Find The Real Shiny Pokemon, Win $1,000.

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this is a porygon and this is a shiny porygon or wait was it this one or maybe this today we're gonna play a little game to see if you can find the real shiny pokemon i created a ton of fake shinies and mixed them in with the real ones and put them all together in a quiz ranging from easy to master level difficulty and i invited a couple of my close friends to take this quiz for the first time and to make it as competitive as possible whoever has the highest score at the end wins a thousand bucks feel free to play along and test your shiny knowledge let's see who wins all right guys are we ready how are we feeling okay before we start i just have a question are you actually going to give one of us 1k or uh so i was kind of hoping somebody would sponsor the prize for this quiz and um so did you find a sponsor uh maybe maybe a better way to put it would be that uh they found me global pvp boss battles and millions of champion combinations but of course it's me great shadow legends and hey i'm here to help you out nokimon so you better listen up okay you know there's over 600 champions now available to play as but there's also a ton of cool bosses too like the dark fae all right honestly she kinda looks cool she actually kinda looks good well this lady might look cool with her purple aesthetic but she can be a real problem faye uses duplication to clone your entire team and put them against you so you have to take them out first and this month raid is bringing in five new insane champions including new skins for everyone's favorite dwarf trunda there's no better time than now to get started with ray and new players can scan this qr code to get a free starter pack worth nearly thirty dollars alongside free champion tarot and some cool extra loot just check your inbox right here for the next 30 days only all right nokia go have fun with your little game show here's your prize you know where to find me so that was the guy um he seemed nice look this is how it's gonna go four pokemon three completely fake i made them up one is real the real shiny pokemon if you find the right one you get a point highest points at the end wins also there's one more rule you have to be subscribed to play ah yeah sorry i don't make the rules you just gotta do it but you literally made the rules wait what does that fine print say down there all right let's start the quiz all right easy the first three questions are you guys ready yes heck yeah i'm ready these should be free points these are not too difficult but they are still fairly hard in the big scheme of things if you don't know your shiny pokemon this is going to be a rough ride well i hope i get these right or else my mental is going to be down the drain so let's do this question number one voltorb easy i know this one do you guys know it which one of these four volt orbs is the real shiny pokemon [Music] what the there's actually no way okay i thought the shiny was a completely different color i was this is easy by the way this is the first question this is not easy are you serious i actually don't know this is a very common shiny pokemon i have an idea i have an idea and if it's wrong it's going to be extremely unfortunate okay i thought that shiny was like grayscale no that's that okay that's the hassui voltorb oh no okay so i need you guys to write down what your answer choice is and then share your screen with your final answer yes i'm ready reminder easy question number one these are free points let me see your answers interesting okay so we already are differing on answers on question number one it is not a oh c okay so and i think we can agree that b and d are off the off the table they look really good but those are probably just not the chinese yes i agree well all right mimik has chosen a post has chosen c the first answer of the first quiz is d what what is wrong with you guys i actually didn't know that are you serious i wait blue it's yes it's blue i well unfortunately you guys both missed the easiest question in the entire quiz so it looks like this is going to be more competitive than i thought no for everyone who chose d that's watching this you guys are already winning maybe you guys would have won a thousand dollars well um that's unfortunate so you guys are starting out with a clean zero points on either side that's a dumb pokemon i think okay all right question number two another easy one this is another easy one latios i know you guys know latias you guys know beatrice the golden latias but do you know shiny latios please tell me you do you already missed voltorb this has to be a freebie right i i think so yeah which one of these latios is the real shiny i'm pretty sure i know this one is isn't wait is red not his normal color there's no way this is real hold up you guys okay for context everybody these guys shiny hunt with me regularly okay if i'm being honest i can't remember what the original one is if it's red or if it's blue i don't know but i'm pretty it's okay i i think it's interesting he also went with the purple and the c slot again so i'm not really sure if he's trying to tell us something that's blue what c is blue no it's not it's purple c is literally c is normal d is normal dose i think you might be coloring what look at my rosary profile the blue rose is completely different that's the same color look at the fire in my picture my mimikyu picture the dark purple is the same as the purple on the latios in letter c yeah the blues look the same do you know the difference between purple and blue i'm ready all right share your screens in three two one go all right okay you guys agree if noki didn't post his community post about gladios and ladios i i would not have gotten this the side thing is is i actually still don't know his default color i'm pretty sure it's red yeah