BUYING MY FRIEND’S HOUSE In MINECRAFT! (found a secret below)

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welcome back to hoax MC today we're playing on the vanilla server once again and things have been going super super well except for when my house got blown up that wasn't great now in today's video we found a secret under craner's house and I don't think you're gonna expect what I do next if everything goes right craters should never even realize that he's been trolled now drop alike if you think that I should roll jelly next anyway let's get into the video and we are back in hoax MC we are at slow go worldwide headquarters right now and things are probably looking a lot better I've done a ton of upgrades since you probably last saw it and look at this we even have a receptionist now say hello to Susan hello Susan okay well that's very nice of you I'm gonna give you guys a little bit of a tour to kick this video off obviously this is sort of like the lobby area over here if I just go down here this is the garden now it's looking nice and natural oh yeah and this is Alan hello Alan okay I've got very mean receptionist apparently anyway over here is our elevator now ignore the out of order one this is still slightly work in progress remember if we go up to the first floor oh yeah this is the offices now all of these are sort of just temporary right now but maybe soon some of you guys might join me maybe we could fill this entire Tower with a bunch of slow go fans anyway up we go for the next one here boom welcome to the penthouse apartment this is my place this is where I like to hang out obviously we've got the red carpeting everywhere over here is the kitchen and I mean look at the views we can look out and see everything over here is the bedroom and we've got something playing on the TV got a pretty cool bed I think this is the yeah closet wardrobe whatever you want to call it and then through here we have the toilet this is the bar I mean you can you can be standing in the shower doing your thing and looking out at the beautiful countryside what else also we have an upstairs area over here just kind of like a chill area and well this is for whatever and then over here is like another living area pretty cool and then if we go up another level over here hey this is the new chess room I pretty much just finished moving all of the stuff in there there's still a lot more that we need to do we've got some enchanting tables just looking so awesome and then if we keep going up over here we have a couple of floors that are under development I haven't really got any ideas of what we can do with these right now so I'm just gonna kind of just believe them and yeah and now we can go all the way back down obviously still a little bit more work to do but honestly I think it is looking really really cool I like how I just don't even use the stairs sorry Susan okay I'm sorry flippin Eck now you might be looking over here and realizing the things looking a bit different the subway is sort of up and running now it's nearly there but more importantly I have upgraded the farm for Pigtown it is now fully automated we said we were gonna do it in return for something like I Caramba it was on my to-do list so now we have some villagers working in there and that pops all of the wheat into this chest where we can collect it it's pretty awesome that reminds me as the Town Hall still completely damaged looks a bit cleaner but nobody's fixed it well good job jelly we should definitely check on him last time we were here we completely walled him off from the rest of the city so we gotta check out how he's doing with that but the thing is time we discussed today's plan crane has been extremely quiet recently he hasn't been doing much and I'm getting a little bit suspicious that he's hiding stuff from us so I think it's time to bring back now last time a lot of you guys snitched on me so please don't do it again yeah we're gonna take the x-ray over to Crane this place and have a look what's going on and see if he's hiding anything from us wait this is the first time you guys get to see the subway system so pretty much grab that click that and away you go wahoo I was actually thinking in a future video I could somehow turn this into a troll maybe get Craner to pay diamonds to use it or something I don't know let me know if you think that's a good idea alright we're pulling up here we go now this side of it's obviously not finished yet I'm doing as much as I can okay but here we go we are now a crane this place oh oh oh this science that's not good these are the ones that I place where magma troll killed my cat Felix don't have a trommel attack n oh this is must be from jelly dick Craner troll jelly with magma under a carpet in return for ruining his troll on me I'm kind of losing track now there must be the signs that he's left there for him I guess he hasn't seen that yet though anyway let's turn on the x-ray and see what's going on at craner's house Oh Larry what the hold up a second what is this okay he's either really been hiding something from us or something really weird this happened okay let's just go in that out it's that magma I think jelly must have put magma in his house to get him back okay well now we've just been shot wait this like even diamonds in this for some reason there is a huge chunk of all right under craner's house and he hasn't dug it wait there's a staircase going down there is that going into it all right I mean I don't see anything else like I don't see unless