I Found the RICHEST Server in Minecraft! *millionaire*

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imagine winning millions of dollars in the lottery and having so much money that you can literally buy anything because today i found the richest servers in all of minecraft can i rise up to the top and join the rich club or will i be exposed and banned for eternity stick around to find out if you look to the right hand side i have zero dollars according to the server and my status just says not a millionaire i'm assuming everybody in front of us from robbie to jamie running away and even little sarah is a millionaire and i've got zero dollars please leave a like on this video to help us become minecraft millionaires because that is the goal of today's video hello millionaires is that a weird thing to say i feel like that might be a weird thing to say and i probably shouldn't have said that oh wait a second who's this all right samuel why are you looking at me and punching blocks at me you don't look like a millionaire bro you're really gonna do me dirty like that and just say that in front of everybody on the entire server what's your current balance um we better not tell samuel i don't want to get banned this is not lying okay i'm a spy i've gotta tell him one million dollars hold on one that's a thousand ten thousand hundred thousand one million oh dude i don't have diamond gear on i bet i look like a huge pleb yeah okay samuel i know you're catching on right now don't do anything drastic that you might regret later no he knows we're lying i know you have zero dollars that's not even close to a million well samuel i will give you an applause because you can do basic arithmetic guess i'm going to have to sick the living gold on you what does that mean dude what no no no no no no no what what the heck is going on there are gold blocks chasing me trying to kill me no no no no no no no no what they can open doors wait what what what just happened i promise i i have never seen that ever on a minecraft server in my entire life you have been banned reason you're not a millionaire length until millionaire are you kidding me dude i never wanted to use this until now but i have some fake money we're going to use to see if i can fool the people on the server yeah there we go baby we look amazing and as you can see now next to my name status millionaire money 1 million dollars this is not real money by the way this is all fake money but i need to see if this is going to work no no no it's samuel again guys he's welcoming back to the server does he not realize i'm the same person he literally just banned 30 minutes ago wow look at this guy flexing on us i see you've got just enough to be here congratulations samuel you are so lucky i'm spying on you right now where did i get my money uh oh i got youtube youtube dude i want to say entrepreneur but i always spell that word wrong because it's such a difficult word to spell let's see if all samuel buys that i made my million dollars from youtube fascinating well you have plenty of time to climb the millionaire ladder bro i'm already a millionaire this dude wants me to have like 100 million dollars in the bank or something the server offers many different ways you can earn money good luck and stay rich that is a terrible motto samuel look if you're watching this video right now you just need joy happiness and jesus okay that's enough to stay happy you don't need millions of dollars in the bank unless you are samuel apparently unfortunately though we need to blend in so i am going to try to climb the millionaire ladder this is the stock market oh dear there he goes feel free to invest in any company you want you can only invest once though so choose wisely oh dude so we've got the pickaxe corporation drill corporation lapis lapis corporation and then the coal corporation over here this is how much each item is paid for so iron is ten thousand coal is five thousand diamond hundred thousand and lapis fifty thousand now if we're looking at all these corporations the lapis corporation is the best to invest in because check this out lapis is 50 000 per day and this can do 20 lapis orrs per day the lapis corporation is a million dollars per day the drill corporation is only 900 000 per day obviously each diamond's worth a hundred thousand and then surprisingly it is the coal corporation at 750 000 per day and the pickaxe corporation comes in last at 625 000 per day listen investing your money is no joke you gotta do the math right otherwise you end up like a broke pleb and we ain't gonna be no broke pleb today ladies and gentlemen uh my good sir take all of my money no we are no longer a millionaire on the server excellent choice you will see your returns at the end of the day imagine making a million dollars per day and literally doing nothing like i literally just gave this guy a million dollars and he's gonna make me a million dollars by the end of the day that would be the craziest investment in the whole entire world and now we wait until the next day well ladies and gentlemen the next day has arrived let's check back in with the clerk welcome back here's your returns with the interest ah wait what i made nine million dollars profits what that only happens in the movies that does not happen here on minecraft ladies and gentlemen uh-uh technically i guess this is a youtube video so it's kind of like a movie be quiet this is a bank behind us and i am going to borrow the money temporarily okay i'm gonna put it right back i just need to borrow some cash no there's a belkay hey what up buddy yeah looking good steve you look great you're working on those biceps your biceps are looking choice my dude yep that's jimmy the bank teller love him how you doing mumbo oh unspeakable you're looking dandy today my man right here to the left of the bank there is no security cameras and there's no security guards this is the perfect place for us to break in we need this guy to go take his lunch unspeakable go take your lunch i know you