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today i'm playing some more minecraft in my solo world or well it was solo until slogo hacked into my game and then i set the crater hey boy you want to join me in my minecraft world and then he said yeah i'll join you and then he build a secret basement under my house a couple episodes ago i built that building right back there and that's the tax office and we're back at it again we're gonna collect our weekly three diamond taxes from crainer nice house crainer and slogo ugly house talking about houses i have upgraded mine would you look at this i'll give you a quick home tour before we start collecting our new diamonds of the week all right well nice carpet entrance area we have a little garage that is empty on the left would you look at this garage door isn't it beautiful we have a beautiful upstairs area three beds because i like to lay um horizontally a couple of chests um a beautiful window to look at the view of a mountain and with a little workbench area let's go ahead and collect our diamonds oh i'm so excited i'm gonna be rich today all right first things first is there any signs no okay but i did say failing to place three diamonds in the chest before the end of the week will have consequences okay i gotta check the results i gotta check the results okay so the last time i recorded an episode was about a week ago for me so that means both logo and craner should have placed three diamonds each now we'll figure out who didn't pay if there's only three but lol who's messing with me someone found my chest oh my god this is a redstone chest this is a redstone chest no no okay no no no no no no there's a redstone wire oh my god oh my god what happened okay my house is still there that's a good thing okay did i get trolled at it wait a minute where's my door no no my house i just built this someone's blown out the front door are you kidding me where's the redstone signal oh there it is there it is okay yeah that's definitely the redstone signal from the diam my diamond my diamonds who knows that i built the tax office how does this make any sense i didn't leave any clues we know we know my diamonds okay that tax office thing clearly isn't working in two weeks time i had to burn down cranor's house because he didn't pay his taxes and josh ended up paying his taxes do i have to burn their houses down okay let me quickly check what the consequences were according to the book that i wrote all right dirty resident as of day 14 must pay a weekly tax of three diamonds the diamonds must be placed in attacks failing to do so will give turtle town the right to burn down your property and you'll be forced to move out crainer did not do this he ended up building a brick house did crainer find out about my about my troll about my tax office cause slovo still has a wooden house he would have upgraded this house right that wouldn't make sense because he knows it's gonna be burnt down if he didn't pay okay let's investigate crainer what have you been up to nothing nothing redstone really crane are you gonna make it this easy for me wait a minute crainer has a secret basement remember that guys creator built a secret basement under my house and it's right underneath the sunflower oh my god if crainer took the diamonds he would put it in a secret basement what does that mean it doesn't make sense why would crainer put the redstone in his actual chest why wouldn't he hide it i'm confused i'm really confused let's go and investigate at josh's house does josh have my diamonds slow goes home okay a bunch of chests with nothing in them he's got lava buckets and a whole lot of iron bars seems like josh got trolled or he's preparing for a troll all right well uh clearly the tax office is not working i stole three diamonds from uh slogo and somebody's got them back it's either crainer or slogo well it can't be anybody else i'm gonna remove the tax office somebody's two suss of me somebody knows that i'm up to this so i'm gonna remove this place i will leave a lectern with a book and quill in each of their houses and i'll say that turtle town was satisfied with all the diamond payments that the residents has paid and that therefore turtle town is a tax free city all right there you go almost done almost done place the floor with some dirt and boom tax office never happened turtle town is now tax-free but someone's gonna have to pay for it but let me just get the leg turns back that i placed before oh yeah yeah all right we'll place this one right here grab the book and quill we'll grab some of the redstone you know what i'll take some of his i just want to test something real quick if i put redstone there can i make something activate book and quill read it wait oh my god when you flip the page look at the redstone it activates oh my god it works it works it works it works okay okay okay okay okay it also works on the floor right wait look at the redstone on the floor oh yeah oh yeah i can see that lighting up all right so let's rewrite the book dear turtledown residence turtle town is now a tax-free town your diamonds were used to create a bridge and fix some road works in case you want to return on your diamonds please proceed to the next page and that right there sets off the redstone signal [Laughter] done perfect all right now let's make one for slogo as well and then we're just gonna have to figure out what we're gonna do with this redstone i don't know maybe blow up his door ah crater you want to blow up yours i've continued the redstone path to uh stop underneath of craner's door now i need to find some gunpowder and sand because i'm gonna place some tnt underneath of his door which means the moment he reads this and wants to get a return on his diamonds to go to the next page he blows up his own house and probably dies standing here that's pretty good