I found one of the RAREST Shiny Pokemon

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one in four hundred and nine thousand six hundred that's a zero point zero zero zero two four percent chance this is one of if not the rarest thing you can find in Pokemon sword and shield and it's all because of this tiny little stamp underneath this cute little pink teacup if you started a new game in sword and shield and caught every wild Sinister you ran into for like eight hours a day 40 hours a week a full-time job it would take you somewhere around uh three-ish years to hit the rate for this stamped shining and even then it's still not guaranteed you would even find one at all so then how in the world in just two weeks did I manage to find this well I can tell you this I didn't do it the old-fashioned way and I'm definitely not the luckiest person on the planet this is the story of how I found an authentic shiny synasty [Music] you know I'm not really sure why I decided only a few short weeks before the release of scarlet and violet to embark on pretty much the hardest sword and shield shiny hunt there is but yeah that's what I did so and just a quick overview for those of you that are unfamiliar this is a phonier fake synasty and this is an antique or authentic synasty so uh yeah hopefully that clears things up no but uh the only way you can tell these apart in battle is to painstakingly wait for them to do this little spin animation and make sure the battle camera is also positioned correctly at that exact moment then take a one second sneak peek at the bottom of the cup to see if this tiny bluish stamp is there that or you could just catch every single one you encounter and check if it's authentic by using its respective Evolution item on it if it evolves with a cracked pot it's phony if it evolves with a chipped pot it's authentic now like I said earlier I didn't go about this whole Endeavor the old-fashioned way I mean you definitely can run into random synies all day and hope for the best but you know for me personally I'd like to shave off a few years of the authentic shiny hunt if possible and at this point Pokemon scarlet and violet are only weeks away and in fact the games are probably even out by the time you're watching this and speaking of that I'm gonna be making a ton of scarlet Violet content so if you're playing too then you should subscribe it'll be fun also spaghettito game baby but the point is I didn't have a lot of time I needed a way to hunt for this thing as as fast as possible in the next two weeks and it just so happens that a relatively new method was discovered by some people much smarter than me and that method is the T smash method this method is honestly pretty simple and I'm actually surprised that more people don't know about it by now it basically allows you to take what was once a one in four hundred thousand whatever odds hunt into a much more reasonable one in 8 000-ish hunt and the odds only improve even more with the shiny charm which I had now it still takes some time to set up and the process is not really quick so you're still looking at a pretty grueling shiny hunt that is not ideal for the Casual player but it's way more accessible to those willing to take on the challenge without aging freaking three years in the process basically the whole entire hunt revolves around one specific sword and shield mechanic that wasn't particularly well understood until semi recently what actually happens after you knock out a wild Pokemon and in this case an Overworld Pokemon well if I were to battle this synasty knock it out and see what spawns in its place originally before the sun I would have told you that I don't know anything could spawn in that area just whatever's in in the area but that wouldn't be fully correct there's actually a 50 50 chance a coin flip that the same species you knocked out respawns again in its place and it just so happens that if you knock out an authentic synasty well that counts as its own species so there's a 50 50 chance that a new authentic synasty spawns into its place every time now before I show you how I set this up and what ended up happening if you're looking for more details and data on this method or the history of authentic shiny syncy hunts in general please go watch Absol blog's video on his sinisty journey it's incredible he's a super intelligent guy and Storyteller and we'll explain things in way better detail than my video ever could his journey was a huge inspiration of why I even took on this hunt myself anyway after me and Frost has finished our drinks we took the knowledge Absol gave us of this t-smash method and put it into action ourselves so you kill a Pokemon the same species spawns again half the time that meant I needed to find an authentic synasty to knock out before I could even start my hunt so I got to it saving my game and catching every single synasty I could find for hours on end the antique is a one percent encounter rate 1 in 100 making this quite the time consuming setup find a synasty save battle it catch it check if it can evolve with the cracked pot if it does well that's a fake and then repeat but eventually after an entire day of hunting I actually