are getting hungry how long is this man gonna go without taking his lunch break finally yes yeah go out to lunch unspeakable okay go go go go go we gotta grab it yes key card number one oh he's coming back okay get away go go go i can't believe we just pulled that off bro wait a second there is a ladder on the outside of this bank that must be where the key card will let us in whoever built this bank is not the smartest man why would they put a ladder on the outside what is this why is there an entrance to the bank from the roof swipe here no way this works what key card one swiped waiting for key card number two okay wait there's a second key card we have to get i bet you we gotta go this way to find the second key card oh shoot okay i did not mean to drop down like that thankfully the room seems to be empty i don't even know what this room is for oh my gosh okay whoa that guard is way too close for comfort do any of these cubicles have a chest we need a chest one thing if you didn't know in minecraft if you right-click bookshelves sometimes you can find hidden things inside of them that the employees might have tried to oh and sure enough we just got a cabinet key opens a certain cabinet door wait are these cabinets what is a cabinet i don't know well i think these are cabinets i don't know is this a cabinet what is classified as a cabinet i have no idea partner come on oh okay wait a second we found the right cabinet and key card number two bingo chief called he said this is it key card number one key card number two access granted baby oh we pickaxe and all this gold blocks by the way on this server each block of gold goes for a million dollars that means we already have over 20 million dollars worth of gold in our inventory this is so sick okay come on just two more blocks yeah okay i think we've got more than enough gold let's get out of here not only did i just borrow all of this gold from the bank i'm going to sell it back to the bank and see if they notice hello would you like to make a deposit oh why yes i would good sir take it all buddy take all the gold you handsome man you this should be a hundred million dollars i added up all the gold and okay he only gave us 90 million dollars we got scammed but you know what that's okay because they have no idea i used all of that gold we're gonna have to pay them back interest here in a little bit before the end of the video look at these millionaires on the server trying to show off luke looks like why do you look like an iron villager wait a second there's a big event tonight and nobody told me yeah i hear the winner brings home 200 million bro that would put us at 300 million dollars what event are you talking about this sounds insane the obstacle olympics it's a super hard obstacle course with prize money you should compete you look like you have what it takes zoe you probably don't know this but i'm kind of a parkour king well okay wait a second wait whoa whoa that was way too fast i didn't know i was already going to be entered dude this is going to be the easiest money of my entire life ladies and gentlemen wait we're gonna win 200 million dollars and there's only four there's like four spectators right here all right here we go easiest money i've ever made in minecraft ladies and gentlemen i can literally do parkour i could literally do parkour all whoever's editing this is like bro i could literally do parkour all day i could literally do parkour all day rick i could do parkour all day can you really find them can you really do more i could literally do parkour all day expose me expose me i could do parkour all day every day baby let's go although some no not again although some of these jumps are a little bit tricky but for the most part it's kind of basic come on d why is there not if only he dude if there was real life minecraft parkour at olympic events i think i would compete just for fun obviously not at the actual olympics but it would be fun okay that's all i'm trying to say dude this is crazy is this even worth it yeah oh my gosh i just took so much damage from that come on man anything but these jumps i i don't gosh i'm so glad i got through those those can make me rage quit minecraft parkour so fast what is this what are you looking at aaron this is a really hard jump okay oh my goodness we made it just barely okay we can do this okay this one a little bit more hard oh my gosh these are called neo jumps these ones are so difficult to do oh i'm so glad i practiced these oh thank goodness [Music] can't believe we just made that bro we are doing god's work oh my gosh no these are shulker boxes oh my gosh oh i don't like these oh okay we're good we're good what is this slime on top of the glass whoa okay one more time let's go baby let's go okay now just trap doors all the way up we can do this easy what okay this is weird all right oh this is so easy this is so easy no way are we gonna win 200 million dollars right now no way no we just won 200 million dollars by literally doing parkour 300 million dollars baby let's go there are a lot of millionaires over here what's going down why does this guy have such a good mustache as you all know my most prized possession is the philosopher's stone i'm pretty sure that's from a harry potter movie and definitely not joseph's the first person to bring me a new philosopher's stone will be rewarded handsomely how much we talk to joseph because i just made 200 million dollars by jumping on blocks to craft the stone you need a magicite orb and a magic stone if you watch my previous videos you know to find a magicite orb you find it down at around y11 in dark forest biomes only but i don't know if everybody else there knows that so we might have the inside information to find this guy his philosopher's stone you gotta go really deep to find this but there it is ladies and gentlemen the magicide ore yes oh look at that dude just look at the magicide orb can we just appreciate how beautiful this piece of ore is in minecraft and like even in your hand it still