i used ADMIN to spawn 1000 TOWERS in TDS.. | ROBLOX

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hey guys i still have that tower on cap thingy and today i brought over friends so we can place down almost a thousand towers or at least try to place that one thousand so the goal is that we're gonna start spamming it back over here and build our way up all the way to the front this not only saves time but just makes more sense now time to run the hack man of disable boom oh wait i met uh enable true now i know that these places are bad but that's not real i mean many places now towers way over here dude where they just get like a bit of rage on the spawn point oh look at that place and dude look at how hot that looks [Applause] a ranger over here no even though this is a clutch spacing okay doing a second with this maps that we chose moonbase because it has the most space out of all the mass at least in my personal opinion it just has sucks because there's cliff tower spacer here and it doesn't work but cliff tower space over here works on this cliff right here it works just fine this is so stupid man this cliff doesn't work even though it should this cliff doesn't work but it should this cliff doesn't work but it should hello you place out a sludger on this cliff but i can't place out a ranger why is this game damn it can't play city cities can't place it over here okay flustered over here how did you guys play some ground towers on here man how's that ground dude i play cello cliff these are literally the same height level and cliff works here but my turret is legit almost floating in the air what the hell is this the hitter floating in there wait can you please dude look like you play dude you can play so many towers you can play something dude play sound oh dumbass yes dj yes this is so be and it does go to the path pretty good as well look at the range of his yeah this is so many tower placements yes and it should still work i don't think it'll bug out or anything my girl's on three and i'm still lagging how many frames i'm getting 67 frames wow ah this is so laggy we didn't even fill up the entire map it's just half pretty much half the map is done as right now you can play sound towers over here but you can't play sound cliff towers on this this is so stupid why do you place out two sledges over here next to dj sludge your dj rave party wow keep placing now guys no matter what happens megan get my way damn it you always stand in the spots where i need it the most thank you so considerate oh why do we have a bunch of ace flies in the bed and we have this ledger medic party over here with commander this accelerator has no friends he's just off by himself dude why'd you do this why do you play sound so many a splash over here dude at least get a plate like play some sludges at least these are more useful dude i placed that military bits on the side of math this is so stupid t yes the game where you can't place down cliff towers right here but you play sound towers on the engine map tds game design guys oh man look at this work of art almost the entire map is filled with nothing but accelerators turrets djs commanders and just a tad a bit of rangers this is this is amazing to see man i am starting to lag horribly though okay wait 35 we don't we don't have a lot of time that's something that sucks about this so i'm going to spawn in 200 tanks let's see how fast it gets spawn kill dude they are getting decimated it is i don't know how many punches before i was struggling so much but now i got the power of friendship guys we're just just making these guys i'm going to spawn even more tanks i put it in uh 800 takes i spawned in about four for half a second i think and now they are actually starting to punch through but sludgers are going to down on these guys oh i'm getting massive frame rate drop sledgers are going down tanks are still managing to punch through two i'm gonna spawn in so many more things look at all the things coming through that that's about ten takes per second maybe i'm being generous right there hey man the tanks are punching through but they gotta deal with the slip with the sludgers fan right here it's not going to be an easy tour for them and rangers some of them are are firing i think but not a whole lot admit the tanks are punching through dude take some punching through what is this we have so many dashes [Music] dude my command isn't working no damn are we laughing we lost no no wait no i think i think he's spawned wait wait yes yes it's fun no dude [Music] the monsters are inside the marchers are inside dude the monsters are inside right now that's why we're not dying this is a huge clutch dude look i'm not drinking there's still so many more things coming in man can the margin hold them off though stupid little sponsor monster what yes it's going to town it's going to town dude yes it's working okay i don't think it's fun anymore because this g is getting broken from me at this point but man we might actually manage to pull this off that's such a clutch command spawn i did dude wait no no i lost all my progress no damn it how did that how did that how do we lose that's so bogus sledgers does a lot more damage than the x accelerators sledge adult 16 000 damage well accelerator so this is weird guys when there's this many towers accelerator seems to perform horrible compared to sludgers sledger is killing with the damage and turret turrets are okay they're they're not the best so accelerators were not the move to do it's sledge spam that's better the only sli the only accelerators that dealt good damage was uh was at the front but this doesn't really count because sledger at the front is well though way more total damage this is really weird to see anyways guys before i go ahead and leave a server look at just the amount of work i did i'm going to put this on 10 grams my computer is going to fry stuff because roblox sucks but look at all the towers dude we have towers on the side over here there's even a sledger on the side of that that does nothing that's how cool we are all the accelerators and turrets on the side and there was only one cliff towers uh placement spam that was over here that's the only place where it got spammed on a lot we got the ace poly world over here with the military base as well with a few dj parties going on and man this is just so cool to see i am getting 24 frames per second which is kind of bad [Music] you
Views: 1,150,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qtQzloUfzj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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