now even though i think crainer stole my diamonds and he's got him somewhere else josh didn't actually end up paying diamonds again because remember it's a weekly tax of three diamonds now josh it's been two weeks he only paid once so technically i have to burn down his house but i wanted to make it more fun okay so what i've got set up right here is a lectern with a book you know and he goes to the next page and boom redstone triggers underneath of his house and there's going to be a dispenser right there there and one more right here and that dispenser will have a flint and steel inside you might be like jelly well what does that do well i got it i got to show you okay i got i got to show you but before i can show you that i got to get my flynn and steel i have my flynn and steel i'm gonna i'm gonna test this because i don't actually know if it works but i think it'll work so lectern book flint and steel also yes i made an extra one because i clearly need one for my house so i put the flynn of steel in the dispenser gonna get activated and if i'm right there should be fire on that block page all right it works now it only uses the flint and steel once so the way i'm gonna set it up is i'm gonna have to dispense her looking up which then hopefully oh hey zombie i mean skeleton which hopefully will set some of the wood on his house on fire cause he's gonna be around it he might be able to stop it from burning down completely but you know it's logo it probably won't even hear it so all i got to do is go to my crafting table get a couple dispensers made a couple of flint and steel and then some tnt and i think we can we can round it up there all right i think we need three in total so we'll get them made up oh no it just needs to be redstone buddy there we go that's three dispensers we need three flynn and steels oh do i have that uh i've got the i've got the steel oh okay i got some gravel i guess i can try flint please oh we'll be here for a while won't we it'll appear once right this works doesn't it oh i actually don't really know if it works oh oh oh two three okay there it is exactly what we needed now i've got four flynn steals let's go and set up josh's troll and then we'll get some uh some tnt going oh this is fun though uh i'm actually kind of happy i got rid of the tax office because again people were starting to get suss of me someone actually stole my diamonds we can't let that happen again all right wait to test it real quick put some gravel in there and let's read the book next page the gravels out of it perfect that works works alright so one dispenser two dispenser and three dispensers now let's fill these up with flynn and steel now we leave some space here you know what i i'll i'll i'll put an extra wooden block to the side of it because that'll help to burn it okay no no no wait josh might see that josh might see that i can't make anything visible okay i can't make anything visible we need it to be really flammable flammable flammable oh he'll see that okay yeah no is that all we can do i mean it's gonna set the top one on fire right okay i mean this will work this will work bloom blah blah blah wait did i fix this one properly yep that one's good josh's troll is set up he didn't pay his three diamonds this week so he's gonna be happy the tax office is gone but he'll still get a burnt down house maybe maybe it depends if he realizes so now that's set up we gotta get some creepers going and some sand okay i'll go to a cave real quick find some creepers get some gunk powder and then i'll continue the troll build oh well hello there little creeper oh wait oh oh that's not good for me are you kidding me okay they keep spawning in these caves guys i don't like it i need to kill you please don't blow up okay come on there has to be more that's okay hello buddy don't blow up stop it oh my god i see diamonds oh i did not expect that while i'm out here on a gunpowder hunt i actually saw diamonds in the distance okay that's good that's good all right my first creeper down actually my fourth but i messed up what's up diamonds i'll keep you safe i will keep you safe i'll make sure you won't be stolen two diamonds only you know what i'm gonna keep them in my inventory because that's the only way i can keep things safe these days okay all right this better be enough nope uh how do i do this again guys i'm really bad at this game today i don't know what's going on with me there we go all right we have one block that's all we have we have one tnt okay it's definitely not gonna kill him but i'm sorry i'm just really bad at this game today and i don't know why so i'll place this underneath of crainer's door he is the one who ended up paying diamonds once so you know he is a nice guy in that there we go do i have stone on me yes i do we'll fix the problem and now all we gotta do is fix my front door put a lectern down in my house with the same book pretending that i also have a troll on me all right there we go perfect and there you go oh okay wait the sunflower the sunflower we gotta finish it up with the sunflower i think it was right here wow our house is back complete tax office is gone at 100 000 likes we'll do another episode on minecraft if you want to see that make sure you press the like button go to the jelly store and click here for another video wow i actually forgot to say that i wanted likes underneath this video at the start of it but hey you watch until the end so does it really matter
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,636,621
Rating: 4.9060884 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, minecraft, troll, troll world, jelly, funny, funny moments, tnt troll, turtle town, cow town, new, ed To TROLL MY FRIEND But HE TROLLED ME
Id: AEeQe8vA2N4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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