looks amazing the last ingredient we're missing is a magic stone and i know just where to find one don't ask me how i know it's in here i just know tower of the magic stone beware what is so dangerous about this place huh i mean come on it looks like there's water inside of here it can't be that bad hello okay whoa whoa whoa all right that was a little bit unexpected i did not expect this to randomly happen i am very glad that i brought some splash potions of healing how incredibly rude i'm over here looking for a magic stone and just get completely ambushed all right we got to keep going up though oh this is a bad looking room i don't like it but we've got netherworth wait can we just keep going up okay i'm just going to keep going up because i don't know what's going on somewhere in this tower is the magic stone where give me the magic stone oh wait a second wait what is this is that the magic stone i thought for a second this was like cyan wool so you put the magic stone in with the magicide orb and boom philosopher stone we could have solved an entire two hour long harry potter movie if we just did this instead of minecraft guys i need your help if you're watching this video on a device turn it like this and make that red subscribe button grape oh josephine i know his name is joseph but i'm ready to give this man's my philosopher's stone take it joseph what is that in your hand joseph what joseph just gave me 300 million dollars okay i didn't think this was gonna be possible but by the end of this video we may be close to a billion dollars i mean we have 600 million so why not oh does this man's roger know the way to make the next 400 million dollars i want a billion by the end of this video i know another way to make some cash but it's risky are you in heck yes roger rumor has it there's a lost treasure on a deserted island nearby bro get out of here what is this i could take you there but you're on your own are you sure you can handle it now i am a little bit terrified i'll do it roger anything for the billion dollars our boy roger was not kidding we are on this deserted island and uh oh dude what is this this looks terrifying it's made out of bedrock there's iron ore on the outside there's even coal what is supposed to be in chattadish mountain monstrosity hello housekeeping uh oh what um trap triggered treasure book by the captain captain where is the treasure find the x that marks the spot if you wish to stay alive dude there's literally no what what is okay i see one creeper that spawned outside is that supposed to get me scared and then you got one skeleton zombie big men are not supposed to be in the overworld maybe i should be a little bit scared um okay this might not be the best thing that's ever happened to me in minecraft somewhere on this island there is an x that marks the spot we just gotta find it and look at what we found ladies and gentlemen x to mark the spot stop shooting b oh my gosh dude no no no bro bro dude there are way too many mobs here dude what is happening over here okay that's it i'm going in i'm going in get back zombies three i've got two and a half hearts remaining splash motion appealing for sure can't chase me down here can you mobs this looks like an abandoned laboratory underground what is this what is in this chest oh boy come on what bags of gold golden chalice red jewel give it all to me i will take everything in this chest ladies and gentlemen oh no trap triggered i should have known better okay wait if the lava does not rise we will be good oh my gosh if we fall in the lava and die we are going to lose everything no no oh my gosh dude i've never been so scared in my entire life i literally have so much money on me listen up here roger i almost died to get all this loot do you understand what almost happened to me he said he never lost faith okay roger yeah take a look at this roger what do you think literally loot on top of loot on top of loot you better give me at least half of everything i found roger give me the payment give me the sweet payment 400 million dollars wait a second roger just invited me to a billionaire only server but the ip address is blurred out and the access code oh my gosh dude this is the billionaire only server this looks so cool this server is massive there are high-rise buildings everywhere even got the diamond industries building and right here this is the bus station which apparently will take us to the quarries hold on is this our bus driver jeffrey are you our bus driver jeffrey says there you are our billionaire what are you doing waiting out here i was just asking my viewers that question jeffrey what are we doing waiting out here we don't take the bus on this server follow me to your private helicopter jeffrey is very fast compared to me this has got to be like an elevator going up to the 50th floor let's go here we are have a safe flight sir okay oh my gosh we are on the 50th floor i'm not scared of heights but just don't look down no way there's actually a helicopter why does it have missiles on it this is more than a transportation helicopter this looks like an attack helicopter we are inside of the helicopter right now and the pilot is asking us where we want to go take me to the quarries oh my gosh this might be the craziest thing in minecraft i've ever done the helicopter is moving i love how the helicopter blades don't even move maybe this is like one of those really fancy billionaire helicopters that just uses air pressure what if in real life you could just take helicopters everywhere that would be so cool right beneath this we are flying over quarries as we speak we landed safely i was a little bit worried because i've never ever taken a helicopter ride before in my entire life howdy welcome to the cory field timothy you do not look like a billionaire i'm not trying to judge but what is that a t or is that a j can you guys comment what it is because i don't know what it is three out of my six have already sold to the richest in town if you really want to make any money