I Got TRASHED At The Pallet Auction!

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so I'm just getting ready to hook up the trailer and head out to the pallet auction my boy are you ready for the auction you want to buy you want to buy everything or try try to get everything but if no we always have finder [Music] a fresh pair fresh pair of J's my boy oh maybe it's just a gamble right this is Street Fire dude I like that one Prada shoes nah you lie we dig deeper and look what we found wow we got so carried away with the auction we forgot about this one look at this look at this the actual drawers cardboard look at this it's still just amazes me every time after years and years that there could possibly be this much trash in a storage facility Super Samurai Power Rangers blue one a little backpack of it no look at these red look at black and white pants what that's a that's a pretty good amount of Sterling right there [Music] what [Applause] s up everybody good morning check this out truly another beautiful day in paradise so I'm just getting ready to hook up the trailer and head out to the power dog show another pallet auction today um I'm not gonna try to really buy furniture I've decided because the last last month when I went out to the two different auctions we were just overloaded with so much big stuff bulky furniture all right so this coming to the end so we have this area pretty much filled up right all right dude job well done all right see ya man we sold most of it I think today I'm gonna try to get a nice lot of items that I can go through like different boxes and whatnot but they're supposed to be 300 300 pallets there today wow we will see it could be a really good auction and if it's not a good option it's going to be a good day either way we're on the way every time it seems like I have so much time for these auctions I'm always going at the last minute so today I have to take a load of trash so in this business you do accumulate a lot of trash too that's just a realistic thing of what what I do all the time so I gotta take the trash to the dump the dump doesn't open till seven and meet him we're gonna be late so he's gonna meet me at the service area and then he's gonna get in the truck and we're gonna haul ass all the way up to the auction we're cutting it close this one's not as far as the other one and the traffic on this one is not nearly as bad so I think we're good I think we're gonna make it [Music] [Applause] [Music] even though we're running so late I still had to get my Wawa coffee I couldn't resist I thought I would be the first one eager to go to the dump before it even opens but no there's a line in front of me and three trucks and another one pulling up behind me so the dump at 7 A.M in the morning is a popular place [Music] thank you [Music] and now he's dead it yo there he is the guy the boy no way are you ready are you ready to buy everything no way look tell a man no trouble I don't want beef man I just want vibes my boy are you ready for the auction you want to you want to buy everything or try try to get everything but if no we always have fun you know [Music] thank you all right what is up everybody welcome back to another video so today we are here everybody what's up dude everything good call yourself why is it windy I don't know today we are here we're at the biggest pallet auction so far of the whole year I think they got like 300 pallets in this massive Warehouse look look how big it is so now we're gonna go in and we're gonna check out the preview of the auction and see everything that they have for sale so we can make a decision what ones we want to try to buy there's about five other trucks here so it's gonna be you know we're gonna have to fight for the good stuff but and probably we found nice stuff like you can guys can enjoy so let's do it let's do it let's see oh look they got passed they got the goods the goodies all the gold they got free pallets so yeah hey what's up dude made it we made it that one person you know like different people yeah it always goes to the at the last green tote that's where it ends okay all right so basically the beginning of a start right here all of these pallets look at this you don't know what it is Stitch fix oh here it is this is what it is what is it pajamas a dress hard to really see what it is as you can see this is one lot so one two three four five six pallets there that's a big mirror let's see thank you and still wrapped I don't know what that is this is Furniture so it's probably like chairs got a nice road bike right here that looks like it would be expensive Republic and yeah it's looking like no idea what's in there these are like lazy boys right here wow look like a good amount of stuff right yeah but here in the back there's no convenient stuff I don't know like what is in it they you could never you would never even know right let's take a look in one look it's like somebody's like kitchenware but you gotta just buy it every time is different there right shoes and clothes what is this this is how you really yeah that's like kitchen silverware no idea maybe it's just a gamble right because it looked crazy in here okay because they have the ventilation system it's a little bit loud so I apologize for that but how these auctions run is they basically set up a pallet or multiple pallets of just totally random items packaged up like this they're usually in moving blankets or containers wrapped up in plastic and then there's like containers like this as well where it's actually just Ziploc shot so what they do is they sell at first you try to sell the whole lot so whatever amount of pallets that is he sells them like that but if nobody wants a bid on it then he starts to break them up so you basically have to buy at least one full palette if not maybe like six or eight pallets and that's how they sell them and usually you can get a good price