$35,000 AirBNB Scammer Confronted FACE to FACE!

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[Music] hello yes sweetheart where I use is this let me burn Edwards you have the package in your hand right well I have the money I don't have the package yet okay where are you at home I'm sitting outside the UPS Store you don't need to tell them okay you're sending money okay just tell them you are sending important document to your relative okay you got it you know we are doing it Secret Service all right so I give you the address force California you need to pack the money put it inside the box okay pack the money in foil paper and then go to the FedEx okay okay honey I love you all right through that I love you okay so we're going back and forth with the scammer he wants me to send the package to Pennsylvania I'm sneezed in the package to California all these different spots and you just said that I'm sending the package to a secret agent now unbelievable hello [Music] I was going everybody this is Pro you a scammer payback we're here for our third episode partnering with trilogy media to try to take down some scammers and give you all real visibility and it kind of what goes on beyond a scam bait when their victims out there and there are scammers and money mules and all that this is a very special episode we're talking with Dinh Edwards who is a refund scammer talking with Vivienne and he wants to steal tens of thousands of dollars from her force so what better than to send a package to San Francisco and have the trilogy guys confront whoever's on the other end you've seen a couple of these episodes I don't think you're gonna want to miss this one it's pretty chilling what we run into you on this episode and we've actually translated a lot of the Hindi in this video so you'll get a good snapshot in a good glimpse and know kind of what they're saying about their victims what you will see at the end of this video just quite shocking I would say as well so again at the end of the day we want to provide visibility in what's going on with these types of scams and really hopefully people can protect themselves so with that being said let's get into it yes hello is this Dan yes ma'am you call has been transferred to the senior manager my name is Bennett what how are you doing today I'm doing fine dan nice to meet you I'm Vivian thank you for helping hold on mom okay just give him in and don't touch anything okay thank you alright honey could you take it off a mute I feel like lonely when you put me on mute I you know it'd be nice to be able to hear everybody talking okay alright alright alright I'm sorry about that all right ma'am just tell me on which account you want your money to be refunded just my checking just my checking and I do believe you've got a debit card with your check right mom yes I do all right so do one thing grab a pen and a paper handy with you going right yonder more beautiful bow yes yeah and write down the available balance which you have into your checking account yeah okay I've got a page in a paper handy ok 7785 and 53 cents exactly now I'm going to help you out with your money just don't touch anything you need to just hold on alright okay I call the head of hello yes hello the morning at the ad700 I can hear you hello hello can you hear me I don't think I can hear can you hear me hello yes it's damn there yes yes mama start I lost you mom I'm still here I thought I'd last few I was I was yelling into the microphone no no no oh my god you don't need to yo you can have a glass of water oh well can I get a glass of whiskey yeah you can have it I would love that well I'm thinking about going in just grabbing I'm gonna go grab a glass of Louie 13 real quick I'll be right back yes yes leave everything go and have a glass of whiskey for yourself and make one for me and I will not be a customer you live alone yes I do my husband just passed away oh my god I was in my hold on mom okay bye Lucy forgot password' will you know why Lucy forever with me are two free new writing each millimeter facile cosmetics - customer guy / access area eyewear happen download customer or the other homage are you there sweetheart yes I'm early yes honey hello you got yes yes I can hear you you got your whiskey yeah I got Lois and I'm looking up the strawberry daiquiri by it's real fast okay okay don't touch anything don't touch anything I'm looking up the strawberry daiquiri I'm not calling you sir honey I know your mom one of my colleague is having a word with the customer was mail tell him to shut his travel he's talking too loud hey Peter shanty oh crap oh all right what is your refund amount is 499 yes 499 and I do believe you've got a debit card with your checking account right yes I mean if you want to my end of the world save me sir hey would you honestly tell Peter to show anybody here you talk honey all right sweetheart give me a second would be mass time I saw that if we died we never got together Lola all right honey you there yes - I don't have target guitars okay okay that's not for you that's not to you I'm shifting to the personal cabin okay okay so that nobody speak Peter needs to be fired he's an idiot hear hear oh yes yes okay so I am supposed to be getting back 499 dollars yes give me two more minutes I'm just installing a new software to get connected to you through a different computer okay it says prompt ah refund what is that this is the refund form which you need to fill this and complete the refund okay ma'am Vivian I can't even type honey my screams locked you locked me out yes you can try it you can try to move your cursor refund amount you just need to put 500 that little 500 all right you spell transferred wrong I'm not typing it anything it's from the so wait so this