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after months of waiting solar smash finally got a big new update let's check it out what is going on tfg squad my name is brandon and welcome back to solar smash i haven't played the game in a long time but you guys told me there was an update and i could already see the menu screen looks a little different and in the bottom right corner it's kind of hard to see but you can see this is version 1.8.5 so let's go over to the google store and see what's new with the update we've got two new star wars inspired planets we've got one halo inspired planet we've got one secret planet yes i am definitely unlocking that country borders toggleable for earth i don't know what that is we've got a couple bug fixes shockwave and debris added for weapons oh we've got new weapons planet killer alternate appearance for avalon don't really know what that is laser sword color customization we can finally make different colored lightsabers we've got two custom planets for system smash and the play store has new achievements okay that is a large update let's jump right into planet smash i just want to see what these new weapons look like so if i start scrolling down so far everything looks the same let's take a look at the lightsabers yes we can finally make the lightsabers different colors it actually looks like we can make the lightsaber bigger or smaller also that's kind of cool let's make the lightsaber purple for you know the frustrated gamer or also mace windu any if any of you guys are star wars fans i believe mace windu had a purple lightsaber in star wars episode one here we go purple lightsaber three two one oh yes oh yes please and thank you wait what if i make this as strong as i can get it what if i make it a five out of five does it get bigger okay it doesn't look any stronger it's still really cool it's still really purple but it doesn't really look any stronger if you guys want to see more solar smash on the channel hit that like button and subscribe right now also i mentioned it a bunch of times but the brand new tfg hat is now available it's only 19.99 go to there's only a couple of these left so get them now while supplies last okay moving on i see this little thing up here this is definitely a new button oh this must be what they meant when they said like countries are now toggleable i don't really know exactly what that means but now they've got like a cool outline what if i select like uh brazil can i do something oh i you know i can slice brazil i i can blow up brazil like a thanksgiving turkey wait that didn't make sense you don't really blow up a turkey on thanksgiving you usually cook it but you know what that's fine brazil no longer exists so if any of you guys live in brazil i'm sorry but you can come to uh to my town and live near me okay uh yeah this is uh this is not looking good i actually like this because now when it's night time if you go on the other side of the planet you can still see all of the countries that's really cool i can also see on the bottom left corner that the planets are like gold and shiny which means there's definitely new ones so let's start from the top i don't think anything is new here yeah we definitely had pluto we had terraform mars yeah nothing's new there ring world is definitely new wow that kind of seems like a planet that we would like unlock but they actually just kind of give it to us which is kind of nice that's awesome are there any new planets i know they said you've got tatin or tatin is that the star wars planet i actually don't know and then we've got avalon which actually looks really awesome and do we have a new secret planet yes we do if you look on the bottom there is a brand new secret planet that we have to figure out how the heck we unlock it so i'm actually going to start with avalon because i remember they said there was like a new planetary destroying laser man which you guys know i love the planetary destroying laser man or hate the planetary destroying laser man i'm not exactly sure but i have a strong feeling about the planetary destroying laser man i'm just not exactly sure how i feel about him all right so where is he he is this guy right here so if i this is a cool planet by the way whoa look at the amount of people that live on this planet 35 billion 363 million okay for comparison's sake planet earth has about seven or eight billion people this planet has like five times the population of planet earth is it just like a big planet wait really quickly let's shoot the moon just to kind of get perspective here the moon no no this planet is about the same size as planet earth it is just wildly overpopulated i don't know if people are living in like underground tunnels or maybe they're they're floating in mid-air but literally just killed all of them so never mind now this planet is not overpopulated in fact it's completely empty okay now that i'm done getting distracted let's go back to the planetary destroying laser man right there and let's fire him and oh it's different oh they changed the planetary destroying laser man and he looks so much cooler wait let's go to spectator mode dude do i don't even know who i'm calling dude right now yo the planetary destroying laser man is now like a giant spaceship i mean it looks like thousands of people live there dude this is incredible does it still do the same amount of damage does it do less damage does it do more damage i don't know wait let's let's speed the simulation up let's go back to regular speed let's go back to spectator mode dude yo planetary destroying laser man looks awesome now i'm zooming in on him look how clear he is he's still a coward by the way he still blows up planets and then just flies away wow yo he might be more powerful than he was before thatching that planet just got obliterated i don't even know what avalon is from but now it's from nothing because it doesn't exist anymore moving on to tatene which kind of sounds like a star wars planet like i keep thinking tatooine i know that's a big star wars planet maybe this is like a knock-off rip-off