This $255 Storage Locker Was LOADED With 1990's NOSTALGIA!

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all right good morning everybody what is up today I actually purchased a 5x5 storage unit and we're here today and I'm gonna pick up the contents I just showed up and I'm about to open it up for the first time and show you guys everything inside oh my thing is oh dust Factory in there so honestly I have no idea what's inside these boxes this is beautiful it'd be sarcastic but the quality of these action figures still in the packaging wow wow no he did it freaking gold this is gold this is gold we're in the money [Music] thank you [Music] wow look at this um [Applause] all right what are we doing now okay so I drink bone broth in the morning just like a little cup of it Sam Finn likes it so I give her like tiny bit like look at this oh she loves it she loves it it's mushroom and chicken bone broth by fire and Kettle she's the cutest she loves it she wants more get her another sip come on don't be flying charity had a bad see I'm about to just cut her up some bananas though because this is my soup looks like it's hairs and nail looks like it's her suit now foreign how long you think he was here for I want to say two years so he paid for a decent amount of time yeah yeah we get that a lot some people um we had one yesterday they were here for like 10 years 10 years and then they let it go that's crazy yeah about the money races that's what I'm saying might as well not have even done it at that point exactly I think it's a lot of situations a lot of people get these thinking it's only going to be going to be for a while yeah just never get it out and with inflation and everything else you know yeah I got you the one um that was here for 10 years she also lost another and it was a 10 by 20 unit two of them she lost another one like maybe three weeks that's fair crazy yeah we get a lot of a lot of people that have like two and three units yeah and yeah all right cool thank you all right good morning everybody what is up today I actually purchased well I should say yesterday I purchased a 5x5 storage unit on an online auction and we're here today and I'm gonna pick up the content so last week I went to some pallet auctions did pretty well made some money so I figured let's just keep the ball rolling and roll that money into some more uh storage so here we are I just showed up and I'm about to open it up for the first time and show you guys everything inside so it's it's a lot of boxes couldn't really make out any one single item so what I might do today is load up the truck just throw all the boxes in there head back home and start unloading them and seeing what's inside but I will give a little peek of what it is just so I can see what I'm working with because it could be good and it could be real bad so let's see without taking up too much time let's just get right into this uh that thing is oh dust Factory in there all right first look at the contents random boxes so honestly I have no idea what's inside these boxes this is why I wanted to buy this unit over the other one because you could kind of see what was in the other one I felt like the one with all the boxes was more of a surprise and therefore it would be better for the viewers to kind of have a mystery so let's get into this I might just open like a few of the boxes and then just load the rest on the truck and head back home all right let's check out this first uh box here this guy might have been in like books paperwork I don't know this one though this looks pretty good [Music] dust is insane I have a mask on actually because that's just crazy but let's just check out this first box here just to see where we're where we're at Texaco truck cast Texaco truck look at this gold okay we're seeing something gold in here so these are all die cast little model trucks made in the USA scale models they're actually look they feel like real heavy people do collect these things for sure and look at this this is beautiful actually I know I'm saying that like as if it would be sarcastic but the quality of these is just next level I'm more excited to see what's in the actual bottom of this box though more more and more little little Die Cast helmet that one's made in China oh all right for the sake of the camera as well because I'm going to make some Instagram videos I put this on the ground so let's see what we got wow action figures still in the packaging Metal Gear whole box of action figures pure gold hold on check this out wow wow no he did it though we didn't just score this [Music] this is unreal freaking gold this is gold this is gold all right just found a whole collection of Nintendo games Super Nintendo so the first box which included that the die cast and the action figures I think it paid for the whole unit so let's see what else we got all right I think the first box may have just like paid for the whole storage unit so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna unload all this into the truck take it home and then open it with Sammy too hopefully she can see some of it just gonna load it up and if I something like pokes out at me I'll show you guys but this could be like one of the gnarliest unboxings I've done in a while if ever if even half these boxes are as good as the first one we're in the money [Music] okay in this business sometimes dust is good you know dust is gold see this all that dust right it doesn't just collect like that overnight we all know that it takes time so this unit was sitting she said over two years two years they paid they didn't just put this stuff here let it get all dusty like this pay rent every month for two years because they didn't want it so that's a good indication that there could be some real gold if the dust looks like this so that's one of the things online oh I can't even believe what I just saw in there [Music] sorry for the