I Got TRAPPED in Skyblock Prison with My Wife!

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brianna and i are trapped in this giant skyblock prison but we have no idea who trapped us here brianna we need to find a way to become one again oh why aren't we one now you're separated by a glass wall which is apparently unbreakable oh no wait what if i try it's fake it's breakable okay brie help me okay so we got to figure out how to get out of this prison um within the next hour or bad things happen so try what try your button oh okay we only have an hour yeah we only have an hour okay three two one button try it does it work i pushed it oh wait wait to do it at the same time okay cell's open okay keep going on be careful be careful yeah we're still for some reason separated by this glass and we don't understand why oh no oh no bri okay what what what what oh my gosh what is that oh my goodness no no no okay bree listen oh wait a second okay cooperate co-op okay press your button press your button pushing button yes okay so that just opened me to go to the next section so i'm gonna press yours okay oh that's way easier okay keep going keep going i have another button wait don't press it don't press it i'm about to flex on the viewers i don't even need it quad jump go impressive though do it hey let's go okay one more one got rid of the lava i'm starting to hear some explosions of tnt and i'm getting a little bit worried i pushed it yeah okay thank you i was gonna say i really wait i thought you pushed it i did oh my gosh okay oh you gotta press the one all the way up here i don't know how i managed to do that with the button being turned up i made it but how am i supposed to be wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yes okay get ready and go go go oh my gosh oh my gosh disables it for like a small period of time that's what happens that was scary uh uh okay so you don't have a button on your side but i do and it opens up here um okay wait step on your pressure plate is that is that what's happening the married couple has been reunited please shake my hand hey bri talk to me about something talk to me about something so what's your favorite pancake uh chocolate chip bree stop talking about pancakes we're being spot on by mysteries what is his name what do you mean it's mysterious stranger i'm gonna ask you to stand down here next to this button okay oh it's okay the course has been wait the course resets wait what oh geez it's slowly going away oh no pretty quick i can't just like teleport you up here you've got to be able to do this you've got to stand on your own two legs breathe he's moving i see his name tag he's moving oh my gosh he disappeared you have to do this for science oh for science okay i'm gonna rebuild it you know what they saved the best for laughs all right here listen go go go you got this oh this is gonna be a long day i can't talk much right now what are you doing all right come on come on keep it going keep it going keep it going keep it going no it's always the same spot i could leave you behind right now in this skyblock prison i'm not going to nice i'm not going to but i could so listen there was this conveniently placed chest with an ender pearl take that okay but you only have one shot thank you here here okay the easiest thing to do is try to like just don't miss okay okay please don't miss please don't i just click if you don't make the cinder pool i have to take off the wedding ring oh my god don't make it riding on this that's it i am going to be wedding ringless look at that ah what it's like it's like magic another ender pearl has appeared are you trolling me wow i can't believe that look i can't believe it's not water please aim like try to like aim higher than lower okay like it's don't hit the ceiling but at least get close don't miss oh did i get it she finally makes it [Applause] okay thank you so if you step on the pressure plate you will probably die so please you almost disappeared please don't step on the pressure plate just take your time okay i'm gonna what is that oh my gosh what was that i don't know listen listen i will i will that oh my gosh oh my gosh just wrong just right they're so close well you are older than me but that's besides the point just look at that you've taken that girl over here i'm actually impressed by how old you are and how nimble you are okay i think it is only fair that everybody watching this video stops and hits that subscribe button before you choose your dropper path i'm ready all right i think right there okay well good luck you've got this i'm fine nothing happened okay breathe yeah so i think i've done these puzzles before i've got blindness and uh yeah yeah and it's amazing it's amazing i need you yes yes yes yes yes yes i need help here here here slow down slow down stop stop moving okay let's let's go here you are right here yes i can yes thank you for your feet i love them and in you you need to go forward guys bri it makes me massage your feet even when i'm tired that's not true then why you never massaged my feet do i sound like i'm joking or i'm talking about something that's not serious did i just break character yeah yeah i didn't you make me do it every night and it's sad it hurts my hands and i have giant warts on them from so much massages the calluses on my hands grow larger by the moment okay stop this i am a giant okay preston go to the right okay fine you are not being away why would they put you okay no offense why are you just going but you are the worst navigate tour bri gets lost to the office and the warehouse on a regular basis even though we've been there a bunch [Music] i'm just gonna say you're just going for it and not allowing me to i think i've got a better chance of yoloing this maze than if you were to go to the very right go to the very right listen to me listen to me or you you won't ever take it out i'm here okay keep going right keep going right keep keep stop okay it's right in front of you so just just go to the right forward no to the right i am so confused you are the worst navigator oh you're so close though you're so good at checking this on you're slippery literally i've literally been over here okay i've literally been over here i don't even know whatever i can do this present no no no forward follow my voice i literally think i just did this by myself literally i just did this by myself you did nothing come here come here you i can't i can't i'm stuck up here you literally did nothing