Pokemon, But The World Has No Color

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what if the world of pokemon suddenly became gray not a single drop of color could you still spot a shiny pokemon out in the wild i'm about to see what it's like to hunt for colorful pokemon in a colorless world but in this challenge i only get one chance to find the shiny and if i choose wrong well you'll see [Music] [Applause] this challenge i'm keeping it simple but we're making it hard too other than my screen being entirely black and white i only get one check per shiny pokemon meaning if i go up to a pokemon and i check its information i'm betting at all that there will be a shiny symbol and if there's not i have to turn the colors back on look at the real shiny right in the eyes and kill it this is going to be a huge test of my shiny knowledge and if i can remember the subtle details and differences in lighting and color in every shiny i find i have no idea how this is gonna go but i'm excited to see let's start the no color challenge [Music] man everything is really bleak and dry really makes you appreciate color it's crazy that so many people lived in black and white in the olden days i legitimately can't even tell if it's day or night like i'm looking at the sky and it's just like i don't know how i'm gonna be able to tell the difference between shiny pokemon if i can't even freaking tell if it's day or night time whoa whoa whoa alpha bronzong is that is that a static spawn where am i clamber call clamp clamber claw say the right words imagine i somehow get a shiny alpha i heard something i heard something um i did not see something though so we are in a little problem already well this is kind of the whole point of the the challenge i have no clue what's a shiny i heard the noise definitely heard the noise uh it's not a pillow swine that pillow swan is brown the shiny is bright yellow that would be way lighter in black and white i think maybe it could be the glaily i literally recorded the intro with ugly and you cannot tell the difference between the eyes are those red are those blue i don't freaking know i'm gonna go have to check there's a couple snow runs there's a bite over there that looks a little dark shiny goodbye is like a really saturated blue so i feel like it'd be a lot darker in black and white and this looks ah this looks pretty dark looking a little dark there mr goodbye i'll come back for you oh my god excuse me uh what what else was around here pillow swine there's a couple snow runs dude i am freaking lost i don't know what to pick i haven't checked up here wait there's pokemon up here right ambit palms i guess it could have oh these look a little different these are looking a little different this one's kind of dark wait yeah dude that right one is definitely dark okay i'm pretty okay one of these is shiny i think it's this one shiny ambipom is like a saturated pink right like kind of a deep pink i only get one check i think i'm gonna do it i think this is the shiny i'm going all in oh okay dude i knew it we actually got the first one this is fun shiny ambipom that was hard and fun oh this is gonna be a good challenge can you stay in the ball it's not gonna matter if i can't even catch you please thank you first shiny of the black and white challenge dude i'm so glad i ended up checking on that hill i was definitely gonna pick the goodbye like that thing looked so dark there it is shiny ambi foam okay one for one so now for every new shiny we get or we find i'm gonna open the decks and we're gonna compare the regular and the shiny to see how different it actually was oh man this is a tough one to get first i'm really glad i picked right but this i would not have gotten this if there were not two amber bombs next to each other by the way i think i would have picked the bite no fails yet but i have a sneaking suspicion we'll probably run into some because that was tough and i doubt i would even upload this if i didn't kill like at least one shiny so stay tuned i guess yo guys no way is this shiny hissuian voltorb the classic black and white shiny oh wait it's just a normal voltorb because i'm playing in black and white also just to clarify i'm recording in color 2 but i can only see black and white because i'm playing on my tv so any color is just an edit after the fact for you guys to see what's going on i'm trying to go to a bunch of outbreaks because obviously outbreaks way higher chance to get a what [Music] was that these bitters okay that one is clearly brighter than the rest this is the stupidest one look at that video i wonder which one's the shiny yep that one was pretty easy [Applause] that was terrifying what are you looking at man i just caught your friend he was a little too bright what you do about it that's what i thought all right well this one was considerably easier than the ambipom even though i guess it doesn't look that different in the pokedex but it was it was glaringly bright at the outbreak like there were three dark bidoofs and one just super bright ones sticking out i didn't even see the shiny sparkles but that one was really easy two for two let's keep going [Music] i am so glad there was not a shiny