you should pick the best one i'm gonna be honest with you guys i have no experience in how to identify if a quarry is valuable or not who has the knowledge or information on yes this quarry looks very valuable this one doesn't have a lot of diamonds it's got mainly coal and iron so i'm assuming that's how you can tell if it's valuable or not simon is saying this is the best cory he wants 200 million dollars simon are you trying to rip me off homie this place is jank there's like no diamonds in here moving on to the second quarry this one looks way more valuable look at the lava definitely way more diamonds in this one more lapis more gold basically this one is way better than the first one how much is this one going to be though my good sir zachary how much is this quarry i think this one is very expensive you know something is very expensive when the salesman is not telling you how much it is up front this is the third one and there is definitely more diamonds in this one than the other two combined this is definitely the one without a shadow of a doubt that we are going to purchase i would like this quarry my good sir how much i feel like this thing could be a billion dollars and i have no idea how much it generates on a daily basis elliott says great to hear i'll meet you back at the hut where you came at oh great yes i would timothy i was informed the price of 200 million that was the same price as the first quarry which was garbage yes timothy i want this quarry dude we are getting a deal of deals right now balance updated negative 200 million dollars and now we are no longer a billionaire oh we just made a million dollars we're looking to buy some houses all right i love how my pilot of the helicopter lands wherever he wants like in the middle of the street doesn't go for a helicopter pad just says now lid wherever i want these are some gorgeous houses but i don't know if i want to buy some of these i want something that's not all wood and brick on top and i think this is the sales manager hello sally one of the best ways to make money is flipping houses for cash oh my gosh are we really gonna get into real estate would you like to give it a try this house only cost 500 million dollars that's half a billion dollars we just paid 200 million for a quarry full of diamonds and you want me to pay half a billion dollars for this like no offense but this house is made of sandstone and wood there's no way this can be worth half a billion dollars and the roof has dirt what why does the roof have dirt on it the inside and i i'm just you know i'm not trying to be mean i'm just being honest the inside of the house as well is pretty barren there is not a lot of nice things inside of here other than like a sink some pistons we've got a furnace but overall i'm going to be honest i i don't see how this house is worth a billion dollars do you guys think it's worth a billion dollars whoa balance updated half a billion dollar okay now our objective is to make this place look as nice as possible so we can flip the house and hopefully make a profit first thing is first let's get rid of this dirt roof we can't do a dirt roof 100 million dollars for a diamond roof but i think it's going to add a lot to our resale value of the house look at that immediately looks better than all of the houses with the red brick roof and if you agree with me don't forget to take a moment to turn your device like this if you are watching on a device and hit that subscribe button make it gray for red and enable notifications on the notification bell i would really appreciate it the next thing we should do is change the frame i'm thinking about a gold frame i don't want to do a diamond frame because then it just is going to be like all diamonds so we're going to go with the gold frame immediately once again looks so much better than all the other houses in the neighborhood now it's time for the walls walls are very expensive if i wanted diamond walls it's actually even more than the roof i'm just gonna go with iron walls i don't think we need to spend that much money on them but look at this place it's starting to look like a billion dollar house and for the final the grand finale ladies and gentlemen the interior of the house which we noticed was sandstone and it didn't look very good we're going to go with the quartz interior quartz is some of my favorite interior to work with i'm gonna be honest this place looks so much better now i would feel comfortable living here but unfortunately we only have 75 million dollars in the bank and we can't afford to live here we got to resell it for some money because we got to get back to our billionaire status i called sally back to appraise the house for us i'm hoping she's going to think that if we could sell it for more what do you think sally if we add a lot of value i don't think i've ever seen a house this extravagant yes we did it team it's just so unique and expensive name your price what you just sold me this house and you want to buy it back already i thought we were gonna have to go to somebody else to sell it i'm going to meme and say 25 billion she's gonna say no obviously but like it can't hurt i mean what if she said yes dude she would not be a very good sales woman if she said yes she said yes i barely put half a billion dollars into remodeling this house and she paid me 25 billion for it this is not how real life real estate works don't ever expect to make this kind of money on a house in real life but thankfully we are a minecraft server i can't i can't believe we just made that much money i don't even know where to spend all of this hey our corey just made another 100 million dollars not that that matters really anymore because well we've got 25 billion dollars in the bank this right here ladies and gentlemen is the wishing well of the billionaire server apparently you can make a deposit or a billion wait is that a billion dollars and the witching well talks to you what i don't know if this is going to work but we do have a lot of extra cash