let me out just let me out we can talk about this i i'll be i'll give you feet massages i don't know if i want to let you out honestly really honestly really but i tried i tried i'm breaking my way hold on hold on okay i will let you out on one condition for the rest of this video you must call me your majesty oh my gosh it's literally the least you could do for me after what i've done you're kidding me right no say it no your majesty that's what i'm talking about oh my god your majesty obliges oh my gosh okay there is a code yeah there's a code that we got required code what did you say unquiered what is that it's in the books oh oh oh it's in the bookshelves it's in the knowledge knowledge okay okay okay lamborghini wait a second okay okay okay so we've got this okay we're gonna digit three three four okay i think it's one two three four oh that's right literally i think it's a one two three four one oh yay some big great energy there bree great go team thank you oh no giant robot head says welcome welcome for the next few minutes i will tell you what to do and you have to do it as fast as you can okay overwhelmed okay this is the only way we can apparently pass okay be ready um yes i'm ready just be quick be quick oh what's happening just wait just wait an animal stand on a magenta carpet within 10 seconds okay easy is this what you have to shoot off don't even think about it that was a warm-up okay we've got this giant robot head okay next one next one get ready get ready sweaty spaghetti drop an ironing on the yellow carpet oh oh where's the ironing it has to be over here just open it oh my fudging gosh dude goodness um i can't find anything i found pink dye pink buffaloes oh oh oh i got one iron do you guys i don't have one and it says drop it on a yellow carpet oh my freaking gosh the pandamic is set again that's it i'm sorry no your majesty no oh what if we together put it on the yellow carpet let's try that put it down oh oh it's a team activity okay now we know they'll try to be faster next time though okay fine okay next we're working together we've got this brown sheep pink pink oh you said you thought i've got it over here yes uh yes i do but i don't know how to die him die oh no no he didn't kill him i was talking about dying him oh okay do you have the pink eye yeah he's already died bree i dyed him already get ready get ready he says do you want a cookie saddle a pig and ride it you have one oh i already got the saddle guys i'm on this wait let me come on the pig i don't know there you can ride okay right there you go there you go you can ride the pig since you're demanding just remember that's gonna be my bacon soon so no yes here's a little secret i actually hate this all robots in this prison are under our master's control he has this remote control you see nothing i can do the mysterious man of the stranger do you think that it could be do you think it could be do you think it could be dude perfect i think it would be adam sandler i think i think it's your mom you're 27 years old you shouldn't be making mom jokes all right bree paint me bro excuse me i don't know but we must i think okay just oh my freaking gosh i need pink yeah yeah well okay well i i don't think it's like oh my god wait i'm paint blocked what what does that mean i have the paint robots black people don't look behind you don't look behind you they're only attacking you yeah yeah yeah i understand that i'll take over i'll just go over here you got to paint the ceiling too okay listen let's listen if the robot touches you it like blocks your ability to paint so don't get touched dump stop touching me they're not even trying to attempt to be tested for a disease no no i breathe listen just paint everything paint everything if anything is white it's gotta be painted i have been blocked i've been blocked there are also two robots bri here i'll take the ceiling i'll take the ceiling okay don't worry i'm blocked i'm blocked yeah just run away dude run away i'm running i'm running i'm running oh i made it i don't know i feel like why do i feel like bree has done nothing what look how much more i painted than you you're supposed to be the decorator designer your majesty please yeah wait hold on if brie calls me preston one time in this video let us know in the comments remember i am your majesty i'm not preston i'm not your husband i am your majesty there's no way i would call you preston it's all about your majesty you're so lucky i i apparently i can't pvp here you're lucky i hope you fall in this lava your majesty i don't feel comfortable following you i hope you fall in this lava don't go yet go that way go that way yeah oh no bree we have to okay paint the targets but we also have baby yeah yeah but we also have these babies punch i literally warned you about the little baby robots wait can i kill it yes just punch it okay get out of here i'm literally playing minecraft you're beating me what do you mean you're being mean how do i reach the i can't paint the target it's already they're literally they're already painted it's her majesty i don't understand oh my gosh hey don't worry they're all it's already done i looked do you see like repainted one i painted every other target i was confused okay oh god okay don't worry about it we're fine we're fine not having marriage problems nope not us no because you're your majesty not preston thank you i feel like i've been doing so much better at minecraft and now everybody's gonna be you're great at minecraft alright let's let's speak some life into brie oh you're done you're done sorry there's no way this is ridiculous what do you mean this is ridiculous this is the basic form of anatomy oh how i don't know but just be careful well okay i i don't think that the fall damage is like entirely unavoidable just don't die you have to make it to the bottom without like like dying you know what i mean tony oh my gosh just don't die breathe speak i just wanted to die actually no don't die okay i'm at the bottom just just make it to please don't miss your job don't miss your jump i need a second i need to regain why we're going you're picking the like you're picking the furthest blocks why do you pick such far blocks i survived i did it yeah but guess what we gotta do it again and now there's this there's no ah come on it's like okay literally can i get some hashtag bree is throwing in the comments because she is definitely throwing i'm throwing five it's not it's not hard you can do it it's just a room