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welcome to the Berlin flea market here we have a bunch of crap no way Bhandari for all okay don't ever show me nothing to kindness she would say I know how sad you get in some major I still get that way but it gets better it gets better it gets better look dad Oh soon as these knobs it in the morning early morning cleaning for the cat are you ready for the heat today okay the gale winds and these winds are crazy out here flea market claims say yeah he's like I ain't got on the I'll be here in the warm just bring out land is on a lease okay good morning everyone it is another beautiful day in paradise regardless of the gale winds and the freezing weather we're not gonna let that ruin our day I'll just push forward we are doing the burn lien flea market today in Berlin New Jersey and I'm loading up some last-minute stuff now and then I'm gonna pull the truck around back and hook up to our pink trailer our flea market trailer and then we're gonna be off on our way putting the last few things in I wanted I had actually loaded one of these chairs and had the other one ready to load and then gale winds last night came through knocking everything over and it was raining and I just put a lot of stuff back in the garage cuz just seemed like it was gonna break and like these glass like everything was getting wet and blown around so hopefully we're gonna try and go now and do it and see how that works so load not for the flea got to keep it keep it pushing it is literally 526 in the morning and this is how you gotta be you gotta hustle in this business to make it work so on it so I guess guys just bear with me with the wind because it's gonna distort the audio a lot throughout the day I know that and I'm really sorry I do have to figure something out I thought the boom mic from the top of the camera that I bought would help but it just is just as bad but we have this back of the truck filled with junk already some claims I never brought there before some claims I have brought there before and then we have the trailer which I'm gonna take this blue tarp off and put on a that thing got destroyed in the wind wow it was windy out here last night that's crazy I'm gonna use this trampoline thing that I use for a tarp because it has holes in it so when you're going down the highway it doesn't blow off the whole time the air just goes through it and I came up with the idea through a suggestion from a couple different people and then I ended up getting our friend Alex with scrapping his camping so I kept a tarp top so this is the actual bounce part for the trampoline but this works great I'm gonna be using this I'm gonna be taking that off and alright have my first cup of coffee for the day stoked about my Sammy and tuck mug got this from our friend Cindy like I always said coffee before claims well Sammy claims that actually I made some I made some claims already today but what this table is gonna go with us this is a nice folder and then hopefully that table too actually all right what's the claim it's Wendy wait - all right so we're in the shed here this is my idea to bring some of these Star Wars toys and starting town for five to eight dollars a piece see how that goes whoa whoa whoa they're not in great shape but list them on eBay it's kind of a burden so who knows maybe there's some Star Wars collectors or people that want to burden themselves over the extra couple dollars but I found all these in the trash so I got like these plastic bins and I like to fill them up this is like my newer newer kind of idea fill them up with gold and then hopefully you know you sell most of it and then you can bring them back and refill all right load it up and ready to go so we got a small truck bed of claims of junk and then a pink trailer full tarp Dover overflowing with flea market dreams you [Music] can I have just one spot for Monday [Music] thank you have a go on turn my head knees just like standing there in this card are not hey what did he say got any go right easier every week sorry I opened the door cuz the car wasn't on spot like we're just outside I don't know I'm like I need to like start moving around because it's freezing cold out all right we just got our spot I got it I got it oh you got it [Music] [Laughter] all right we're getting set up here at the Berlin fly about to do a little time lapse but this this isn't just a job and a half [Music] are you taking the plumbing tools yeah I got changed all right thank you [Music] all right I'm crouching out of the wind here but we are set up Sammy just went to park the truck because the spots are pretty much too small to fit the truck and the trailer which is fine but that means we have to drop the trailer unload whatever is in the truck onto the tables parked the truck and then walk back over here and I see her now she's coming so we made one sale we sold the plumbing tools that now I can't remember where they came from either way I think they were from Susan we got them for I was going to scrap them and I we just made ten off of himself not bad first sale today what's up at the other hand thank you you're gonna take it okay yep you change hold on ten each firm on that because I had to mark 15 but you're taking it is it a railroad light but what is it for I used to think you use it for camping for oh okay yeah you can put it right here is that your boy are you gonna ride that thing I saw videos of it and they like go down hills and then they turn like a snowboard it's pretty crazy I never read it deck is taking the radio okay cool yeah we have a bag right she's holding one I can use