How to Tame a Baby LAVA CREEPER! ft PrestonPlayz

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preston has surprised me with a baby lava creeper egg in minecraft and it's our job to rescue him from the nether and tame him so this portal has the rare baby lava creeper egg that we are going to tame i don't trust this don't be afraid this is like my my my my hometown oh my gosh brie i am so worried that you are not going to be able to do the things i'm better at parkour don't change me speaking of which please drop like on video if you want to see bree succeed jeez i all of my success rides on this every single moment do you know how oh she's getting so close okay here the wild brianna here she comes take three wild brianna there she goes yeah she makes the joke she's going to this one oh my gosh is she a barcode wizard can she make this here i am yay all right we're getting close ladies and gentlemen you cannot go anywhere buckle those seat belts if you're watching from a car please don't watch while you're driving no while they're in the car bridge hey hey hey hey don't look over here actually um i have a present for you whoa wait what i have a magical bow with massive recoil i saw that oh it's recoil recall i'm texan okay free you want to call it recall recoil can i have one i'm ricobolg's please here you go okay here we go you're welcome don't don't shoot me please please please please shoot me to test shoot me the test okay that's fine what happens when i get shot oh you get re what this is confusing where do we go listen listen this is what you have to do it's a recoil bow so look shift right hold your sneak key okay get close to the edge we have to basically use reverse engineering in order to get to the other side and yeah oh god oh whoa that is sick okay breeze here's what you do here's what you do you hit the fire twice so fire once wait a second fire again okay yeah yeah like that because otherwise it's not going to make it again okay you got this fire fire okay okay yo that was amazing that was really cool literally i've never oh it took our bows and arrows sad preston preston preston did you hear that there was a really creepy noise and why is it snowing in the nether it's a game no no it's a gas watch watch wait we have no weapons bounce the fireball that's easy it's okay why is it not working is this gaston vulnerable no i did it preston i am the professional minecrafter here what he's so cute yes i might have figured it out we got we got barrier blocks just be careful i died the sneak just sneak if you sneak you won't die this is complicated you said that and then died look at these like beady little eyes this guy had frick oh i'm alive i'm in the line of fire no you're not i'm in the line of fire oh that was unfortunate preston hold on i can figure this out i can just yolo this yolo i think it's specifically targeting you to be honest dad gummy hold on yolo yolo yolo yolo preston i have a question ah are you the one who has hidden this egg no i've only been told the tales of the the egg i reached it first i reached it first did you fall in the lava after you reached the checkpoint no no absolutely not you didn't see anything okay as long as we are away from this guest that's all that matters i literally could care less yeah it's agitated wait we have found a mysterious bridge yes and bree let me tell you something about bridges yes they got holes come who dares attempt to cross my bridge oh goodness i didn't see you there your highness ruler of the nether i have some gifts to help along your preston we have a magma core warped fungus on a stick you know okay bree do you know what this does i do not all right you can ride these things called striders in the nether and they can go through lava also there's a suspicious button that means we need to press it secret door is open that was so easy to find i wish all secret rooms had a button that obvious hey no that that's mine okay i'm sorry i'm sorry no actually what's the magic word i subscribe to brianna plays oh i thought i was gonna be interrupting peter to count boys that's inappropriate by the way shameless plug new plushie he still can't compete with chuckles i'm just saying listen get the new plushie okay he's at the links in descriptions i feel like we're supposed to go this way and i really am nervous about it wait this is him this is him the strider he's a big choncus this is difficult but in the air i have to equip the the basically you know what i'm not even gonna explain how i'm gonna do this i'm gonna just do it be careful oh my god i got i gotta gotta get him he's in the lava guys please don't die so i okay this is i'm sorry i have to kill your child that was dark it was the only way to ride the strider okay ah there we go hey high five do you want to go do karate in the garage that was a lot of effort to just get that done and i had to kill a child that's okay we're not going to talk about that we just made it through the secret door we are trying to find our live a creeper tribe what did you say i did not english okay this is a crossbow yes so you gotta load it up and nicole and you go hey it's kinda cool wait a second hold on hold on hold on it's not destroying the ice all right i remember listen but this magma core has to be crafted with other items did you just sneeze in my information it was it was no offense preston i'm sorry it was kind of offensive anyways if we