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as you properly saw in the title of this video I am going to be cheating today in our Mike Russell don't worry don't worry I didn't take it too far and honestly I feel like it was justified but if you're watching this video please do not snitch on me with things I do today could get me kicked from the server if I'm not careful but long story short something very bad has happened to my house and because of that I need to figure out where jelly and Craner are hiding now if I do find their secure houses in this video I want you to click like right now on this video if you think I should troll them and let me know in the comments what do you think I should do anyway let's get into the video and here we are in my house on our minecraft server and one thing I just noticed it does seem a little bit dark outside like almost too dark let's have a look what's good wait is that what I think it is hold up a second I think we might just have a problem on our hands all right here goes nothing oh you kidding me someone has contained my entire house in an obsidian cube what are you doing Gian what are you doing I say hello to Gian the last one died so I replaced them oh okay yeah let's go so what least someone's happy about it this must have been some so I can barely even see anything this must have been some sort of response to a child we did on someone I didn't even get to show you guys the upgrades they did look look at this I made like a little outside area over here and then I did oh wait yeah it's on the other side of this wall I can't show you the rest I even did some upgrades inside look I've changed my kitchen around a bit still can't get into my fridge because of someone but what's most important is my downstairs area look at my basement look at much better right I mean I just kind of throw up some pictures there good look at this I've got my entire new storage area because yes someone's locked all of my chests up in the attic of the house and in a garland charming area and I've even set up this cool little mining system over here for me to send supplies up and down in my mind although you can see I haven't been that successful anyway we need to figure out what's going on here Oh first things first okay the secret chest is still safe I still have some diamonds good enough to build a diamond pickaxe though so let's get breaking our way out this is gonna take so long to remove I'm still going and it's so dark I can't even see out what the progress is on breaking this block I really hope that this is a one block thing because oh my if it's gonna be more than that we're gonna have a problem okay I think I'm nearly there on the first oh okay I've got the first block broken and it looks like it's just one block thick okay now we just got to break the other one there we go okay next block is broker we've got signs hey Josh hope you like my present I rapped your house and obsidian to keep it safe of course Karina I kind of forgot Craner was even still playing where is he bit oh ma look at this thing okay well at least I can show you the rest of the upgrades I did like I guess that works so out here I've got a little swimming pool and a little fountain look at it and I just came up an idea wouldn't it be cool to build a secret bait oh wait crane already did that in a swimming pool that'd be a bit too obvious anyway I think that we definitely need to figure out where Craner is hiding so that we control him back there's no way we can let this go oh yeah I forgot to fix this hole don't worry about that now last episode we pretty much wrecked jellies house with some chance blocks and well it's safe to say he's not going back there for a while but he seems to have not trophy back for that and I also I'm not even sure where he's gone as you can see jellies house is very much destroyed it's not gonna be back there for a while so it's likely that he's moved somewhere we just don't know where honestly guys I don't even know where to start basically nobody lives here right now hey do you know anything Larry huh Matt Mary Mary are suppose to be Mary you couldn't have come up with more creative name for your son huh what wait what where did all this come from okay I'll borrow that thank you very much okay bit weird but I'll take it well I think it's time we pull out the big guns I've been holding off while doing this for a while but I think this time as some of you may know this is a minecraft server and with that we have special powers one of those being the ability to do Advent stuff I can actually change which game-mode I am in if I want to type in this command here that will switch me to create it and we've creative I can fly I can also spawn pretty much any item i won but we are not going to be doing that all we're gonna use this for is to help us find we're jelly and crane are staying I'm even going to put all the rest of my stuff in my inventory so I don't accidentally spawn anything so first things first we know that Craner has trolled us so we should probably try and find here what the why is this lava over here not working someone has been getting lava for their base and this good crafting bench here what is going on now as you guys know with creative I do have the ability to use break blocks something's weird about this okay hang a second if I switch my game-mode into the other one that I can use which is spectator that lets me fly and see through blocks is kind of overpowered though okay there we go let's see what oh my what um guys I think we've just found sup hang on a second wait oh he's using that secret lava okay we're gonna go back into survival real quick I think that means I can touch this and yeah I'm not dying and it cuz I'm in survival mode right now okay where was this there was a secret entrance here somewhere oh wait I think I'm in it I mean it oh and I'm in I think we may have just found craters base wait what is