because it's just so random and you never know what's going to be inside so it's basically a big mystery this is about to start any minute and you guys are gonna see at the end of this video what we actually buy here so it's 9 28 it starts in like two minutes so what I was saying is maybe this is possibly one whole lot or actually it looks like so this paper is the thing they scan and that's probably these three pallets here so you would buy all of that as at one price and then see where the tape is so it'll be like this palette that palette that palette and that all goes together a Christmas tree right you've seen it already somebody opened it what is it it's a flashlight there's a video camera in there maybe well because the battery look and different stuff in here look at the this battery it goes to um like a video camera right Maybe it's not uh just this camera that's it it's basically junk right what do you think that's just terrible all right this year I would buy this cow though what is it looks like a desk right are you gonna buy some stuff here this one looks nice and this one goes to it too like yo remember remember the uh do you ever see the artwork that's at my house and it has like a big wave yeah it was in a box like this at this auction in the same place it could maybe be just maybe a mirror or it could be artwork oh this one probably go to the desk right because it's the same company this one is not nice what is this though why would you want this why would anyone want these newspapers so far what's your favorite one I see two balls in the whole place they kind of life can be this one maybe this one maybe maybe that one right we got a bad history about your arms it's not the best look we got it a fresh pair fresh pair of J's my boy [Laughter] this is getting crazy so I bought already these three pallets here I bought this because it was only 25 and then I spent 200 on the ones in the beginning the second one they did so I'll show you everybody everything that we got after the auction ends this one's not bad right but for 900 I don't know you're in 25 now 35. go for 25 bucks why what is in there uh or what what's the number 106. what did I buy though yeah what did I buy these two bottles is it good it's not good right here you think it's good why would I buy that 106. all right guys let's go with this you guys somebody picked the name off we picked the name off yo I didn't know they had a bonus section we didn't know about all this stuff look we thought it ended there where the the pallet jack is but really all this stuff is part of the auction too bonus bonus section dude look at this bicycle wow this one is so old DVD collection more DVDs more DVDs yo all this is DVDs the whole thing DVDs DVDs DVDs who wants that yep the auction just ended I bought I bought a decent amount of stuff uh when you get in the auction you kind of get carried away they were selling more than we thought originally that's why I said there was a bonus section because I didn't know that all that was included so we did end up buying a lot of stuff so now the trick is to fit it all in the trailer and the truck nice and organized so that we can get it all back home the only thing is I should have pulled into one of the spots when I first got here because now it's limited spots very limited look at this I had to squeeze it and back up with the trailer in between this car and this van look how close I had to park to them well we're in there now you'll be able to just back all the way up and then load everything into the trailer from there Prada shoes no huh you lie I thought for a second you were true because look at the Shoe Wow it looked crazy though right what is it DKNY this is nice though right dress shoes yeah these are high fashion look at that this one's so good quality it's already falling apart in mold the level not bad only what you paid five for it five dollars what a what a steal right our money it really is though on my knee so one guy he bought one group of people they bought all that stuff did we get everything oh this stuff too I forgot already so what you don't move that stuff and throw it out I thought it was gonna be good when I put it in really I park here what is it right the bumper and then I moved because I wanted to let him get his stuff so I put it in real quick but I just throw it out I'm not gonna I'm right over here I'll just throw it out we bought all the stuff so what are we gonna do well we want to open each box to see what is working uh what is garbage the most garbage like I bought this and we have to say this is not coming home with us look at this this is cardboard look at this look at this the actual drawers cardboard look at this how crazy is that so this was part of another lot we'll just I'll just show it as is two there was two tables that and then two totes which I never even looked in that one and then I got this lot here which is this palette this palette and this palette all that stuff and then I have another one down there what I got to pick it up and bring it over here [Music] so this I don't really know what's in here I kind of just bought it because I wanted to get some stuff today but I'm gonna unload all this it's hard to do this with one hand so I'm gonna load all this and then I can just take it out later and look at it [Music] should we open something up and see yeah like they're rushed this looks like the weirdest stuff in here though I'm not gonna lie what is this can you even believe it's real look at this what is this maybe a worse something maybe somebody won at a yard sale yeah these are handmade though like this look handmade I gotta bring this back home and see what it is to be honest though this could be gold I don't know it looks like really really handmade you know what I mean yeah you think we found gold on this one let's see what it is all right the moment we've all been waiting for see the crowded