this or do you need that yeah there's a little bags is there how are you good you find any gold in there not for that price right it's it's still like a nadir that five the five dollar thing and that's two and that's fine okay how about eleven okay thank you thank you all right we woke up at 5:00 and it is now 8:30 and we're not even totally set up here at the flea so if anyone's at doing the flea was easy it's not this is a full-time job here's what we got this spot right here this tables ours this table this is trash got these two boxes not unloaded yet fully this table all these shoes and then we got this table set up family your family I don't that you you ice right now I surround myself with them you know so then it's not so obvious you got your tent 4 bucks not bad right what are you smoking a backwards what does this one sweet they're these ones that Swiss or sweet no black a mild so okay yeah 89 cents 95 not bad not bad for years even though they were on sale what places they charged you a certain amount yeah oh you're still stuck out the characters to each okay here's that five right there every other dudes good weekend yeah at least it's not raining that yeah that's good you gonna you're gonna sell today yeah Kingston Jamaica right here's the top there you want it okay thank you have a good one okay so you got the yellow one and then not much three and four there's nothing there really one dollar each yeah okay then then we're done here yeah all right what's the claim get me on my way check out all your videos come on yeah you bought in an apple in what year I forgot that boy 104 it was going down to 165 now he's got Monday he's gonna go up how's Facebook of the blue one day I saw with no reply flip-flops be possible because the thing in boobie politics right now I don't know I don't watch the TV ever there was one BB th started seven thank you went to 77 when you wanna get stopped and they so I'm praying I have all my money there guess what the following morning we start going up again when they saw what I sold me right away forget it no stress there but he went all the way up we need to know what the thing could go up duty for all the boys I clean for the boys Here I am a Jersey up my wife and daughter in Florida their claim is I'm just trying to find some hot wheels you got a couple yeah I got a few get a few not today we were talking about her birthday we went to New York is it happy birthday dude thanks to the porch okay you want a bag for you I got like you got those bags all you just bought all the Star Wars toys the way all the shoes that we brought all the cheap people are buying it's cold it's windy it's pretty miserable yeah what are you so the wind out here so crazy you just blew this off the table it's shattered it this was a cool lamp too that's just the job description out here alright so we've been here for hours and it slowed up a little bit now this people here are the pop to box thank you one down nice creepy stuff me too dragons I'm a Barbie door baby you wanted s this is I was doing for 500 set thank you do you think it's good put it in paper this thing's just gonna be trash dude it's all wet on the inside yes to the Berlin flea market here we have a bunch of crap right so here's what we got these people left are anything over their table it's weird because that's like a new table and it has mold on this is our stand here so we got going everywhere the casserole dish what I use this for is score [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so the wind is a little bit heavy but Sammy selling these two stools we got from a foreclosure for 25 bucks hard bargainer I mean not a hard bargainer good good dealer cuz I would have taken ten for this good deal dude okay I would have taken I would have told them ten I'm so good I'm so over this stuff I tried twenty-five for those nice that they're gonna come back over here hopefully yeah they will just be like you can fill any moment you can fill this box for ten dollars we should do that that sweatshirt is gold dude found it that's the right there the bootleg life yeah we are at the Berlin flea we're about I don't know 80% done the day it's almost 2:00 we're pregnant state till 4:00 but the insanity of doing the flea market in New Jersey we haven't done Columbus this year yet so I don't know how that one is supposedly better but is really you got to be really dedicated to this life because we woke up at 5:00 drove about 45 minutes and to sit in the freezing cold wind and we have sold a great deal of stuff we sold a lot of stuff but it's really hard because you just want to imagine a situation where like everything just disappears and you don't have to pack it back up but that never happens no matter how much you sell to there's just always more but I do think that today we were pricing stuff higher than normal and it didn't really even make a difference people still if they're interested in it they're gonna buy it and if it's too high you can always just negotiate it down so we made some decent money and there's still a lot of people here so hopefully we'll make 10 more sales hopefully we'll say gotta keep pushing out the dream doesn't make itself happen that's for sure and I am super like winburn maybe not really sure but there's a bunch of crews out here looking at the stuff now wanna like a bag or something some kind of antique shop or third store grandparents house or great-great grandparents house there we go as soon as they have them on Etsy like yes they are everywhere we go yeah everywhere we go which is a lot of places which means a lot of people go to all those places if you