kill blazes we can get blaze rods and we can make this uh heat generator to melt the ice wall can you please explain to me while you know all of this and i do not because i am about to wizard okay i just can't remember hold on what's the recipe you did not already kill that and we got em baby look at that whoa that looks super cool yeah now wait now we wait tell me a story while we wait please tell me a great story otherwise we're not gonna ever make it through here there was once upon a time a man who had a lot of chicken and he became so wealthy with his chicken that he decided to die of protein synthesis too much protein 2 000 years later anyways the chicken was so strong it just continued to deliver upon the sauce nothing nothing oh you didn't tell me the ice melted it melted and now we're supposed to wear armor anytime i'm given armor in minecraft something bad happens to me no i'm literally about to die stop it okay i will not kill you but let me tell you something brie what is about bowser happen next he would blow your mind be cool i'm gonna be really cool look be cool oh sorry sorry i did not mean you called me a noob just run where are we supposed to go first of all my god no no run run run they do they do nine and a half hearts of damage do not attack three you gotta get yeah yeah go so we have to we have to uh get him from the range get him from the distance distance right here yay we did a good job hold on all right i can i can get this i can get this we have to get this iron golem no no no no he's fine he's not aggro he's not aggro just be careful we just have to kill him okay he's stuck all right this is actually really good for us he has no chance what is this beam should i touch it wait i will be the one i it didn't do anything uh breathe okay go oh geez don't break down step down don't freak out oh my god i don't know if i've been go this way stop standing in the lava i'm just trying to heal really fast and it's not working unit collision you're pushing me back in the lava half a heart we've got this i did it i just need to like not be on fire there we go there we go how intense is this egg by the way because it is being really really really kept under wraps listen it is very intense okay listen all right it's it's a journey you cannot just where are you going women i found glowstone i feel like that's a sign no it's not come over here no does anybody experience this with their wife same absolutely i do i'm trying to be independent okay follow me follow me listen so okay i don't know if you have the capabilities i've done these before but it is head hitting ladder park what what you have to you have to see this oh oh i hate ladder parkour i'm going to be totally honest with you break me out of your neighbor's hand watch this in front of me i don't know how to get from here to there okay if you can't make it i can do it i also could take a selfie oh i i i flew don't don't tell on me i flew i'm taking a selfie what hey no selfies on this minecraft server give me that guardian spawned run preston where do we go where'd we go where'd we go we keep accidentally triggering things i know i know what did i tell you the glowstone is a good sign there's another one oh hold on hold on down here down here yeah okay i just got two way i just got two i just almost died run oh my freaking gosh behind you come on we gotta jump just jump okay what did i tell you glowstone was going to help us okay we got we're good we're good where'd that egg go why is there an egg floating don't worry about it brie oh do i have to make this jump where did where'd the egg go that's my question preston all we have to do is make it back home and we're gonna be fine all right we're gonna be fine we're gonna be fine why are you in lava welcome home i know you haven't seen it in a while preston ah yes please follow me okay listen don't lose sight of the objective bree the egg must be marinated marinated it has to be warmed i'm the one who's done a lot of taming videos preston go you go do your thing do your thing do your thing where's where's the we had the baby room i've done so many taming videos doesn't even know where creeper room right i'm placing the egg this is its room it's going to be happy see see it's happy the egg is very cold it needs another environment to hatch there is literally another blocks all around it it should be very warm okay there's not that many don't be a pleb okay you know what can you make a recipe to keep the egg warm then since you know so much about the nether i was literally about to mention since i am a man of masterpiece please come with me follow me to my workshop i show you how to make nether paint bomb okay you walked the wrong way preston you don't even know where you're where your workshop is oh yeah you don't know i don't know where i'm going then why am i getting everything i need to make the recipe that i need to make what are you making i told you another paintball googler wait what does a paint bomb do oh yeah presley doesn't know where he's going now what do you think this is oh yeah i love it oh the delicate flesh wait wait wait wait do you click the baby egg with that we relocated the egg cappuccino it's warmer up here whoa we're gonna die we're gonna die no this is the nether paint bomb look in the familiar environment the egg is about the hatch let's go oh wait preston have you noticed something that he's he's bonded with