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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the countdown that's right if you know nothing about Cal town well let me just explain it to you I live in this beautiful house on top of the hill crater lives in a tree house its logo lives on an island and this is our modded survival world that's right in the last episode I put a secret trapdoor here and i trolled slow go man but anyway I would have to log on and see if I've been trolled oh there's a bunch of signs I've probably been trolled okay let's have a look to see what this is about hello jelly just rolled me with an antigravity troll I died wait what this is from Craner okay I'm just gonna say one thing before I read the rest of the signs creature lives in a treehouse and I was thinking it'll be a cool troll if I would burn his treehouse down I want to see at least 200,000 likes on this video and I might build a troll that burns down his treehouse I don't know anyway let's get back to the signs I am mad now and I was thinking maybe you and me could have a truce crater wants to work together with me and he told me where I can find diamonds no I don't actually have any diamonds yet I've only got a couple I think it's yeah they're right in this chest that's the stuff of God okay crater I do want to tell you though if this is a troll I'll have to do payback I'll have to do serious payback and I've actually got a really cool troll idea that I wanted to do today not the treehouse that's only if you hit the like button but anyway um let's go to these coordinates I'm gonna write them down on my phone okay yeah yeah writing them down and see if we can find some diamonds ok I've got my coordinates open and if you look at X Y you see it currently says for a minus 900 lab that's out gay boring numbers okay let me just walk down my new stairs here that I built before recording this episode oh and also where do I go now oh wait a minute secret entrance huh okay well we're going the right direction but it looks like we got to get off the boat okay that's interesting crater probably find this by going through a cave but uh I don't know where the entries of that cave is so I'm just gonna dig straight down I hope this is not a troll because I will die okay x165 that is one of the first numbers that Craner had on the list I guess we just got to keep walking that way for about 200 blocks then dig straight down okay we found lava that is not a great sign I can't believe crater was to work together with me I actually kind of like this already okay I think we're actually pretty close to craters house you can see the highest three there okay I think we got to start digging down soon 65-69 okay so we got a dig down right here for about 40 blocks 50 I don't know uh oh wait I didn't bring a shovel ha ha ha ok Craner I'm not stupid okay I'm not gonna dig down right there no I'm gonna go besides it yeah oh wait no maybe I should actually work on a little staircase ha because I don't want to be standing on the block that I mind yeah that's a bad idea um guys I hear lava this is a bad sign isn't it oh my goodness wait what is that we see a sign oh wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait I made all those diamonds wait what hey Shelly Josh craters not trolling me ok this is super suspicious I I don't get it well I mean here my first diamonds on countdown what was that what is this what is that stuff why is there no diamonds appearing we've what Craner wait that was a diamond wait is he trolling me are you ghost block the dude gave me one diamond this is fake diamond he has one real one here and gave me 12 fake ones well I mean thanks for the real one but that's so annoying what can I do with one by me I knew this was gonna happen I should have never trusted Craner why in the world would I think he would be giving me free diamonds I mean once not enough I'm just saying I'm kind of angry now how do I get out of here ah it's time for payback ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna go back to my house and build a troll immediately I was thinking something about the nether yeah it's a scary place so why not so look cow town actually has its own nether portal so what if we use this portal and bait Josh and Craner to come to the nether because I don't know there's a nether fortress is there actually another fortress in here nope there is nothing here oh I don't like the nether okay so I was thinking what if we create a special mechanism that breaks the portal right over there so they can't go back home they won't be stuck in the nether forever haha well unless they brought flint and steel but who always carries a Flint steel nobody ok actually think that's a pretty genius idea and you know what planer you deserve it for giving me fake diamonds so I'm gonna go back to my house and I'll be preparing this troll okay what's this cow town County Jail bunch of villagers in a jail Oh a city oh nice cow towns improving guys alright we made it back home I know exactly what to do alright so we are going to need some TNT yes okay before I before I start messing things up with TNT let me just put the fake diamond and the real diamond back we're gonna need some redstone a flint and steel just in case I actually get stuck in the nether and some obsidian also if you're wondering how I have obsidian let's just say I stole it from Cowtown yeah I actually think that's all that's a pretty easy troll but so brutal they're gonna be stuck in the nether both of them alright now let's go back to cow town and build this nether troll whoa okay so I was thinking we're gonna collect some netherrack and then block off one side of the portal I was thinking maybe this side so that that one stays open okay first we need the other rat let's go get some it's really easy to collect there's a lot of it here a lot all right there you go we're gonna place the nether AK at this side of the portal beautiful so now there's only one exit so what if we put two pressure plates there and all I can do is walk out and step on the pressure plates that's a good idea I like that did I bring presciently no I didn't okay wait I can make one I can make one alright there you go we're gonna get some stone huh okay finally I got it okay two pressure plates per some redstone wire boom that works now we're gonna need some netherrack to create a little staircase so I mean that's pretty easy alright so next we're gonna have to remove the corner of this nether portal again I don't have a diamond pickaxe so I'm not gonna be able to pick up this block but that's okay I've got five ones left that I stole almost come on the nether portal should not break now okay yeah it did it did it's good cuz nether portals don't need corners I know it's a bit odd so on the corner we're gonna put a block of TNT and we're gonna surround the TNT block with obsidian there we go okay so I put one on top one there I think this will do the trick okay so I can't really mess this up because I don't have any more obsidian connect the redstone to the TNT and now if I would stand on that pressure plate I'm just gonna make this real quick the tnt should blow up the portal and whoever's in the nether will not be able to get out which is me right now but I've got a flint and steel now I'm gonna need to test this thing okay because either Craner or Josh it's gonna get stuck in the nether and I want to make sure it works so luckily I have some more TNT in my house so I'm gonna stand on the pressure plate see if it works and then I can ignite it again with my flint and steel let's do it it's working come on it works okay yeah that's great and it's back okay now we just got to make sure that both Craner and Josh don't actually bring flint and steel I don't think they will but you know just making sure all right now let's go back to the main world get some more TNT put some signs and craters in Josh's house and then we're done alright we're back in the house let's get some more TNT there we go and let's prepare a sign that we can put down at both their houses I mean I don't see why not both you know I know Craner trolled me but I might as well get them both stuck in the nether whoo okay here we are okay so I'm gonna have to do this really carefully let's put down a pressure plate we put down the block of TNT now the troll has been activated and now I'm gonna go in through the through the back but make sure to place this block block back here we go okay yes yes we're out we're out without activating it myself that would have been bad and now we just got to put a couple of signs down and then this troll is finished alright we've made it to his house dear Craner thanks for the diamonds I found a nether fortress using the portal in Cowtown lots of chests xoxo jelly hahaha okay Craner I'm sorry but you're gonna get stuck in the nether and you're not gonna be able to get out well Josh I don't know what my excuse for you will be but I'm gonna just you know make sure you go to the nether as well hey slow go I found another fortress with lots of unlooted chests maybe we should work together to loot it all let me know when you're available now we both know that josh is gonna be like uh-huh yeah I'm just gonna steal it all if we're not gonna work together so he'll go out to the nether himself and you know get stuck that's the idea ladies and gentlemen if you enjoyed this episode leave a like got it go to the jelly store and click on another video that's right I've uploaded more videos on my channel so make sure you go watch one you can click on either one of these two I would click this one yep click that one
Channel: Jelly
Views: 8,404,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, minecraft, troll, nether, jelly, new, game, games, gaming, funny, minecraft troll, nether troll, I TRAPPED My FRIEND In The NETHER
Id: p__0GDVh88A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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