error isn't spelling correctly and I heard the keyboard in the background though you can see no you can feel where it's a full list not recognized has an internal or external command sometimes it happens with the slower all right so let me just check with your account and just let me confirm it whether you got the money or not okay wait fifty thousand I didn't give you the fifty thousand what's no honey I won fifty thousand what is the date today I'm sorry I'm sorry okay the day should be coming and it should be coming at like refund from computer service yes thousand why does it say five and service is spelled wrong again this is the worst spelling server I've ever seen in my life he misspelled two words oh my god mom didn't give me a sec later did you put 500 or 5,000 in the banking syllable I put 500 are you sure yeah just double-check the banking so I put 500 honey I didn't you saw me I didn't put 5 pounds and I've been 500 oh my god mom you can see where it's highlighted in white oh yeah that's you I trust you I trust you I trust you you put 500 but do you remember like you press 0 too hard or something like that well I did drop a popcorn kernel in the keyboard so maybe that night I pushed it oh my god oh my god oh my god not a problem not a problem okay okay just give me a sec let me have a word with my head Department and see what we are going to fix right because as you are an honest lady you receive five thousand instead of five hundred so from in your why can't I move through the house no no you can move the mouse you can move the map okay now I can move the mouse so mom as you know BR the refund Department we don't have any kind of authority to take out a single penny from a customer's account we have the only authority to send the money to a customer's account all right so what I'm requesting you from my side you can just keep your money with you and you just need to send us the remaining amount on back manually all right okay so I have a confession to make this isn't the last time it has happened to me and I was working with a gentleman from Microsoft and I accidentally did the same thing this is the second time now so if I read it if I need to send the check out to California again I will I'm so sorry don't need to do anything to perform you okay just give me a minute dan dan listen officer dan I'm sorry yeah I'm have a little bit of legal troubles as well so there's only certain things I can do and this is what I figured out what the what the guy is last time I said I had to write a check but actually it was 50 now it was 50,000 so this one isn't as bad okay okay I understand I understand you're an honest lady just give me a second okay just give me a second I'm putting on mute for a second okay no honey I you know you can talk in whatever language I just you know I just I don't want to be felt like I've been left alone just a mute okay okay I'm not putting on young okay okay California mr. baza - and did you say did you send cash to California or reducing check yeah well this is so okay I'm being honest here again I'm can I be honest with you honey yes you can completely honest with me this is actually the this isn't the second time happened to me this this has happened more than two times now so I've rather than two times yeah so I've sent cash in a box before I've had to write checks because I'm just not very good on the computer so I'm sorry okay so I can trust you with my money which you got into your account right yes I really didn't mean to I'm so sorry okay you do need to be sorry okay I appreciate your honesty all right as you human being made mistake it's just a mistake happen from the popcorn which fell into your keyboard and seeker you know the pop the pop secret popcorn sometimes they've got a little kernels in them sometimes they don't yeah yeah and I understand so mom okay let's talk business okay then we hold the whole night you talk about personal stuff all right how we just stay up all night do not really after yeah yeah that's not an issue I can stay up all their whole life for really four months okay so like do you have you have a debit spot like do you know any Stewart like with target nearby target what I need to get a target like right now I can actually write you guys no no ma'am right now 40 okay so that the Career Service will be closed and as well as your bank right now my bank doesn't close until 8 o'clock that's the thing so okay but if Korea so it will be closed all right I can I can I can mail you something in the morning it's not that difficult honey like I'd much prefer that the last gentleman he tried to get me to get target cards and it's just too much to do for me I'm 79 honey oh I understand I understand I understand so me an address to just send the check to you and then always send it overnight and then we'll be done we don't we don't work in check if it's possible you can get a cash yeah well what if I got the cash and so last time I when I sent the 50,000 I put it into I did put them into envelopes and wrapped it without money in foil and then I put it into a box okay okay I understand but ma'am in cash as you know okay we have the receiving limit in cash right and you cannot send us four thousand five hundred in cash so there will be some limits like above ten thousand okay but I'm not sending it in tiles and you only took five thousand okay so you can do one thing okay I'm arranging a lower limit of courier service for you in the meantime you can go and get the cash from your bank yes so I'm online with you okay why don't you go and get the cash and like if the bank people will ask you why you are needing two thousand five hundred cash in cash what you're gonna tell them because the gentleman from Amazon he's on my computer and I accidentally put