the complete and utter Insanity of this box of gold what is it of just what though like clothes what is this no this is what do you call it K-pop you heard it K-pop hip-hop you heard of it K-pop did you find something crazy what is it bro what happened you trying to messing with me that's working bro what is it what is this dude I can't even believe this is the deal no way karate belt look at these vintage ass shoes though no way that's only a nice day I saw in the beginning these air walks what Championship from like 1920. why does she have this this is what they put in storage handy so this lady whoever had this stuff just from the looks of what it is I think she was a seamstress and honestly there's like extremely vintage clothes in here like in these bags I just got to go through it but maybe there could be some growls in here straight up gold these are like all ties old ties so I don't know this stuff's definitely you know not all of it like this is trash but this stuff's worth holding on to until I can look in look into it more I think she was a seamstress though is what it seemed like especially with this and then all the different laundry bags of stuff oh like this is closed I didn't look in I think this is closed this is closed that's closed yo check this out right this is actual gold no it's vintage like old school [ __ ] look at this wow look how old it is though from the tag wow people they buy stuff yeah and look there's t-shirts Old School t-shirts a couple at least full disclosure what is that I don't know a vintage shirt pretty cool kind of cool break away bluegrass from Denmark these are these are single stitch shirts though like they only have one stitch meaning it's old brand new right from the 90s like early 90s probably look at this this is Street Fire dude I like that one it's so small though do you think it's worth it dude that would that would literally be so sad it worked right don't spray it it's gonna go in your [ __ ] eyes just buried my brother with that before and you guys did yeah what happened what is this this is a crazy operation all right let's see the Wardrobe box maybe it's some good clothes [Music] two or what wow and it had gold in there this is like just clothes I guess I gotta take it it's still just amazes me every time after years and years that there could possibly be this much trash in a storage facility do you know what I'm saying though like oh this box this is actually decent for maybe somebody actually want these but like could you imagine putting this in a storage facility yeah could you imagine look at this with a straight face oh man it's the whole boxes like that as of now though nothing's really hitting me thinking that it's gold there's a this speaker is decent you want the knife how could you possibly store this I think I really bought a lot of [ __ ] this time like actual trash no way check it out you gotta check it out brosky I didn't even bring gloves either it's just all there right here don't do your face iPhone it doesn't look like it it's empty right it's only the iPhone 6 anyway look at this guy though I would have to say maybe this is the worst stuff I ever bought it at this place yeah it's pretty bad what do we got we dig deeper and look what we found wow that's definitely real look at that it's fake but still I was excited for like one second to see something that could be gold look at that got like just straight trash it's like juice on it go get that we got that weep no kid push to start go get that we got that weep look tell a man no trouble I don't want beef man I just want five heated ice scraper comes with it for free we got so carried away with the auction we forgot about this one we almost totally forgot about this and then the guy told us that we bought it also I basically bought all these boxes without knowing what's inside and so far not very satisfying I I would say this auction today here at this location was not satisfied with the content so far we still have a lot to go through about this is rough out here would you say Maybe what kind of surprise we talking what time is it you can't even believe that's true unless you looked in here there's a dirty diaper in the bottom how can they leave it like that how could you put this in storage how could that even be true label this bin before we put it in the cloud what cloud are they talking about like online there's so many of these bins that we're not even going to be able to open today and there's so many of them that just have the worst stuff in them like what the f I can't even I don't even know if this can be real this is lies something's going on here there's no way that hundreds of bins are just filled with clothes like this like just shitty clothes all right I think something fishy is going on here dude like the employees like took all the good [ __ ] out and put all the trash in here and there was way more stuff originally I mean why why would there be now we're going on like 50 different containers of just [ __ ] there's Nikes in here but they don't look that good see what I'm saying though like this is so weird right I mean look at this fire isn't it weird that that many things is like that would be in storage like what look at this yeah there's no way it's true who would store this look at this [ __ ] all right I say I say stuff is trash all the time but this is absolute trash garbage the fact that this is in here is wild I don't understand this so many containers that just have stuff just like this inside of it it absolutely makes no sense at all that somebody would ever pay for that I might as well just open these ones too while I'm here yeah so this is not as bad but still like what is this just paperwork wow look at this it has like ketchup or chocolate milk on it what is going on here so that was the auction and we loaded up everything else because we've been here for so long that we didn't want to take