there's something in there don't really see that all right you know let's see where this entrance is outside ow okay that's really annoying so there's an entrance right oh it's open hang on a second let me just turn the x-ray off that's better now we can see things normally so this just goes down he's got a nether portal over here hang on a second yeah this goes straight past it what is going on has he just never known that there's a huge chunk of or under as hell look how many diamonds are there we are never gonna be able to mine all of this let me just get in there and see what we can get whoa Wow oh okay there's actually bad mobs in here that's not good there's creepers do not blow up the diamonds creeper no great it just blew up diamonds but some of the fell on the ground that's good oh oh there is - okay that's bad oh okay it's a witch I'm gonna die I'm gonna actually die oh that was a close one well oh okay stop this is way too dangerous I managed to get four diamonds though and I still have my golden apples by the way apparently this enchanted Golden Apple is really rare so I've just been keeping them on me you just told me now the comment section so so there's like a ton of gold and diamonds just under craner's house and I don't think he knows now he hasn't been doing much with his house so I've got an idea what if we convince him to sell us his house because that way we can just dig completely down from the top and get all of that or hopefully without him even knowing if he moves out I mean I did manage to get four diamonds from that and we don't actually have any because I think jelly destroyed them all and I'm pretty sure what Creina doesn't have any either so maybe we should offer him this enchanted golden apple with some diamonds in return for buying this plot of land all right you know what let's get some signs let's get some gear and let's make this offer because if we get this we are gonna be mega rich all right I think we should remove jelly signs over here ow okay that's that hurts we'll tell him in our signs that jellies trolled him with the magma hopefully that will give him even more reason to want to leave well that took some time for the planets finally come together wow these things are hard to fight yeah wait walking into me if it doesn't make sense it will when I read you this book this is called a very generous offer dearest crane stuff we're a solo worldwide would like to make it very generous offer to purchase the plot of land where you live an extremely rare breed of cow has been a battery of property and we as law worldwide would like to preserve its natural habitat which happens to be your home I have placed a very generous offer in the chest with this note to cover any inconvenience this is costing by turning to the next page you accept this offer oh so we're gonna put that in here we've the gold and Apple I guess like this let's turn that gold into aura this furnace oh yeah I put a sign here saying jelly did that by the way there we go I guess just use the signs that that works and then just like that perfect there's no way he cannot accept this excuse me cow we can't let you get out you're like our entire plan and just like that I think we're done here now I would say it's time to go check out what jelly has been doing Wow picked out looking way prettier than I remember look at this is like a little pond over here now wait a second what into the wall that's not what what what is he done he's like turn the wall into his own wall I can't even go in here and there's like a tower over there what wait what is that hold up a second oh my what it's like an entire Factory at Chili's house now well looks like cutting him off from the rest of the town it's been good for him alright well I'm just gonna leave that be I think it's time to head back to our house what is it what what is oh my is that the mayor's house what happened the man's house is burning down I'm the only one aligned how would this what we just saw it oh no oh no the man we're gonna save the man oh no no the man's body the mess burning but there you go okay oh okay man we have to get you out of here come on oh come on come on come on let's go come on this key to safety yeah oh that was a close one okay let's attach him over here for now what just happened the entire place literally just burned down was this jelly - jelly strike on Pigtown again I feel like I've been set up like it's been made to look like I did this but it wasn't me it was there like a tripwire or something well I there's no saving it now I think our best bet is to make sure the mayor is safe I don't really know what we can do next all right come with me man you know what to do with you for now I'm just gonna put him inside of my secret underground area I don't really this is not gonna be easy to get him in though any chance you just come down yeah didn't think it would be that easy there oh oh come on there you go all right let me just block that off all right well man I think you should be safe down here I guess I've kind of Loki kidnapped you but uh I'm sure you'll be fine anyway I think that's working good in this one these episodes get crazier and crazier if you enjoyed that video check some of the other videos on the screen they are they're pretty good you'll like them
Channel: Slogo
Views: 4,962,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, playing minecraft, hoaxmc, jelly, crainer, troll, secret
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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