in the wrong information again they will charge you thirty five percent as a business tax so you need to tell them you are withdrawing that money for personal reason okay because I don't want you to pay business tax from your pocket cutting Edward Linney oh and we spoke of cut right here down in Hollywood Jamila meeting that expertise this patent can be very physical meet all your passion ecology ma'am you there yes why like the courier service will be open there it's open in the morning and the first thing in the morning so I thought I'll sit in the box and the mornings can give you the tracking code okay no problem you get the cash I'll be like somebody find a manga cache Natalia will you fighting the Spanish for me you can give you know be a human ability well a lot easier panting sarcastically gig by the banks if I have a technical spec so what the FedEx carrying it to work is a collaboration between FedEx kula well we chose the passenger Omega Ruby la voix de una zona because they are excited that I will be Sam Niang mpgl overall double toil say Maria Mancha three dice dang yellow and you need to fix this the mistake is already done what should I do if I need to go back and fix the computer I can go back no no I'm not Vincent from the computer you need to fix it from your energy about the money yeah the new feature is my senior well here's the thing Dan so there was another company I was supposed to talk to this evening about another refund so I didn't know if you guys are the same company you can fix it or not we can process the second refund no no all right then I'm ganna die aggravated unison in Ghana Ghana honey are you gonna give me the secondary fun I've got a second refund that you guys owe me yes what is the amount is supposed to receive he told me he was four thousand four thousand is a second refund yes so like who today huh all right all right as you know I'm a junior colleague then Peter wait buta you're a junior yeah it's like into a junior that's right you know oh that's amazing I like that's embarrassing okay you want to talk to Peter no I'd get help and I don't want to talk to her oh I can I don't ever want to talk to Peter I just thought that you said you were the seal and I thought you said you were senior I am a senior by the founder of the company Peter oh my gosh I don't want Peter than Ray of my money he's a centimeter Peter and Pete he's probably a criminal Elizabeth Nicodemus probably a criminal probably you know the CEOs are only like that because CEOs are always criminals and I bet you he's the biggest criminal and if I knew him and I partied in jail okay okay then I'm in your most and this company after Peter all right you can talk to me anytime so I will be helping you with your money here laughing yeah okay like I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing at Peter as I told you is a good friend of mine and he's a criminal he's a criminal so how about we can postpone the refund of four thousand which you supposed to get from our side till Monday because as you know today's Friday and the banking are is almost closed honey I already got no my bank doesn't close until 8:00 how many times do I have to tell you that I totally understand I totally understand but I'm not talking about your bank honey I talking aloud my bank yeah okay what bank do you bank with the bacon B no B Bank Bank bank your chase okay yeah okay so I'm not gonna get I'm not gonna be able to get mad four thousand back even though I just want got you guys know I know how thank you no no if you if you want your four thousand refund okay like tomorrow at what time your bank will be open it'll be open in the morning okay so how about we can postpone the refund till tomorrow morning I don't really like that idea but I guess alright and one more thing I'm giving you one pass code okay whenever anyone gives you a call like I wanna I want to have the pass code so the last gentleman I was working with he used to call me bucha akkhi he used to call me at Luca Becky and I don't know what that is but he said it was something nice so you're you're the new book of Becky so that should just be our pass code bucum Becky no yeah it's right that's what you are because because the old person the old person which you are speaking with if he was completely liar okay so many times about Russian about Chinese as I told you no Russian no Chinese have that much time to get inside anybody's computer I am a Russian my next-door neighbors are Russian and his wife my passcode it says Mother Russia has the Wi-Fi name yes I understand but if you are from the United States so you don't have that much time to hack someone's computer right I mean I would hacked back I would hack PITA easily because he's an idiot yeah Peter yeah help you I can help you give me as any Dex ID yeah I really give an index ID to you yeah masterful computer you can hang up alright and you can give me a call in my number ok yes I this is Vivian Rogers is this can you hear me yes here's this it's me Ben Ben Edwards Ben Hill Ben Edwards man Edwards yes okay how do I know you been okay I did give you my number okay what's the passcode I don't familiar with that word you're not familiar yeah I'm not familiar so I'm giving you a new okay how about I give you the past oh okay it's a cream cheese and pepper jelly okay cream cheese and pepper jelly yes you don't need to worry about your computer okay you can use your computer of crime that are you know there's the addresses of us to send us money to all right mom one more thing okay like the address which I'm waiting for like the address we'll keep updating so if you are sending the career tomorrow you will be getting a fresh address tomorrow so that there will be no consequences on the address all right