up too much more time so we have about 30 of those green containers that I didn't open yet but from the looks of what I I did open I'm not I'm not going to be surprised if most of it's trash the only thing is there's dumpsters here over here and all the stuff that I took to put in the dumpster the other people over here actually took about 80 or 90 percent of it I don't know where they're from but obviously they're going to sell it or use it for something [Music] [Music] do you want to look in this one too yeah all right so most of the stuff that would have been maybe thrown out the lady over there actually took she took it off so that's good there's still some more remnants over here can you believe that was that much crazy stuff in there that's it case closed peace out I'll be back here even though that was so crazy I'll be back even though I got smoked [Music] here it is all the rest of this stuff is loaded in the trailer and then we got some stuff in the back of the truck I don't know maybe this piece here might be the best thing we got honestly but I'm gonna drive back home and hopefully I can show everybody more stuff in this video but we got like an hour and 40 minutes to go home maybe an hour and 30. we're hitting the road hitting the road Jack good day good hustle boys no no gloves look at this I forgot all the gloves so actually I bought three other pallets that I totally forgot about so now we're moving all that stuff over here so I was getting real down on the situation but there's a possibility there's some actually good stuff in this palette look at this girl baby Bean all right back home so it was a long day out on the road getting the stuff from the auction bringing it back here so I was look at this stuff bean I got all this today you can see it so I was being a little bit negative because a lot of the stuff was really bad in the first you know couple pallets I opened up I'm gonna try to stay positive I think tomorrow if I go through it more this one in the big box here is a TV I never looked at it maybe it's nice I probably have some decent stuff in here hopefully enough to uh get my money back so stay tuned and we're gonna go through the rest of everything hopefully in this video I can show you guys all of the good stuff that we got if we did get any but at the towards the end I was Finding better stuff I just didn't have time to film because I wanted to come back home hopefully we can pay for what we spent today which was around like five hundred dollars all right none of these have been opened yet these are from different lots too some of these so I honestly really have no idea what's in these this is crazy to open these I need some real snippers I need better snippers but yeah so this is closed I'm gonna have to say this is a no with the shower cap this could probably just be donated I guess anything that's not closed clothes and shoes so that's not the worst part some Timbs some medicine in there class this is wild this is weird nothing but clothes for the last like eight containers more clothes all right so we got stuck with like 15 containers I've just closed like some of this isn't that bad but for the majority of it I can't store it for you know 50 cents two dollars like I don't know fusai jeans maybe they're nice I don't know maybe this pair would be worth keeping but most of this stuff is gonna get donated to these clothing bins which do support the veterans but also I think a company makes money off of these and they give a percentage to the veterans but it's better than ending up in the trash so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna literally just take all the stuff out of here and put it in the Box [Music] back again still working on so right now I'm going to take everything out this has been sitting for the in the yard for about a day I got overwhelmed when I was unloading before just with other responsibilities today we actually shot a commercial for our friend for a hardware store so things just kept coming up but now I'm going to take everything out and I'm really going to go through it now tonight right now unload put everything on that pallet over there go through it or unwrap it separate good from bad put all the good back into containers and then put another pallet over here in the corner of the yard with all the different green containers with everything for the yard sale on there put a tarp over it leave it and then like when we have the yard sale in a couple weeks uh it'll be ready to go I shouldn't say these people I should say all the different stuff I bought was a mixture an array of different items look at this security jacket I showed that stuff I'm not sure what this is possibly valuable there's tons of Jewelry in here and at least some of it's got a little bit of value because I in here there's a little keychain that says suppose it say on the actual piece 925 but I think that's silver possibly with a gold coating so not a total loss on that piece this shirt still has the tag on it I don't know where the other one of these is but check this out money money money it's like almost a stack in here of Jamaican money so I don't really know the conversion rate of that but there's a five Honda but I just thought that was weird to find so much money but maybe it's not really worth anything a watch with a broken thing for a weave that's weird [Music] wow this is whacked a little pipe that's creepy crack pipe probably from the looks of it I'm under not understanding why somebody would need a five it's a whole box of Tampax like this many maybe they got them for free somewhere random assorts assortments of shoes I mean I'm not really even understanding not very expensive shoes either look at this vast majority of this stuff is really bad but I'm seeing some some cool shoes in here about to crack this open it's feeling like these championships were something special I don't know why I feel