I Gave A $30,000 Check To A Scam Victim

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Shadurasthememeguy 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

Aw, man. THIS is what youtube should be about. I love how they thanked her for allowing them to help, such upstanding men. I appreciate the important work they're doing, as we will all be old and vulnerable one day- we all need to look out for and care for one another. They're taking Ghandi's words to heart. I feel like such a proud parent! 💗

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/anahatasanah 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey guys this is pro use camera payback and we've got the conclusion of the susan videos um when i got into scambaiting about a year ago i had no idea um that i would even be introducing this video um i always thought it was just sitting behind a computer and doing some silly jokes and making people laugh and wasting scammers time while that's a component of this whole thing the end goal and i've been saying this a lot of my streams is to protect people there are countless victims out there that they don't even know that they've been scammed and then some finally come to that realization but it's too late when we met susan when i knew i was sending that check to susan i knew i was sending a check to a victim 100 but i think that this series is bringing a lot of visibility into what happens on that other side and especially on the victim side these people's lives are ruined you've heard the stories and when you look at someone like a susan who's alone and by herself um it becomes a very emotional thing for me i think about how uh scammers tried to scam my grandmother and they had no i she had no idea you know so what you're about to see is saving one life turning one life around and i never knew i would be a part of something like this something so great i really didn't i'm so proud to present this video today with the trilogy team and go check out their video as well um this has been life-changing for me i will continue to put all my efforts behind this to help out people from becoming scams or people who have been victims i'll try my very best to save every single person one at a time and the the last thing i will say is i'm dedicating uh this video to my grandfather who passed away this morning he was a very very good man and the inspiration for my arthur character and the voice and everything so um love you grandpa and um let's get into it let's do it man [Music] this is right here that's the conversation that we have right here unbelievable susan thank god you're home hi susan this is trilogy media scammer payback trujillo is here remember us yes i do how are you how are you do you want to come outside we got something for you we we want to give you something well remember um our friend being on the phone when we were in the speaker um i was the gentleman on the phone when we talked and i flew out here last night from the from the east coast to come see it with with the wonderful guys from trilogy yeah he's the one who sent you package that unfortunately was empty but we were trying to catch the jungkook yeah [Music] we never thought we would have met you in the first place and definitely never thought we'd be back a second time your story not only broke our hearts but it was the first time our community uh communities have ever come face to face with the victim of this these horrific scams that have been fighting for so long not only has your story touched our lives but has touched the lives of millions of people around the world over the last four weeks we have bought the communities of scammers payback and trilogy and media together and asked for help to repair some of the damage that was caused by john cooter on this criminal organization last time we came we were hoping for a check that never showed up but today thanks to our generous grant scan what is it community there is a check for you hopefully this will help you pick up the uh pieces and share this uh burden from your life once and for all much love and god bless you the scammers payback trilogy susan we started for you did you really we were not expecting anything you your story broke our hearts and uh susan um we have thanks to our communities thirty two thousand eight hundred dollars for you you've gotta be kidding um gonna show you we took from you and and it's horrific what they did and our communities have come together and this is finished to restore uh for civilization rebuild we uh we're going to tell you the details how you gonna get this money thirty two thousand eight hundred two dollars waiting for you for all these two last four weeks we've been for four weeks promoting that the world got together and yesterday touched so many hearts 1500 people donated all your pension that you've been paying for two years to restore that money that all these pastors criminals took from your account yeah you have your money back thank you guys you're welcome this is the least that we can do for you gorgeous you guys didn't have to go to all that no we at least you can do you're worth it and you're an amazing human being in it we left that day just in tears my dog has to have surgery next week and so there goes all the money i've tried to save you know up until that time so it's like well we hope that this can help relieve some of that burden okay and um you know this is very emotional to me as well because um it bothers me that they do this to people and we have an army of people that are going to fight back on your behalf so we're watching over you and you have thousands of angels around you to lift you up here so thank you for sharing your story with the world thank you so much one of the things i'd like to also um offer up uh because i am fairly technical on computers if you want me to make sure that he's not on he's a genius he's the one who's tracking all these scammers yeah he's a cyber security expert yeah i work in cyber security myself so um if you ever if you want me to i can certainly you know you know with all due respect you know if you want me in your house or not that's totally fine but if you want me to work on your computer i certainly can and make sure that on there yeah um because if he's somehow watching or whatever watching what you're doing without you noticing yeah if you trust us which i i wish you are maybe you can bring computer and give to pierogi and he will check that there is no any lead we will put protection bubble that there is not any rat in the world we'll touch your money again [Music] you guys just wait it's a desktop so you'd have to commander okay only if that's okay with you that's okay yeah just to keep you safe here thank you for trusting us we you broke our heart we're leaving your house literally in tears and we're driving back to los angeles and i was like we starting gofundme we have to find out we have to find a way even if we get ten dollars a hundred dollars we never expect we never expected that the the humanity they it's like you your grandmother you know like i like where i came from we all came from we have respect for elderly people and that could have happened to our family what happened to you yeah i see he's got this toll-free number on here oh wow really you can take that off so you don't see that number again that's the first thing i feel good i probably know what my heart is every time they said there was going to get money it's always a different story something's happened you know and then he told me when i was going to get like 16 000. i said oh that's wonderful and then the next time i hear from him he said one of the guys there frank took all the money you know of course it's just a story yeah