They said I was fake, so I proved them wrong.. TDS | ROBLOX

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today i played it smart guys i actually changed my username for the price of 1 000 bucks so finding me is a lot harder now i'm gonna go walk out to these people do you guys want a mega server i have admin i have real ammo commands okay yes players that they're claiming they have admin but uh i do i need to convince this person that i have evans somehow i have evan i am real you're as fake as a green scout i don't even get the green scout i was just such a dumb meme i'm not fake i will prove you wrong and yes and i can't report you to a moderator tds server if i must report me for what i am and they'll just tell you you're you're a noob first of all claiming to be part of the staff [Music] power it is not gained that easily therefore must be exploits i explain what a planet you're acting immature dude no i'm not i'm a grown man my mom said i'm 20 years old i should get out of the house come on dude well there they go they they didn't believe i wasn't i tried guys okay i tried at least at least at least i got these people here at least i got some some fans dude come on let's go play let's go play the big league mega server guys come on guys come on come on gang i will show you real admin powers with my powers among us i am the imposter okay guys i lied i don't have anything okay i'm gonna look like i'm playing legit which is farms i'm farming gibby like two ways and i'll get two moon cash don't just farm dude you got a farmer to get the million dollar money who's this guy named emerald cash in real 200 thousand i asked him how much cash you have two hundred thousand tick man cash jed you're all just saying sound and start spamming out towers yeah i was going to spam a bunch of accelerators that's what i'll do we are pro i spawned in a fallen king just see how fast we would kill it we do they did spawn in like so many rail gun tanks that has actually started to cause just a tad bit of lag i think they decided to play on moulton but yeah this is the fallen king and we are actually doing really fast despite just getting like a bunch of random towers there there's no strategy we can't just plop down all the stuff we had that we thought that was good towers you are a big fat pro i i think it's supposed to be a compliment thanks dude i said in the tedious discord server hey there was a vroom person who called me fake and said he would report me to the tds server i'm real tds gameplay real i was afk and i came back to all of them god well at least they won the game no oh solo don't join didn't do it yes sir yes sir is this [Laughter] dude when i play real quick wrap oh my god real creek is such a big fan i fed you to my dog i asked do you guys watch john rolex and they both said yes yeah then well i have better admin start up just a man's money i'm facing so many max farms and they have like three level poopy farms and this guy over here is like we gonna died helpless i know john rorwack's irl he's my he's my dad no way omg they bought it it's so easy dude it's so easy dude these guys just buy into it like fellas this is actually a cause of concern okay um i just want to make it clarify that anyone who imposes as me may not actually be me and they're asking you for money or something it is most likely to scam leave leave the server thing i could have easily juked these because it's like yeah dude now give me your credit card i'm spawning so many followers right now we gotta put a stop them pretty fast i'm gonna place on some sledgers these are always nice to have better for dj but it's whatever i guess we actually survived that wow no way he clutched that yeah i have a shot i have shotguns in the back just in case he do get through i'm gonna learn the power of pros us i think sludger spam is good enough to stop falling as they they keep freezing and just die right there they're called a hero i spawn in one lead which i don't think they can actually get damaged uh oh never mind it they just did right now yes spam the fallens i'm gonna non-stop do this okay that's good enough sledgers should be able to stop all of that though the counter to fall is just spam sledger nice to question him out of follows i just said oh mr you just spawned them and that's why there's so many it's like oh forget about that oh well so easy also roblox moment their servers are really bad dude holy crap hitting me rushers and volleyball because these are only in hardcore i'm going to spawn them into here and they all get stopped by the sledger spam here it's okay i'm pro and admin i'm spawning so many rushers [Music] i'm actually not sure if uh we're gonna stop that with the sledger spam so far it looks pretty good all right okay yeah we're definitely gonna need to spawn in some marks [Laughter] oh crap they might actually go through all that oh no no it's good it's good it's good it's good now they believe i am adding it because i spun in the the cool little mark guys i spawned a couple of those purple guys over there those are really op uh i forgot what exactly oh yeah they smash a hammer at random towers that's what they do can we definitely need some more accelerator spam that's for sure because uh we are gonna die oh sludger actually does stop the vindicator though right in this sledger is so good dude it's actually freezing the vindicator that is so good man just a juicy tower man man i feel like he is john rocks i know general is but i'm not him spawning a bunch of indicator guys like like six or something just around that range looks pretty good yeah that looks like good spam the vindicators are so annoying but they can be frozen by sledger spam so it is actually not that much of a big deal we already killed one already and now there's getting spawn trapped body sludger they are all just on them huh i gotta move these sliders now because they are getting out of range and then i placed on a bunch of marks just just as a safety net because i didn't i didn't think we would survive that would just sledger spam alone so yeah we happy little natural and and fallen king collab wow we're just struggling on one of these little guys he's he's a little brub man we are we are struggling wow we die to something invisible i didn't know that they spawned in someone like that like it went through all the tanks that's so weird i told them i'm john roblox and they are actually so surprised even though i was i was heard cheap excuses the entire time man what a really fun video i didn't mean to lose that though i um i thought the tanks were going to kill that brother thing but it was going through them and there was something there still i'm not sure i was a glitch or it was actually something in game but shout out to my tank supporters and bigger shout out to i l q r y nameless leafy tax evader j c four mechanic mc swin zg plaza was jess harrison our unzilla and everyone for becoming super big boys really appreciate these support you guys and this was a really cool one today i did actually enjoy uh fans like all surprises like no way john roblox real whoa and i give the most cheap dumb excuses and they bought it it was funny anyways as always guys have a good day
Views: 3,079,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IgGoqzJ5r40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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