cursing but that looks to me like some Star Wars vintage gold right in there I'm gonna just bring it to the truck [Music] so these units get work like worked over time I did not mean to do that but maybe that's the best choice so I can take down this off the top so all together it's two boxes two boxes six eight ten twelve fourteen boxes I believe 17 boxes for 250. gnarly look Hess trucks and other Collectibles down there I'm not a big fan of the Hess trucks I don't really think I actually have some from when I was a kid because my grandfather used to get them for us but I don't think that they're cool they are cool but I don't think they're worth that much maybe like five eight ten twelve dollars each some that are worth like 50. but they really in reality they're about cheaper than they were when they first came out for the most part they ain't kidding heavy these are heavy these ones because they're boxes of books so this says like jacket that's not true oh maybe there's a jacket in the bottom I don't think that what it says on top is really what it is in the bottom and the cake dishes glasses kitchen but it's not actually it's more Collectibles so so gold freaking gold we just scored absolute freaking gold people check this out this is dust everywhere look at this crust Oleo I need real masks now this works all right because like the dust isn't going to go through here but I need like a mask under a mask it's that crazy I was gonna say too like if you'd like what you do it's always going to be easier to make it in this world and the way that the world is so if you can find something that you enjoy like how I enjoy this of course it's hard work I mean I'm out of breath like lifting all this stuff getting up and down in the truck drive it there drive it back unload it take it out post it whatever but it's fun so it's not that terrible it's not like a job that I hate all right everything's loaded in the truck let's go home let's get it let's go after it actually really what I wanted to do I'm going to cover this over and I'm gonna ride the electric skateboard through here I always want I just wanted to do it so I'm gonna do it [Music] that RV wow people store a lot of stuff back here look at that that old car Mercedes diesel [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's crazy the lady that I was talking to that works here they're building condos back in between basically the storage facility you can see it through the woods and she said they started like a year ago and there are they already built like 300 units they're not done yet but it's it's crazy how fast stuff goes up around here well really anywhere I guess but that was like the whole roof choices on that truck so they're going in [Music] all right we're starting off Spring with a bang look how nice it is got her whole setup going and lucky girl too so we got this out of a from the pallet auction this rug but nobody really seemed to want it on Facebook so now we're just using it using it for the beans Bean loves it put her in the shade I might bring her back out in the sun for like a tiny bit but she likes it should we test out this first box yeah yeah I got the gold mama you're not gonna believe it's real this box right here this big box is maybe the best gold we got I saw a little peak of the top and that's all I didn't even open the rest but check this out no way you'd never believe it's real are you kidding no I'm being dead serious I don't like that dust this is like Comic-Con no wow did you know those are in there no just that's why I saw on the top wow no babe look at this oh yeah oh my gosh gold Final Fantasy we gotta get it no no no no we just we just scored this is like a nerd's dream this is this is my dream so I guess I'm the nerd this though wow honestly I'm not even gonna act like I know what any of this is because I was never really a Star Wars yo I just shouldn't have dropped it like that but I got excited I know this guy bro I don't remember his name but gold the lobster I know that this is gold though this is money this is absolute freaking money this was an actual score this was the best storage unit I ever got in New Jersey no yeah for sure [Music] in the boxes too I think and gloves this kind of stuff this might be too cold even uh [Music] like to just sell it as a whole lot to someone maybe yeah just like bam this is I was just taking them out to show them you know air them off because I don't know how it looks on film but wow is this Dusty yeah like look at that crud wow the Final Fantasy stop what is that I don't have any idea it looks crazy though right I never saw or played the Final Fantasy myself I think I was gonna wild looking this looks serious die casted supercars though look at this the Lambe the lambo we're gonna need another table should we get Bob's table and bring it over here all right there's one big thing of gold [Music] because you were paying too much attention to this stuff yeah she was like I'm better than the Star Wars figures oh you're so much better and I know you I know you what's crazy is like we were never huge Star Wars fans but we Ben had got this exact one of these when we were kids and we used to play with this thing all the time because we would use it with the other action figures this one is from 1998. this has to be the same one yeah that would make sense yeah so we were seven years old and he was nine so yeah that makes sense that's right the land speeder we got the power of the force that's a newer one and then we got the Ferrari 360. a lot of books but that doesn't mean anything I mean they're not going to be super valuable but not All Is Lost some of these could be worth selling for sure and then there's like this like stamp collection right here stamps of turkey I guess thank you encyclopedia I don't know the books here's some of the books so I don't know if people actually like this kind of stuff but this was 125 