Googling Myself

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4AM radio by Aden Bonet

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Green-Negotiation-51 📅︎︎ May 28 2022 🗫︎ replies
today i'm gonna be googling myself recently my ego has grown exponentially and my content is nowhere to be found so i'm doing what every other youtuber does when they reach this point and i'm gonna google myself i'm gonna clear the old search history get rid of all the porn i've been watching all the men let us start with the classic i'm gonna just type in jay schlatt and see what happens so the first thing that comes up is uh j schlatt age and i don't know if you guys know this but uh i'm a pretty young fellow i am 22 years old i know a lot of you are probably thinking wow that's like half of what i thought you'd be i mean you send like your uh two wives in at least that's not true i am 22 years old this year i would have been graduating college it's actually kind of nuts it's actually kind of sad i got to say i love these sites though jay schlatt age bio real name net worth height funny mic funny mic right that's that's the sixth thing you think about when you when you think about jay schlatt in 2021 it's funny mike hold on i want to see what image they have for me [Music] that is probably the image i hate the most i don't know who took it i don't know when it was taken but it exists and it's haunted me ever since jay schlatt born september 10th 1999 as american youtuber video game streamer he is popular because of his gameplay and his streams of playing it's always the [ __ ] minecraft i can't get away from it everywhere i go man everywhere i go i logged onto that server twice like dude literally five times max i was on that [ __ ] thing okay can we please stop please no i'm a minecrafter i'm a streamer the new york times published an article like a week ago calling me a comfort streamer comfort streamer when was the last time i provided a stream or comfort to anybody similarly he uses a funny mic logitech c920 microphone that makes his voice hilarious and differentiates him from other streamers oh man that's funny to me it was a shitty logitech webcam that i turned the mic on and i just that was my humor that is why i am where i am today and you know what too [ __ ] easy i mean you guys you guys really you'll laugh at [ __ ] anything look at the comments all my name is in [ __ ] quotation marks you guys think that's hilarious i don't even know i don't get it i [ __ ] get it he studies computer science and cyber security while in college no i have not done that in years i think i dropped out in uh september of 2019 which was a big move for me but you know i realized i can come home and i can do my stream and then make more money that i'd be making you know in 20 years of working my way up that corporate ladder it's pretty crazy i'd be in a lot i'd be in debt too i'd be in debt jason is also rumored to be in a okay a student debt of 90 000 no joke joke i don't know if you know but i did recently spend 95 000 on a big monkey statue i wouldn't have done that he also stated that he attended harvard for four years joke joke joke i didn't some of his nicknames are wilbur's pretty princess smokestack the pacifier starring vin diesel great movie mr mustache mr business and fruit ninja and you know what it's funny because i distinctly remember calling myself all of these let's keep going he has shown his hatred for barack obama by posting memes on his instagram handle no i mean again again like my hatred for obama it's all it's all a joke it's a joke guys it's a joke obama has done a bunch of great things for this country he built the hospital you know you want to learn about that google what's on the screen right now google it you'll see all about it great guy love him uh popular streamer has been reported to have parkinson's disease no no i don't have that oh [ __ ] here we go all right jay schlatt net worth the net worth of jlet is a hundred three thousand dollars as of 2021 listen i'll say it right now i hate i hate watching videos like this when youtubers clickbait the [ __ ] out of how much they make and they never tell you what it is yes i did that [ __ ] like 10 years ago where he was like about to say it and then oh oh no i my camera stopped recording [ __ ] you and 103 000 bucks i wipe my ass with a hundred three thousand bucks [ __ ] you for that i own a company gay schlett is very tall for the height see this is why you always trust these sights guys this is why you always trust these sides because he is six feet three inches tall i am i'm actually six three a lot of people don't know it i'm a big guy you know i'm wide i got wide shoulders i just go up you know let's try is jay schlep is jay schlet american yes is jay schlatt retiring no but i did upload that video uh talking about how i was thinking of retiring and everything i said in that video is true uh it has crossed my mind many a time i'm just looking to do some new [ __ ] and i think you'll see it pretty soon jason left-handed uh yeah i am i am part of these the silent minority of people use my left hand for everything except frisbee and jerking off he's jay schlatt in the dream smp let's find out [Music] yes damn this place has really uh really let itself go huh jesus christ i can [ __ ] fix this is jay schlatt part of otk yes i am i'm a co-owner of otk actually i'm in charge of the youtube side of things we shoot videos here on the couch if you want to see him link up there and yeah it's a fun time jason like quitting no not yet and is jay schlatt tubbo's father what the [ __ ] are you guys on man how old does tubble canonically like this is dr what the [ __ ] jay schlett and cubbo father son shipper nation let's do is schlatt let's try does schleck does jay schlatt have a gun wouldn't you like to know i don't have to [ __ ] tell you do i have to tell you you want to find out no come on by find out no no no come on come on give me a visit come on live in new york no i don't i moved in february i actually moved the day of that terrible snowstorm that i'm sure you guys heard about in the news that shut down the entire state and killed many people i moved the the night of which is awesome it was a great introduction to the state did j schlatt have merch oh my god look at this you guys at the right time i'm actually working on a bunch of new stuff i know i haven't actually sold actual clothing or like it done a proper drop in a minute that's going to change soon and in the meantime hey you know we got the youtube's plushies up for sale and of course there's that nine inch one that regular rammy that you can buy whenever you want this jace lights still have jambo yeah of course i do dude what do you think i go you think i adopted a cat to make a video cash out and then like threw him back on the [ __ ] street i [ __ ] loved jambo he took jambo to the vet today he had a little checkup he's on his own i think it's kind of [ __ ] up that people would even think that i got rid of him no of course not there's way too many likes on twitter for me to do does jay schlatt have can't have cancer that's right jay schlatt is hubble's dad 803 what the [ __ ] you guys are [ __ ] weird dude here's one thing i'll say you get the good and the bad when you log on to that [ __ ] dream smp like there is [ __ ] i have read that i really wish i was not alive to see schlatt is dreams dad but you do get stuff like this like this incredible animatic that just blows me away whenever i see it some of the artists in this community are so [ __ ] talented like it's just it's just such a it's such a conflict in my head that you know that i can see [ __ ] like this but then you know someone else is like oh no those two are [ __ ] those two are [ __ ] and i'm writing in a hundred page novel about it let's keep going schlatt is talk ten jay shh let's swim swim you guys don't think i can swim can i speak spanish though there's some clips of me uh talking spanish with quackity hola i can hold my own in in very very small scope slow conversation like he has to really sound every word out for me to know what's going on i know [ __ ] pantalones and donde esta la biblioteca and that's pretty much it how is jay schlatt so funny honestly we're all just a [ __ ] product of our own you know upbringings and who we watched and who we appreciated for me uh i'll use this as a little little shout out section i want to say there's two people the first one is yogg's cast sips he is the classic bad boss in all the minecraft series and all that he runs the company he's the president he's the antagonist i want your sibsco badge oh shin right now i want you to hand over all company property you're off you're off the team you're out of here we don't we don't want people screwing things up around here oh especially during s p live and uh dream smp his character in those old series like uh tekken i really kind of honed in on that and another one is mr sark this guy is the funniest [ __ ] on the platform and he has been for a decade when i was like 15 and working every day at the deli i would have [ __ ] machinima inbox on repeat i could probably quote most of those shows word for word um [Music] you
Channel: jschlattLIVE
Views: 3,147,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jschlatt, jschlattlive, jschlatt livestream, schlatt, livestream, twitch, jschlatt twitch, jschlatt livestream highlights
Id: 4Rgu-vhItTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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