okay so i'm pretty sure it's blue so i'm pretty confident that this is it and i would be really surprised if it's not it well i'm glad you guys agree because the correct answer is a what let's go and it's blue i told you i told you i yeah i said it was blue latios is clearly blue you said it was red um well congrats you guys both got it right you guys both have one point after two easy questions which i'm gonna be honest is a little surprising but you're still tied no one is closer to the one thousand dollars than when we started and the third and final question in the easy section is whale which one of these four wailords is the real shiny these all look really good yeah they do i think these all should just be in the game i agree these are sick i know the answer for sure i don't even have to guess i'm ready to show it confident yeah remember this these are these are the freebies yeah and i got it yeah and i feel good about knowing them all right do you guys have your final answers for the whale lord yes i'm ready all right go your screens nice both of you guys agree and of course you guys are right it is c the pink whale so after the warm up you guys are still on an even playing field i actually think that makes it more fun nobody really dropped the ball too hard on the easies also the original whaler looks a lot more light blue than i remember for some reason i was thinking it was like a darker blue like a navy yeah i agree you could have tricked me so that is the same color as latios yes the wailord is around the same color as latios okay and with that we conclude the easy section and move on to medium medium i would classify as you're going to have a lot of 50 50s you might just be generally confused your brain might start fogging a little bit and it only gets tougher are you guys ready for question number four the first of the mediums yes this one is one of my favorites i know this one are you sure which one of these weevils is the real shiny pokemon oh uh oh what are you guys thinking e b is actually iced out big time yeah that's that has drip yes all of these are actually so cool if i'm gonna pick my favorite i would pick c however um just to give a hint to the crowd c is not correct but i wish that it was i know this answer though i'm not even insert as well yeah i'm 100 are you guys for sure you're 100 yes absolutely all right whenever you guys are ready share your screens and let me see your answers yes sir nice choice mimic gotta give it to you yep gotta give it to you nice job you guys agree again yup i had okay when they were getting shown i had a slight extremely slight thought that it was a for half of a second that's it no longer i wish c was real that'd be my favorite well i'm glad you guys agree because it is d it's pink with the gold fan head yup i remember you hunted for this one for freaking so long i have about 11 of these guys in bdsp and they're one of my favorite pokemon i love weevil sneezler not so much weevile cool but yeah honestly b and c were literally some of my favorite fakes that i made out of this whole entire quiz they are so cool b literally are insane they are so cool both of them are as you can see a was there to be a little distraction b and c pretty obviously not there i just kind of wanted to flex how cool they were this one was d are you guys ready for question number five still a medium yup yup still feeling good all right question number five oddish [Music] which one of these is the real oddish oh my god these look really cool they look like the uh they look like pretty baddies from spongebob they actually do a looks extremely cool it is so vibrant i know one of them is completely wrong so i'm just gonna no i know two of them are wrong i will say it's down to a 50 50. i'll give you one second picking the right color for this one since it's a free point i wanted to look nice wow confident both you guys are good send it yep all right show your answer let's go no way nice choice man okay how did you know you see you're 100 picking b no and no i mean i okay so i was 60 40 between b and c but i think you just sort of it spoke to me a little bit more you're cheating yeah i looked it up and i saw that that was the answer you guys ended up picking the correct answer it was c nice yeah that's kind of the leaves are what the sickly yellow and green leaves yep yeah these are like the default shiny pokemon that you see all the time except i think ottawa actually looks good yeah he looks really cute i also love the autumn theme like fall colors with grass pokemon like if they were shinies like a lot of people say they wish leafeon's shiny was like autumn like orange and brown instead of just another green all right you guys are still tied now both with four points moving on to question six let's see if you guys can keep the streak up you guys are doing better than i thought now after missing that voltorb but don't worry it definitely gets harder and number six oh is laurentis i know this one do you know this one viewers at home playing along how are you doing do you know laurentis can you find the shiny among these four grass-type pokemon oh my god those are so cool what are our thoughts don't give too much away it's still a competition what are we thinking i'm confident 100p really yeah definitely i know this guy i love this guy i love his pants both in the real form and in the shiny form i feel like he is one of the coolest pokemon out there a and c are one of the coolest shines i've ever seen in my life i agree and d and b they're all cool i would pay money to have a nc you're saying pokemon should add microtransactions for scarlet and violet if they were microtransactions and you could pick shiny skins i would buy both a and c for 35 no you wouldn't you're flying he's so confident he's gonna win this he's gonna spend the thousand dollars on the micro transactions in scarlet pilot if that's just