready for twitch and hello third pillager banner hop on we'll go back to the desert mansion just join me the king yes hello who's here did you hear all those explosions it was all me i don't believe you oh why is there a proof a picture see look at that wow this is my neighbor's mailbox what is this are you trying to drive me get some guns on to banner number four for forest here is the forest mansion the forest mansion only two more banners to go and then charles is toast vanquished where is he are you okay we lost our baby ravager hey if we get your baby ride with your back could we get your banner yeah you could have it just get a baby ravager in your bike okay get the ravager build the bastion ourselves defeat all the pillagers fall into a lava pit what have i done willie here it is okay there should be a baby ravager there's a staircase maybe it's up here these structures never make sense oh wait oh hi hi hi type that's the robot piglet from earlier oh willie i found a cage is he in here hello oh there he is hey buddy i can't open the door there must be a key wait it's right there it's on an item frame right through on this other side can we get to it gotta be sneaky no no no no no no willy what what the robot piglet's taking it over here willie i have an idea stand right here lure in the piglet i'm gonna shoot the cannon and as soon as i do move okay oh he's looking at me taunt him make him come your way ah mr robot keep doing it it's working ah get it free oh it worked but where's the key wait i got it i got it i got it i got it oh that was hot thank you so get the baby ravager and get the fourth banner how do i make him follow me oh i forgot you can ride these do i have to walk again yeah this thing is hard to steer willie if you ever want to be in another video ever again do not kill chuckles oh okay all right i learned my lesson can i like buy chuckles somewhere or like you can get juggles on premarch.com in real life he smells wonderful now willie where was the mansion let me do my witch senses [Music] whoa that wasn't me hey hey oh my rap is your baby it's timothy timothy oh my gosh i thought i lost you forever come inside yeah do you have your banner by chance how about better thank you be on the look for uh wiggling we're trying to save all of minecraft that was odd let's head to the last mansion one more banner willie we have found the swamp mansion should there be lava in the swamp i don't remember that being a thing is it a thing i mean charles is doing some pretty evil stuff oh i don't think we can parkour this one willie are you good at parkour no maybe that's what the striders are for we have to ride those all the way to the mansion oh good point here's some warped fungus thank you i don't want that but i do need it for the strider hey bud really it's working willie how's it going i'm right behind you my strider's not liking me is this your first time they're kind of hard to navigate be careful getting off okay willie let's go we have to find the king this is the last banner free is that music whoa is dr dre here oh the king's dancing willy it's kind of funny dance subject oh dance i said dance dance dance dance you two dance yep that's all we like to do hey stop the music what can i do for you for charles is trying to destroy all of minecraft and we have to stick together to defeat him all we need is this banner to complete it hmm my banner our witch is sick i know ironic can you please make this potion and give it to her we can do that and then we can have the banner you could have the benefit lily we need a glistening melon netherwart and water first we need to find the witch i feel like you definitely should be able to smell him in the air oh i see it oh yeah do you see it oh i do this strider won't walk any faster willie willie do you think this witch is potentially like your relative or something it's actually my big sister it's your sister oh we can definitely save her don't worry my strider won't stop moving i have netherwarts we have water we're just missing glistening melon look over there there's a melon why is it smiling it's glistening it's happy it should be easy to pick up free you're not gonna like this should i stay out here there's some oh there's a big melon there's only one girl who could fight off a big melon and that's me hey you melon gollum yeah you're gonna follow me to get the netherwart wait actually i've been really meaning to ask you mel and gollum can i have your autograph nope good job lily i'm gonna go get the glistening melon it's valid the llama three i found this on the lava let's get on the striders and head back to get our last and final banner hey willy where's the witch my sister it's right here she's sick potion willie i know you can do this you're a witch i'm still just a baby you can do this you're a strong independent witch who don't need no man yeah you're right you've got this boo i think i made it mr king sir we we saved the witch oh yes i heard them scream for joy here's our battle thank you this banner will summon us to join the cause just like the rest of them all right let's get out of here before he goes upstairs upstairs willie do we have to place these in any certain order i don't believe so let's just place them on here one two three four five whoa we have the villager army we have to get them all together i have an idea for all the villagers what the heck is that villagers i summon you oh my gosh let's go bri now we have to find charles right he should be on the other side of the castle brie look charles we're too late i've summoned the pig wait he's friendly we work together oh no we're screwed breathe what do we do i made this for you i don't know if it's gonna work though you made me a potion is it safe remember what happened to your sister i think it might be we don't have any time the bu potion oh i'm huge you are you're yourself okay willie get out of here just like this piggly wiggly oh oh i've been hit i saved us from the wiggling and we defeated charles
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 3,292,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: nDzmMOEH-04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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