think I got pretty unlucky I found my first authentic sinisty now because I saved before every single encounter I was able to comfortably reset my switch at this point knowing that the last one I caught was a wild authentic synasty it's gonna be in front of me at all times this meant that I could now turn my game on Battle the authentic synasty knock it out and then wait wait for the 50 50 shot that another synasty appears and if it did that meant it would be authentic for sure right well no not exactly um see because sinisty spawns in this area normally there's actually a chance that if I miss the 50 50. a phony synasty spot because it's a different species and I'd never know unless I checked for the mark so in this hunt despite there being a solid chance to produce a consistent authentic sinisty spawn after every chain knockout there is still a chance that the shiny teacup I find is phony great but that's the best odds we've got right now and it's a whole lot better than what we had before so well my hunt began sinisty after sinisty I continued to knock them out until a different species spawned then I'd reset my game over and over again it was definitely a more active hunt than I was used to and it was not really something I could do mindlessly I really did not want to go through all of this setup and prep work just to run into a phony pink cup about Midway through this hunt I recalled once again how insane I would probably seem to people who don't shiny hunt for doing all of this just for a stamp on a Pokemon that you can't even see I mean shiny hunting is already kind of crazy to begin with and actually I mean I probably just seem insane doing this to the majority of people now that I'm thinking about it I will say having my shiny process following me around the entire hunt was a nice little bonus compared to my other Big Shiny hunts that are normally just loading screen simulators oh and speaking of my frostless she actually plays a critical role in this hunt like I'm talking life or death critical and let's just say I may have failed to do enough prep work for this hunt at the worst possible moment Yola see what I mean in a little bit I swear it's always when you least expect it every single time way way too many encounters later I stumbled upon this my first shiny synasty ever the classic shiny Panic sweats kicked in and I barely remembered to hold the home button to capture the 30 second clip on my switch I was panicking so much was it authentic what do I even do right now am I forgetting anything my brain started to spin and I waited and waited for the Cup itself to spin to see if this thing was actually a real authentic shiny synasty except uh this time I'd actually forgotten something extremely important about this hunt this synasty knows the move Memento a move that harshly lowers the target's offensive stats okay and then it just you know kills whoever uses the move this synasty was a ticking time bomb if it used Memento it's dead 100 and I had completely forgotten in a perfect world I'd have brought a Pokemon with the move Memento and used in prison or something to completely block sinisty from even using that move or just a Pokemon that knew the move block or taunt or something but instead little old knee just brings along my favorite Pokemon frostless like I always do and wait a second my frostless by some miracle of my past self knew the move taunt just from playing the ranked ladder in double battles it was a good move old gnocchi unknowingly saved me from potentially the worst shiny fail that the world has ever seen and it was completely an accident by this point I had realized I needed the move taunt or something like it and was incredibly relieved to see my Giga Chad frostless had everything I could ever need but I still didn't know one thing was this shiny synasty sitting in front of me this whole time even real where was the freaking stamp and then it happened 16 days straight all day for this a shiny authentic antique real synasty stamp and all one of the rarest Shiny Pokemon sitting right in front of my eyes all I needed to do now was catch it but what Pokeball is fit for a Pokemon as cute purpley pink and rare as this thing I scan my bag my go-to the premiere ball it looks nice really nice but I wonder wait a second purple it matches this isn't bdsp I actually have master balls in this game in the three years this game has even been out I've never thrown a single one this is my final shiny hunt of generation 8. it was the end of an era and so I decided just this once that maybe I could remember my master role this time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nokimon
Views: 752,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shiny Pokemon, Shiny Authentic Sinistea, Shiny Sinistea, Shiny Antique Sinistea, Shiny Sinistea Stamp, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Shiny, Pokemon Sword and Shield Shiny, Nokimon Sinistea, Nokimon, Noki Pokemon, Forgot a master ball, rarest shiny pokemon, rare shiny pokemon, shiny pokemon guide, how to catch shiny pokemon, how to find authentic sinistea
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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