how it'd be then that's just how it would be this you're the reason why there's micro transactions in games people at home are you guys as confident as mimicking toast let's find out feel free to show your screens yo what wait i actually messed up wait no no no no no no no no no i actually okay no no no i knew it was b i'm into vote b okay there's no way i i i this is your final answer by the way you understand that so you're saying you locked in c willingly no i went to book b you wrote it for some reason you literally wrote c i didn't meet my hand wrote c i didn't write it how do you write c how does that even happen only god knows god knows you got it wrong well hosts unfortunately the rules are rules this is your final answer and even though you knew it was b you locked in c mimik gets the point because the correct answer is b [Music] okay i have a question what's up man so this was a big accident and now i'm losing is there anything that i can do to come back from this uh actually there is i'm glad you asked because if you choose the right answer more often than mimic you will come back the chances of that happening are actually pretty low that sucks man moving on mimicking the lead question number seven metagross what does shiny metagross look like do we remember it's a pretty popular one i think so is it a b b [Music] this is a trickster one i'm another 100 correct wow man you have confidence today don't you mimic is taking the reins on confidence and she is winning cos please write down your correct answer that you are thinking in your brain nokia i have a question yes mimic go ahead um is it okay if i trash talk a little bit on my picture card feel free to write down whatever you want on your answer card as long as it is clear what your final answer is trash talk draw i don't care what you do that's all i needed to know all right i have my answer i have my answer too i'm ready okay all right answer first start streaming hey what you're being toxic she gets one point over me and then her ego goes through the roof well that's all i needed so yeah i knew answer b was correct pretty obvious the cooler ones are purple and black but i know that b is the correct answer all right well you guys ready to see the right answer you guys both agree it feels like you're pretty confident the correct answer is b of course it's b let's go original actually looks good too after looking at all the shinies the original looks freaking clean it does honestly the original it might even be better it might even be better well you guys both picked the correct answer so you guys don't change mimics still in the lead moving on to the hard section if you guys thought though if you guys those those questions are though if you guys thought those questions were easy let's just say we're in the second half now and it's not going to get easier it hasn't been that easy it's been really easy so far okay there's been demon testing with my mouse voltorb's being cringed what's next the first question in the hard category is the pokemon flygon what does shiny flygon look like is it a b c or d oh my god we are in the hard category you're gonna have to use your brain a little bit more pay close attention to detail there's a lot of color differences everywhere but it might not be super apparent if you just glance over i have absolutely no idea i haven't i have no clue if i was red and green what color would i change to none of these i don't think i would change to any of these well toast i have some really bad news for you i know this answer for sure 100 oh okay is that cap let's just say i've looked it up before and something like this does not leave your memory okay i think you actually just gave me my answer i think you messed up big time just now uh-oh okay you guys have your answers i have my answer i am ready all right guys let's see the final answers for the first question in the hard category all right well you lucked out that i accidentally gave it to you sorry about that okay double a i knew you gave me the answer well unfortunately i did not realize i was giving it away by saying that it was really memorable um it is memorable but i shouldn't have said that because i see that i just handed it to you you guys haven't seen the correct answer yet okay uh-oh and the correct answer is a let's go you guys are right me i'm not gonna lie dude that original is so sick you look at the shinies for so long and then you look back at the original the original somehow looks shiny like are vibrant yeah it looks way more vibrant i would not have guessed that that was like a hot pink i thought it was a red you guys are making me proud i knew i invited you to this quiz for a reason seven out of eight questions for mimik six out of eight unfortunately for toast and now moving on number nine is hunt tale this is a pokemon that is incredibly forgettable and i actually would not be surprised if a lot of people did not even know who i was talking about yeah i have no idea who this is i i have never heard of this pokemon before in my entire life well here he is which one of these huntails is the real shiny i don't know who this pokemon is i've never seen them are you serious i've probably seen this pokemon three times in my entire life the most i've ever seen this pokemon was when i made this slideshow what type is he water ground or something until is i think just pure water lame forget about pokemon i would probably put him as a top 10 forgettable pokemon for me yeah i think i have my guess well i don't think he thought about it long enough there's a few key hints that i'm noting it's actually never mind i have three that i want to take down i don't know what this pokemon normally looks like so we're kind of just winging it so i'm just gonna pray for the best all right let's see your screens which huntail did you guys pick all right we have two question marks in each one