look you'll see we have some DVDs here Curious George Dick Tracy and Nancy Drew lost in space movie which I'm debating on keeping I really like blue glass not everything though just certain items like this I would keep like coffee beans or something in this then I like it because it's really tight we have a lot of glass pieces like this this says someone's name Maggie Smith you never know we have this toolbox it doesn't really close right so we were trying to get two dollars or I couldn't even get that we have this rug which was in lucky Atlantis's room but we got a new rug that's bigger and I like to just like kinda move stuff around like furniture if I find pieces that I like enough to switch mouths because I think that helps keep like your mental flow like switching things around getting used to change a lot is really healthy I think so yeah I just like blue glass these are all you got a little bit of blue glass over here name oh it says Nantucket not man Tucket oh man Nantucket Island this goose which like if you saw this at the store it would literally be like probably like ten dollars at the cheapest I tried to get two dollars thrift store you mean first story would be like 50 exactly or like Hallmark store would be like 80 expensive 25 30 15 at Hallmark at the lowest but I tried to get two for it and couldn't even do that but it's okay we got this vintage Wheaton glass son George Chester yes North Cape May [Music] sure who's in the kitchen oh yeah there's four because your mom like gave some to your aunts - right and I I sent some to my mom and we have and all I got one right and all I got one yet I did sell a piece of blue glass but then I have these you sold one piece for 15 that wasn't bad so I was thinking about giving jay burnham been like maybe pieces like this if we don't sell them because they're trying to do their house like boho style we have the Anita Portugal clay pot it's like I think I think it's for like a plant or something no it's just her token for play at life if you want Ava did that guy want anything specific I answer any of you just looking for anything specific and you just ignore pizza just like all right moving on so and then we have this thing and then this over here it's like we have all these clothes yeah I like this we have little plates breaks Jennings the old pub stop this bill 1894 yeah so there isn't this row I've noticed that the road that were usually in has a lot more foot traffic and this one doesn't but it's also really windy and like I've wind burn on my face and like my eyes are like burning from the wind just even it's like cutting through my glasses and it's like I don't think people are enjoying looking around so like it just kind of I agree like they normally would spend like ten minutes there's like it's fun to like dig through stuff but it's not that enjoyable when it's freezing and the winds like burning your whole like good boy down and and blowing stuff down and you should get impatient I understand because I wouldn't want to be out like looking around for stuff in this weather either so yeah I brought this because I thought that it would sell but I don't know I really like this mare I was going to hang it up but I was scared but I think it's the type of stuff that people like but I guess maybe not the people here and then we have these cups the Peace Bridge this is they these people this whoever lived here must have like Buffalo cuz they're all like Buffalo cups but these are nice mugs it's just I don't really need coffee mugs like I would sell all those mugs for $1 if we had the chance as long as I knew they were going to like them and then this picture is so cool actually it's my agra falls at but the rainbow like whoever got this shot was like so souped cuz this shot somebody actually got this shot like this is a really cool picture I mean I put this up my house it's sick so yeah that thing that no one ever wanted that's from Dorchester crazy that just broke right there that's the wind right now all right made some last sales but we're thinking it up now we're throwing out a bunch of stuff and then I just load everything in the trailer and the truck and bounce out of here but we might do a little time lapse here all right we're parked up at this diner what's the claim linor Leonard I'm getting breakfast uh did it's so late it's like Sammy deserves but this diner is like a local spot where we go sometimes and it's pretty cheap it's the same lady every time and no one's ever here these are the employees cars right here and there's one truck in here so literally the only people we've ever seen in here like 80 or older and it's just so relieving to not have to see people that we know which is kind of a weird thing but both of us are in the same boat but we'll show you what we get good food in here this is the local spot right here I'm still gonna get coffee that I think look at this one crew and that's it is it perfect the famous French on y'all Oh game change hot I can tell Zizek French onion soup Turner's first time eating french onion soup all right you guys get to witness my very first taste of someone French on your home just get the broth first I just want to try some of this too I don't try the broth first it's like tastes like mozzarella like mozzarellas chloral mmm good what all right let's check this out golden-brown pancakes and an egg and cheese sandwich on white toast which white toast I shouldn't be doing but it's what it is thank you what do you call this cheese ravioli ravioli with Tommy and mozzarella cheese base is very all right I'll take the fresh piece I'm gonna do it legit review here so