me ultimately notice he kind of walks like a spider kind of freaking me out loki all right i'm glad it's in love with you okay because you are such a dirty dirty man yeah okay so he has a diaper on but when he walks his bottom goes invisible i know he has invisible butt syndrome he doesn't like when you make fun of them okay so what would we feed a baby lock wait baby all the creeper sneezes and sparks fly everywhere don't sneeze baby preston causes fires all the time preston i'm very good at this relax here okay just don't breathe don't move he's following you oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh stop moving i'm going to die i'm go okay i'll breathe just okay just get out of the house shut that door just breathe we're the reversers we were nearby and noticed you have a bit of a trouble would you like our help to reverse the damage of your should i be disturbed i don't know bree they got a license plate that says brewing i thought it's an fbi but i trust him i trust anybody wearing pocket square and has my name on their license plate you know what of course wait where you have to look at this it literally says in spray paint on the side it says the reversers oh my gosh wait look at this we'll fix everything in no time that looks aggressive oh wow it worked it worked is it fine to enter the house now i think this is why we all can say that minecraft is better than real life because you can't reverse things in real life but you can in the minecraft no listen you need to stay out here bree because that thing is not inside don't treat it like eloise all damage has been reversed if you'd like to prevent this from happening again i have given you some fireproof braids to spray the house and with that our work here is done what are you doing i'm spraying the house brianna just spray everything let me just spray it all what if i spray the creeper no don't spray the creeper you can kill him kind of looks like an orange juice can but it works also bro you need to learn how to walk less creepy you understand me thank you hey preston what i need you to use this i like like a french maid to you lava creeper sneezes and sparks fly everywhere but nothing happens yes because we have proof to the fire it was definitely because of the feather duster that one was protecting us have you not seen beauty in the beast yeah i was just making it sorry you're a little dirty uh sorry it must dust don't do that in front of the baby baby lava creeper has turned into a teen they grow up so fast i know okay if he's a teen he's still wearing a diaper that's what i'm saying that's concerning people wet the bed until they sometimes aren't adults that's okay and then even when they're adult there's no shame okay let's ignore the fact that there are creepy gas floating above our head and our teenagers wearing a diaper we have to teach him a new trick or her have we decided if this is a boy or a girl by the way i'm gonna hope it's a boy because it's only wearing pants i was gonna name her gail okay well gail is now i was gonna say bail but i think that's a demon so maybe not okay whatever preston i have a fireball magnet which attracts fireballs so we're just going to sauce one of those there like so i see the blazes have been okay hold on hold on this is uh kill the blazes just kill the blazes kill the blazes they're gonna mess up the magnet no no no we were supposed to charge with the magnet they were supposed to only attract wait even the blazes i don't i don't know so just so you know brie blazes don't shoot fireballs just as an fy yes they do blazes shoot fireballs uh no they don't blast gas don't fight that way it's blazes preston look they're both doing it okay fine well i'm gonna stand in a safe distance then right nice little safe distance aka right over here how do i charge my crossbow it is not doing what i want it to do just get up use your melee all right they're going to interfere with the charging of oh my god there's actually like so many can you please just can you help i keep getting knocked backwards preston this is a scary moment i have taught brianna so many times how to crit in minecraft and i think it goes in one ear and then out the other hey i'm not doing too bad don't shoot me why you shoot at the places that i'm not at melee i didn't mean to shoot you you just deserved it now they can charge the magnet in peace we're missing one we're missing one we're missing one no it's george look teen lava creeper has learned to shoot fireballs all right i will i will allow him this one time to shoot me you're safe teen lava creeper destroys all the mobs oh the guests are gone whoa his head just moved in a weird fashion way back up again wait do you want to get do it again okay i don't like that i don't either you know what i'm gonna teach him a new trick that i'm going to regret later okay so we're gonna take larry into the house okay i thought his name was beth but okay i thought i thought it was gail gail is back here and i want to see how smart he or she is okay it's definitely a he but okay bring me diamonds gail you can do this has he learned english yet president that's a dirt block what is happening i'm pretty sure that is not i did not like that motion why does that fall off he is learning though he did go into the chest he grabbed the diamonds you know what this means let's prank noob no but he's but his head is on my microphone why is he floating