of the answers we have a d from mimik asking who even this pokemon is and we have an a from toast with a small question mark so some uncertainty actually mimic that's a that's a period after the d are you confident um about 75 yeah i would say so post i'm not confident at all different answers four pokemon which one is the shiny huntail the answer is d is the shiny and that's the original by the way it is blue and funky looking that is really cool looking this is a doopy looking guy right here but yeah congrats to mimik getting an extra point over toast with the huntail shiny alright hard question number two is done we're moving on to the third question in the hard category and the tenth overall air on who knows what shiny aaron looks like these will be your choices oh no oh no simple differences those who know this shiny this is an easy one but if you don't know it you'll have to use your intuition i have an idea but i don't i need to take a sip of my monster real quick [Music] that's boston i know the answer i can give you a hint okay my monster color is green i drank from my green monster and got the answer that's all i'm gonna say that's great man oh okay i think that i'm ready does everyone have their answer are we locked in locked and loaded answer is locked in locked in let's see him you were trying to throw me off i see the red eyes we both think it's d huh so honestly i was stuck between a and d so i was stuck between the blue eyes and the red eyes but i think that the original pokemon has blue eyes i'm like 73 sure that a is normal it's like the normal one yeah i could see that well actually i'm gonna disagree i think that the green body is correct in general i think that the normal one is like more navy than the the greenish color but i think it does have blue eyes you guys don't think that aaron with pink eye is the shiny really i don't but it would be cool all right the answer is it's d you guys got it right yes oh his eye is like around his eye is black yup so mimik was pretty much spot on with describing it it's not as much navy bodied but it's much more gray and the shiny is much more green you guys were spot on congrats to both of you you picked the right answers again you guys are doing very well by the way i hope everyone else who's watching is doing well too we're going to move on this is the last hard question this is the last question in the hard category before we move on to the master category the hardest of the bunch that is where the tournament will likely be decided mimic has a small lead but there are a lot of questions still left and we're moving on to question number 11 the final in the hard bunch and that pokemon is bronzong yeah big dog the big dog has made an appearance in the hard category you might be thinking bronzong's not that difficult of a shiny just wait until you see these four which one of these is the real shiny bronzong that's a trickster what the crap is going on now one is so cool i wish that was it it is it what do you mean yeah you're right dude you're right yeah do you look good yep he looks good oh you got me with this one okay you literally you pulled this one up and i was like it's green it's just green there's four bronzongs four big dogs on the screen right now what is wrong with you do you guys know the true lore of the shiny big dog what color are his eyes okay i have a request proceed toast letter d i like to see the animation again i'm glad you asked [Music] here comes [Music] this might be your last chance to get an authentic point before you just have to guess can i request a hint hmm no i'm just still down two points four thousand dollars and you don't know just guess i don't have all day oh man you guys ready to share your screens yup yup let's see what you chose for the shiny big dog go on okay yep two peas in a pot i guess once again mimic copying my guesses you guys guessed the same thing i think after seeing your guess i'm pretty sure it's a normal normal bronzong has red eyes i think i'm pretty sure it's a i think that's that big time the correct bronzong the real shiny big dog is answer choice c they both have red eyes they both have red eyes i didn't know that there's big dog extremely convincing yep the reason why i put this in hard is not because of a honestly it was actually because of b so bronzor shiny bronzer and regular bronzer has yellow eyes i did know that so originally i actually thought that shiny bronzong had yellow eyes so that's why i made his eyes yellow because i was thinking that that one would trip you up but funnily enough the blue actually ended up tripping you guys up but it didn't matter because you guys were right you both picked red eyes which is the correct answer i will say i did give d a shout out i'm not sure if you saw it nokie but it's just in the bottom right corner oh i thought you said dis cute no d is cute i thought you i thought you meant this cute like see this is cute um that okay well good job guys posts we're on to the masters you're lagging behind but not by much you can easily pick this up and win thousand dollars on the line real money some would maybe argue dirty money but it is real money we're now moving on to what a lot of people probably want to see the master category questions i apologize i hope you guys have enjoyed please feel free to leave or stay and just if you can guess it props to you mad respect but these are really tough there are differences and none of these are too hard to where they're impossible you will always be able to see a difference as long as you can see color and i felt like this was just the right thing to do for the first master question and i wanted to test our friendship a little bit oh okay because the first question of the master tear is frostless oh this is easy no way i get this one wrong my favorite pokemon of all time you guys know that you guys have seen my shiny frostless in