so we can at least try with a draw one bill oh my gosh are we really about to throw a billion dollars into water ah dude okay three two one my money wish not granted feel free to try again what no what is this some kind of scam i just lost a billion dollars hold on yeah i'm investigating this what is going on here wait a second the money is going into the hoppers no way dude i can't believe this guy's scamming people billions of dollars with a fake wishing well this is not very billionaire-like of me but we are going down into the sewers to investigate even deeper 100 this should lead us into the wishing well area what is this what this is where he's siphoning all of the money into chess these chests are awful hold on yo yo i'm gonna start grabbing this money up guys i can't believe this guy's been scamming people billions of dollars with a wishing well trick i mean you think people would be a little bit more intelligent not to do it then again i can't really say much because i also fell for the trick so i'm not too proud of myself right now wow that was 200 billion dollars worth of scammed money under the well that is insane i need to find like a demolition crew on the server to shut this off and seal it with bedrock for good now what we're about to do is not intelligent but we are entering a rock paper scissors competition how about a little friendly challenge for 125 billion what that is more than half of the money i've got rock paper scissors best of five and winner takes it all this sounds extremely dangerous you know what andrew you are on oh my gosh dude okay the best thing to do first is going to go with scissors i always choose scissors first if you guys ever play rock paper scissors against me in real life always choose rock wait wait wait did he choose no no no no why would you choose rock andrew no okay that's not good see rock paper scissors is all a mind game so i'm gonna choose scissors again because there's no way he's going to think that we're going to choose scissors twice in a row come on andrew yes see that is what i'm talking about usually in rock paper scissors if people use something to win they use the weakness of that one the next time okay one to one baby one to one we've gotta win three out of five now what i'm going to do is because he chose paper i think the best thing for us to do is to choose rock this might be a mistake please okay i'm closing my eyes because i'm i can't handle the pressure right now guys tell me what he's playing what happened oh my gosh let's go baby i knew he'd play scissors look at him look he's getting so mad right now i would also get mad if i was losing so i understand andrew okay one more one more i think so we haven't played paper yet and i think if i was andrew i would assume that i would play paper here so i'm going to go scissors yet again and hope that we could pull through here three to one take our money and get out come on andrew no no no no no dude we are tied up right now no no i do not want to be tied up on a 125 billion game of rock paper scissors okay third option we need to be very careful here we're either going rock or scissors because we lost with scissors i'm going you know what we've won the most with scissors come on scissors guys i'm turning around i can't watch tell me if i win yes let's go baby oh my gosh heart was pounding while i was turned around andrew it was a very good game i will never do that again for as long as i live usually i play rock paper scissors for fun or maybe for like coffee something very small not for 125 billion minecraft dollars why can't it be this easy to make money in real life as it is in minecraft we're getting nice income from the quarry it's like 100 million dollars at a time but that's not enough now that we have you know hundreds of billions of dollars in fact if anything this investment is kind of hurting us so we need to find a way to make more money with it life is not all about money but you can be intelligent with your time and that is what we are about to do this is the pickaxe corporation representative don't forget we can't end this video until we get a trillion dollars in the bank account that's been our goal since the beginning i did a video we showed off the seven fastest ways to mine diamonds in minecraft and one of those ways were by using a giant diamond drill so we've got all of these materials inside of this laboratory that we're going to need to craft the recipe and what i plan on doing with that recipe is selling it i want to sell the recipe to a giant corporation to hopefully make a trillion dollars or at least you know close to it we are going to need a iron block once you've got your iron block you put your rubber around it because we need wheels all right we've got our two sets of wheels now we have to make the shell of the drill and we have what's called purified diamonds that have gone through a very intense purification process i know it sounds like a lot but like we need a really good drill to sell now we add the purified diamond block to the top right hand corner five blocks of iron and a piece of silk and you will get the shell of the vehicle so now that we've got we've got the wheels we've got the shell okay okay but listen this is the big secret that you guys cannot tell anybody about to make the drill biggest secret about our diamond drill is we make seven purified blocks of diamonds then we put them in the furnace with a little bit of coal and this makes hardened diamond also once minecraft 1.16 comes out i'm probably going to need to update this recipe and then we could probably sell it again to somebody else you know what i'm saying now we just put all of these pieces into the crafting table and we get a drill now that we have the drill this is the best part of the video where we get to craft the whole entire thing and look at this when i'm holding it in my hand how cool does this look obviously once it's placed down it is much much bigger but i do not want to place this down because we gotta find somebody to sell