what no consequences on the address yeah sometimes you know that eva is not available to pick up the parcel all right well then doesn't make sense to me I was actually thinking about buying your company that you guys work out really you want to buy our company yeah this is what's gonna happen I'm gonna buy the company and then I'm gonna put Peter behind bars he's gonna be behind the boss I wish you can be repeated company and tell them did not drop the soap in telling me gonna tell the company a million dollars $1,000,000 make that much money I'll buy it for fifty thousand in telling me $500 promise okay I'll buy it then it means five hundred thousand dollars okay what's the company now yo what's the Reggie sapote PC support yeah okay and how much revenue does Peter make from all the customers you guys have like a click the turnover of this company is about 1.5 million dollars in a year we have 5,000 employees over here that's a bunch of crap you do not have 5,000 employees you don't you don't have 5,000 employees we do we do have 5,000 employees and if you want we can give you the information of our employees yes I want the location because I honestly honey that's I like to buy businesses I don't like to buy land I want to buy the company and make you the CEO I need you to tell me all the ins and outs of this company okay I will definitely give you all the information but not in front of Peter just behind the Peter okay I behind this back what if I just invested in you and you took all the workers from Peter and then he makes no money and then we just start our own company how much you can spend I can probably give you a hundred thousand to start a hundred thousand how many employees be a mom as I told you I'm not lying there are five thousand employees working over here I know but how many employees would we start with okay if we have money power we can manipulate around half of the employees okay at a time the amount which you need to spend will be higher like $200,000 okay that's fine if I can take him out and put him in jail I will pay whatever and whatever it cost so I'm gonna do everything what whatever it takes okay like I'm gonna copy all the details from his laptop everything I'm gonna share you then we are ready to spend the money you're kind of like you can like the mall like a company mall like honey you were we're gonna be rich off of this I'm just telling you exactly that is what I'm thinking about we're gonna rich like your friends aren't worth anything you know what I'm saying like it you know I can make you rich and powerful your friends they they're not like you know what I'm saying like you know Peter doesn't give two craps about you you know what I'm saying you might he's making all the money you work for him all that stuff so what we need to do I want to put him in jail okay exactly you can do that where are you guys located out of by the way mommy you're located in California okay we're in California one 600 Disneyland Drive Disneyland Drive are you kidding me did you just Google this or something no no no Disneyland Drive and it's not me too and like our main office is renovating all right that's where it's being renovated yes our main office okay we are some like called sometimes we like for two or three months we have water like for two or three months per year or like before really like lockdown before lockdown okay we shifted her office and start renovating the old one so we rented a place to for six months and it's only two or three months left so we're gonna shift to our old office okay after three months and I'm gonna show you to you on your computer okay okay can you can you show me some of his information yes yes oh you're at the California Street tower it's been renovating okay so we shipped it to Disneyland drive for some time no no he can't hear you and he can't hear me either so what I'm telling you it will take some time to grab Peters lap so I don't want her your time I don't want to say him to see a dime of my money if we can I'll give you all the money but I just need this information yeah I will give all the information whatever is required but the main problem is I need to sneak into Peter laptop so it will take some time I have one or two people in office who can click on Peter laptop but it will be coming at some cost all right okay how much is it gonna cost hey Mack um how much you're gonna take I Mack is telling me he's gonna take 30,000 you heard that right yes I had that do I need to go to the bank to get it no not today not today honey I can go I can go get it in the morning while I go and get the other stuff exactly that is what I'm telling you you need to go tomorrow this is the company's name right and then what's his full name his full name is Peter Jones st. Peter Jones that I can connect to his computer and get the information gently so that is why well he arrives at 11:00 he has a picture you could sell me on real fast no no no exactly not I don't have any set of pictures okay we don't hang out and if you want I can take a picture for you yeah make but ma'am this is a secret email in life if I log into your computer okay I don't remember the password but it is logging in my phone just do for a password one two three it's been at one two three it's been at one two three okay what's this number with a three four at the end of it okay that's plenty to the email and what is what is this sheet do but these are from Peter 2017 honey I understand I have the oldest one you can see the amount you want to see right ma'am the recent it's been increased okay you can get the information every information by tomorrow okay because we need to get the recent customers data from Peter's laptop how many how many customers do you have ma'am we have thousands of