outbreak that would be actually impossible to tell oh okay well i definitely saw the shiny sparkles on that one what was that mammoth one that's the mammoth one right yeah the pillow swines all look the same i clearly saw the shiny sparkles on that one uh if i didn't see shiny sparkles i would not have thought any of those were shiny but i am 99.9 sure that mama swine is shiny even though it does not look shiny all right i'm gonna battle it let's see yes it is okay cool that one was easy so that's why seeing the shiny sparkles is so helpful it pretty much guarantees that it's the shiny if you see it correctly okay but apparently none of these shinies want to get caught in a ball so i have to do this instead because they keep breaking out and i'm getting hit by a random blizzard from a pillar swine get in the ball [Music] you guys are lucky i'm cutting out how mad that one made me three for three in the black and white challenge this is way more fun than i thought by the way so highly recommend you guys do this if you're bored with legends rcs but you still want a shiny hunt okay yeah this is barely different the shiny is slightly lighter but seeing the shiny sparkles definitely helped and the fact that it was literally the only mammoth swine in the outbreak what is shiny pillow swine how different is it oh wait i don't have a shiny pillow swine so i can't check because i killed it in my last video am i even near an outbreak luxio i feel like that'd be an easy one to find in black and white it's literally solid gold that'd be significantly i heard it i heard it i didn't see it but i heard it zubat maybe baniri baniri i think one's looking a little different that one is pretty bright this is that's a normal beniri i'm pretty sure normal binary would have white ears and then this one these are way these almost match its body that i mean that's clearly different that's the shiny the one on the right not the one that it's aiming on i don't know how to switch how do i get it to stop aiming on the non-shiny one i i want this one i want this one that's sitting down no zubat i you are not a shiny leave me alone okay the zubat is gone the shiny i'm pretty sure is the back one i'm going to try to snipe it but i don't want to miss and mess something up because these things run away quick this one don't break out do not good wait there's no shiny symbol on the top left there is no shiny symbol whenever you catch a pokemon does it tell you that it's shiny on the top left i need to okay we're gonna check with the professor he'll tell if it's a shiny i'm pretty sure that was shiny but i did not see a shiny symbol so now i'm second guessing myself please whoo okay okay i was i was almost 100 sure that was the shiny but then when i caught it and i didn't see a shiny symbol that was oh this making me go crazy all right let's see the differences shiny and rick wow that is night and day yeah okay so the the normal one looks completely normal even in black and white basically and the shiny one is just all one color so these are this is the biggest difference so far four for four in the no color challenge i am too good at this game okay this is definitely an alpha bronzong spawn dude how did i not know there's an alpha bronzong spawn in this game i need a hunt for this i don't know if i'm gonna hunt for it in black and white because there's so many bronzongs around here that if i missed the shiny sparkles i would probably fail it oh i am pretty sure i just saw sunny sparkles but i don't which one was it i think it was that it was either the top one or the one on the top left i can't tell the difference what is that cascoon or silkund silkun i think it was one of these two but they look the same so now i'm doubting myself there's a beautiful fly back there there's another silkoon over there uh i mean that this one kind of just looks normal to me okay the eyes are kind of light i guess black pupil pretty light body weight these eyes look pretty dark the first one had bright eyes these have dark eyes let me make sure nah these eyes are definitely brighter one of these has to be the shiny stuff okay dark all we need to do is check this last one and whichever one this one is that's not the shine dark these look pretty dark yeah no this is the shiny this has to be it i'm checking yes shiny silcoon it is a silkoon good i was for a second i was that is the worst angle to see a shiny sparkle you can't even see it okay yeah i have no idea what the shiny looks like if i'm being honest i just i'm gonna guess since it's an old shiny it's probably like puke green or yellow or something but the eyes were pretty significantly brighter that one was actually that was tough if i didn't zoom in on the eyes they look the exact same yep you guys thought i would mess up by now abras i'm ready this time do it do it shine you're lucky another new shiny added to the collection with no color let's check out the differences and wow that's barely different at all the eye does change pretty significantly i am so glad i checked the eye i'm going to turn the color back on for myself because i'm curious to see what the shiny actually looks like i genuinely don't know hold up what this is sick it this