this to these companies have trillions of dollars so i know they've got a lot of money in the bank to buy this drill it's just really hard because we kind of we gotta barter with them right like i gotta sell this thing at a high price otherwise we're not gonna become a trillionaire is your corporation interested in a diamond drill this guy's probably like yo show me the drill boom here it is buddy uh he seems kind of excited no way i've never seen an invention like this before where'd you get it i made it myself although it was not very easy to make you guys do not want to know how long it took me the first time to make this weeks i didn't sleep for a long time this would benefit our company so much i'll give 250 billion for it right now is that worth it a quarter trillion dollars is a lot of money but then we've got to sell the recipe to them as well like they want the drill and they want the recipe all right good sir the viewers and i have come to an agreement we will take the deal this is just so much to give up though 250 billion dollars 600 billion dollars now are inside of the bank which means we are well over half of the way to becoming the first ever minecraft trillionaire don't tell anybody but we are about to perform what is called a heist which means we're going to be taking incredibly valuable art and then selling it it is never okay to steal but in this situation we are going to be trolling my friend he's got an art museum here in the billionaire server and he bet me that if i was able to get in infiltrate and take the art he would let me keep everything basically he wants to test out and see how good his security system is let's see how good my friend's security system really is i bet you guys we're gonna be able to get in here no problems this is the art museum we're gonna take a little bit of damage actually maybe not okay just half a heart this is where we have to be incredibly sneaky i paid somebody to drill this part out of the roof and yet my friend did not notice look at all the guards below us in the art museum there are at least four of them we need to be extra sneaky i am taking a vow right here and right now we are going to prove to this billionaire that his security team is not worth what he is paying them and three two one eight this is the tough part all of the pieces of art on this wall are worth billions of dollars we just have to avoid getting caught by any of the guards oh that is a close card oh we got more art over here oh my gosh there is art everywhere ladies and gentlemen are dude look at our balance go up every time we manage to snag a piece of art it goes up by billions less than 250 billion dollars away from becoming a trillionaire the stakes are so hot the guards are just getting so close i'm getting way too sweaty and way too nervous i'll take this and that and this and that and this one all right we gotta let's take oh go go go yeah yeah yes all of them all of them quick quick we need every single painting in here somehow ladies and gentlemen we managed to snag every piece of art on the second floor we are moving down to the bottom floor go go go go oh my gosh there's even more art on the bottom floor i had no idea there was going to be this much yeah yeah yeah 900 billion we're at 900 billion dollars come on trillion 42 39 billion remaining come on guard yeah that's right walk away walk away give me that art okay this is it the last art wall is on the other side of me i see no guards inside come on yeah that's one trillion dollars look at the new status trillionaire this is where we make our grand escape we just gotta wait for the guard to go past us oh he's getting really close no no no no do not come this way guard okay three two one go go go go go i cannot believe we just made it out with that much art audience we did it we are the first person ever on the billionaire server to ever amass a trillion dollars oh no but there's a problem we've been spotted ladies and gentlemen oh no even though we became a trillionaire at the last second we still got kicked what what this guy just took 500 billion dollars from me stewart what are you doing this is the problem with these minecraft millionaires billionaires and trillionaires they just steal money like it ain't nobody's business stuart you need to give me that half a trillion dollars back all right i'm gonna start getting real physical here stuart and you look old and brittle and i don't want to break nobody's bone you can only open that door if you have a trillion dollars and stuart just blatantly goes inside with half of our money we got a problem come on open up doors please come on dude look at this dude this is just disrespectful we are going to get back on that trillionaire server one way or the other and i've got a plan it's a very big brain plan but we're gonna get it done okay the guard just go go go this is only gonna work if we don't get caught by the guards going around us so each one of these bags has a hundred million dollars yes oh come on oh that was way too close man where's the other money okay we got one more money bag over here yes yes felicia we are back to a trillion dollars bro if i see stewart on the trillionaire server i'ma smack him silly okay somebody's noticed that the money bags are missing we got we got to go fast okay let's just go let's just go come on let's go i like how we did we had to go through all of this effort just to get back on the trillionaire only server notice when we joined the server legitimately we got an extra 800 billion dollars okay so if you guys are know one of the richest people in the world his name is warren buffett and this is definitely a play are you the real warren buffett okay what do we got over here here's your plot click oh oh okay what house do we want oh dude okay give me the give me the modern penthouse in the comments what would you do with 1.8 trillion dollars i literally would have no idea oh this is incredible dude in minecraft this is what money gets you however our objective was not to buy a modern