customers okay I just have the oldest okay I have more more more than that all right you guys run a great business oh this could be really profitable exactly exactly it is worth like you can see it's worth around more than more than $500,000 and the password which you gave me you remember that cream cheese and pepperoni exactly without password keep it in your mind honey without us that password you do need to speak to anybody okay anybody regarding computer anybody promise me yes I promise and you want me to see you want me to like you want to help me to become the CEO of this company right well yes but we have to take it down honestly we have to take down Peters purse I need information exactly on something see ya tomorrow but the information you are getting every information you're going to get tomorrow okay all right so sweetheart it does do you trust me right yes but you haven't given me any information on any of your customers and occur and that's from three years ago just trust me for one more day tomorrow I'm gonna give you all the information which you are asking okay because I'm not gonna send this to the money I'm not gonna send a 30,000 or the 5,000 so you guys give me the rest of the information exactly first I need to give you all the information which you asked okay the employees information the transactions the customer details each and everything I'm gonna provide you tomorrow okay then you're gonna send the money okay okay I also need the address for tomorrow to descend we get it don't worry yes the number you are speaking to me right now that's my personal number do not call any other number just call me in this number any time of day any time of night okay okay all right Daniel all right maybe I'll call you later tonight okay okay you can call me later tonight all right good night oh good night everybody [Music] well I'm looking for hunts if you feel home right now dance there you wanna meet you yeah I would love to meet him yes ah because I need to give a specific way to him oh you need to go inside you turn in any turn left yes okay sound good thank you [Applause] [Music] Oh Hans pond hello Hans I do you mind you tell him to come over like come outside yeah yeah yeah I'll go with you well yeah do you want to call him because like I can give these BOTS these BOTS is specifically acquired by his signature I kept you face-to-face okay yeah yeah I can wait yeah let's call him okay okay yes good okay thank you are you are you hums right so you know huh yeah you know because I need to give this baby strippers so the reason package will give an identification we can release the package yeah this is from Vivian Rogers so Vivian Rogers hands to hunt something inside so you the one who wants to receive yeah what's your name bones okay you're on okay yeah nice oh this is for you okay you just have to sign for it do you know who's inside what's his name [Applause] with some bang okay but listen inside circle should be $35,000 that's what insiders are expecting expecting so this is a scam and whoever you are so she ate who are you working with this is this kind of you guys do mr. Edwards Yahoo's been you just told me that this you were expecting a package from that night you suppose we're gonna give this package because this package arrives some pants are so far Sarasota Florida right look we we we have not took us problems but we have to we got to do something and so done something to do guys do and you guys came in people this is your opportunity to come clean and tell us exactly what's going on because you're either involved or you're not but we want to know which one it is because we know exactly what this is because we know exactly who it came from and we know that it's Horsch and we know that this has been stolen from someone named Vivian Rogers and you are a part of it so what is going on [Music] well is all I can say I thought this was such a compelling video that was proud to highlight with the trilogy guys you want to see the extended cut of the conversation that the trilogy folks had with this mule go hop over to their video check them out you're not going to be disappointed I've been so proud to bring you all some of these different viewpoints from the scam baiting world not just the silly fun calls but really kind of what happens after the fact and I think that that really brings a striking point here around the idea that this thing is not over there's so much more work to be done you have victims that are out there that are being taken advantage of every single day you have willing accomplices that are out there every single day turning a blind eye and then you have people that just want to make a buck and they might or they might not know what's going on but they need to pay for French or for college or for food doesn't make it right but we're gonna investigate and we're going to bring disability to this because I think it's important on top of that we've got some incredible scam bait videos that are coming out in the coming months I'm gonna make you laugh that are really gonna make you proud of all the work that we're doing so be ready for those stay tuned again go check out the trilogy guys and the work that they did on their extended cut of this you really proud and honor to work with them thank you so much for watching this have a good evening
Channel: Scammer Payback
Views: 829,842
Rating: 4.900588 out of 5
Keywords: scams, scammer, airbnb, file delete, scam location, india, tech support, refund, gift card, irs, fraud, scambait, windows, microsoft, victim, file deletion, scammer confronted
Id: hrLZbc-Rfbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 52sec (2332 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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