is this is cool right is this because i'm just seeing color now for the first time in hours or is this actually cool i'm already severely missing the color i just seeing everything in black and white it as i was saying seeing everything in black and white whoa okay well that geodude is glaringly white this might be one of the easier ones to tell that it's shiny considering it's literally just solid white but all right random shiny geodude all right just for fun let's see what shiny geodude looks like oh kids that's not as drastically different as i thought the shiny is very clearly brighter but i was thinking regular geodude would be a little darker but still pretty cool okay what is going on what the heck everything's just appearing right in front of me there's been three shinies in the past 15 minutes mother uh i wouldn't have been able to tell that this is a shiny this looks this looks normal to me whatever i guess easier for me thank you and see ya eight shinies successfully caught no fails so far oh this is pretty different the shiniest is pretty considerably brighter i don't know if i would have known that to be honest so only a matter of time before i run into something i don't know and there's multiple of them or i don't see the shiny sparkles oh boy not looking forward to that actually i kind of am that i want to get stressed out i want to feel the pain machop please move please move i can't move why can't i ever move in this game how is this actually happening thank you what the heck was oh my god oh my god i'm coughing was that two shinies i i'm freezing up i don't know what to do i already don't know which ones are shiny rhyhorn um okay think i'm just gonna think we're gonna look at them slowly look at them they all look the same there are two shinies right in front of me and i have no clue which ones they are this is this is terrible okay i'm gonna edit color on i can't see any color but you guys can clearly see that there are two shinies here and i don't know which ones they are they literally all look the same hey man are you shiny you look kind of dark so do you and so do you oh no i mean this one looks a little darker actually but with the shiny be dark or light it's brown so uh dark maybe but the gray is already kind of dark is the brown lighter or darker but it's going on i'm having to parkour over all these fried horns there's two shinies and i'm probably parkouring over all of them ah oh all right 50 50 i i'm just gonna choose one this one's looking kind of dark i like that one i'm picking this one be shiny please [Music] i am unstoppable one out of two and now that i know you were shiny that means this one's shiny you have got to be kidding me the lighting was so weird oh my god it's clearly this one this one's so much darker dude the lighting got me so bad i went way too fast man i was excited to catch two now i have to kill him all right rotom strong style take him out i'm not gonna watch well if we're gonna kill any chinese at least it was the one that we got two up a bittersweet feeling that was really fun to pick out the first shiny but my confidence got to me and the second one was put into the dirt okay come on look at the difference this is hard with lighting shadows at least i got one the difference is really my newt but the shiny actually kind of has a lighter eye probably should have paid attention to that uh oh well you live and you learn what what it's been two minutes and there's another shiny rhyhorn what is going on man yeah it really is just that easy it's like we never lost it and we literally just looked at the decks so i know i'm looking for slightly darker but slightly lighter eyes dark dark looking a little bit light there mr reihorn it's you yup well that was an 80 world record speed run for a shiny fail into a shiny catch on the same pokemon bye bye what a crazy day of shiny rng man it would be so wild if we got a shiny alpha bronzong 2 right here big dog kidding kidding i know asking for too much it's fine clamber claw cliffs there we go [Music] any shiny alpha frostless thoughts i kind of want to check what alpha frost looks like in black and white even though i mean it probably will just look basically the same yo she kind of looks a little scary just kill me take me out just kill me round two do it pop up shine i know you want to i'm ready i am so ready it's not even funny come on i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead what how did i just stick to the mountain [Music] sup clefus what dude okay we're gonna call it quits on the cliff outbreak uh that is their turf [Music] round five hello mr toxic croak that's very very bright that was the easiest shiny effort it's so bright too the light blue translates to like such a bright white what's up that looks cool [Music] well these shinies are just getting handed to me all right i i'm i'm starting to get lost we've only failed one shiny i think that was like 12 11 or 12 area let's check the toxic croak i mean it seemed clearly brighter than the regular one but let's double check in the decks just to be sure okay yeah that one is pretty easy this one is so different it's also just a good shiny in general in color if only i could see