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do I look like a happy camper to you didn't think so I'm actually extremely upset so the last two streams I've done have been plagued by technical issues that not even the inventor of the computer John computation could solve it has been an absolute disaster that I kind of want to just debrief on here because I I'm starting to get the feeling that I've been cursed by some type of being be it zenu of the Scientology Faith or be it bezel buub of the bub Faith something has placed a hex upon me where every time I try to stream now it doesn't work and I know exactly why they haven't been working but mainly I'm just doing this not only to debrief but also apologize for how horrible the last couple of streams have been because of this they haven't been watchable now I know all of you watching just had that little light bulb flip on inside your noodle and you said I know what happened something's wrong with your computer well sports fans I'm here to tell you that's not the case I actually know exactly what's gone wrong with the last couple of streams and it really is a set of unlucky circumstances so let's start with the the second to most recent one Spider-Man 2 a game I was extraordinarily hyped to play I was like a kid on I was wiggling in my seat kicking my feet in my chair just waiting for midnight to drop so I could stream Spider-Man 2 with all of my buddies and midnight rolls around I fire that [ __ ] up and I am greeted with the worst audio YouTube streaming has ever heard my capture card refused to allow the audio to play normally it was constant Perpetual crackling as if somebody was like boiling water all the time in the background of the of the game and then sometimes it just cut out entirely and I looked up every solution and I'm no stranger to this problem this actually happened to me about a year ago and I solved it by doing a couple of things that I tried to repeat on this night with Spider-Man 2 but this time they didn't work and I also did get a new capture card as a result of that previous problem just to make sure it never happens again and now the new capture card is doing the same [ __ ] thing Elgato said what about second breakfast Charles and gave me a heaping serving of dog [ __ ] so I have now confirmed that the problem was the capture card I've now done every single other option and I've ordered a new capture card which I am confident will fix the issue but I won't be streaming Spider-Man 2 just to give you a little update because I I couldn't wait I I've just been playing it on my own now so I'm not just going to start streaming it like halfway through the adventure so the mo meter for that will be up pretty soon but I I won't be streaming it which I'm really upset about cuz I I wanted to cuz it's a game that I I'm really enjoying and I was really excited for but just unlucky with the capture card deciding to say we had a good run I'm out and he just he said good he said goodbye brother and that was it so that was the first in a series of dominoes and by by dominoes I mean two dominoes it's it's been two streams that was trash like completely unwatchable and God bless YouTube chat for trying to baby me they tried to you know not hurt my feelings they're saying oh no Charlie the audio is great the audio is totally fine when I know it's I know it wasn't I can hear it too I've got ears I mean I know it sounded horrible and I don't want to just stream a game that sounds like that especially for people that are coming into the game for the first time it's a horrible look for the game they'll just assume that there's something wrong with the game as opposed to the stream most of the time which a lot of people did and and I don't want to like misrepresent Spider-Man 2 cuz it's not his fault you know Spider-Man did nothing wrong Peter and Miles they're out there doing incredible work and I'm in here [ __ ] thumbing my ass with a dumb stupid capture card that's making silly stinky noises you know it's not their fault so yeah hope hopefully the new capture card will fix it I'm very confident that it will though anyway let's move on to last night I'm not I don't even know why I'm pretending it it it just happened and I'm fuming and that's why I'm making this video cuz my blood is [ __ ] and boiling I made a video yesterday talking about the huge twitch change allowing for Simo casting where you can stream on multiple platforms at the same time including twitch now which had always been completely off limits that was the Forbidden section of the library you don't go to that section that you don't check those books out but they recently open the doors and said go for it so I was very excited to do my first multistream tonight I wanted to stream on YouTube and twitch and I thought it' just be a really fun one just to catch up with the chat and shoot the [ __ ] maybe go over some wacky stories and just have a good old time for a few hours so I did what any normal 21st century alpha male gigachad 5 foot6 Warrior would do I turned to Googling what I need to do to make that happen and I looked for the best option and unanimously everyone seemed to recommend something called restream which is a paid product I paid I think it was $190 for a whole year subscription to stream everything you just watched from me I recorded 12 hours ago I decided just to kind of sleep on it because maybe I wouldn't be angry in the morning I just played some Sunday morning pickup basketball and I'm still angry I'm still fuming so I do want to still talk about it because I I guess angry is not the right word I am angry like at myself I just mainly feel bad because the last couple streams have been horrible from me and I just kind of want to explain what's been going on so yes with restream I paid like 190 bucks the whole thing is is that it's able to broadcast streams on multiple platforms at the same time which I can't do natively through OBS I think streamlabs does have a way of doing that which I've been tinkering with but mainly I have now tried every single multistreaming tool so I I think I have a good handle on it now with restream in particular though last night I followed every single tutorial to a te I did everything by the book I followed the recipe and the cake that I baked tasted like [ __ ] I delivered an unwatchable stream that was buffering every 2 seconds and only lasted for about 3 minutes even though I had kept my stream live for close to 30 all that made it to stream was about 2 minutes worth of that which is baffling I still don't exactly know what went arri there but one thing I do know is I've got $190 in the [ __ ] here and nothing to show for it except for two embarrassing streams from last night one on Twitch and one on YouTube so horrible first impression for anyone who is tuning into my stream for the first time I couldn't have made that any worse if I had tried if I had goat seed the camera you would have had better content than what I broadcast last night and it is my fault maybe I should have done more experimenting so for like testing out the multi-streaming tools that I'm going to use tonight I just set up brand new accounts to broadcast it too to double check that it works maybe I should have done that for restream but I was really just trusting the reviews and all the tutorials when setting it up and it just didn't work out for me so hopefully tonight goes much smoother really I just wanted to apologize for the last few streams being just awful like not able to even be watched and also I'll go ahead and talk about this briefly since we're on the subject I I know I haven't been streaming as much as I used to I used to stream every single day and now I've been taking two three days off in some cases where I don't stream at all and the reason for that is because we have a lot of bigger projects now more so than ever that I've been putting a lot of time and energy into that I'm super excited for but it has of course taken away from my ability to stream every single night so I I'm actually enjoying it far more not streaming every single night not that I ever disliked it but there were plenty of times where I just kind of clocked in forced myself to stream on a given night even though I didn't really want to mainly because of like the twitch contract and meeting the hours so I'm having a lot more fun by doing more sporadic streaming I just wanted to explain the reason why I'm not streaming as much it's because that time is now being spent on some really [ __ ] incredible projects that I just cannot wait to share with all of you and also I have been just going out more in the real world over the last five or so years that I was with twitch with a contract I noticed that I would neglect my actual social life with my friends I it started to dawn on me that my friends and I never really hang out outside of just doing content together or playing basketball and that started to really bother me so I've been going out more with them and doing more in the real world with the people closest to me and that has also of course been extremely refreshing so but yeah mainly the reason I wanted to make this video is just to offer a genuine apology I'll even complete it with a classic YouTuber apology sigh because I do know the last couple of streams have been ex just extremely low quality unwatchable and I wanted to say sorry about that and just kind of explain what led to that being the case and hopefully will not be the case going forward I think I have fixed the capture card issue and the simoc casting issue so fingers crossed and hopefully you all give me another chance on stream here to prove to you that my streams absolutely [ __ ] slap that's about it see you
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,092,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VivtJ6lCv1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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