I Created THANOS WORLD In Solar Smash!

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i'm finally back for some more solar smash and you guys once again gave me a ton of awesome ideas what is going on tfg squad my name is brandon and welcome back to solar smash i am wasting no time today let's jump right into planet smash so the first thing you guys told me to do is something that i haven't tried yet fly a dragon and then fly the snake into a gas giant and see what happens so let's go over to our planets which gas giant should we pick let's pick the biggest one of them all let's go with jupiter so if you guys remember if i shoot jupiter with a laser it just kinda regenerates itself i'll show you guys really quickly for those of you that don't know what i'm talking about i shoot it so it's like oh yeah you're creating a hole bam so now jupiter no longer has a hole it regenerated itself because it's made out of gas what happens if i fly a giant dragon into the gas giant will it just go through will it blow up i'm not exactly sure but of course we're gonna have to ride the dragon so let's go dragon let's go target mode let's go fire we are now flying newt if you guys haven't ever seen any of my my solar smash videos i named the dragon newt i'm not exactly sure why but it's probably the first name that came to my mind so first things first i'm not gonna fire any fire let's just see if newt can fly through the gas giant no i have blown up newt so many times we're probably on like newt the 174th that's how many newts i have blown up okay now we're actually gonna breathe fire and try to get through this planet this is what you guys told me to do i i don't know if this is gonna work okay keep going newt keep breathing fire oh this is okay i don't know how far i made it but i i didn't make it far enough what if i pause the simulation it doesn't work when it's in pause mode okay that's not good what if i oh geez okay come on laser come on laser pause okay so right now there kind of is a hole even though it's about to fill itself in now let's go over to newt let's go to target mode let's go to fire and hopefully oh wait i'm in pause mode now son of a nutcracker i gotta unpause it target mode fire what did i do did i blow myself up already go the hole literally filled itself in already i i panicked so much that my entire plan just failed what if i just fire newt not in target mode i or i'm gonna fire multiple newts this is the 190th 191st believe it or not there are 200 newts flying around okay the first one wait none of them are blowing up i fired like four of them at the same time okay they have just gotten eaten by jupiter all four of the dragons have gotten eaten by jupiter you can still hear them they haven't blown up yet are they gonna come out the other side oh there goes one okay there goes two okay this is the way to go apparently target mode is not the way to go they literally flew right through jupiter all of them survived okay newt just got eaten by a giant gas planet and then came out the other side it's like eating spicy tacos and then pooping it out the next day why do i always make bathroom jokes it's just embarrassing okay i reset jupiter so it's back to its you know really large self the next thing you guys told me to do was fire the snake at jupiter or actually you guys told me to do it at uranus i'm gonna call it uranus so youtube doesn't demonetize me but i'm gonna try it with jupiter and see if it happens i'm not i you guys told me what happens but i don't wanna tell those of you that don't know let's see if it happens is he finally gonna make it there we go okay he is entering jupiter nothing appears to be happening oh wait what he's literally not even wait he is literally slithering right through the gas um i i think jupiter ate the snake excuse me jupiter uh the snake is supposed to be doing the eating not the planet this is this is all backwards and confusing um what happened to the snake what did we name the snake i'm gonna name him larry larry the snake seems like a great name for oh wait there he is i see larry wait larry survived oh my gosh he was in there for like days maybe years that was incredible okay the thing that you guys told me to do didn't happen but that was actually really awesome okay this is uranus it kind of looks like a giant green gumball or is it blue i can't tell let me know in the comments is uranus blue or green or maybe it's like a teal color i'm not sure but you guys said to fire the snake at uranus and something cool will happen larry the snake is taking the scenic route to uranus right now he's doing circles he's doing 360s he's doing spins there we go okay he is entering uranus uranus appears to be eating him like some sort of a thanksgiving turkey meal and uh any day now larry you said if i fired the snake at uranus the planet would just spontaneously explode for no reason it doesn't appear to be happening let's speed things up a little bit it's probably just going to pop out the other side right where's larry excuse me larry le yeah he did pop out the other side the planet never exploded okay the next thing on the post-it note you guys said if i go to the custom planet and i spawn in a shield where's the shield again that guy you guys said i could blow up half of the shield but not the other half so like half of the planet is indestructible but the other half is vulnerable that sounds amazing and i kind of believe you because i see a shield spawner there and i see a shield spawner there so let's spawn in the uh alien drill man let's go speed mode is that that okay that this might be the biggest fail in the history of fail he literally gave up okay i hired that man to do a job and he gave up after five seconds look at this i'm gonna hire his brother he hit the shield he tried for like 30 seconds oh i think he did it wait i think he did it okay okay okay so wait wait i just did it oh i did it i i don't think i ran into the shield spotter somehow it actually worked wait let's zoom out a little bit you could see half of the shield is there and half of it's gone so let's try to hit it with like an alien let's go with like the regular alien nothing crazy so if i throw an alien right there he can't do any damage three aliens four aliens five six seven eight nine ten eleven so many aliens yeah they are firing at the planet and doing absolutely no damage whatsoever now if i