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so i don't play cow town for just a couple days and i come back and well my house is covered in water i am really just looking forward to finding out what happened today for any of you new here cow town is basically a server that i hacked into it was originally jellies and now it's not really jellies and crane is here as well but we don't really care about trainer but you know what we do care about clicking the like button because if we don't hit 100k likes on this video i will simply never upload one ever again with my house being covered in water would that be that big of a deal you guys decide why do i have a feeling that this isn't the only thing that's happened why is there a floating island okay right so let's go through this one thing at a time it looks like cow town has finished being upgraded or built or whatever you want to say so let's have a look around all of the construction bits gone wait is there a beach oh this looks fancy so if any of you are not aware just watch this attention mr builder we humbly request that you use your elite building skills to completely rebuild all of our houses and restore order to our beautiful new cow town and well i guess this is the result of that okay we can bathe here whoa whoa whoa what is that hey wait hang on this is a barbecue that's actually cool so i think there is a massive new building that was definitely not there before and is this new land to expand onto oh this cow town's getting big what is this place cow town city hall whoa i did not expect this donation box for cow town any donate anything and the cow town will use it to upgrade it's town it's tender okay meh cheese hello bed cheese it's very nice to meet you how are you doing very good okay interesting maybe we could do something with this in the future this could be a quite good troll i did wait a second i've been trolled by this before is this connected to something it is has anyone donated yet i'm not getting trolled that oh someone donated a smooth slab okay well we'll keep that in mind we could maybe hook that up to our own house in the future all right any more upgrades that have been done we've got some just more houses around here and then the entrance area okay cool a lot more cows in the town as well all right well okay having a party over here why wasn't i invited so let's have a look what's going on with my house and why it is covered in water there's some signs out front you know that something's happened you killed floppy and ploppy and toppies so they tour events the only way a fish can with water pierce your evil yeah so basically while looking around last episode i might have made a small hole in korea's fish tank and there we go and maybe the fish died i guess well they're dumb fish they shouldn't have swam out doorbell oh the doorbell doesn't work okay maybe i need to press it harder oh that's a weird doorbell sound so he's literally covered my house in water because of killing his fish a bit of a overreaction maybe wait wait what jelly's bedroom wait this is my bedroom wait we took over my recording setup why is jenny's bedroom here um hang on what have i still got my i still got my stuff in here okay well that's good so i've been covered in water and jelly moved in well first of all let's get rid of all this green stuff we don't want any of this especially these green items i mean the green screen kind of makes sense i guess we'll leave that no thank you no thank you don't want any green lights yeah i'm getting rid of all of this stuff okay that's all of the green bits done especially the sign we need to get rid of that there we go all right we'll give all that back to him and tell him we've kicked him out anything else happened or is that about it now okay i think we're good obviously he didn't take over the shower because he doesn't shower that makes sense all right well we're gonna need some blocks to get rid of all this water at some point but we won't bother with that why is there gravel in here okay i'm getting rid of these signs i do not want this stuff outside all right well has has anything happened or changed with crainer's place or is it just the same old lane i'm not using a boat to get into this dumb house he fixed his fish tank and he's got fish in there so okay i don't always complain about um blocks we'll take oh he's got a lot of stuff in here we'll take these glass blocks they'll be pretty useful for getting rid of all that water and then i guess we'll figure out what's going on with this thing why is there a massive island here to do blow up slogo's house okay um let's get rid of that to do blow up blow up crane's house okay that's fixed so like how do we get up on this thing okay i'm just gonna build up with blocks why is jelly moved into a like a sky island like what is he doing oh uh we're nearly there do i just dig through his dirt i feel bad about that oh well my house is really covered look at that okay um right well here we are jelly's house uh oh he's got some stuff in here he's got a tnt actually i've got a good idea with this wait what is oh he's got downstairs wait what the oh i guess this is his water elevator that's kind of cool wait does he not have a crafting mention this entire place that seems a bit dumb oh no here it is oh wait any wood got wood yes okay let me just grab that and then we'll just put that in here and put that there and hang on let me get away from this cool all right hopefully he walks over that without realizing and you know what jelly you can keep your blocks oh um oh yeah we were supposed to put this stuff back okay we've got to be very careful going around this pressure plate guess we could put it like like in front maybe yeah that kind of conceals it and then he'll jump over it all right you have been evicted from the slogo villa loser and we'll put all of this green stuff in there all right nice um now we just need to get it off of here because we'll just go over this and then we can just write this thing down hey and and then we just got to do this there we go look at that we're a pro minecraft player well now we just have to see if we can remove some of this water easily uh this is annoying oh there's so much water and i can hear zombies inside oh my it is thick how much water did he put on here what is he crazy this is so full oh it's gonna take forever to clean up okay i'm definitely gonna need more blocks than this for sure but i guess we can at least remove the front bits is that is that actually doing anything okay that's kind of doing stuff not really as fast as i want it to though okay how's that that's cut off some of the water there's still bits over here do we even have oh it's hidden under here okay i see you hiding is that most of the front water ah this is gonna take forever okay i feel like i'm probably just gonna get to this at a later point at least you know the front of the house isn't covered now it's better than nothing i suppose maybe while we're here we should actually give back a little bit to craner let me grab some iron i think i have an idea get out of here skeleton okay so i grabbed a stack of buckets let's head over to crainer's house and see if we can't you know help him out with his water situation a bit let me just grab some of this free water if he likes it so much maybe we'll just fill up his entire house with it i know it's kind of the same thing um but we'll just say we're returning it okay this actually might take longer than i thought but it's gonna be worth it he's only got a tiny house okay gotta make sure every inch of it is covered oh wait i'm drowning i didn't really think about this oh we're so close ah okay all right we're free all right i think that'll do there we go there's no chance this fish are gonna die now and we'll just put some signs out there for him you know what he doesn't need any of these signs there we go short and sweet thanks for the water but i don't need all of it so i returned some hey good job okay well that does that um the house is looking a little bit better i will fix the rest of it uh off episode so that you guys don't have to sit there watching me just place blocks forever because that is annoying but hey the house still looks good i think it's definitely the best house around even with water because that's just a island and this is a hole in the ground i think definitely in the next episode we're going to do something interesting with the cow town man figure out what we could do with that maybe even leave some comments of what you guys suggest to do as a troll and remember 100k likes and i'll upload another one if you happen to want to watch another video there are videos on the screen just go and tap those poke those punch them kick them don't do any of that that's really aggressive and it should take you to the next one enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,096,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, mineraft, cow town, jelly, crainer, jelly server, solo, troll town
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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