of death and fireballs what i know oh oh oh great [Applause] you know i just couldn't be more proud of my wife you know you know what you should be you should be proud hold on i actually can do this i'm rushing myself because you're stressing me out i can do this yeah tell me tell me i can do this you might be able to do this tell me i can do it you're looking great you can do this i can do this i'm almost there hey bree what's my name yay your majesty i did it oh that was that was honestly i was a little scared okay one more two no not another breed listen just do it just time it okay it's not too bad just use the use use time to your advantage oh what was that why did we just get it by guardian slowness oh no what you read your medulla oblongata listen just don't get hit by the fireballs okay if you get it by my fireballs bad things happen i really appreciate it i don't know because i feel like these will one shot us if we do get hit by them so just surprisingly brie hasn't been hit yet what i did this is the first ever time baby oh no no no no no no no no no no make him go away hello mysterious stranger ew how are you doing it's time i let you two in on a secret my real identity wait loki why did none of us say it was newborn two three four like why why did why okay whatever the challenges were to understand better your embry's mental and physical abilities i'm pretty sure the abilities that i have learned is that breathing oh get out of here relax open the love is rising lava is rising this has been a difficult challenge for your wife preston freaking vlogs you know what that's okay i don't know how to survive um i will do one of these things you're lucky i will give you one teleportation and one only okay breathe come on come on like we've gotta do this you've gotta oh oh i wasn't paying attention preston oh you bring it over go the wrong way wrong way this way this way come here come here i think there's like oh no no no we have to take different paths and turn the levers off i followed you preston that's okay it's okay i've just got to flick all the levers yo this is actually look oh we've activated six levers before the lava gets here so go quick free go quick i need you to activate at least one lever please breathe i i can't breathe please can you activate one lever for me the lava's gonna consume our butts literally activate one what i'm saying i got a nice one it's juicy oh oh no present like shh what what what i'm actually very stressed yeah i know can you please activate okay that was i don't know that was unintentional i don't know what happened have you have you activated a lever please tell me you've activated one lever first your majesty okay i don't know why this parkour is not as easy as some of the other ones but please i want you to i'm raging we need you to participate bree there is one more lever to be activated although i know no i'm doing it okay stop don't even try i'm gonna do it this is my chance to shine the lava's about to kill us no it's not oh no wow bree is so good she activated the lever how about you come over here before the lava kills us you want to come over here before the lava kills us yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah also why did we get lightsabers i don't know we never used them it's okay it's a prop wait wait wait wait hold on something bad's about to happen oh oh oh preston this is where we need the lightsaber okay just go i'm scared you go first your majesty that's all for the second one something is wrong here i see the individual cells for the prisoners there's robots um there's robots you literally a one block gap and you fell in the lava if this was real life i think brandon but definitely ten times oh my gosh i'm sorry i'm glitching look at that the minecraft prison lords have decided to give you an extra life well yeah because i'm kind preston okay you realize how big these robots are yeah i get it just they're ignore them ignore them can i hit one no they're probably asleep okay what happens if i hit one i don't know but probably nothing good oh now bree yeah something bad is happening no what something bad we're being summoned [Applause] okay one on one one on one listen just make it fall off the edge just hit it off the edge oh my gosh it deals a lot of damage it deals a lot of damage i'm about to die i have half a heart my sword is doing no damage okay just keep going just keep going here i got an idea i have an idea pretty little monster put him in the basement monster man come here come here come here yeah okay if this doesn't work i'm walking on air oh does it work i killed him literally this dude was walking on air oh it's because there's barrier blocks oh oh i was literally like what is happening right now okay where did he go where'd he go where'd he go hold on let's add him we did level seven new one two three four was right here no he wasn't one two three four hello mr pro end of the line he says oh no i can't i can't let you escape until you've completed my experiments i completed them look at that why is he about the phone no no no this is not preston i'm going to talk herself why is he okay this is so weird there's this i don't understand what is happening right now that's right run away you smelly willy goodbye noob i mean hey brandon what's my name preston oh no that's not my name okay wait what is this hidden chest revealed oh i'm gonna find it this is my no no no no pretty listen okay so electra we have finally escaped sky block prison now i want you to remember we're on skyblock have you ever used an elytra in your life i have now it's been a while but i have do you know how to use it with the fireworks no i've never done it okay good luck [Applause] use the fireworks you have to go through the rings did you use it i died breathe i died come on this is getting ridiculous oh my goodness gravy all right ladies and gentlemen thank you for watching have a wonderful day bree would definitely die in prison and we'll see go check out my majesty yes see me i think there's there's nothing to be saved there's nothing me to say but if you do get here in the first 60 minutes of a video being posted you do have a chance to have your comments featured stay beautiful and we'll see you next time
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 6,159,051
Rating: 4.9174843 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: T-iUs5LNpW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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