come over to the northern hemisphere which we're going to call the tfg hemisphere because it's a noob at being a planet saver i i have no idea what i'm even talking about here we go we're gonna fire uh just three aliens three two one come on aliens we don't have all day okay yep that is uh that would be what i call invulnerable or vulnerable i i don't know but i just blew up half the planet all of you guys in the comments keep telling me i need to discover thanos world it's the most indestructible world in the history of solar smash and you guys might think it doesn't exist today we're going to discover it so there's a special way that we're going to unlock the thanos world and by unlock i mean i'm going to do a bunch of you know silly things to planet earth blow it up in a bunch of ways and then create thanos world myself which is gonna be awesome so what i'm gonna do to unlock thanos world what's thanos known for he's super strong he's got the infinity gauntlet that can blow up things at a snap of a hat so we're gonna spawn in a ton of the youtube boxing ghost men right around it we gotta surround the planet all the way so he's they're all taking turns just punching planet earth in the face then we need to spawn one octopus on the top one octopus on the bottom so he's gonna this guy just ate santa claus and this guy just ate well i don't know whoever lives in the south pole i'm not exactly sure who lives there the final thing we have to do is go over to the planetary destroying laser man and spawn him there and there and then go to fast motion because i'm impatient to wait for it to load up three two one yes it looks like an over burned marshmallow that is now on fire and there we go i officially unlocked thanos world first things first we need to create a land mass and we're gonna create that land mass with a really giant chin i have a very big nose thanos has got a really big chin so we're going to create a land mass right there and all of this is just thanos's chin it's going to be called uh this country it's not the united states of america it's not china it's not mexico it's not the philippines it's thanos's chin that's the name of this country and then we need to go over to actually let me add a couple more land masses over here this is um well every time i make a planet that's custom i gotta add planet tfg so that's planet tfg over there we need to change the colors because we all know thanos's colors are purple and gold so we're gonna make all of the land masses gold so can i can i select gold it's gonna be very hard to get gold okay that seems go oh that looks so fantastic and we're gonna make this one gold too oh this is turning out so much better than i thought it would then we're gonna go to the oceans and uh yep you guys guessed it we're gonna make it thanos purple which is very close to frustrated gamer purple let's go over here oh my gosh thanos world is better than i thought it was gonna be thanos world is even better than i thought it was gonna be but we are nowhere near done wait what's this oh that's the clouds okay well we're gonna make the clouds white because we're not getting carried away over here this is officially thanos world but like i said we are not even close to being done thanos has got to be one of the strongest super villains in the history of super villains so we need to make this planet one of the strongest planets in the history of planets okay that seems like enough people how many people do i have in here uh 533 million yeah not a lot of people want to live on thanos world because all of the water's purple and it's it's got to be radioactive i don't know now what we're going to do is we're going to add a shield around thanos world and we're going to add an asteroid belt that's just one extra layer of defense but we're still not done yet i'm gonna close out of all the customization now we're gonna spawn in a ton of shields around the shields and asteroids this is just gonna add one more layer of defense to make this the most indestructible planet in the history of solar smash okay i'm spawning in as many shields as i can i want to completely surround the planet and there we go this is officially thanos world the most indestructible planet i have ever created now we have to try to blow it up there are 533 million people on this planet and i am gonna do my best to blow this bad boy up so the first thing we're gonna do we're just gonna do something simple we're gonna throw the moon at thanos world three two one go and it literally bounced off i think the moon caught on fire that's how oh my gosh okay yeah this planet is gonna be a lot harder to blow up than just throwing one moon let's spawn in the world's largest thunderstorm not even close not even close the people on thanos world are yawning and also laughing at the same time can you yawn and laugh at the same time let's step things up a notch we're gonna spawn in a giant nuke which is gonna blow up and then implode everybody's still fine everybody on thanos world is evil okay i'm making up the rules as i'm going along everybody on thanos world is evil so you know we're gonna go we're gonna go all out here planetary destroying laser alien man three two one go this better work oh no the planetary destroying laser alien doesn't blow up my planet okay this might be indestructible this might be impossible to kill the 533 million super villains the last thing i'm gonna do is spawn in the most devastating op weapon in the history of solar smash the goss cannon and we're gonna aim right for thanos chin right there three two one go it literally didn't even scratch the planet don't forget to hit that subscribe button and check out my other youtube channel guys it's called tfg vlogs go to that channel right now and subscribe and i will see all of you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 586,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solar smash, solar smash thanos, solar smash thanos world, solar smash game, solar smash gameplay, the frustrated gamer solar smash, the frustrated gamer solar smash 2, the frustrated gamer solar smash new update, I Created Thanos world, I Created Thanos world in Solar Smash, thanos world, space simulator, space simulator game, solar smash markiplier, the frustrated gamer
Id: sqrE1EBMH0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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