every game i've played surely you guys know this everyone watching good luck number 12 for a thousand bucks which one of these frostless is the real shiny these are all the same they're not the same you can see subtle differences face bow ice it's there oh my god one of these is real i'm so nervous one of these is real i know this is just a game but i will be personally offended if you miss this some would say that this question is more important than the thousand dollars this is a question for our friendship i'm not going to speak too much on this but i'm just going to say i know it 100 oh my god really yep that's what i like to hear do you like to hear that maybe i don't know the answer no no arguably the best pokemon of all time frostless my favorite she's a queen she is a queen did you guys pick the right shiny frostless are you guys ready i am ready i have an answer all right mimik you good big words earlier you said 100 are you still standing by that yes i am all right let's see the screens final answers hey please so you both chose a huh interesting i know for a fact that it's a i know it's not d the face is too dark i know it's not b that pink is far too peachy and i know it's not c because frostless does not rock that color pink the same as the whale lord i'm very confident that it's a i have never been more proud in my entire life a nice job everyone else if you picked a respect if not i don't blame you at all that one was rough and not a lot of people like shiny frostless at all so great job guys unfortunately for toast he's even closer to losing that one thousand dollars but three more questions it's not over yet this pokemon question number 13 is not easy shiny garbador do you remember what it looks like you probably have an idea that's why i made these four nearly indistinguishable except for a few tiny differences oh no what how good is your memory can you tell the differences i don't know yep ghost is down bad at the moment yeah i think you know two points and i don't know this one this is your chance to make it up you might have to use some aggressive tactics on mimic to make this up okay like what murder dude this is really hard i think i know the answer i'm gonna say i'm about 55 percent confident so it's the lowest that i've been if i'm being honest besides voltorb i'm completely not going to talk about voltorb so voltorb has been your hardest question so far yeah for sure the easiest question maybe that was an issue on my part with the difficulty organization there i think i know the answer but i would not be surprised if toast got one point closer to me on this question i'm ready this i mean 55 confident i don't know where it'll get me but i'm going to hope for the best i'm going to pray to arceus and hope that this is the right one shiny garbador let's see what you guys chose [Music] interesting i will give you some credit mimic your c looks really cool okay why did you choose d because it's the right answer after seeing you pick d i'm feeling a little bit more confident i'm up to 70 that's rough that's a little messed up what you're saying right now maybe is you think you think toast is out of the tournament right now you think that he's gonna take the l right now i think i'm taking home the w on this round big words for someone who is wrong takes the point narrows the gap the comeback season is real comeback season she winnable actually real um genuinely that's probably the worst thing that could have happened mimic you're still in the lead by one point but there are two questions left toes could steal this away easily i thought it was teal i will say the original is a little bit more green than i would have guessed a little more trashy i think so too yeah wow okay i will say arceus did not have my back like i hoped he did he did not two more questions of the master level difficulty number fourteen are you guys ready let's send it number fourteen the pokemon is butterfree this is gen one easy right easy gen one everybody knows butterfree come on right it's easy you just have to pick between these four there's actually no way which one is the real shiny butterfree this might be gg's that gg's why ggs for me taking the l probably come on you can you can win this you actually can win this i i actually have no idea genuinely wow i this is really hard i can't even remember what normal butterfly looks like simple bug pokemon simple shiny all about the arms the legs and the eyes there's one that's speaking to me there's one that's speaking to me too and i'm pretty sure it's speaking to me for the wrong reasons do not pick the same one as me if you pick the same one as me it's over yeah if you guys if which one are you choosing no don't do that which one are you picking which one are you picking so then i can't pick it i'm not telling you this is the least confident i've been i have it i have an answer twice i think we're gonna pick the same answer so i'm not gonna pick it okay wow bold move yep is that the right that's that's toast playing for the win if mimik gets this one right and toast misses it's gg that'll be a two-point gap with one question left but let me just say no spoilers the game's not over until it's completely over uh-oh okay okay so don't give up going down the noobs don't give up oh okay well i'm ready i have my answer choice you've got your gut feelings i have a feeling one of you might get this maybe both let's see the final answers question 14 master level butterfree send it okay i knew it were correct different answers so toast you knew she was gonna pick a i knew it i wanted to pick a bad really um i don't know if that's the actual shiny note mimic thoughts on a are you feeling confident do you feel like you took the dub a just looks right it just looks right this is a big moment yeah second to last question in the entire quiz master level for one thousand dollars you guys pick different