it's fellas get it get this as you can see egg and cheese nothing spectacular but the way that they put it is they did an omelette style egg and then they encircled the cheese in between it see that so we'll take the first bite and he already knows he like six the same thing cool kids every time he comes here perfect egg cooking college I don't like wet eggs so I will so that the toast on the inside is a tiny bit soggy but that could just be because she ordered lunch or a dinner platter and I ordered a breakfast wanted breakfast takes a lot shorter to make and it was probably sitting there as her raviolis were coming out so I can't necessarily believe the restaurant I'd more have to play him Sammy it's not right but clearly he likes what he gets a you got to get white toast even though it's not good for you but not probably honest after not eating of me all day I would have to give this meal 10 to 10 taking in of course the environment also right now it's around to like you know I like in a restaurant sometimes you have to say like directly next to someone who's eating and like act like you're not looking at them because like it's awkward in here don't have to worry about it there's no one's around caught you can't even get back home with that trash picket look at this little dream though this is this little movie projector thing oh this is heavy add that to the claims all right parked up back at the house roof heavy dad to flay we feel seriously legitimately wind sunburn from the wind because it was so crazy like our faces feel like they can peel on this but I had a great day we sold a ton of stuff wish we would have sold everything but you know that's never gonna happen but we did probably left with like half of what we brought which is amazing it was a little hard to film because of the wind and the audio and in the great beginning there was so many people crowding us that it was hard to even really film because we had like pull stuff out of the car and talk to people and set prices and sell and a lot of the items we didn't even see until today but yet went off without a hitch perfectly actually almost had a heart attack as the cop got behind us on the way back pulled out behind this followed us for like two miles and then just feared off I thought he's gonna pull us over and try and ticket us for something but he did it but you know the feeling doesn't feel good a successful day and the dream continues we will see you guys tomorrow for some more claims and we are picking up another load of claims from the same lady tomorrow so stay tuned yeah alright so we have a problem with slight a slight addiction to hoarding or just getting stuff for free alright so I went on Craigslist to the free section just to take a gander which I do often and there's this mirror in Ocean City on the curb alert five hours ago is posted so maybe someone took it maybe someone didn't should we go look all right looks like someone took the mirror and we were just getting all stoked up about it so pretty much all that's left is some nasty matches this and a box of what looks like actually maybe some goods there's like a video camera in here can you hold this tap the light turning the camera maybe score me score is that like a battery for something any of these folks right sorry Swiss Family Robinson I remember that movie bring that if you read right on the bride yep all right that's it well we might have scored a handle okay we went to go off of a Craigslist curb alert and the mirror was gone that we went to get but we did score Van Morrison empty case nobody's going even in here in tune ready [Music] bunch of CDs the handycam box a tripod let's say it's not the greatest angle but you guys will be able to see what's going on kind of stoked a little bit about the tripod just to have an extra one it was gnarly for them to even get this tripod in here Wow they went all out so tripod not bad I would say total score high pro I don't know and then the handycam bag which I'm assuming in cases yeah the handycam camera this is an old-school camera but we scored a little bit I think that's pretty cool this is like something you would shoot a horror film on dude straight up so we got that cord supposed to hold fun in the computer with that high eight tapes iron LEDs we've got more hi-8 tape Xmas someone's home movies but really I would just pray tell me over that obviously not even watch it that's a little creepy so you may be charged battery there's what we got handicap Sony digital 8 steady shoot not sure if it works but I am definitely going to be charging it and testing it because I'm kind of thinking this is really epic actually but I'm not seeing the charger and probably the reason why they threw it out charger but okay we were thinking that a lot of times we'd like to go on Craigslist free and there is a lot of free stuff on there a lot of times so maybe we will do a full video about just fun stuff on Craigslist so stay tuned for that but another score gotta always be looking now you never know unless you go we thought we were going there for a mirror came out of there with the camera so you never know dream is out there [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 39,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flipping, free, items, for, cash, at, flea, market, berlin, nj, berlin farmers market, new jersey, junk, thrift, yard sale, cash is king, flea market flip, trash to cash, antique, cheap
Id: 2zD1W0I__FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 22sec (3082 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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