Worst Date Ever

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people recording the most embarrassing moments of their lives and then proudly posting it online has become an extremely common Trend I'm still not entirely sure if they do it out of pure delusion thinking that they're in the right or it makes them look good or if they do it knowing that they're going to be a punching bag and a spatoon for the internet to just make fun of and point and laugh at ultimately it doesn't really matter I'm just happy to be brought along for the ride they open up the door and they say climb AB board Charles this Train's Bound for cringe Town take your seat so I get to go on these pathetic Journeys with our protagonists here and today I've got a wacky one cooked up for you that I think probably a lot of you have seen CU apparently this went pretty viral on Tik Tok all let me just get the door for you okay he got me at the Cheesecake Factory y'all I you're not this [Music] pH yes uh our main character is upset because her date brought her to the Cheesecake Factory and now she's refusing to get out of the car kind of like a toddler that refuses to get out of the car to go to school cuz they just don't want to go she's just offended that he would dare take her to the Cheesecake Factory when that's not the most glamorous spot in the world would you want me to open the door for you look at are you you're recording me yeah yeah this is the Cheesecake Factory God this just feels so Sinister the video opens with him being pretty sweet he's like oh would you like me to get the door for you you know like quintessential Disney chivalry basically you know and he goes around the side to get the door and that's when he's ambushed with the realization like oh you're recording me and she's doing this all like very proud of herself for it as if she's somehow you know winning this whole exchange like it's some kind of competition like he brought me to The Cheesecake Factory so I'm going to film and shame him for this in front of my whole audience it's what he deserved he commits the crime of taking me to the Cheesecake Factory an unforgivable sin because she believes it's beneath her she's entitled to the highest end restaurant beini bottom has to offer here not the Crusty Crab not the Chum Bucket but that one restaurant that takes place in the giant pirate ship I forgot the name of it and now that she's not there she's having a tantrum and trying to put this guy on blast in front of her audience for it this is the Cheesecake Factory y'all what's the problem with that this is a chain restaurant who take someone that looks like this to a chain restaurant you want to talk about it I'm I'm fine with talking about even in front of them oh yeah I want to talk about it come on get on in the car yeah we going to talk about it I really just don't even understand what the problem is in the first place at risk of sounding like an out of- touch fool what the [ __ ] is wrong with The Cheesecake Factory I know it's become like a little bit of a meme over the last year or so but it's not some like dilapidated Rinky Dink stink establishment that just serves toxic sludge and shoelaces like some kind of barren Wasteland of bad food service or anything it's a fine restaurant it's a fine chain I I've never had like a negative experience there or anything it's also not super cheap so it's not like he's you know taking her to the worst place he could possibly find VIA Yelp reviews or anything like I've always enjoyed the Cheesecake Factory you're not going to go there and find glory holes in the bathroom stalls or anything it's a decent spot so I mean if this dude was trying to whine and dine me at the Cheesecake Factory I might end up strangling his [ __ ] with my busy I would be appreciative like it's not a bad restaurant and at the end of the day it shouldn't matter what restaurant or whatever the the date takes place in cuz you're not really going for the establishment itself you're going for the company of the other person to get to know them and see if you're compatible or see if you can have fun together at least that's how I Envision dating should be I don't think you're usually going there to just try and get like a good meal out of it it's usually to try and experience something with somebody else and see how things go if you hit it off or not when you take out a beautiful woman and you're courting her because I I get courted so you're courting her right you're supposed to take care of her you're supposed to cover her you're supposed to protect her cherish her treat her well right yeah you're supposed to do I agree I I went into this date as I expect well I appreciate the free tutorial on dating that she offers I have to say this lecture feels like some kind of monologue out of the climax of a romance anime you're supposed to cherish cover protect her keep her safe wish her well it's you're you're it you're not going to the front lines of a [ __ ] war zone you're going to dinner like what do you mean with all of this it's not like he put You In Harm's Way it's not like he like sat you down on landmines or something and played a game of chicken like he says you're just going to dinner and he's done nothing wrong you know she's acting like she's the ADC in League of Legends and he's her support uh with the expectations for myself to keep you safe you know to respect you mhm uh to pay for your food of course pick you up of course and just treat you like a gentleman which I believe I have done I mean you yeah you've been pretty nice but I mean cheesecake factor I on the other hand have certain expectations for a girl I go out with on the first date I expect her to be respectful too that's totally reasonable expecting your date to be respectful I think that's perfectly accept cable this was extremely disrespectful from her not only to refuse to get out of the car because she didn't want to go to The Cheesecake Factory but then to film this entire exchange blows my mind how she couldn't process how bad she looks and how much she looks like an [ __ ] here is beyond my comprehension and I really think it just speaks to this main character syndrome that half of society is deluded with right now where they're never in the wrong it's all the props around them that are wrong now there is another thing I want to mention she doesn't have to go to The Cheesecake Factory just because her date brought her there like let's say she treats The Cheesecake Factory like I do with Burger King hell on Earth you know it's the worst place in the world maybe she hates the Cheesecake Factory as much as I hate James cordon and she just really doesn't want to go you can still handle this in a really appropriate adult manner by just simply saying something like hey look I really I just don't like the Cheesecake Factory I've never really enjoyed it is there any other restaurants we can go to tonight and that isn't here and if not maybe we can just reschedule and do something else some other time if that's okay like you can still be super polite about it and have it be like a conversation with the other person as opposed to just whipping out your phone to try and dog pile and shame this person because they took you to a restaurant that you think is beneath you I mean I feel like I'm doing everything I'm supposed to do as a woman I got myself all made nothing wrong with The Cheesecake Factory right yes there's a lot wrong with The Cheesecake Factory look well look at I mean look at my plan where we were going to go originally I actually really wish she had dove into like all the problems with the Cheesecake Factory and just gave me her scathing review cuz I'm trying to figure out what all she could hate so much about the place but anyway I I skipped around a little bit here but I'll fill in the blanks the guy in the video is clearly starting to get very nervous because now not only is his date being directly disrespectful to him but now he also has to talk to her audience so he's like basically on trial right now getting interrogated and getting pressed because he dared take his dat to The Cheesecake Factory see now that's that's where that's where we should have went AR right there call them call them no what do you mean now see I mean I'm me for a reservation we can still get to know each other isn't there another restaurant you can call that like you know it's equivalent to that I mean you don't understand look at me I cannot go in the Cheesecake Factory there's nothing wrong I will die oh my God her attitude is so infuriating it's like someone wrote her as a character in a show that everyone is supposed to dislike it's just it's amazing that this is a real exchange now again I've I've cut quite a bit out here because it becomes mainly like a debate like she's treating dating like it's a battle so he tries to explain like look things haven't been great for me in our experiences so far either you were like over an hour late or an hour late you know previously and then you didn't want to like hold my arm or anything like that didn't invite me in so I was just getting the signals that maybe we're not at this point where we should be going to these super expensive restaurants together we should get to know each other a little bit you know slower at places like the Cheesecake Factory which I think is a fine uh thought process there like okay so we're not at the point where we're close enough or really getting to know each other enough that we should be going to these like really wild places let's start small that's something more like the Cheesecake Factory I think that makes a ton of sense and here he says like look this is where I think we could go at some point or could have gone and she's like nope that's where we should have gone tonight call them now and he just like no I'm not doing that so then she's saying call something else that's equivalently fancy she like no I'm not doing that either like I I can't believe that she still thinks this is a salvageable situation this is completely ruined this is kaput you you are not going to get dinner together tonight after this you you shouldn't be going to get dinner together after this you have refused to get out of his car you have decided to publicly try and humiliate him for something he didn't even really do wrong in the first place why the [ __ ] would he then go out of his way to go to like another wildly over-the-top restaurant or something like that it's pure delusion so respectfully I'm I'm going to just drop you off at home oh no he didn't yeah so you just want to call it a night I mean isn't there some kind of compromise or something uh ladies can you believe this I was actually shocked that he still drove her home and offered to take her and drop her off I imagine a lot of people in this situation would have told her just you know get out and take an Uber home or something so I do think this was a big W move from the guy here he felt very disrespected because he obviously was and he said look this is where the evening concludes I'm just going to take you home and somehow somehow she has the G to be surprised like I I don't understand how she would be shocked that he's just taking her back you've insulted him and you have publicly tried to shame him why in the [ __ ] would he still try and like compromise to find like a dinner for you two that evening so that's kind of where the whole thing stops I just don't understand why she would ever do this in the first place and not only do this but then post it it just it's so wild to me it's such a a fascinating concept cuz this is a truly embarrassing moment you have filmed one of the worst dates I have ever seen well I'm sure there's worst dates but like one of the cringiest dates I've ever seen because of you and you're the one that posted it it's I don't know it's [ __ ] awful that's really about it I just had to talk about it a little bit that's it see y
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,836,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0t8lCdG0dV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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