it i don't know if is it just me or is it this is like impossible to see is it normally this hard to see in color in black and white look at this uh i heard something but i was not paying attention unfortunately this is what i get there's an outbreak but i wasn't paying attention i didn't see the sparkles what is this pillow swat no not pillow swine swinub i didn't okay swine is like green shiny so i guess it oh i see it i think it's that one on the right that one looks a little bright but i can't not the one that i'm targeting it's the one behind it that one is brighter okay that one's definitely brighter um i don't know how to switch targets off so if i can just snipe it with a ball do not run stay we're gonna check with the professor to see if that one's the shiny i am almost positive it is but i have been tricked before [Music] yes sir uh i don't really remember what this shiny looks like i'm pretty sure it's just like a lightish green like yellowy green because pillow swine is super bright yellow mama swine is booger green pretty big difference this is one of the cases where i think the outbreak actually helped because it is pretty light comparatively okay i just looked up the shiny this is way more green than i remember for some reason i was thinking it was a yellow but it's actually kind of a cool shade of green not bad not bad [Music] i heard something i heard something it was quiet but i heard something and i'm pretty sure it was to my left i don't know what it was there's a lot of things over here something is shiny is it the drift loon no that thing would be bright i think it'd be like yeah this one looks the same it's not the drifloon i'm pretty sure but the tentacool looking a little sus i'm not gonna say anything yet we're gonna go check over here tentacruel seems a little too dark tinted cool this one kind of looks the same uh not too confident on the tentacle but i'm thinking that's probably my best guess so far i'm gonna keep exploring though all right after like five minutes of searching around i've narrowed it down to these two tentacles one of these is shiny 97 sure [Music] there's a small difference between these two but i i'm trying to see if the lighting is messing with me because i saw the difference at one point but now they're kind of just looking the same so i want to make sure that i'm guessing right i feel like it'll be the lighter one if it's the shiny i didn't see anything else really around us other than tentacles tentacruels and the driftlooms so i'm i don't know i didn't expect these to be so hard i was thinking it'd be considerably brighter but i i know i saw a difference but i'm trying to just figure out which one is the lighter one this one seems kind of dark like the little bumps on its head seem dark the body of this one just seems like considerably lighter i'm going with this one what that was wrong i was it was i actually get it in my own head it was the other one i the lighting makes this so hard that one was way too hard i was not expecting tentacle to be that hard that tripped me up bad uh i actually i'm gonna go turn the color on i'm gonna leave turn the color on and come double check because that that's weird this is very strange seeing all this color where is the shiny i have not heard a shiny noise hello this is exactly where i was it was neither i really convinced myself that those were completely different dude i spent like 10 minutes looking for that where's the shiny it wasn't the drift limb it's not quill fish i don't even know their quill fish over here lumineon finney on i guess it could have ran but the noise was like way over there i guess it just ran it must have been a finney honor lumion and just ran away and i just spent 15 minutes looking at a freaking tentacle that wasn't even different oh my god i i could have sworn i heard the noise to my left but i don't think that there are finian or lumineon over there i'm i'm so confused did i even hear a noise maybe i didn't even hear a noise there's nothing there is something quill fish i just went by here you weren't here before i don't even have a shiny quill fish i didn't even see you oh what a cool shiny spirit team on a raft [Music] at least it's funny at least this will be a funny death of quillfish who i actually really want because it's hissuian quillfish which evolves into a really cool something some i don't even know what it's called but i guess i don't even need to know because i'm not going to evolve it because it's going to die bye quillfish that would have been so easy too it's literally black and white difference look at them it is a black and white difference that would have been the easiest shiny to check and i didn't even see it what does tentacle actually look like wow it's pretty significantly brighter yeah that makes sense i don't know why i was thinking i was seeing a difference between the tentacles what did quillfish even look like where is goldfish oh wait i can't even check the shiny because i freaking don't have one guess we don't get to see the comparison because i don't have a shiny cool fish oh my god it's a frost i rarely ever see frostless in the wild she's super rare so singer is like cool goodbye oh that's a