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oh my goodness you've read the title you've seen the thumbnail this is a really destructive episode in Minecraft I'm not gonna spoil anything but um let's just say that Craner just sent me a text and he said hey jelly log into the minecraft server and look in your house that's odd no please leave a like on this video show your support because um I'm gonna need it okay leave it like a hundred thousand at least also only ten percent of you watching or subscribe so if you're not subscribed subscribe right now no sir come let's log into Minecraft so crater said jelly have a look in your house uh oh there's there's a chest or jelly the handsome Wow craters being nice today what he accidentally killed my cat before but there's a diamond and airy crater you didn't have to do that and there's a book that says sorry hello jelly and Josh wait josh has his book too I think that we have taken the trolls too far let's get back to being wholesome best friends like we've always been we've never been best friends okay this dude has trolled me 20 times and killed my cat I have a peace offering meet me at the mayor's house in at the mayor's house disappear anyway hugs and kisses crane stir wait so I guess I should go to the mayor's house alright I don't know guys I'm not really sure about this one okay the mayor's house is that way okay so I'm here wait jelly did you get the note from Craner I did and I got a diamond - I didn't bring the note but yeah the diamond as well what's he up to I'm scared I have no idea in the mayor's house or something I have no idea I mean it did burn down all I wanted to do was make us all friends again and I gave you guys a bunch of stuff look wait what what is that let's see friend aha take one diamond wait you're a liar wait wait is that head and swamps Josh's always know what is he doing no wait what are you doing training to get tea inside of your tower wait what you're blowing up by how oh my god remember who opened the chest did you only Josh what about me guys I might have made an entire TNT path going all the way to jelly okay I've got to see this I have to see this I have to see this how to blow up everything right no what do you mean Carina you just blew everything up you killed all the pigs are you guys still exploding crazy is too much with oh my goodness why hear it oh oh you have destroyed everything actually out of your mind I might have made a cleaver father and gotten a lot of gunpowder because you know what I'm tired of you guys being rich and I'm poor okay that's not okay wait that's it even hours and hours and that's what you're like did you blow your load as well Creina no I mean a little bit you can come see my head that's just also recent that I'm angry about my power this thing is insane look there are you so much Josh you're on the ground subway system was really helpful for the mission I basically use that to it I mean the whole will hear Delhi yeah of course you can handle it up I fill it up with water though but wait I guess that didn't work wait you destroyed the hallway oh I want to see if my hole is okay your hole yeah I actually have never seen as well oh my god I put it here too wait what are you actually like the entrance of it yeah but most of my hole is still okay and also I believe I made sure that yeah floppies life got it yeah lobby's life guard has been like the longest American I'm gonna kill him no don't kill him probably a good background are you sir wait let me just clear this up wait who killed his cat he did em okay put him at mature no I technically didn't listen I put magnet down your cat will stomp it walked on Mac man not - I mean this all sounds like an accident one thing I will say though like I made you eat floppy what what yeah I made me do a su and you ate do I we're all being honest right now yeah I think okay that's just cruel well I guess I think the floppy is life got is our business right now you made me eat my own pet yeah jelly at least I didn't make you eat your own cat that's because you can't catch this game trainer my goodness Josh how long did you spend on this man with my own apartment as well remember I moved into your house you must - yeah what I didn't know that oh are you kidding me remember I blew a part of it you're a part of your tower you called me a griefer hahaha yet this is like kind of taking it to the next level actually wait wait hold on guys you remember you know the town hood but down right right well I actually you say nightmares Pig no I didn't do it I have no idea who did it okay I think it was honest it wasn't me who did it how did you know Robert II I haven't been on dude I was building a place you can't see I just found it now I had one thing I did do is I saved Mayer pigs worth and he's safe in the basement nine right is he here oh nice he's dead guys man was killed in craters TT guys listen I was mad I filled up the entire basement with TT crate I put him in here safely well he wants to save any ball jaw she blew the heck off okay all right is pork chop down here maybe we can keep that part of him job everything is gone I mean I know yeah oh god wait oh my goodness I think the guard Oh Josh this girl hurt oh my god live man he's right though - your jaws jelly I thought you killed him at the TLC actually never like this when I tried to speak in should we just kill oh yeah that's the point so much yeah I eat you okay guys let's have a look at pic town and see ya some of the rest of destruction in name I'm not sorry about blowing you guys to stop feeling pretty sorry about blowing the post about Ayad by the way you up like thousands and thousands of pieces of I mean that's for the best I mean you need to mean where I wasn't cheating I had an iron farm and I call them farm and it's legit yeah I'm a pretty sure pig town is iron till he does some right down there look no jelly just pick up this irony my dirt they're gonna be so interested in living here though anymore the map is gone yeah wait I did destroy the map yeah oh and also the community mine was here guys was it well now the community mine groove it alright I want to go and look at the pure destruction to happen to jelly I'm still the richest man of the server where's your chances chess - oh my goodness there's nothing well your house is gone like there's no house wait the chess is gone my chess used to be in there I was gonna move everything you know I was gonna move everything to a secret base one I already need word was I mean I heard base but I was still working on it there for me in this way over here Josh I guess I'm going wait I'm looking at sort of the entrance following jelly found a secret base yeah hey just gonna work in a mine up so show it now oh my god what is this let me see this while placing so this was in the library guys alright so this used to be hidden behind a bookcase in my secret library it's an underwater tunnel right yeah huge ravine there on yeah well my god like I said it's not finished yet it was like pretend you know gotten all the refrigeration this doesn't seem pretty I was gonna have like a secret chest room here but that's kind of oh I thought this is gonna be your seeker escape you know just in case someone maybe blew everything up or something I spent hours building things here you know what telly at least you got this Wow yeah this is this is just a hole and yes I have okay who even is this guy that man Craner stop it's just a little bit of wood okay yeah I don't know what to do anymore everything is gone we're back to zero I want to do a huge payback and creator but I can but I would you be honest Tilly Brina Brina has I think brought balance I mean like this I'm like yes because of everything that's been done to give and I think look I think crane is right in his initial message in the book we should be friends again and we could only do that by restoring ballads by me being a jerk yes well the big jerk to cure the it make sense you've done a great job so Craner just you know I'm not cleaning this up yeah I you this obviously guys I think we're gonna have to start fresh from this are you kidding me entirely there's still some smoke yeah that smoke okay whatever now I realized all of you might be very very sad but it's not over okay it's not over Craner is gonna clean everything up I hope and then we're gonna start fresh so if you want to see that 100,000 likes it's what we need on this video click right here to watch another video two videos on the screen right now this one or this one now I want you to click one of them if you can and if not whoa why are you even here that
Channel: Jelly
Views: 5,440,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, jelly, minecraft, troll, hoaxmc, server, I Got TROLLED & BLEW UP My OWN HOUSE, minecraft troll, house troll, house blows up, funny, minecraft funny moments, minecraft tnt troll
Id: tASOFoF8yb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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