I Got Fooled

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it pains me to say this sports fans but unfortunately I've been bamboozled I've been schmeckel dored unfortunately I was played like a fiddle the video I posted last night titled worst date ever may as well have been titled worst blunder ever because I made a big mistake here if this was an episode of pen and tellers fool us I would have been thoroughly embarrassed by this trick and made as the prime fool for falling for it the video is staged it's all smoke mirrors and a script Nothing about it's real they made it up no one's tricked me this hard since the days when Chris Angel was making toothpicks disappear from his fingertips and I was 12 years old still drinking milk and sitting in my diaper this was a big moment for me recognizing that we've Advanced far enough in our civilization where sometimes Tik Tock videos are convincing enough to be believable so let's go ahead and dive into it let's get down to the brass taxs and the the ass facts this video comes from a user named Kevin Wesley Genie and from what I can tell he does occasional skits like this to talk about uh different things so kind of like Darman but believable and not overthe toop ridiculous what was really smart and I don't know if it was intentional or just one of those happy accidents Bob Ross talks about is the fact that the video didn't blow up on his account it blew up on a different account from a seemingly completely normal user so it made it more believable and authentic because if it came from the Kevin Wesley Genie account it'd be super quick and easy to figure out that it's not real because you'd see other content like this on his page so it worked out really well in his favor if he was trying to make this a viral video to talk about the modern dating scene or something like that now overall it doesn't really change the video I made about it since all I'm [ __ ] doing is making jokes about it in the first place all it changes is that it's not a real situation that I'm making Jes jokes about so it's not like the biggest deal in the world but it is still something very silly and a bit embarrassing that I actually just got fooled by [ __ ] Tik Tok video I would have never envisioned a future where there are actual decent actors on there that would be able to pull off something convincing like this cuz most of the time it's very painfully obvious when it's scripted and not real it's not fooling anyone unless of course you're like 6 years old and lack object permanence or something but this one was enough to fool not only me but a ton of news outlets as well as a lot of other channels online and Reddit too like and if you're full in Reddit you've done something extraordinary in the land of upd does very few things slip through the cracks so that is quite the achievement I it's just really surprising because again a lot of the times the acting on Tik Tok is atrocious it like worse than something you'd find off like the like the lowest of the low ad on Craigslist or like Fiverr or something and somehow the two people in this video do a really good job of making it really believable in particular the guy the guy in the the video is delivering the best performance I've seen since my role as the district 8 Hospital helper in The Hunger Games Mocking J part one I have no doubt that he probably studied my performance in order to get inspired and really like assimilate into his character and I'm happy that I was able to provide that for him but unfortunately I became My Own Worst Enemy by being the world's greatest actor and world's greatest tutor for upcoming actors as well because he was able to pull off something pretty impressive here so it's really the way he's able to convey a very believable range of emotions such as the astonishment when finding out he's being recorded the way he stutters through a lot of the statements he tries to make as well as kind of waffling a bit in order to try and explain himself and how he feels in the in the face of a date that's being disrespectful and now in the face of like an audience she's recording him for honestly top to bottom this was just really well executed most of these like scripted things that are supposed to deliver a message or supposed to be outrage ba or whatever always fall into the same general categories like don't judge a book by its cover or whatever trending political topic this one is just like a really small scale very authentic seeming experience that delivered a plot twist that had me for the whole loop-de-loop and pull here again it doesn't really change the video I made on it cuz it's just joking about the situation that was being displayed the only thing that changes is it's not a real situation that I was making the jokes about now there is something else I want to briefly touch on here that doesn't directly tie into this but in the world of everyone being fooled like me there is one thing that I think is a very important PSA and it has really nothing to do with like fake videos or anything it has to do with fake people and it has to deal with the fitness industry a lot of the people you see online are using steroids whether or not they're open about it it's going to vary from Individual to individual but a large portion of the people you're seeing online with these [ __ ] ridiculous physiques are using steroids I appreciate the ones that are open about their stack but not all of them are but regardless it is a huge epidemic I suppose I watched a really insightful Vice documentary about it two days ago now I know Vice is kind of falling off they're kind of cringe I get it but this is a really well-made piece on just how prevalent steroid uses become for teenagers and young adults and I as well as many others feel that it's entirely because of the state of social media online like I'm sure you all hear how low the barrier of Entry is to try and get started with content creation and it's super true but when you're trying to get started in the fitness industry there is at least one barrier and that's steroids this is a point that fillian mentioned in his video where he covered it and I think he's right on the money when you're competing in the fitness space online you're competing with some of the most yoked out [ __ ] Kaiju Monsters that Humanity has to offer and they're all on gear so in order to try and stand out and try and make a career out of this fitness journey a lot of people feel like they need to be able to compete on an even playing field with them so they start taking steroids and it's a [ __ ] awful thing to get hooked on and a lot of people online don't realize just how big steroid usage has become and I wanted to briefly mention this since I just got fooled by a fake bad date video I'm sure a lot of you out there watching this may have actually been fooled by a fake Fitness influencer making the claim that if if you buy their goat urine extract supplement you'll be able to have 45 pack abs just like them because they refuse to disclose that the reason they look the way they do is the product of of course hard work but also a large part of it is due to steroids as well so I'm I'm going to play you just a really short stream clip I kind of dove into this for quite a while last night I I won't play the whole thing I just want to let people know that a lot of the fitness influencers you see online are not the result of just hard work and dedication and a good mindset in the gym there is a lot of gear being used as well so I I don't want anyone to get like body dysmorphia or anything like that and I was watching filan's video covering this fillian does a lot of coverage over like fake Natty stuff gear all of that and it was just really insightful cuz I guess I was kind of blind to just how big of a deal it was PewDiePie made this video last year talking about how every Fitness celebrity is pretending to be natural when they're not and they're pedaling products under the false pretense that you can look like them when realistically you can't kind of like the liver King how the liver King preaches the ancestral tenants and all that even though he's got a crazy stack he is the result of steroids so I just want to give this blanket advice to everyone out there don't believe Fitness influencers who are making crazy claims about like what they do to get jacked and ripped if it looks unnatural it most likely is and no amount of buying their protein powders or or their multivitamins and supplements and all that is going to get you anywhere close to what they look like I just want to throw that out there cuz one thing is one thing I have talked about is there is a lot of [ __ ] that prey on insecure men and I guess this is a huge one now so just be aware you will not look like those Fitness Instagram models and all of that unless you're doing gear which you shouldn't do but why are they so bad if you look so good true how can it be bad when I look good you can get a crazy physique while being natural but you'll never get a physique like some of the [ __ ] you see popping off online now yeah I just wanted to briefly slide this in here because it does kind of tie into getting fooled by what you see online also just had a huge voice crack right there that was a [ __ ] big one but yeah uh hopefully maybe this is helpful to anyone out there that maybe is you know getting body dysmorphia from seeing all of these like Tik Tok and Instagram fitness models that are blowing right now wondering why doesn't my body look like that when I'm putting in so much hard work I I I'll break The Magicians code it's because you're likely not using steroids like they are and I don't recommend you start using steroids either they're not good for you obviously so just wanted to put that out there I recently got fooled and yeah that's about it see you
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,477,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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