in the lava goodbye captain goodbye gail goodbye he's charging up he's oh that's so sick so we could like absorb lava like a sponge and save it for later no health damage okay okay great let's prank him he is charged and it is time i drink okay drink the invisibility potion hurry hurry hurry oh oh oh i didn't do it i did it hurry yeah yeah he he left he left he's at the he's at the pond send him in send him in that sounded like cinnamon but i meant to say send him in what are you waiting for how do i sit in the men hey preston i'm going to watch from inside the house i want the best view okay you can stay out there are you in the house right now i can't see you because he's coming in brie's coming in he's coming in what's he doing where's the creeper listen he's coming okay he's coming poor noob that's kind of sad what's happening what happened where did lava come from he died that guy that got more intense than i expected listen you have to train them while they are young they need to know how to prank like their parents okay i see gail gail is right here wait that was gail he has become a noob how why is he noob cause we're teaching him this is the identity changer oh this was your lesson i don't know how to do this all right listen i have taught our favorite now by the way our creeper has become an adult and he can now prank with style i'm just gonna go in the kitchen do chores i think he's done what do you want for dinner preston i would like a chicken sandwich i'm here to help with chores is this the creeper or is this new i don't know i mean listen by the way that he's spelling hey my child is betraying me you got pranked by my new ability to look like anyone i wish preston how do you like that that you like those apples come on like stop teaching him how to do these things you hear me why okay fine i'll go to the garden okay what's wrong wait preston which one is the real president yes i know i'm not even about the president the real preston wouldn't ask me what's wrong he wouldn't care he knew you've ordered his wanted automotive he's a training crypto all i can do is this wait wait it disappeared what about you you both got pranked this is quite fun president why did you do this listen i do a lot of things when i do you really want to go don't attempt with me no sorry sorry that was unintentional i apologize listen you thought you could prank son you can't prank the master don't call me son not not you i'm not talking about massive zombie invasion get ready excuse me this has been an eventful day this has been a day of days we have an ultimate lava creeper now did you just see that he has become oh my god oh and he's still following me that's a little creepy he's like at least 30 percent bigger than a regular creeper i love him let's go we have an ultimate lava creeper and diamond armor on our side all right bree we have a lot of zombies about to fight lava creeper health invasion time uh just let's let him do his thing but he let him do his thing he's throwing fireballs help me you're fine but you're fine let the let the lava creeper do his thing okay preston why are you helping me what do you mean what about not helping i'm literally fighting stacks of zombies what you want me to do i'm trying to rely on the lava creeper but it's not working so well listen he's still in training okay he's still about a m but a mere paddle one all right let's say listen you just have to quit the selfies briefly my son gail is trying to protect me oh my yo actually though we might not survive this uh beautiful audience members because there are a lot of zambarinos how are there this many they're literally it's like cod zombies they're just respawning infinitely dude oh my god i am near delphi i'm your i'm near death uh listen brie it's been great knowing you but i think this is my time to flee no no not until we let the creeper free listen there is a tremendous amount of zombies here preston he he killed all the ones back here so he just doesn't want to help you for some reason i am trying to i'm lining these zombies up for an easy like 30 ko for him here just watch him watch him he's going to save you now i i think why won't he help you that's fine it's fine i don't need i don't need him i i can handle myself okay i can handle myself i have one heart i have half a heart just right back up jack wait invasion time is almost up i'm allergic to zombies we've got this three two one enough oh his words speak louder than his actions he is the true ultimate lava creeper i'm not feeling so well this fight took all the strength from me i need to go back to the nether my homeland to heal don't leave us i can teleport us all there right now are you ready to go oh that's kind of sick okay sure i'm sad i don't want to let him go thank you both for everything you have done for me it has been an amazing journey i will never forget either of you because we're your parents you should not goodbye because he's a freaking lava creeper brianna where what else does he do goodbye i don't know okay you all have a blessed day i will see you in my next video and apparently our lava creeper has been put to rest that sounds bad and so has brianna how dare you
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 4,090,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: 76tYtTwKPBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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