this is there another secret entrance okay we'll have to check that out so I don't know how I didn't see that so this is craner's secret house whoa okay we're not stealing stuff we don't want to make it obvious that we've been cheating and he's got locked chest so we're not gonna be able to get into those what is over here oh this looks like a diamond block why is everyone so much richer than me 1 2 3 4 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 is it ok it doesn't work either okay it appears my hacking skills and here but we're not gonna steal anything anyway but be in the maybe in the future okay this is kind of a lot to handle right now it's a lot to take in first things first I want to figure out what that is think it was over in this direction possibly wait so what is this ow oh okay apparently you start going on fire once you get out we'll just let that kind of wear off so what was Oh he's using a one-sided lock so you can see through it that is sneaky hmm so we figured out where Craner is staying but what about jelly I wonder if he's doing a similar sort of thing okay I'm gonna go and head over back to his house and see what we can find wait wait let it go there wait what what is this hold up a second guys I was just on my way to jellies house and I just walked into a wall but it's in invisible like I can see where I'm going but it it won't let me go any further what is wait why is there only half of a tree guys I think I might have just found a secret how do i what is this this look weird to you okay I'm really confused I'm just gonna wait oh I just figure out we were using cheats I can I can just do this we're going into spectator mode Oh what wait what there's an entire house in here are you kidding me is this wait I see green this is jellies house jelly has built an invisible house what even is happening right now okay I'm gonna go back to normal mode here there we go okay I'm now inside his house what is going on what is that I just turned a lever oh that lever turns it off look he's got a bunch of levers all the way around another one here so this turns off all of the invisibility I guess okay this is kind of crazy I need to figure this out what is going on here okay well I'm pretty sure this is jellies house what is this whoa hey I can see the glass up there it's just like a secret camera hang on a second wait he's literally got a secret camera setup okay this is insane not a ton in his chest low it almost looks like he's just recently moved in what is this oh of course a secret door of course okay this secret stuff is going way too far what what is down here a roof area and then a little walkway is this another secret entrance where does this go oh I imagine I imagine this is probably his mind yeah okay this is where he's getting his resources um I I don't I am so confused right now so we have found both korrina and Jenny's house above the Korean secret bases to hide from us I think they just came out with a good idea I'm not gonna troll them well not directly I'm just gonna freak them out to the point where I force them to leave well leave the house not-not-not a server let me just get some materials and then I'll show you what my plan is so all I'm gonna do is place a series of signs around the house and all they say is I know dot dot dot and there you go another one now I guarantee you this is going to freak them out there you go one by the door just in case they go in there also I'm gonna turn these off quick this is gonna be real simple we're just gonna be freaking them out hopefully to the point where they leave and if they don't leave we're gonna start doing some weird stuff to their base so I'm pretty sure they don't know where each other live so there's no way that they're gonna immediately assume that this is me all right so I think those are done now let's head over to Craner secret base and put some signs in there as well now I'm gonna be a little bit bold I'm gonna put one of them right here now I'm not trying to reveal the secret base to jelly because that's gonna ruin it I think but I don't think he's gonna realize that and then I'll put another one right here okay perfect and then the last ones we got to put inside what I seriously still don't know where the interest is for this just kind of like glide around until I fall in somewhere there we go all right I'm gonna put another one here don't break a carpet because we don't care another one here another one in front of his secret chest that we're not gonna be stealing at least right now but this is gonna make him think that he's in trouble there we go I think we are done here and now to return to my obsidian box there it is in all of its boxiness now I would call today a bit of a success we figured out where jelly and crona's houses a little bit of cheating so if you guys could not tell jelly and Karina that I cheated that would be great otherwise I'm gonna get in a lot of trouble and I might even get kicked but the little troll that I did placing those signs should completely freak both of them out and we'll see what happens with that but for now I'm gonna get started with renovating my house a little bit and trying to figure out what I'm gonna do with all of this obsidian it's gonna take me a long time to break it anyway I'll see you in the next one hope you enjoyed the video if you want to watch some more there's videos on the screen that you can click if you do that it'll take you straight on to the next one then you can watch it and at the end of that video you'll be able to click again so pick one you want to watch over here right now either this one over here or this one over here enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 7,652,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, cow town, jelly, crainer, slogo, troll, cheating, hack
Id: SNUi8RyxI7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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