gastly uh that ghastly looks completely normal but i very clearly saw shiny sparkles so i know that thing is shiny but yeah this looks i would not have guessed this was a shiny is it really a nokimon challenge video if i don't get another gastly added to the collection that's like 20 something now and just in this game i used to shiny hunt spiritual over here all the time on release before there were massive mass outbreaks and oh wait there's actually a spirit tomb here too this is the first check i've done if you don't know spiritual is a really rare spawn in this area here and i mean if it's a shiny spiritual it's like a one in freaking 200 000 chance or something ridiculous but now we get to see spirit tomb in black and white because i have a shiny alpha sphere to him and uh yeah shiny alpha spiritual is pretty bright regular spiritual pretty dark okay i'm actually curious i want to see what gastly looks like normally because i didn't see any difference in the overworld oh wow wait what that's way darker wow okay well i would not have expected that guess i am glad i saw the shiny sparkles because i i would have chosen the lighter one and then spiritual seemed not like a crazy difference but oh my god wow that is drastic shiny spiritual in black and white looks awesome oh uh crap i i saw the shiny sparkles i heard it but i did not see which one it was tur twig i don't have turtwig but which one of these is shiny that church wig is freaking huge why is this one so much bigger than all the rest it's in the shade though so it's i mean it looks darker but it's because it's in the shade shiny turtle is like a mint green so maybe it'd be brighter all right this big chunk is coming out of the shade he looks the same ah maybe he's a little darker actually wait darker i'm gonna go with my gut these three look the exact same but i really thought the shiny would be lighter but since those three look so similar i think i'm just gonna send it i think i'm just gonna chunk a ball at the chunker let's catch this and let the professor tell us if we're right or wrong build the suspense get in don't run get in nice please be shiny i really do not want to kill one of these tiny turd wigs please hey oh wait i forgot we caught the gastly too dang those are in the same little world that's cool shiny turquoise i'm super excited about shiny ghastly not as much but it's still a shiny shout out to that terch wig for being so thick that i couldn't stop looking at him and notice that he was different huh it is considerably darker that's really weird i would have sworn it was lighter wait actually i'm gonna look at the i'm gonna look at the real colors one sec wow my memory of turtwig was not really on par i thought regular turtle was so much darker and the shiny is kind of a mint green but it's like a dark mint green cool shiny i was pretty wrong though i think i got lucky on that one [Music] uh i wasn't watching but how how are we getting so many shinies in this like 10 foot area it's another toxic rock dark dark dark light what's up what get back here oh my god this guy is running away i've never seen a pokemon run away like this this dude is this dude's out of here oh my yep you can't get away from me give me that log [Music] thank you bye dude where is this outbreak oh it's carnivane how have i seen so many carnivanes in this freaking game and never gotten a shiny i what um we're just gonna we're just gonna that uh um no i uh brain is not processing fully what just happened sorry about that i've processed what happened we caught a shiny carnivane milliseconds after i was complaining about never seeing a shiny carnivane apparently that's just how this game works is this what everybody calls youtube luck maybe so anyway we got a carnivane and this thing barely looks different at all i think we actually got luckier that this one wasn't in that outbreak and it was random because i don't know if i would have been able to tell a difference this thing looks the exact same that's definitely going on a list of like the weirdest things that's ever happened to me in pokemon i'm so glad i was talking because that that that was strange what's wrong with my controller i did not do that i'm not moving this way what is going on my controller has never drifted so bad this is the worst controller of all time don't get mad it's just the game let's just see what we lost that's a lot of balls 30 look at all the grit rocks i lost to you know that might be enough pokemon for today [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Nokimon
Views: 917,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: No Color Challenge, Pokemon black and white challenge, Pokemon Colorless challenge, Nokimon, Noki Pokemon, Pokemon world no color, Pokemon with no color, Shiny hunting in black and white, Shiny hunting with no color, Pokemon legends arceus challenge, Pokemon legends arceus shiny hunting, forgot a master ball, shiny no master ball, Nokimon pokemon, Shiny fail pokemon, Shiny arceus pokemon, pokemon, pokemon challenge, black and white nokimon, pokemon quiz, color challenge
Id: CYX-ovRcpd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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