dollars to buy it's an atlas of the whole world Maybe or maybe for a yard sale item atlas of North America's parks so when this guy had this came from Brigantine his Library set up he had a serious freaking Library like look at these fossil books and this one's about the universe crazy should we do more more of the gold yes hurry all right is that why he came back out no it just took me that long to uh put her down for a nap she ain't sleeping in there what I was fed her at least I tried to she was over it and she I she crawled right out of that thing like Finn can fully crawl if she doesn't crawl it's just because she doesn't feel like it at the moment but like she crawling all over her bedroom but obviously she's only seven months or so old so like I can't just like leave her crawling around I feel bad I can't wait until she can like just walk around and hang that's true yeah I don't know if it's the dust or allergies because it's so nice out but like I keep sneezing it could easily be the dust I was on these that's why I threw out all the boxes I'm gonna have to go get boxes out of the dumpster or something at least they won't be Dusty though right yeah I'm gonna hold this yeah yeah this is so gold it has like a box a box within a box so that it didn't fall through Maybe no I'm just thinking like there's actual better stuff in the Box oh there's an actual box in there yeah or it could be worse why is it so heavy what could this guy possibly have in here that makes it so heavy foreign more games PC that's a Star Wars guy this is just like PC games that's terrible I got hyped up for nothing I mean that's a deep box that's a deep box she's not wrong but it got moldy in the bottom I think yeah what is this another diecast truck why do they have this person that go and you had like two of these in your house but imagine having like that he just sit and boxes I honestly I have no idea no clue should we get to the goods why somebody would want or need all of these I have like anxiety right now because she's been sleeping in her little pumbersilla I don't put her down personally I don't put her down in her crib because in my head it's like oh in my head I just don't I don't I don't know I feel like the only time she should be in her like bed is when she's actually going to sleep for the night for now as like a baby because it gets her used to a routine even though lately she hasn't really been having any type of routine from the seventh month regression but it's cool it's cool we're loving it but I might actually go check on her we're gonna I'll show you guys yeah we'll reconvene all right oh I hate having masks on luckster are you enjoying this rug maybe we can just keep this out here for you yeah she's a girl look he's been coming inside too like at night and we're watching our shows she comes in and Cuddles look at this what is this [Music] just like all these toys like Ninja Turtles Earthworm Jim do you remember that dude really Ninja Turtle sees the OG wants wow I'm already I'm seeing pure gold in here this thing is packed up [Music] GI Joe truck wow all right this is getting out of control look at this vintage little tin police car check this out the dirtiest box in the whole thing oh man what I thought this was a pair of shoes at first because you said Nike on there these little like like a strawberry little like collectible thing I don't know it's called Divan pasta Hana Illyria yeah I don't know what I don't know what that is this might just be like trash really foreign animals I guess should we see what they are [Music] wow the ninja turtle one though that is so old school Alvin and the Chipmunks is that what this is no it's from The Rescuers yeah there's no toys in here though oh my gosh you know what that is that's the turtles uh yeah that is Ren and Stimpy I remember this thing too this is the technodrone or at least part of it that's what that brain thing crang would ride around in this with uh his Squad and then he would just be like in the Earth or like in dimension X they called it The Rescuers too and then they would come and try and get the turkeys somebody might want the stuffed animals though they had the yard sale they might Matchbox clean look at this stretchy guy I feel like I had one of those guys yeah probably right I feel like I had something like that too that's pretty much it right that's the other boy this is just like more toys little CB radio don't know why that's in there but I remember something like this from back in the day too cold you can just like mess with people and like grab something from them or like hand me like a sandwich with that I wonder if I could hold it oh my God I can does that look strange yeah use the arms are too fat to put like the actual Shield yeah my feet hold it out with the GoPro like that all right I thought this was going to be all books but it's not so this is a NASCAR blanket and then we got stuff wrapped up in here this looks like a Wells Fargo Stagecoach Batman with the wings yeah all four of them are there what else we got oh what more Batmobiles this is getting crazy I literally have a pillowcase that matches this is why it was so heavy got the BMW what else we got a little Christmas decoration wow this is this stuff in here for days what is that insane a little shoe no way comic books at the wazoo and Goosebumps books they had some serious late 80s through all the 90s claims in all these boxes this is so cool this is literally the same time period that I grew up in basically crazy [Music] that's like a foot look at that little Simpsons Sunoco or Simpson Sunoco Dave Schultz little collectible helmet that's a cool one little racing helmet so here's the deal we got some Turtle stuff not good condition random pile these guys Metal Gear oh damn these are the Die Cast pieces two of the Sunoco ones some GI Joe 1988 shout out to the 30 year old Grom GI Joe Legend then we got this stuff