exactly yeah they're just they're they were seeing how many times they could move you into this yeah and you see one of them that's been doing a lot of it to people or john kudos yeah i mean he's he's talked to john several times right yeah i mean he's he probably will not be bothering me anymore so everything looks actually pretty good right now um i'm just going to download this and this other thing and run a scan okay it's actually pretty clean which is good i'm not going to go through any of your personal files or anything and this was the computer that he did everything on uh not everything because this is this is a new one since beginning of the year okay are you going to be on the other one ever no okay okay so we're gonna keep keeping fresh and clean yeah yeah i figured i'd never hear from him again anytime yeah he got spooked he realized he didn't have you on the hook anymore too many people involved he was like okay okay i'm gonna start looking for another victim he was exposed yeah he called me a scammer actually when i talked with him on the phone so you're the scammer that's what they say to me um so actually i was on the phone with a lady and she was going to get um gift cards she was in the because i was on this one scammers computer watching him talk to her so i called her up and thankfully she picked up she's like yeah i was about to go and get four thousand dollars worth of cards i said no no i said turn your macbook off right now yeah and the guy kept calling her and i said i said no um because they were messing with their bank account and moving the money around and everything i said no go check your app on your phone don't worry about the computer because they manipulated it and she verified and she's like oh my gosh they did do this to me so this is the second one that came the next day that's what you sent because he sent this you sent that right this is the one that came from a lady from vivian yeah that's what i said i'm viviane that's that's how he gave these cameras do you want me to show you really fast what i sound like does this have a speaker on here uh yeah okay i'll just show you really quickly and they they've got their trilogy media channel i have scammer payback but just so you can hear uh what my uh you can show her john kudo on there yeah listen to this voicemail that he sends that he leaves for me mrs rogers mr roger that's me john pluto answer me ma'am you owe me my 29 thousand dollars or else i'm gonna report you today and tomorrow you're gonna see fbi knocking your door thank you have a blessed day so the threatening to be arrested and all this and then have a blessed day thank you have a blessed day what is this what are these green grids this looks like a virus now this is not a wireless this is a scan for your protection oh this is a scam that's a lot of scams and i'm saying scams the whole time why don't you uh pull up the gofundme just so she has it on her screen there yeah you can see the whole list of people that donated on the bottom and the messages that they left for your left comments we love you this story broke my heart much love from england and it's globally from england australia all over the island russia germa it's it's just you put a 30 thousand dollar goal and they passed it right yeah so feel free to go through these read these yeah so you can read all that actually when we talk to some of the um supporters from our channel and uh his channel they actually said will be great if you know we can pass a message to susan so you can [Music] yeah those are the copies i want to send kaspersky yeah this is um so they were wanting you to send what send this check or something to them yeah i did this this goes back two years wow this is unbelievable sick it's so sick toll-free yeah it's a p.o box yeah yeah it's new jersey yep look at this so that's what a lot of them will do is they have these um po boxes and then you'll send a check and they have someone who you know obviously catches it i hope all this is going to bring you back to life and back you know all the pieces that has been broken you can rebuild reheal and start moving forward from everything that you lost that's so wonderful i know my sister she helped get me out of the mess that he got me into you know she allowed me six thousand dollars just to get another you know because my credit union blocked me out i couldn't get into my account until i paid them you know and so it's been a lot of tears it's been a lot of fun we cannot even imagine when you guys came to the door the first time you know and then i talked to my sister afterwards you know and they said that you already knew that there's nothing in the envelopes that i was getting and mary says well how do you know that they didn't take the check how do you know that they're not the scammers and i said you know her name's mary and i said you know mary and i said sometimes when you meet somebody and you when you know you know them and you just get that feeling that there's some trust there you know you just yeah so no we i felt good we were very very fortunate and blessed and lucky enough to have very supportive skin baiting community and when we ask for help they they they just expanded so much he he lives all the way far in different states and he's like guys i'm coming i want to meet susan in person and i want to be part of this ceremony i was like thank you and please please going forward don't ever use gift cards to pay for anything over the phone don't if you get a robo call just like run it by him if anything you know i've had other people call you know and tell me that you know susan today is a new day and today is the first day and your uh your future is bright yeah thank you you're welcome thank you and please hugs and kisses to your sister who have been there for you yeah your family members and honey start crying yeah i know you guys are gonna cry we're all gonna cry i promise you that all right so but thank you thank you for trusting in us you'll be getting an email tonight if you have any problems just call me we'll make sure any computer questions anything we'll hear for you okay this is a victory it's a day two days and that's what it's all about right there that's world [Applause] oh my god you guys this is like they're coming full circle stuff yeah and you talk about like impacting lives and changing lives and you know man people are trusting out there you know and still you she even kind of trusted them still today yeah um let's go find the next one let's go let's go save and get a big shout out to all of the people that follow scam baiting you all that we can even do this kind of stuff you you're the one who's making giving us ability to do this giving them that energy oxygen inspiration new inspiration for us thank you so much all of you guys from the bottom from our hearts because of you guys susan he's starting over fresh yeah yeah and this is y'all's victory um so we're just kind of the messenger um this is the whole community doing this it's it's unfreaking believable we wouldn't have we would never ever able to do this without each one of us each one of you guys this is a teamwork this is a team effort and today result this is a result when we when all of us will get together boys let's go celebrate as a humanity today we want not them we and we're coming i tell people this on my on my streams we're coming after all of them you
Channel: Scammer Payback
Views: 367,021
Rating: 4.987535 out of 5
Keywords: scammer, victim, stolen money, robbed, scambait, scam victim, refund scam, tech, tech support, webcam, face reveal, destroyed, files, computers, hackers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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