mansion worth billions of dollars we are going to become a quadrillionaire okay look it up it goes millionaire billionaire trillionaire quadrillionaire enjoy your new penthouse be safe and stay rich that is a terrible life motto to live by although i will say this it's beautiful this place is busting give me tick tock videos i can film in this house if we want to become a quadrillionaire we cannot stop earning money yet i'm teaming up with this guy alfred because he's gonna take us to the trillionaire mine on the server this is where you make loads okay like like loads of money we got alfred and then we got our boy richie over here oh okay this is turning into it would you rather would you rather buy a wooden pickaxe or a 250 billion or pulverizer okay here's the thing if we lose even one more dollar we are now no longer a trillionaire and we will be banned from the server so we cannot spend another dime until we make some money back all right houston we have a problem it cost 1 trillion dollars to go into the diamond mine but every piece of diamond ore is worth 200 billion dollars so if by the end of the two minutes at the top of the screen we have less than one trillion dollars we're gonna get banned from the server and that's not good this is insane any piece of ore that you right-click immediately just goes inside of your inventory is this how the rich people do it oh this is great look at this this is fantastic i've got like all these oh wait okay so if i do my wrath right are we talking about what would the math be here 200 billion times 28. the answer is 5 600 billion okay what is this guy doing did you just see that i like how it said to chase him and i just like killed him immediately the time's about to run out but we got plenty of money this is the idol money adventure ticket these mines have been great for making money but this is how we're gonna actually make our real money 10 trillion dollars ladies and gentlemen we are not getting kicked off of the server no we are not at least not right now i found the entrance to the this is the idle money adventure on the server and this is apparently where you make all of the money is this jennifer lawrence like from the hunger games take the golden ticket lawrence wait okay so with this ticket you're getting a discount the entrance fee is only eight trillion dollars we're back to only two trillion but we can do this all right so i just got given a hammer i got energy stem which gives me speed three and then one of what it is what are those i think you get money if you kill the guy i don't i don't know how this works okay i'm gonna literally punch the goblins off and i think that's how you get money it's like a real life adventure game to make money this is why can't you make money in real life by doing this this is so much better okay how am i going to kill these guys wait are those bags of money why are there's bags of money spawning from the tree i'm about to lose my mind if this is really how billionaires are making their money sign me up this is so much better i mean it's not better than making youtube videos but this is pretty incredible for making money i'm sick and tired of these guys we're gonna do i'm gonna lure them to the lava and i'm gonna whack them off oh get whacked brother look at this all right now we're gonna collect our money in peace baby yes oh this is so amazing that was a big play okay if you have not already hit that subscribe button to the channel please go ahead and do so so i can make more plays like that that was brilliant and we now have 75 trillion dollars we still need 925 trillion more but who's counting you ain't leaving until we got the quadrillion i love you this is the next best way to make money on the server it's motorcycle racing but it costs 20 trillion dollars to enter you have to spend money if you want to make money that is a wise thing so if we win we get 10 times the amount that we put in which is 200 trillion dollars it is a very risky investment but we need to make this happen charles i am going to be what are these this is rich people motorcycles or wait hold on i think i got the defective motorcycle let's look at this the wheels ain't even moving what is this okay now we got tnt what this is very expensive but this is how we're gonna guarantee our win ladies and gentlemen i'm missing every last penny we have to modify this motorcycle so we can win let's go dude this is so stupid what's this the power purchase i would say yes i mean look at i don't even know where charles is look at him i'm literally so fast i can go back and look for charles he's not even halfway through the tunnel yet yeah look who's laughing now charles okay i don't even where am i i'm like flying in a motorcycle think about it do the math here ladies and gentlemen if we spent 75 trillion dollars on this but you win 200 trillion we're gonna come out with more than double of a profit oh charles you owe me big time buddy hold on he just gave me 250 trillion dollars i'm pretty sure i was only supposed to win i think he did the math wrong i mean i'm not gonna correct him i would if this was real life because that's wrong but this is minecraft all right listen i'm no like mathematician but i'm pretty sure 20 times uh 20 times 10 would be 200 so he gave us 25 times 10 which would be 250 trillion and i'm not complaining what i'm about to do to make money on the server is highly unethical in fact it is probably the most unethical thing we have done on the channel i pickpocketed this guard's phone you can hack other trillionaires bank accounts on the server watch bam oh oh look at that 100 trillion dollars at the right click of our cell phone what about you colton colton no oh oh no reason no reason buddy oh aaron with 50 trillion dollars in the back of his pocket oh 50 trillion okay this is dumb man i'm literally just hacking everybody in line highly unethical okay is there anybody left to hack whoa whoa hold on okay this is bad we've been noticed by a guard oh no this is the same one from earlier