organized the Baraga pieces in here Star Wars and then all of the Sunoco plastic or these are like Sunoco Hess trucks I call them even though they're not Hess trucks and this stuff is still be to be determined there is comics in here spawn some gold just super killer awesome he's been in their Ninja Turtle Comics Green what was that Green Lantern X-Men all the classics really this is a crazy storage unit profit margin not that high as I thought it was going to be originally when I got excited when I first saw all the Collectibles but we'll still be there there's some good stuff in here all right so this is a crazy one each one of these boxes is also a goodie bag a goodie box that's like a copper plate or something 10. all right Wildlife Treasury dead sheets foreign books all right so usually at the bottom of here or even at the top at the top or bottom we've I've been realizing is not books so let's see what this one is even though it says books it might be something else let's keep going keep it going all right I'm seeing a blanket classic blanket oh wow that's weird looking that's just crazy looking no way in this crazy looking Ninja Turtle dude this guy's ripped off his ass look at his eyes that one's gotta go it's all crusty I could probably just leave these in here because Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles wow most of these are probably gonna have to be trash or donations gotta open the rest up just in case more books looks like it has all the mold on it too like a lot of the books look like that so not something I would even bother trying to sell honestly bikes magazine 2 000 and Counting so this is literally the first day of the new millennium and this is more toys so I gotta go through these really make sure there's nothing real good and that's pretty much it so that was the storage unit uh if there's any crazy like mind-blowing finds in the rest of the boxes I'll let you guys know but other than that that pretty much wraps it up so all in one day success went there bought it yesterday went there today picked it up went through everything probably make a couple hundred three four hundred off of everything if I sell it and another successful day living the dream so peace out everyone I'll see you in the next video so this storage unit was an absolute throwback to the 90s growing up having all these different I mean I didn't have all these but I remember this series of figures I think we had this guy pretty sure we had Spider-Man we had some Carnage but not that one I don't think I do remember this whole series though so this was all 1990s like 92 94 Marvel characters the big ones too I remember we definitely had one of these at some point we got the Super Nintendo game lot Sky thought Star Fox I mean Zelda spankies I'm not really sure about that I never played this one but that one seems like it might have a little bit of value we got the Ninja Turtle spread they were these are in rough condition they were used very aggressively see there's no hands on that guy never saw this before never saw this before as I never we never had this or this definitely had the technodron at one point in time and possibly this guy laughing gas the door's messing and the stop sign I remember this guy that little sewer Surfer we got all these plush pieces GI Joe vehicles not sure about this 20th Century Fox I don't know what this is it's not GI Joe random random box for the yard sale I guess and then the Star Wars stuff which I think is about to be sold yeah there was a lot of 1990s action figures and toys in this storage unit lots of different stuff crazy I'm trying to get everything inside before the rain comes though oh yeah the super cars I'm about to sell these foreign so what I've been doing I just want to give you guys a flat out truthful way of the way I've been selling stuff is I've been making lots so I basically calculated that some of the games like Zelda is worth about 30 or 40 this one might be 20. Spanky's was actually worth a little bit so like these three games are at least 50 and you gotta figure the rest are 50. Street Fighter 2 that's a good one so a hundred dollars for the lot I don't like to overestimate by a lot because most of the time stuff's not worth what the hype says it's worth and people are not going to be willing to pay top dollar for items unless you sit around and hold on to them for a long period of time I like to just blow stuff out to other people that maybe want to sell it again or they want to take some games from here and then sell the rest personally I don't want to play any of these games so I'm going to sell all of them I did the same thing with the GI Joe lot same thing with the Ninja Turtles a lot same thing with the Marvel action figure lot we did the Sunoco trucks that is a lot and then I did now I just can't even think of it because there's so many different ones so that's what I did I broke everything up posted it as Lots and now we'll just sit and wait we already made our money back off the Star Wars stuff that sold pretty quickly and we already are in the profit Zone from that one sale so the rest after that is just all profit pretty good for a local storage unit I have to say it was fun to do a lot of work but worth it [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 59,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: this, $255, storage, locker, was, loaded, with, 1990's, nostalgia, storage auction, storage locker, unit, 5x5, treasure, treasure hunting, treasure hunt, found, star wars, tmnt, gi joe, vintage, toys, comics, books, bought, finding, teenage mutant ninja turtles, vintage toys, fun, vlog, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tucker upper, family, funny, laughing, sunoco truck, hess, die cast, cars, model cars, spider man, marvel
Id: ANp8d6hjcm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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