answers that means something is going down here i can feel it in my heart the correct butterfree is d what shiny butterfree is d yeah that got me bad wow i would not have guessed that's what the original looked like maybe yeah the original actually has yeah the original shares more colors with the shinies that you picked so no points gained no points gained you both missed it which means mimic is still in the lead by one point moving into the final question which means we might have a tiebreaker this is way closer than i expected it to be and you guys are doing a lot better than i expected but this last question it could be all over question number 15. the final master level question is the pokemon come fail yes i know this guy i know you actually don't yep i do i do shiny comfy what does shiny comfy look like are you sure you know this one no there's a reason this is the last question in the master level difficulty because the four shiny comfays are they're gonna be the opposite of humble oh my god what what is this oh no find the shiny comfy it's easy you can see the differences i didn't even know comfort was blue i did that's the only thing that i knew i i have no words it's in god's hands even that god himself bidoof could not help you with this question it is all on you you have to come back you have to pick the correct shiny if you want a chance at a thousand bucks otherwise mimics taking it home mimic you have to pick the right one if you want to guarantee anything if you miss this the thousand dollars is at risk oh i am about 61 confident right now okay i can respect that toast you're not talking much what are you thinking i are you getting nervous toast i am i am so lost surely you know what flower color comfy is get out of my ear i have an answer toast has his answer he doesn't i don't have the answer oh my god i have an answer host has his answer i have the answer mr asani and mrs mimik please show me your final answers of the shiny pokemon quiz nokimon variety number one let me see no we chose the same one no oh no they chose the same one and they both chose c oh my goodness it's extra crazy because it's c no you were both right but mimick takes the extra point thank you america excuse me i was really fun man all i'm saying so if you recall whenever the demons took over my hand excuses you actually lost my one point and you wrote him you brought the wrong answer and lost it was c too just goes to show sure what i literally won we would have tied but we didn't are you actually going to take this as a win yes why because i won no you wrote this wrong answer and you streamed it guys oh no no i was talking so much the quiz isn't over yet there is one bonus question you have one more chance toast this is your way back mimic yeah you gotta do it one more time that's fair you know it's over for you there's only one bonus question if toast takes this point it will be a tie and we'll have to settle this with a tiebreaker if not mimic wins the entire thing are you guys ready ready yeah i think so the final question [Music] no one in the universe could have seen this coming god god level difficulty which is the real shiny what no okay have you paid attention to your shiny badoof's nose because if you have it could literally win you one thousand dollars i know there are some bidu fans watching this video right now they would have won you guys have to make them proud there is no way anybody knows this off the top of their head i guarantee you someone will comment that they knew this immediately when they saw it there that's unreal i have a guess i have an answer really mimic coming in early again remember if you guys choose the same answer it's gg toast loses mimic takes the 1k ghost it's all or nothing right here man this is actually actually the last question good luck [Music] there's a lot on the line here yep i just need can i just have requests one more second i think toast we need an answer i just need one more second we're going to start from 10 and we're going to count down at the normal speed 10 9 8 7 five four three two one you owe me one thousand dollars i actually have an answer written down okay let me see your screens for the god of all shiny pokemon not arceus but badoof what color is his nose let me see him good luck no oh no [Music] why did you because it's correct he has an orange note you picked the same one again toast has no way to win it's gigi's mimic wins by one point and the victory is just a little sweeter i don't want to see it because the answer was actually there's actually nothing i could do i just lost i'm too good oh no toast is a huge loser and in one of the worst ways by the way look at the original bit of snows i would not have guessed it was that i don't know that was right that looks fake yeah it does but it's real great i have something coming up right now i i have something what was that i gotta go i'm gonna meet myself for a second [Laughter] i'm back that was fun wait toast why are we in apex legends i think mimic said she wanted to spend her prize money here or something where is she by the way how much did you spend on that don't worry about it good for her [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nokimon
Views: 732,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shiny pokemon quiz, find the real shiny pokemon, Shiny Pokemon Game, Nokimon quiz, Shiny quiz, Fake shiny Pokemon, Real vs fake shiny pokemon, $1000 pokemon, Nokimon, Noki shiny quiz, shiny pokemon, pokemon, pokemon challenge, Shiny Pokemon Test, Pokemon scarlet and violet shiny, Nokimon Pokemon, find the shiny pokemon, different color shiny pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, shiny pokemon challenge, noki shiny, noki, guess the shiny pokemon, guess the pokemon, pokemon quiz
Id: j6VrjVkYKwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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