uh just looking for cell service he goes while their signal the signal here is pretty bad in the bank you should go outside for a better connection 750 trillion dollars we'll see 250 trillion more and we will be a quadrillionaire this is going magnificently summer is almost here and in honor of my birthday month we are giving away a nintendo switch every single week including a merch box if you want to enter you just have to visit this website and if you buy a hat hoodie or any piece of fire merch from firemerch.com you get 10 000 extra entries each custom box gets bigger every week i lost 250 trillion dollars making some bad investments but we're still halfway there to quadrillionaire things on the server they're a little rough we're going to a restaurant this is the best way to make money okay when you're i listen i'm on a server with a bunch of trillionaires these people are gonna tip like crazy cows let me work for you please all i have is this ore pulverizer literally this is the only item i have on the trillionaire server i love it okay hold on rob has been waiting for his golden cake for so long yet no chefs could be making one for him he will pay you handsomely if you are capable of making one okay we got five minutes to bake a cake i'm not worried okay you're worried what happens if we don't make him the cake in time does something bad happen kate you got the golden oh you got the golden egg how many golden eggs we need we need one golden egg okay sir i would like that singular golden egg okay what about you handsome what do you got for me in here okay you've got another golden egg that's more expensive why would i take that one where's the mouth oh i heard a cow hurt a cow hello cow oh the golden wheat fry tell me where those cows are i'm literally gonna start punching to the cows i knew they were in heater i literally knew it okay how do i milk you i should have why did i not realize this sooner golden buckets for the milk hello golden cows thank you so much for your patronage golding gets milk golden egg three wheat this is where i prove to everybody on youtube that i can be a good cook everybody in the comments always roast me for being a bad chef i'm not that bad okay i'm just not that good 250 trillion dollars so the 250 trillion dollars we lost in the earlier investments has now been recuperated thanks to rob can we get some thank you robs in the comments down below speaking of unethical things yet again we are in another financial situation where i need to rob this museum okay there's a very valuable item in this minecraft museum but in order to rob it we're gonna have to spend some money to get some good thievery items otherwise known as the workshop our boy nathan over here is secretly a black arms dealer he's got some thievery items as we like to call them instant tnt levitation ring and a screwdriver why is this 50 trillion dollars this is like a dollar at home depot uh you think the levitation ring is fake you're wrong look at this i'm literally flying all right i think we need to use the tnt how did we get in here oh we just opened the door now listen to me right here you see this right here this you got to use the screwdriver these are alarms ah those are guards we got guards in front of us we got a guard down there all right there's literally guards everywhere hold on where's the valuables at oh oh oh oh oh i do not like playing dude playing ring around the rosie with guards is terrifying always coming this way don't go this way stop it oh my god this is so difficult i'm going i'm going okay i'm going upstairs did he see us did he see us he didn't see us we're fine we're fine oh almost stepped on that look at these plugs man listen you hire security guards to keep valuable items safe and they don't even go to the top floor where the valuable item is wealthy people like spending money on art these pictures in the museum are actually the valuable pieces i was talking about but we all know wealthy people like to spend way too much money on precious and fancy art and now i make it go boom bam yeah boy all right we gotta get out of here hey we outta here baby let's go now that we're out of the museum we gotta sell these paintings off to a black market exchanger i like how they're called value exchangers aka they buy stolen goods i would like to sell my paintings i clearly i pay 300 trillion dollars not very ethical but 100 trillion dollars and we will get to the quadrillionaire portal these guards are trying to get me out of the server it couldn't be because i stole paintings or people's bank balances here's what i'm thinking all right in this cave right here this is the portal to the quadrillionaire server all right now but we've got a problem we're still 100 trillion dollar sword so i've got a little bit of an idea i'm going to take this blade known as the quadrillionaire sword i will say this wealthy people know how to make some pretty awesome looking weapons it's like a double-sided katan oh no who's this oh no he just called me poor i got 900 trillion dollars and the guy's calling me a poor trillionaire technically you cannot inflict any damage on the golem until you have become a quadrillionaire so i gotta pick up these bags of money and then smack them around like doofus tony baloney how am i getting set on fire i'm made of lava okay one more bag please yes there it is oh get me the bag bro give me okay this is it this is our time we can finally go oh my god he's so horrible yes we did it ladies and gentlemen we are going to the quadrillionaire server in the next video before either one of the guards catch us can you click one of these videos to keep watching have a beautiful safe day god bless and i will see you on the quadrillionaire server
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 13,261,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: nv6kbR-0tMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 39sec (2859 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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