like that oh what are they ever ruined wow maybe not though I don't know haven't seen really don't know for sure this is a an extreme situation though these these storage units wow look at this Coach wallet pretty nice actually what is this stuff look at this cell phone missing the gift box it says CDs [ __ ] and pagodi another cell phone it's for the casino or something I know that's for Spider-Man play wow check this out Blockbuster membership card I gotta give that to my boy so these suitcases were packed up and then put in storage with everything inside this is a crazy crazy way of storing all your stuff especially if it's just freaking towels look at this towels Tails Tails Tails Tails Tails smells crazy in here look at this vintage Bonnet type whatever you call that I'm just throwing all the Vintage clothes even though they're not like high value vintage clothes they're still old I'm just throwing them all in this container over here but all the rest of this stuff is towels and this creepy perfume bottle that's inside of a shower cap holiday in what you doing nothing chilling at the Holiday Inn Blair more original so dirty all right let's open up this one wow how long has this stuff been in here green and purple corduroys that's weird I'm the only person that I even know who has both green and purple corduroys other than I guess this guy wow who would have thought I would have a matching style to this dude in here what is this I do this is a chinchilla that's what they call that which is basically a pink jumpsuit I'm seeing so that's actually pretty cool there's a bunch of those I had some stylish freaking pink pants though is this a guy's pants no these have to be women's this is all vintage clothes though so I don't know like somebody might actually want to buy all this I'm not really into this kind of vintage clothes I'm wearing the like stuff from the 90s and 80s but I don't know maybe this is the Vintage claims for someone wow what that is realistically this stuff is is old some of this stuff is old what you gotta stop now this is too crazy I don't know about all this it's getting weird now I'm starting to feel like this is a full-blown Time Capsule I feel like this was put in here in the 90s Tucker Nets there's a lot of vintage clothes in here that's why I'm just putting all the Vintage clothes aside keeping my eye out for anything that might be like straight fire this is all vintage maybe somebody would want all this I know that somebody would like what is this that's a set look at that though militaries equipments military what does it say it says military's equipments could just be a button though I don't know the Safari shirt super cool same thing it says military's equipment I never heard of that before that's probably because it's older than anything I know look at these red look at the white pants some of this stuff is straight Epic these would like literally fit me I think they're definitely women's though more pants look at these shorts did you hear that elastic crazy crazy crazy this scarf this stuff's been in here forever it has to have been and this I already found the Blockbuster card and the Toys R Us bags throwback and a half Toys R Us bags fill with the items and the receipts bought in New York New York and then this one which I didn't open yet it's like a full-blown time capsule Power Ranger Samurai and there's other stuff with it look Power Ranger Super Samurai that's what they were into all these see Super Samurai Power Rangers blue one a little backpack of it hat and then they got the karate belts too in here so these containers were from somebody else because they have clothes in them but the clothes are washed and the other containers a lot of the clothes were not washed they have egg around Poe secrets of freelance writers this was a writer this person I think we have always lived in the castle with a black cat on the front doesn't look bad so books and then I'll put like all the clothes together in a Kyle but this can go for the yard sale all these clothes are nice actually the ties are vintage I should put them back with the other stuff and then I can put all the books in one container which I'm not really sure why they didn't do that to begin with little pieces of artwork I have a CD container that I started so all the time is just in like organizing this look at that it's a cool piece and they have silverware in here darling silver so it says silver handle stainless blade so that could be worth money Sterling it says yeah that's a that's a pretty good amount of Sterling right there I mean silver is silver I've been going through all this stuff for a minute and I think this this is going to take a lot of looking through so all this these are all vintage vintage vintage pink pants like this is a crazy Style I don't even see a tag on this one and then we got these which are definitely vintage no tag and these both of these pairs like this has buttons all the way down the side just on one side but that says Gene Lamour I'm sorry I'm thinking possibly the lady was making these pants like she was a fashion designer I think because look at the stitching on this and then look at this it has just one thing down the middle here crazy it seems like she made it though I feel like someone made this this is gonna be an insane amount of editing but since I'm here I might as well film it Isabella Toledo for Payless print it out come get your afrobeat body okay that's fine Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Applause] original songs from The Princess and the Frog this is a computer charger I think headphone case Zealot it's crazy the amount of clothes that were in here two more big bags of clothes just unbelievable actually all right even though I know I've been smoked on this unit I haven't stopped filming because I want you guys to experience this entire Journey with me the trash storage might have to