version of tatooine that's what i'm gonna guess so i know that they said there's new debris but i can't find the weapon wait a second let me know in the comments where are the new weapons i haven't been able to find the debris and stuff like that so let me know in the comments where i could find that but what i want to do now i want to take the lightsaber this is a star wars planet at least i think it's a star wars planet so what better time to slice a planet in half with a lightsaber than a star wars planet alright so let's go what color do we want to do this time i've never seen i've never seen an orange lightsaber i feel like that could be kind of cool wait let's take a look at this whoa look at that it just looks like it's on fire oh that's awesome okay here we go uh 23 oh so about 28 million people lived on tatooine i just killed five million of them so once again i'm gonna go to jail every time i play this game i am adding to my criminal record all right here we go let's slice it in half we are slicing a star wars planet in half with a lightsaber this is the greatest day of my life don't tell sam but this is totally better than my wedding day i'm joking obviously this isn't better than my wedding day considering this is solar smash and that was a major life achievement it's kind of close i'm gonna be honest with you guys yo i am in love with this man i am in love with this this is such a big update look at that what is inside can i see like darth vader or maybe luke skywalker in there uh nope i just see a bunch of lava and magma okay i gotta check out this ring world but really quickly i think they said that there's new achievements whoa wait what happened to this planet what happened to this planet is it like growing back i have no idea i think i'm just getting distracted let's go over to increase ammo yo that's definitely new i can increase ammo oh maybe that's like the the healing nukes i don't know let's go to achievements really quickly they said there's new achievements oh achievement unlocked uh planet smasher shield is down i think it's just giving me all of my achievements all at the same time that's fine we're gonna ignore that right now so we've got the artist we've got land free all of this is things that i've gotten done before wow i have a lot of achievements done sector smasher i need to destroy a thousand planets whoa whoa what's this right here weapon master we've got create a system with over a hundred planets multi-planetary whoa so that's probably gonna be in planet smash apparently i can make a solar system with over a hundred planets that sounds kind of cool cultured and intergalactic explorer i could go to different galaxies yo you guys are gonna have to tell me how do i unlock some of these some of these achievements and then a lot of these achievements are just completely secret they're completely hidden i gotta see what ring world looks like three two one i got an advertisement yo oh this is such an awesome planet yo this looks like a futuristic pla it kind of looks like a cross between machine world and and earth like look at the outside it looks like there's some sort of a shield but then the inside definitely looks like where people would live so right now this planet has 241 million people living on it that is amazing wait can i like shoot stuff through it wait a second wait a second wait a second if i go to the uh which one is it i think it's the oh no i don't remember i really want to fly through wearing yes this is right this is correct okay let's go down i think we're flying upside down right now i i think i need a brown bag i'm about to throw up in my trash can all right let's zoom back around dude i keep saying dude and i'm sorry about that but this is amazing i am shooting through ring world like imagine being from that side of ring world versus being on that side of ring world like you guys wouldn't even know the other side even exist like there is so much distance in between ring world you know i want to see if i could like can i just get really close but not hit the planet dude this is so cool man what's on the outside is it like some sort of a shield okay here we go we're trying to skim the edge we're just trying to say hi to all two oh no no no sorry i was just trying to wave to all 241 million people living on ring world and then i blew half of them up here's a question what happens if i shoot ring world with the planetary destroying laser man also does the planetary destroying laser man look different on this planet too yes he does i am trying to destroy ring world because i am jealous of how awesome their planet is they might be planetary destroying laser man proof no no no no no now it's glowing like the ring from lord of the rings this is that's a problem yeah i don't think any of those 241 million people that i was waving at um remember me anymore considering they got blown up into uh i'm gonna call it space powder okay i'm gonna have to figure out how to unlock this brand new secret world that's where you guys are gonna have to come in you guys are gonna have to tell me in the comments how do i unlock this world also how do i unlock the brand new debris and supersonic weapons i couldn't find that but you guys are gonna have to tell me in the comments don't forget to check out the tfg hat also subscribe and watch my vlog channel and i will see all of you in the next video [Music]
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 907,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solar smash, solar smash update, solar smash update 2022, solar smash update 1.8.5, New ring world in Solar Smash, ring world, solar smash ring world, new solar smash update, new solar smash secret planet, new solar smash planet, new solar smash, the frustrated gamer solar smash, the frustrated gamer solar smash new update, the frustrated gamer solar smash 2, solar smash 1.8.5, solar smash 2022, solar smash secret planet, solar smash secrets, space, the frustrated gamer
Id: SY9XWUP87vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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