title it like I got trashed at the storage auction what is this this is like if somebody just packed up their junk drawer be better off just pouring it out yeah nothing at all in there mystery package another cell phone how many of these do we need does someone need I guess it's a pay-as-you-go phone maybe the way this stuff is packed in here it was packed in here with so much care look at how many headphones look at this why would anyone want all these it's not even an iPod it's a knockoff MP3 player and this cell phone look at this I mean I don't know I guess people get gold out of those all right so this is the only thing that I'm gonna say has serious value out of every single item and there was thousands of them in this the entire auction that I bought sterling silverware a whole pile of it this is what I was talking about the Vintage clothes though I have a feeling Laura Ming this is old stuff this is real old Clovis Ruffin never heard of it before but this looks like a fur some type of fur honestly no idea look at this the types of outfits that are in here are actually one of a kind now if I had to say what it actually was some of this stuff is old classics no idea no idea this is wild I'll just take it all out of here get rid of this thing because it's ripped all right good morning everybody what is up so for the first sale the first thing that I'm selling from all the trash it's not all trash I actually did find the problem is it was like a needle in a haystack from the good to the bad stuff so I did find some decent stuff in all of the storage that I bought but it was limited and the lot of vintage clothes from like the 1970s kind of blew my mind they do smell a little bit though and they've been sitting in those bags for decades but I posted them to Facebook so I actually I put everything in containers either for the yard sale or to sell and I put them under this Peloton tarp it's looking fresh so vintage clothes vintage clothes vintage clothes vintage clothes vintage clothes and this lady is coming to buy all these she has a store so her best price was 300 bucks and I'm taking it that I need to just push this stuff out so let's bust this out and I'll show you guys what it is all right [Music] hey how are you oh yeah hey what's up how are you doing good good how about you doing pretty well sorry I'm late oh it's it's okay so that's all that's all the clothes you want to look around in there we're good you're set yeah dead settled so how many totes was that I think seven I think all together and then women's I've always been struggling I'm like how do people find clothes store yeah I just um in Millville New Jersey okay I just well I'm almost and I'm about to be open like the next couple weeks okay but people keep asking me do you have clothes and I'm like like a few like less than 20. so when I saw your ad I'm like oh my god well I don't know if you sell online but I know some of these clothes could be worth really I'll have to laugh I don't have time to do it because I have so many yeah [Music] all right I'm sure some people are going to be yelling at the screen because I know that those items that I just sold are worth much more than three hundred dollars but the bottom line is I personally don't have the time and I personally don't want to it's not where my priorities are to go through each one of those pieces of clothes and list them online whereas the lady who just bought them she has a store that she's opening and she's going to shows like tomorrow she's gonna do a show where she's going to bring some of the clothes to it I'm not there in my life right right now so for me to push out the clothes and sell them get back you know money that I can put back into more content more videos more storage units more adventures with the family whatever that may be is worth it but I do think that that girl just got a steal I don't even know maybe 60 60 pieces of clothing maybe more for 300 and the majority of all those clothes are from the 1970s so that was true vintage at this point we do not have storage to store all this stuff so I basically took about 60 of these and minimized what was actually good enough to sell into this one pallet right here and now I've wrapped it [Music] with Saran Wrap cling wrap pallet wrap plastic wrap whatever you call it and that's good to go I'm going to tarp it again most of this stuff is for the yard sale although there is a one that's filled with nice shoes one that's filled with CDs potentially might end up in one of our whatnot auctions I'm not sure about what we're doing next but if we had enough of one thing like say enough shoes to do it or enough CDs and media like vinyl CDs and cassettes all that stuff we might do an auction like that the biggest best thing we got out of all everything at this unit at this auction which I'm calling we got trashed at the pallet auction because there was mounds of trash as high as the eye could see but also there was good stuff so we got the sterling silverware and I think that is in value of double what we paid for everything just the silverware so in my head that 300 that I just got was actually like a bonus on top of it but hope you guys enjoyed the content more to come soon and keep pushing everybody we'll see in the next video peace [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 40,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: got, trashed, at, the, pallet, auction, unboxing, mystery, pallets, storage auction, storage, trash, vintage clothes, vintage, funny, treasure, treasure hunting, sterling silver, sterling, gold, found, hunting, finding, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tucker upper, vlog, family, what's inside?, new jersey, south jersey, nj
Id: KZ7npQl3kVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 48sec (3528 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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